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08-14 投稿


unwholesome 发音

英:[?n'h??ls(?)m]  美:[,?n'hols?m]

英:  美:

unwholesome 中文意思翻译



unwholesome 短语词组

1、unwholesome food ─── [法] 非食用食品, 有害食物

2、unwholesome influence ─── 有害影响

3、unwholesome sea ─── 不健康的海洋

unwholesome 同义词

destructive | nasty | objectionable | disagreeable |morbid | unpleasant | diseased | distasteful | insalubrious | harmful | unhealthy | noxious

unwholesome 词性/词形变化,unwholesome变形

副词: unwholesomely |名词: unwhole-someness |

unwholesome 反义词


unwholesome 相似词语短语

1、unwholesomeness ─── 不健康

2、unwelcome ─── adj.不受欢迎的;讨厌的;不被接受的;vt.冷淡地对待;n.冷淡

3、bunglesome ─── 拙劣的

4、nettlesome ─── adj.令人激恼的;易怒的;烦人的

5、unwholesomely ─── 不健康的

6、wholesome ─── adj.健全的;有益健康的;合乎卫生的;审慎的

7、unhandsome ─── adj.不好看的,不漂亮的;不礼貌的;吝啬的

8、dolesome ─── adj.寂寞的;悲哀的

9、unawesome ─── 不受欢迎的

unwholesome 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Babbitt told Zilla that she was a nagging, jealous , sour and unwholesome woman. ─── 巴比特对齐拉说,她是个专爱找岔,嫉妒成性,哭丧脸面,让人难受的女人。

2、These are to give up entirely the five unwholesome actions: destroying life, taking what is not given, sexual wrong-doing, speaking falsely, and drunkenness. ─── ‘五戒’的内容就是彻底不做以下五种不好的行为:杀生、不与取、邪淫、妄语以及饮酒。”

3、"This dream foretells a time when all will be unwholesome, not like today! ─── 此梦预示一切皆无德的时期,而不是现在!

4、My yearning to be rich was an insane, unwholesome desire. ─── 我对致富的渴望疯狂且不正常。

5、The climate in this city is unwholesome ─── 这个城市的气候有害健康。

6、unwholesome food ─── [法] 非食用食品, 有害食物

7、The fish were unwholesome and old. ─── 这些鱼已经不新鲜了。

8、Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. ─── 一切坏话都不可出于你们的口;但看事情的需要,说造就人的话,叫听众获得益处。

9、In the far-off future, kings will be unwholesome and stingy. ─── 在遥远的未来,各代国王无德而吝啬,人民也道德败坏。

10、"Vast wealth, acquired by sudden and unwholesome means, is a snare. ─── “飞来的不义之财是圈套,对咱们没好处。

11、There is no point considering whether what I do is wholesome or unwholesome. ─── 没有什么能评判我所做的是好事还是坏事。

12、unwholesome demand ─── 不健康需求

13、To report such a claim at all, even to dismiss it, would have provided bogus ammunition for some unwholesome political movements. ─── 甚至不用所想也能知道,报道这样的研究结果,将会给一些不好的政治运动提供假证据。

14、unwholesome or morbid ─── 有害身心健康的;病态的

15、an unwholesome climate ─── 有害健康的气候

16、Optimists will argue that the extortionate oil prices of July were an aberration, the result of unwholesome speculation divorced from the reality of supply and demand. ─── 乐观者将争辩7月油价畸高是反常现象。是不道德的投机与实际供给需求相背离的结果。

17、It is important to know that the defiled unwholesome states of mind can only bring negative effects in the future. ─── 被染污的心识只会为未来带来负面影响,知道这一点很重要。

18、Wholesome actions create wholesome karma, while unwholesome actions create unwholesome karma. ─── 这个业,你随时做,有可能随时就受报的,做善就是善业,做恶就是恶业。

19、These unwholesome actions of the past resemble beads that are strung and bound together by a strong thread. ─── 这些过去的恶业,彷佛被捆绑的念珠,是由一条强劲的绳索连结起来。

20、Colonel Korn acted decisively to arrest what seemed to him to be the beginning of an unwholesome trend in Major Tom's squadron ─── 科恩中校认为这是梅杰少校的中队里开始出现的一种不健康的倾向。为了防微杜渐,他果断地采取了行动。

21、an unwholesome book ─── 坏书

22、The way to release yourself into future deliverance is to give up unwholesome actions, no matter what! ─── 而将你从这个可怕的未来解救出来的惟一的办法就是放弃你错误的行动,除此之外别无他途。

23、an unwholesome pallor. ─── 不健康的苍白

24、Babbitt told Zilla that she was a nagging, jealous , sour and unwholesome woman. ─── 巴比特对齐拉说,她是个专爱找岔,嫉妒成性,哭丧脸面,让人难受的女人。

25、While the king was listening to these words, all unwholesome thoughts left his mind. ─── 当国王听到这些话的时候,心里的所有非分之想都跑了。

26、He freed himself from unwholesome thoughts, and became contented and happy. ─── 他使自己摆脱不完善的思想,变得满足和快乐。改:他排除杂念,从此知足快乐。

27、It was unctuous, false, and unwholesome , like the man. ─── 他的口气是油滑的,虚伪的,讨厌的,就象他那个人。

28、Interventional study on unwholesome pattern of behaviors and life style in hypertension patients ─── 高血压病人不良行为干预性研究

29、Fence out unwholesome influences ─── 防止不良影响侵袭

30、Do Not Promise Lightly To Do Any Unwholesome Deed, Else, You Would Be Wrong Whether You Do It Or Not. ─── 如果不是件好事,不要轻易的承诺,不然无论我做还是不做,我都错了。

31、Once seated, there began that exhibition of showy, wasteful, and unwholesome gastronomy as practised by wealthy Americans, which is the wonder and astonishment of true culture and dignity the world over. ─── 一坐下,就开始展示有钱的美国人特有的那种铺张浪费且有损健康的吃法。 这种吃法令全世界真正有教养、有尊严的人感到奇怪和吃惊。

32、The people too will be unwholesome. ─── 善消恶长,四季失常。

33、Does he ever see her beauty at all, or doesn't he simply view her professionally, and comment upon her unwholesome condition all to himself? ─── 他到底有没有看到她的美丽?他这不是只顾自己从职业角度直白地观察她,然后评价她不健康的身体状况吗?

34、There are those who give little of the much which they have -- and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome. ─── 有些人拥有很多,却给予得很少,而他们的给予也不过只是为了沽名而给予,而他们隐藏内心的欲念已使得给予蒙上了污点。

35、He said, "Oh Sticky-Hair, you have been born as a murderous blood sucking flesh eating demon because of unwholesome deeds in your past. ─── 他说:啊,粘发鬼,你投生为一个嗜血食生肉凶残的妖怪是因为你往世做了许多坏事。

36、Colonel Korn acted decisively to arrest what seemed to him to be the beginning of an unwholesome trend in Major Tom's squadron. ─── 科恩中校认为这是梅杰少校的中队里开始出现的一种不健康的倾向。为了防微杜渐,他果断地采取了行动。

37、Your compassion has kept me from doing terrible unwholesome things to many helpless beings. ─── 您的慈悲阻止了我做残害无辜众生那些可怕无德之事。

38、check unhealthy tendencies; amend unwholesome ways; rectify bad tendencies; put a stop to all malpractices ─── 纠正不正之风

39、unwholesome influence ─── 不健康的作用

40、Colonel Korn acted decisively to arrest what seemed to him to be the beginning of an unwholesome trend in Major's squadron. ─── 科恩上校果断的逮捕了在中队挑动事端的异动份子!

41、We know very well that when we are angry, we do not see the truth clearly. As a result, we may commit many unwholesome actions. ─── 我们非常清楚,当我们生气的时候,我们不能把事情的真相看的很清楚。结果是,我们可能会有一切不健康的行为。

42、So he taught him the Five Training Steps to avoid unwholesome actions. ─── 于是医生给蛇传授了修习五学处的方法,教他改恶从善。

43、Only the strongest bodies can live and enjoy health, under an unwholesome regimen. ─── 只有最强健的身体才能在不卫生的饮食下生存并享受健康带来的乐趣。

44、But some, flying in the face of the requirements of the times and of our people, are polluting people's minds with unwholesome ideas, works and performances. ─── 但是,一些人却同时代和人民对他们的要求背道而驰,用他们的不健康思想、不健康作品、不健康表演,来污染人们的灵魂。

45、The forest monk said, "This will happen in another far-off future time, when unwholesome foolish kings appoint unwholesome greedy judges. ─── 菩萨说:“这发生遥远未来的另一段时期,那时无德愚痴的国王指派贪婪无德的法官。

46、Spot everywhere is not only inelegant but also unwholesome. ─── 随地吐痰既不雅观也不卫生。

47、It is by scotching disease at its very source. It is by getting rid of artificially created unwholesome conditions, getting back to natural wholesome conditions. ─── (而是通过在源头对疾病进行阻断,通过消除人为的“不健康”生活环境,回归“自然健康”的生活环境。)

48、For such beings there may remain occasion to fear affliction by vermin, but there no longer remains any occasion for them to fear the resultants of the infinite number of past unwholesome actions. ─── 对于这类众生而言,还是会害怕虱子、昆虫的迫害,但是,已经不需畏惧过无尽恶业的果报。

49、Unwholesome one-pointedness is also possible, but it will not lead to liberation. ─── 不全面的单向聚焦是可能的,但是它不会带来解脱。

50、He taught his loyal subjects saying, "People of Benares wholesomeness begins with giving up the five unwholesome actions once and for all. ─── 他教导他的臣民:“贝拿勒斯所有民众,你们都要开始持五戒。

51、29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. ─── 29 污秽的言语一句不可出口,只要随事说造就人的好话,叫听见的人得益处。

52、There are some queer characters in the world whose Right deviationist sentiments will surface and who will come forward with unwholesome comments and Rightist observations if you slacken for any length of time. ─── 世界上有那么怪的人,只要你松松劲,松那么相当的时间,右倾情绪就要起未,不好的议论,右派言论都要来的。

53、He did not accept any religion, so he often did unwholesome things. ─── 他不接受任何宗教,常做坏事。

54、Those books are unwholesome to children. ─── 那些书对儿童身心健康有害。

55、Then I will finally be free of all the results of my unwholesome deed of so long ago.The joy of this made me laugh uncontrollably. ─── 然后我终于将从我很久以前恶行的所有恶果里解脱了,这快乐使我控制不住大笑起来。”

56、If it consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance or is for any other reason unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food; ─── 如果其存在不洁的,腐烂的,已分解的物质或因任何原因的不安全,不卫生,不健康,或其他方面不适宜于人类食物。

57、This ends the description of how unwholesome actions of the past totally cease with the disappearance of personality-belief. ─── 以上,我们以描述恶业如何整个与“身见”的消失而止熄,来结束本文。

58、Ephesians 4:29 - Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. ─── 以弗所书4:29-污秽的言语一句不可出口,只要随事说造就人的好话,叫听见的人得益处。

59、His rambling, unwholesome thoughts were halted for a while, but presently regained their vigor and raced after the woman. ─── 他那游离散乱的思想停顿了片刻,现在又活跃起来,继续追逐着那个女人。

60、To the door of this, the twelfth house whose bell he had rung, came a housekeeper who made him think of an unwholesome, surfeited worm that had eaten its nut to a hallow shell and now sought to fill the vacancy with edible lodgers. ─── 到这幢门口他已经按过十二幢房子的门铃了。一个收租婆出来应门,他一看见她就联想起一个可厌的贪婪的蠹虫,把胡桃蛀了,只剩下个空壳,现在打算找些有油水的房客来填空儿。

61、Unwholesome sandflats waited to suck his treading soles, breathing upward sewage breath. ─── 一滩滩肮里肮脏的泥沙等着吸吮他那踏过来的靴底,污水的腐臭气味一股股地冒上来。

62、Let the crows feel the sorrow of their unwholesome actions. ─── 让乌鸦为这种不清净行为感到悲哀。

63、But he was also hungry, with a gnawing, unwholesome kind of hunger. ─── 他也感到饥肠辘辘,饿得难受。

64、When he finally set off with the letter to Lily I had a very unwholesome feeling ─── 当他带着给莉莉的信离开时,我感到十分怅然。

65、The monkey king was afraid all his unwholesome deeds had caught up with him.He went into a sudden panic, which caused his heart to break into seven pieces.Of course this killed him on the spot! ─── 猴王心里的这些害人的想法紧紧地抓住了他,使他惊惶失措,心脏爆裂,命丧当场!

66、Unwholesome comsumption of college students and its education countermeasures ─── 大学生不良消费及其教育对策

67、an unwholesome complexion ─── 不健康的面色.

68、Perhaps there is less to fight about, with the country in a period of tranquility and the dangers of drug abuse and other unwholesome behavior well known. ─── 也许没有什么可争斗的,因为这个国家正处于一段安宁的时期,吸毒和其他不健康行为的危害也广为人知。

69、Unwholesome associations often lead to unwholesome thoughts and actions. ─── 不良影响常常会导致不良的想法和行为啊。

70、On the basis of this supporting effect, the analysis focuses on the aggravating rlsk in venture capltal investment because of the unwholesome intermediary agencies. ─── 在此基础上,集中分析了中介机构不健全导致风险投资中风险加剧的情况。

71、Unwholesome kings will grant high positions to the low class rather than the high class. ─── 无德的国王授予低级种姓者高位,授予高贵种姓者低位。

72、There are those who give little of the much which they have - and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome. ─── 有些人只捐弃自己财产中的一点一些,----他们是为得到认可而施与,而他们隐藏的欲望使他们的馈赠不成为美。

73、Mr Quilp proceeded to smear his countenance with a damp towel of very unwholesome appearance, which made his complexion rather more cloudy than it was before ─── 奎尔普先生用一块看起来很脏的湿手巾涂抹他的尊容,这一来他的脸色比先前更为阴沉了。




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