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08-14 投稿


dodges 发音

英:[?d?d??z]  美:[?dɑ?d??z]

英:  美:

dodges 中文意思翻译




dodges 词性/词形变化,dodges变形

动词第三人称单数: dodges |动词过去式: dodged |动词过去分词: dodged |动词现在分词: dodging |

dodges 短语词组

1、up to all the dodges ─── 诡计多端

2、tax-dodges (tax-dodge ─── 的复数) 逃税 漏税

3、be up to all dodges ─── 诡计多端

4、dodges definition ─── 闪避定义

dodges 相似词语短语

1、dodgers ─── n.躲闪者,欺瞒者;传单广告用纸(dodger的复数形式)

2、bodges ─── v.糟糕地(或粗心地)办(一件事)(等于botch);(非正式)拙劣地修补;(使)混乱;n.混乱;拼凑的东西(等于botch);差错;n.(Bodge)(美)波德杰(人名)

3、dodgem ─── n.电动碰碰车(常见于游乐场中)

4、dodgems ─── n.碰碰车(dodgem的复数)

5、dodged ─── 搪塞(dodge的过去式和过去分词);躲闪(dodge的过去式和过去分词)

6、dodoes ─── n.渡渡鸟,孤鸽;孤鸽科;过时的东西,迟钝的人

7、dodger ─── n.欺瞒者;躲避者

8、dodge ─── v.躲开;迅速让开;逃避;按变换序列鸣钟;(冲洗或放大时)局部遮光;n.闪躲;逃避的诡计;鸣钟的变序;n.(Dodge)(美)道奇(人名)

9、lodges ─── n.乡间小屋,旅舍;门房;传达室;穴;帐篷,原木住宅;(共济会等的)地方分会,支部(lodge的复数);v.正式提出(申诉等);(使)固定,嵌入;为(某人)提供住宿;租住;寄存(lodge的第三人称单数)

dodges 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She dodges and shrieks for backup. ─── 她则边躲避边发出尖叫。

2、he doubled on his trail again and again,recalling all the lore of the fox hunt,and all the dodges of the fox. ─── 他竭力回想着猎狐中学来的知识和狐狸逃脱的伎俩。

3、Is that Saier number wink Lei Tian dodges to attack universally attack specially? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>网游>赛尔号瞬雷天闪是普攻特攻?

4、He never dodges ─── 他从不搪塞。

5、They use clever mixtures of gifts, trusts, offshore companies and dodges such as “die-to-win” life insurance to keep the money in the family. ─── 只有那些不信任自己的亲属更甚于不喜欢税务人员的人们才会纳税。

6、He dodges it adroitly. ─── 他敏捷地躲过它。

7、he wants to kiss her,but she dodges. ─── 他想吻她,但她却躲开了。

8、That response, however, dodges the issue and is the equivalent of saying that you eat to keep from being hungry or breathe to ward off feelings of suffocation. ─── 针对后面这个问题的一个明显答案是,适当的睡眠是保持清醒与警觉所不可或缺的。

9、be up to all dodges ─── v. 诡计多端

10、" that bewitch young dodges not as good as, an arm by chopped bloodily come down. ─── 那个蛊惑仔躲闪不及,一只手臂被血淋淋的砍了下来。

11、Burns or dodges the colors by increasing or decreasing the contrast, depending on the blend color. ─── 通过减小或增加亮度来加深或减淡颜色,具体取决于混合色。

12、With her red boxing gloves on, Chela dodges punches and throws jabs with her front paws while standing up on her hind legs. ─── 带上红色拳击手套的它会左右避闪,当后腿站立时,它还会伸出前爪进行攻击。

13、The translucent cotton fabric, the ball cotton knittedmaterial, strongly twists the tissue, micro dodges straightens out thetissue, is manual 编织物, as well as fashion cowboy lining. ─── 半透明棉布、起弹针织布、强捻薄纱、微闪的挺括薄纱、手工编织物,以及时尚牛仔面料。

14、This makes misses, dodges and parries a lot less painful. ─── 这使得未命中,躲闪,招架不那么让人痛苦。

15、He executed a series of intricate loops;he doubled on his trail again and again,recalling all the lore of the fox hunt,and all the dodges of the fox. ─── 他踩出了几圈错综复杂的脚印,并在同一处痕迹上踏了一遍又一遍。他竭力回想着猎狐中学来的知识和狐狸逃脱的伎俩。

16、The steps the giant hero takes when he dodges the attack crushes the neighboring houses.We must remember that. ─── 千万要记住,巨大的主角避开攻击时的华丽步伐,也同时华丽的踩扁了附近的民居。

17、Kwai is the kind who throws her despair behind and never dodges what it takes to move on in work and life. ─── 张母虽然是单亲妈妈、独力把儿子养大,却从不自怨自艾,反而积极工作,她在超级市场的生果档工作,敬业乐业。

18、Even if the Earth dodges Mercury, the blue planet eventually will be turned into an oven by the sun, says NASA planetologist Chris McKay. ─── 即使地球躲过了水星,这颗蓝色行星最终会被太阳变成一个烤箱,NASA的行星学家克里斯·麦凯(ChrisMcKay)这样说道。

19、When asked a direct question,she dodges. ─── 当她被问到直接的问题时,她总设法回避。

20、No matter to far no matter how many years, turns this blessing into the blue asterism spot, dodges, in the dawn dodges in the date curtain dodges in your life each day. ─── 不管离多远不管多少年,化这祝福为蓝星点点,闪在晨曦闪在日幕闪在你生命中的每一天。

21、The customs officials must always be up to all the dodges of the smugglers. ─── 海关人员必须随时洞察走私犯的种种藏密。

22、One does nothing beyond looking and seeing when one dodges(闪躲) bicycles, glances at(浏览) a friend, or notices a cat in the garden. ─── 在庭院里当闪躲自行车、看一下朋友或注视一只猫,除了看之外什麽都不做,

23、He changes into a giant flaming face, flying around the room. Snake dodges some debris and barely manages to make it through a door before the face crashes and explodes ─── 临死前的他开始暴走,给Snake开出了一条路,但退路也堵死了

24、He never dodges . ─── 他从不逃避责任。

25、Burns or dodges the colors by decreasing or increasing the brightness, depending on the blend color. ─── 通过增加或减小对比度来加深或减淡颜色,具体取决于混合色。

26、Sasuke charges forward and Danzo dodges a sword slash. ─── 佐助冲了过去,团藏躲开了一刀。

27、I saw the present entertainer wears the diamond ring is compared to big, ratio dodges. ─── 我看到现在艺人戴得钻戒是一个比一个大,一个比一个闪。

28、Those were the dodges he used to escape taxation. ─── 那些是他用以逃税的诡计。

29、"I can fix it. I know what to do." He laughed. "I know the dodges." ─── “我会安排好的。我知道该怎么办。”他笑着说。“我有办法。”

30、These idlers went about working the religious dodges on old ladies. ─── 这些游手好闲的人到处以宗教名义向老太太们要求布施。

31、When asked a direct question, he dodges. ─── 当被问到一个明确的问题时,他就搪塞过去。

32、What function dodges guard goes to meet his child greatly far away? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>社会民生>公务办理>什么官能让大老远警卫去接他孩子?

33、The poet dodges nothing in the world.Poetry itself is the highest form of heroism. ─── 也是黑暗的嗜好者.诗人对于一切,不取躲避的态度。

34、Still have matador in situ other not moving, the ring body revolving around whose body being luring a cattle dodges and so on there are more than one. ─── 其他还有斗牛士原地不动,引逗着牛围着其身体打转的环体闪躲等等不一而足。

35、This calculator also assumes that the mob never parries, dodges or blocks, and none of your blows against it are ever "glancing". ─── 然后把怪物的护甲设置为10%伤害减少--尽管10%其实过低了,游戏中你很难遇到护甲这么低的怪;

36、Abstract: Evasion of the law takes in the private international law a unique legal matter,dodges legal with the common litigant the behavior to have the remarkable difference. ─── 内容摘要:法律规避作为国际私法中的一个独特法律问题,与一般当事人规避法律的行为有着显著的区别,法律规避现象时有发生,严重冲突着各国法律的威严。

37、Family of the perfect happiness, along with these unique dodges light of the silk silk blanket to integrate, can appear the family member warm and the charm. ─── 一个完美的幸福之家,随着这些独特的闪着丝绸之光的丝毯融入,更能显出家人的温馨和魅力。

38、A policeman said to a criminal: you reckon your Dodge could help you up to all these dodges again? ─── 警官质问罪犯:你以为坐上你的道奇车就可以再次逃之夭夭?

39、Which is true, but dodges the point. ─── 这是事实,但他同时也回避了问题。

40、Husband and wife's foreplay is not just " the man works, the woman dodges " . ─── 夫妻的前戏不仅仅是“男人干活,女人躲闪”。

41、The Several Legal Matters of the Relevant Law Dodges ─── 有关法律规避的几个问题

42、Enhances unceasingly which during the computation ability, because the new memory cell structure appearance, dodges the memory monolithic packing density to achieve 4GB hopefully quickly. ─── 在计算能力不断提高的同时,由于新型存储单元结构的出现,快闪存储器的单片存储密度有望达到4GB。

43、Back in May the government bumped up against that limit, but various accounting dodges have been used to keep funds flowing. ─── 早在5月份政府就突破了该限额,但却使用各种账目伎俩保持资金流动。

44、You're not properly living in London if you don't use the dodges, the short cuts. ─── 如果你不懂得走捷径的妙技,那你便不算是真正生活在伦敦。

45、Guarding or performing rolling dodges to avoid being hit lower the bar which slowly refills when not in use in combat. ─── AP似乎是与Zack(本作的主人公)的防御有关,通过防御,或者躲避攻击就能使AP槽慢慢增加,以在战斗中使用。

46、When it comes to getting off work, he knows all the dodges. ─── 说到请假歇班,他什么花招都想得出。

47、He dodges the alligators left and right and makes it to the edge of the pool with seconds to spare.He pulls himself out just as a huge alligator snaps at his shoes. ─── 虎视眈眈的鳄鱼群从四面八方冲过去,急著朝他夹攻,他左闪右躲,千钧一发之际,一只庞大的鳄鱼刚咬住他的一双鞋,他才惊险地脱身游上岸来。

48、We are also looking at granting rage when the warrior blocks, dodges or parries. ─── 我们也正在考虑让战士在格挡、招架和闪躲之后获得怒气。

49、obtains dodges the crisis when the management strategy, the crisis eruption the medium management strategy and the public manage the strategy and so on , ─── 得到规避危机的管理策略、危机爆发时媒介管理策略和公众管理策略及等方面,

50、On June 9, his franchise to sell new Chryslers and Dodges will be terminated, along with those of almost 800 other Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep dealers nationwide. ─── 6月9日,他的新专营权出售克莱斯勒和回避将被终止,同时与其他近800克莱斯勒/道奇/吉普经销商全国。

51、Now, apple computer company very much pays attention to Toshiba in the progress on this technology, apple computer is NAND the one of big customer that dodges to store flat. ─── 目前苹果电脑公司十分关注东芝在该技术上的进展,苹果电脑是NAND闪存片的大客户之一。

52、Use high pureness aluminum as reflector,shining angle wideand even,noo dazzling and no dodges; ─── 采用高纯度铝作为反射器,照射角度大,照度均匀,无眩光,无频闪;

53、I am drunk but, not knowing clearly, because of, I have been drunk , agony has been born by you then , my why hardhearted agony loving you a dodges your back? ─── 可是,我是醉不了了,因为,我醉了,那么痛苦就让你承受了,一个爱你的我怎么忍心痛苦让你背呢?

54、Mo:(dodges the dragon shadow and laughs) HaHaHa....You finally make use of this childish thing! I will let you know how lousy this boring and faking trick is! ─── 莫:(闪过龙影,大笑)哈哈哈....你终于使出这骗小孩的东西了!我就让你看看这无聊假货有多不堪一击!

55、Yet this does not always happen; a person trained to dodge a threatening blow, dodges automatically with no corresponding thought or emotion. ─── 但是并不总是发生这种情况,一个人被训练躲避威胁性的打击,他自动躲避而并无相应的思想或情感。

56、low pressure dodges the stream ─── 低压闪蒸汽

57、It dodges waves of water to prepare for waves of magic. ─── 牠闪避海浪,以储备魔法的波动。

58、Dodges fast smelting ─── 闪速冶炼

59、He thwarts the private armies fo the world's leading heroin supplier and dodges deadly terrorists at every turn. ─── 不料KGB当局却蓄意破坏这种情况;

60、Grasp this technology before 3 stars if Toshiba can snatch , will may break 3 stars very much for now the monopoly position for that NAND dodges to store market. ─── 假如东芝能够抢在三星之前掌握该项技术,将很有可能打破三星目前对NAND闪存市场的垄断地位。

61、be up to all the dodges ─── 诡计多端

62、Whoever smuggles goods or articles many times, and goes unpunished shall be punished on the basis of the cumulative amount of the payable duties he invades or dodges in smuggling goods or articles. ─── 对多次走私未经处理的,按照累计走私货物、物品的偷逃应缴税额处罚。

63、He tried all sorts of dodges to avoid being called up. ─── 他挖空心思, 耍弄各种花招以逃避被征召入伍。

64、This week there's news of cars going the other way across the Atlantic, this time Dodges to be re-branded as Alfa Romeos for Europe. ─── 本周有消息车去其他方式横渡大西洋,这个时候回避重新命名为阿尔法罗密欧欧洲.

65、At present, because Pusan film festival it dodges the comprehensive nature desirably, but establishes a new school in the Asian film preview. ─── 目前,釜山电影节因其刻意规避综合性,而在亚洲影展中独树一帜。

66、to getting off work, he knows all the dodges. ─── 到请假歇班,他什么花招都想得出。

67、If is suitable the strength, I want only to have the time which the genuine master contacts can immediately hide Dodges, otherwise certainly came under attack. ─── 要是顺力,我想只有真正的高手接触的时候能够马上躲闪,否则一定挨打了。

68、With her red boxing gloves on, Chela dodges punches and throws jabs with her front paws while standing up on her hind legs. ─── 带上红色拳击手套的它会左右避闪,当后腿站立时,它还会伸出前爪进行攻击。"

69、He dodges all around the question of contemporariness. ─── 他对现代问题竭力闪避。

70、I've noticed that Sam always dodges the column when the nasty jobs come round. ─── 我已注意到,要干脏活时萨姆总是逃避。

71、On all things.All dodges for the fate.Presses the fate not to gasp for breath.Until eat Meng Potang. ─── 而且一旦出了家门,人们往往愿意和那些舍得为姐妹奉献,愿意忠于兄弟的人结交。

72、4.As foreign media reports , dodges , in NAND of next year since Japanese Toshiba company has developed a new technology now to store market ,Samsung companies will be faced with larger pressure. ─── 据国外媒体报道,由于日本东芝公司日前开发了一项新技术,在明年的NAND闪存市场,韩国三星公司将面临更大的压力。

73、Fearing rejection if her secret is revealed, Sam dodges Austin's efforts to discover the identity of his princess. ─── 不过心慌意乱的萨姆在匆忙离开时不甚遗忘了自己的手机,这也保存了奥斯汀最后的希望。

74、(3) is local body ask forring often has a side or area of two side kidney kowtows attack painful, in kowtow when attacking, visible patient dodges suddenly wait for expression and painful expression. ─── (3)局部体征 常有一侧或两侧肾区叩击痛,在叩击时,可见患者突然躲闪等表现及痛苦表情。

75、Technically, it hits, dodges and counters while advancing on swift feet. ─── 技击上以走打为主,步法轻快,躲闪还击,眼明手快。

76、The problem is this makes it a very good PvP tool vs. melee classes, because they are attacking the DK (who dodges or parries) and they often rely on their own avoidance to escape melee damage. ─── 现在的问题是:这变成一个对近战的强力PVP技能,他们的攻击会被DK招架或躲闪,而他们常依赖于自己的躲闪来逃避近战伤害。

77、Printing is the most obvious of dodges. ─── 印刷是一种最浅易的设计。

78、Now that you've told me about the crafty dodges they get up to, I'm finished with it for good. ─── 现在知道中间还有圈套,那就简直不能做了!

79、The snowman runs away and dodges about. ─── 小雪人逃呀逃,躲呀躲。

80、Features: High brightness, Small volume,The energy conservation effect is obvious,Environmental protection,The low pressure start performance is good,Dodges without the frequency,The life is long. ─── 特点:亮度高,体积小,节能效果明显,环保,低压启动性能良好,无频闪,寿命长。

81、The sun does not awake, your pen tip does not stop, is the star dodges for you, the moon in keeps company to you? ─── 太阳不醒,你的笔尖不停,是星星为你而闪,还是月亮在给你做伴?

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