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08-14 投稿


checkmating 发音

英:[?t?ek?me?t??]  美:[?t?ek?me?t??]

英:  美:

checkmating 中文意思翻译



checkmating 词性/词形变化,checkmating变形

动词现在分词: checkmating |动词过去式: checkmated |动词第三人称单数: checkmates |动词过去分词: checkmated |

checkmating 短语词组

1、checkmating with only a queen ─── 只和一个王后对决

2、checkmating patterns ─── 校验模式

3、checkmating with two bishops ─── 与两位主教对决

4、checkmating synonym ─── 近义词

checkmating 相似词语短语

1、checkmate ─── v.把……将死;(使)彻底失败;n.(“王”的)将死;败局;最终战胜;僵局

2、checkmated ─── v.把……将死;(使)彻底失败;n.(“王”的)将死;败局;最终战胜;僵局

3、checkrowing ─── 方形穴播法

4、cheating ─── n.行骗,欺骗行为;adj.欺骗的

5、checklaton ─── 方格石

6、checkupping ─── 检查

7、checking ─── n.校验;[电子][通信]抑制;[涂料]龟裂;检查;[力]裂纹

8、checkering ─── n.检验员;收银员;棋子;方格图案;制止者;vt.把…画成棋盘形方格图案;使多样化

9、checkmates ─── v.把……将死;(使)彻底失败;n.(“王”的)将死;败局;最终战胜;僵局

checkmating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A board game for two players, each beginning with16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king. ─── 国际象棋一种两人参加的棋盘游戏,每人最初执16枚棋子,其中分为六种,每种按不同规则移动,目标为将死对手的国王

2、I shall see you next month with more checkmating patterns. ─── 我在下个月将以围擒式样的更多见到你。

3、A board game for two players. each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules. with the objective of checkmating the opposing king. ─── 国际象棋:一种两人参加的棋盘游戏.每人最初执16枚棋子.其中分为六种.每种按不同规则移动.目标为将死对手的国王

4、Hey, what about the chess club?Although I might get cut checkmating my opponents. ─── 你指去那些不会危及其他学生的地方?

5、The proper conditions for the checkmating sequence can be ─── 对于围擒序列的适当情况能是

6、If I had played with him, I would have dealt with him as he dealt with me, catching his general(or checkmating him) with my cannon behind my knight. ─── 如果我和他下,我就以其人之道还治其人之身--以我炮制其将。

7、A board game for two players, each beginning with ' pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king. ─── 国际象棋:一种两人参加的棋盘游戏,每人最初执'枚棋子,其中分为六种,每种按不同规则移动,目标为将死对手的国王

8、I am two moves from checkmating you. ─── 我还有两步就将死你了。

9、Combine different attacking ideas and checkmating patterns is ─── 联合不同的攻击主意而且围擒式样是

10、The Checkmat label inspector checks the label with a CCD camera: Is the label correct and positioned correctly? ─── Checkmat检测标签使用一台CCD照相机检查容器上的标签位置是否准确,是否贴用了正确标签,以及标签上的打码是否正确。

11、A board game for two players,each beginning with16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules,with the objective of checkmating the opposing king. ─── 国际象棋一种两人参加的棋盘游戏,每人最初执16枚棋子,其中分为六种,每种按不同规则移动,目标为将死对手的国王。

12、A board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king. ─── 国际象棋:一种两人参加的棋盘游戏,每人最初执16枚棋子,其中分为六种,每种按不同规则移动,目标为将死对手的国王

13、Known the checkmating pattern with queen and bishop that we ─── 知道那围擒式样和皇后和象那我们

14、The Checkmat fill level inspector operates with infrared, gamma, or x-rays, depending on the container and product type. ─── 根据瓶子类型和灌装料品,Checkmat设备分别采用红外线、X射线或伽马射线检测灌装高度。

15、Competitors must be masters of both knocking out and checkmating opponents, as the sport involves alternating rounds of chess and boxing. ─── 参赛者必须精通拳击和国际象棋两者,因为比赛采用拳击和国际象棋交替进行的形式。

16、Checkmating pattern in the middle game involving the queen ─── 围擒在包括皇后的中盘战中模仿

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