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08-14 投稿


spadix 发音

英:[['spe?d?ks]]  美:[['spe?d?ks]]

英:  美:

spadix 中文意思翻译



spadix 短语词组

1、Frontopsylla spadix cansa ─── [医] 棕形额蚤鼠兔亚种

2、spadix-group ─── 棕形额蚤种团

3、Frontopsylla spadixspadix ─── [医] 棕形额蚤

spadix 词性/词形变化,spadix变形

名词复数: spadices |

spadix 相似词语短语

1、spader ─── n.铲具;用铲的人;n.(Spader)(美)斯派德(人名)

2、spado ─── n.无生育能力的人

3、spandex ─── n.(商标)氨纶,弹性纤维

4、radix ─── n.根;[数]基数;n.(Radix)人名;(法、德、西)拉迪克斯;(英)雷迪克斯

5、spades ─── n.锹(spade的复数);v.用铲挖(spade的三单形式)

6、spaded ─── v.用锹挖(地);用锹铲(土)(spade的过去式及过去分词)

7、spading ─── v.用锹挖(spade现在分词)

8、spadixes ─── n.[植]肉穗花序

9、spade ─── n.铁锹,铲子;(扑克牌中的)黑桃;v.铲;把……弄实抹平;n.(Spade)(英)斯佩德;(法)斯帕德(人名)

spadix 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Actinomadura spadix ─── 复叶马杜拉放线菌

2、Cephalophus spadix ─── n. 坦桑小羚羊

3、common European arum with lanceolate spathe and short purple spadix; emerges in early spring; source of a sagolike starch called arum . ─── 欧洲的一种普通的疆南星,佛焰苞直立,披针形,佛焰花序短,紫色。

4、Frontopsylla spadix shennongjiaensis ─── n. 棕形额蚤神农架亚种

5、common American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries. ─── 一种美洲春天开花的林地草本植物,具有鞘的叶,一个直立的棒状肉穗状花序,果实为鲜红色。

6、Frontopsylla spadix cansa ─── [医] 棕形额蚤鼠兔亚种

7、Euglena spadix ─── n. 褐色裸藻

8、South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix . ─── 长有耀眼的纯白色苞和黄色纤维的一种南非种植植物。

9、Frontopsylla spadixspadix ─── [医] 棕形额蚤

10、The larval external morphologies of Eupithecia abietaria debrunneata Stau-dinger, Eupithecia spadix Inoue and Telenomeuta punctimarginaria (Leech) of Larentiinae are described. ─── 本文详细地记述了波尺蛾亚科Eupithecia abietaria debrunneata Staudinger, E. spadix Inoue 及Telenomeuta punctimarginaria (Leech) 幼虫的形态特征.

11、Flowers densely gathered into a terminal, spadix, minute. ─── 花细小,密聚集成顶生的佛焰花序,。

12、any plant of the family Araceae; have small flowers massed on a spadix surrounded by a large spathe. ─── 欧洲及亚洲产的一个大草本属;通常具心叶状及一个大佛焰苞以其边缘基部内卷。

13、aquatic plant of the southeastern United States having blue-green leaves and and a club-like spadix covered with tiny yellow flowers ─── 生于美国东南部的一种水生植物,具有蓝绿色的叶子和一个带有黄色小花的、球棒形的佛焰花序

14、common American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries ─── 一种美洲春天开花的林地草本植物,具有鞘的叶,一个直立的棒状肉穗状花序,果实为鲜红色

15、Frontopsylla spadix ─── 棕形额蚤

16、1. An aquatic plant (Orontium aquaticum) of the eastern United States, having a clublike, golden-yellow spadix, small blue-green berries, and floating leaves. ─── 奥昂蒂:美国东部一种水栖植物(奥昂蒂奥昂蒂属),有棍状、金黄色佛焰花序,蓝绿色浆果和浮叶

17、female spadix about 1 cm long, with abortive flowers on appendages; ─── 雌肉穗花序长约1厘米,顶端附属体上有钻状不育花;

18、aquatic plant of the southeastern United States having blue-green leaves and and a club-like spadix covered with tiny yellow flowers. ─── 生于美国东南部的一种水生植物,具有蓝绿色的叶子和一个带有黄色小花的、球棒形的佛焰花序。

19、Flowers densely gathered into a terminal, spadix, minute. ─── 花细小,密聚集成顶生的佛焰花序,。

20、South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix. ─── 长有耀眼的纯白色苞和黄色纤维的一种南非种植植物。

21、Any of various perennial herbs in the arum family, including houseplants such as the anthurium, dieffenbachia, and philodendron and having tiny flowers crowded in a spadix that is subtended by a spathe. ─── 天南星科植物一种海芋科多年生植物,包括室内盆栽植物,如花烛属,花叶万年青属,和黄蘖属植物,有密集在佛焰花序里的小花,包在佛焰苞里

22、early spring-flowering plant of eastern North America resembling the related jack-in-the-pulpit but having digitate leaves, slender greenish yellow spathe and elongated spadix. ─── 一种早春开花的北美东部的海芋,与近缘天南星的区别在于它具有掌状叶、细长的淡绿黄色佛焰苞及伸长的佛焰花序。

23、tropical Asiatic herbs similar to Colocasia but distinguished by a large sterile spadix. ─── 热带亚洲一个草本属,类似于芋属但以大而不结果的肉穗花序而与之相区别。

24、Spadix armpit is unripe, much more ramose, show panicle pattern, main shaft and ramose on have small bud of back-to-back tubal shape total bud and crateriform piece; ─── 肉穗花序腋生,多分枝,呈圆锥花序式,主轴和分枝上有紧接的管状总苞和漏斗状的小苞片;

25、Foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix. ─── 天南星科的一种具鳞茎的肉质草本植物,产于亚洲东南部的热带,其球茎可食用。

26、early spring-flowering plant of eastern North America resembling the related jack-in-the-pulpit but having digitate leaves,slender greenish yellow spathe and elongated spadix ─── 一种早春开花的北美东部的海芋,与近缘天南星的区别在于它具有掌状叶、细长的淡绿黄色佛焰苞及伸长的佛焰花序

27、Spadix rachis flat, margin with bract-like appendages; ─── 肉穗花序轴扁平,边缘有苞片状附属物;

28、common European arum with lanceolate spathe and short purple spadix; emerges in early spring; source of a sagolike starch called arum ─── 欧洲的一种普通的疆南星,佛焰苞直立,披针形,佛焰花序短,紫色

29、Frontopsylla spadix borealosichuana ─── n. 棕形额蚤川北亚种

30、Spadix rachis flat, margin with bract-like appendages; flowers small, monoecious, in 2 series on rachis, apetalous. ─── 肉穗花序轴扁平,边缘有苞片状附属物;花小,单性,雌雄同株,呈2列排列于花序轴上,无花被。

31、Characteristics: Perennial evergreen erect herb, rhizome large. Leaves simple, peltate, up to 1 m long, margin entire; spadix near apex; berry red when ripe. ─── 形态:多年生直立草本,根茎粗大。单叶盾状,可达1公尺长,全缘;佛焰花序近顶生;浆果成熟红色。

32、commonly cultivated anthurium having bright scarlet spathe and spadix. ─── 通常被载植的花烛属植物,有鲜红色的佛焰苞和肉穗花序。

33、Inflorescences unisexual or androgynous, terminal, spadix or spadixlike structure covered with minute branches; ─── 花序单性或者雌雄同序,顶生,肉穗花序或者肉穗状的结构被很小的枝所覆盖;

34、female spadix about 1 cm long, with abortive flowers on appendages; ─── 雌肉穗花序长约1厘米,顶端附属体上有钻状不育花;

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