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copepod 发音

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copepod 中文意思翻译



copepod 短语词组

1、copepod nauplii ─── 桡足无节幼体

2、copepod larva ─── [医]桡足类幼体

3、copepod crustaceans ─── 桡足类甲壳动物

4、copepod tigriopus japonicus ─── 日本虎桡足类

5、copepod crustacean ─── [网络] 桡足类甲壳动物

6、copepod chiridius poppei ─── 桡足类波普氏脊椎动物

copepod 词性/词形变化,copepod变形

名词复数形式:copepods 第三人称单数:copepods

copepod 相似词语短语

1、copped ─── n.巡警,警官;绕在纺锤上的锥形线卷;(爱尔兰)精明,明智;管纱,纬管;v.抓住,抓获,逮捕;受罚;遭受;忍受;注意到;拿着;招致,引起;陷入麻烦;被杀,送命;得到,弄到;表明,摆出;n.(Cop)(美、俄、印、比利时)焦普(人名)

2、copepods ─── n.桡足类;挠脚类

3、copsewood ─── 矮树丛

4、copyhold ─── n.(英律)享有的不动产权;adj.享有的不动产权的

5、copsewoods ─── 矮树丛

6、coped ─── v.处理;对付;竞争(cope的过去式和过去分词)

7、coppered ─── n.铜;铜币;警察;adj.铜制的;vt.镀铜;n.(Copper)人名;(英)科珀

8、copperon ─── 铜绿

9、cop to ─── 接受;承认

copepod 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Taxonomy and Distribution of the Calanoid Copepod Family Heterorhabdidae ─── 哲水蚤目桡足亚纲异肢水蚤科的分类与分布

2、Feeding Ecology Progress of the Herbivorous Copepod ─── 植食性浮游桡足类摄食生态学研究进展

3、Nematode and copepod were important groups at the mudflat where Nematode accounted for 97.3% of the total while copepod accounts for 1.2%. ─── 线虫和桡足类是小型底栖动物密度的主要组成,其中线虫平均密度为63.9个/平方公分,约占密度组成的97.3%;

4、copepod larva ─── 桡足类幼体

5、The results showed that the first-feeding occurred on 2 DAH, and preyed mainly on copepod nauplius, larval copcpod and cladocera, the recipe was chiefly composed of copepod, and large zooplanktons. ─── 结果显示:军曹鱼仔鱼于2日龄开口,主要摄食桡足类无节幼体和桡足幼体及枝角类;

6、The low grazing pressure on these blooms has been attributed to the inability of overwintering copepod populations to track them temporally. ─── 如果它们“有眼力”的话,将会有足够多的东西吃,鱼类也将会有更多的食物。

7、In fact, the spatial|temporal distribution of the planktonic copepod abundance are closely related to thermohaline distribution, even more closely to temperature than to salinity. ─── 浮游桡足类丰度的时空分布与海水温度和盐度密切相关,与温度的关系更重要于与盐度的关系。

8、Deleterious effects of diatom in high concentration on copepod reproduction ─── 高浓度硅藻对桡足类繁殖的抑制作用

9、The copepod were major components of zooplankton, there was a peak in Spring, besides, there were two small peaks in Summer and Autumn. ─── 浮游动物主要的高峰期出现在春季,此外,夏秋两季各有一个小高峰。

10、minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming; important in some food chains and as intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that affect man e.g. Guinea worms ─── 微小的自由游动的淡水桡足动物,中眼大,有梨形身体和用于游泳的长触角;在某些食物链中重要

11、Advance in the Diapause and Its Physiology and Ecology Studies on Marine Planktonic Copepod ─── 海洋浮游桡足类滞育及其生理生态学研究进展

12、Food, temperature and predation pressure directly act on the value of venturous revenue and are major environmental factors affecting DVM of the copepod. ─── 食物、温度和捕食压力直接影响风险收益值的大小,是影响桡足类垂直迁移的主要环境因子。

13、Preliminary studies on the rule of copepod diapause ─── 桡足类滞育规律研究

14、The results showed that silver carp could control bloom of both cyanobacteria and pelagic copepod. ─── 结果表明,鲢鱼对蓝藻和桡足类浮游动物均具有一定的抑制作用;

15、The effects of different diets on the survival and development of copepod nauplii ─── 不同饵料对桡足类无节幼体存活、发育的影响研究


17、minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming; important in some food chains and as intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that affect man e.g. Guinea worms. ─── 微小的自由游动的淡水桡足动物,中眼大,有梨形身体和用于游泳的长触角;在某些食物链中重要,~下转例子部分。

18、Keywords copepod;Calanus sinicus;diatom;dinoflagellate;feeding;egg reproduction;egg hatching; ─── 桡足类;硅藻;甲藻;选择摄食;产卵;孵化;

19、This copepod ( "oar foot" ) is among 235 found to live in both Arctic and Antarctic waters, scientists said February 15, 2009. ─── 科学家们2009年2月15日宣告,这种桡足动物(桨形脚)是新发现的235种南北极都有分布的物种之一。

20、Gallienne, C. P. and D. B. Robins (2001). Is Oithona the most important copepod in the world's oceans? J. Plankton Res., 23: 1421-1432. ─── 蔡秉及、连光山、林茂及林玉辉。(1994)。厦门港及邻近海域浮游动物的生态研究。海洋学报。第16卷。第四期。137-141。

21、The salinity tolerance range of this copepod extended effectively after acclimation, and display its potential distribution area. ─── 盐度驯化能有效地扩大该种桡足类的耐盐范围,从而瞭解其潜在的地理分布范围。

22、Photo Gallery: Translucent Creatures A copepod, a type of zooplankton, drifts in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica. ─── 意译:半透明生物图片集。一种桡脚类动物,是典型的浮游生物,漂游在Weddell海靠近南极洲。

23、The results indicated that different copepods at same natural acclimated temperature and specific copepod at different initial acclimated temperature had different thermal tolerance capability. ─── 结果表明,不同生物在相同适温条件下和同种生物在不同适温条件下的热耐受能力均存在差异。

24、parasitic copepod ─── 寄生桡足类

25、copepod A major group of small crustaceans; some are free-swimming , while others are parasitic on the skin and gills of fishes. ─── 桡脚类一群小型甲壳动物;某些可游离于水中,其它多是寄生在鱼的皮肤及鳃上。

26、I would also like to thank you for the support and sponsorship of the pre-conference workshop on copepod systematics and biology, held at the National Museum of Marine Biology &Aquarium (NMMBA) in Kenting. ─── 同时我也要对于会前于国立海洋生物博物馆所举办的桡足类生物与系统分类研习会诸位提供大力的支持及帮助致上最大的敬意。

27、Ontogenetic diel vertical distribution of the planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus in Southern Yellow Sea ─── 南黄海中华哲水蚤昼夜垂直分布

28、marine copepod ─── 海洋桡足类

29、Pelagic copepod ─── 浮游桡足类

30、minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming; ─── 微小的自由游动的淡水桡足动物,中眼大,有梨形身体和用于游泳的长触角;

31、copepod A major group of small crustaceans; some are free-swimming, while others are parasitic on the skin and gills of fishes. ─── 桡脚类一群小型甲壳动物;某些可游离于水中,其它多是寄生在鱼的皮肤及鳃上。

32、Feeding Ecology Progress of the Herbivorous Copepod ─── 植食性浮游桡足类摄食生态学研究进展

33、A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MDH IN TWO POPULATIONS OF Calanus sinicus (Copepod) ─── 中华哲水蚤不同地理种群苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)的比较

34、1. 3.Food, temperature and predation pressure directly act on the value of venturous revenue and are major environmental factors affecting DVM of the copepod. ─── 3.食物、温度和捕食压力直接影响风险收益值的大小,是影响桡足类垂直迁移的主要环境因子。

35、minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear - shaped body and long antennae used in swimming ; ─── 微小的自由游动的淡水桡足动物,中眼大,有梨形身体和用于游泳的长触角;

36、Small copepod ─── 小型桡足类

37、Advance in the Diapause and Its Physiology and Ecology Studies on Marine Planktonic Copepod ─── 海洋浮游桡足类滞育及其生理生态学研究进展

38、A larval stage of certain tapeworms that typically develops in the body cavity of a copepod. ─── 原尾幼虫假叶目及一些其他绦虫的实体第一寄生虫,通常在桡足类的体腔中发育

39、A copepod, a type of zooplankton, drifts in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica. Copepods are microscopic relatives of shrimp and lobsters. ─── 桡脚类的动物,一种浮游生物,漂浮在南极洲附近的威德尔海洋。桡脚类的动物是龙虾和小虾的近亲。

40、A new parasitic copepod, Ergasilus danjiangensis sp. nov. was found on gills of two cyprinid fish Opsariichthys bidens and Zacco platypus in Danjiangkou Reservoir of Hubei Province, China. ─── 摘要在湖北省丹江口水库的马口鱼和宽鳍(鱼巤)的鳃上发现的寄生桡足类1新种丹江鳋。

41、Several significant changes were found in the composition of the rotifer, cladoceran and copepod assemblages. ─── 许多重要的变化被发现在轮虫,枝角类和桡足类群体的组成中。

42、species of cladoceran and copepod in Shiquan River are fewer. From the specimens we observed 5 families 8 genus 18 species of cladoceran and the dominant species are A. ─── 泉河的枝角类和桡足类种类很少,所采样品仅检出枝角类5科8属18种,优势种类为尖额溞和盘肠溞;

43、Copepod density showed an obvious gradient with the distance from the reservoir dam: the nearer to the dam, the denser the copepods. ─── 桡足类种类组成、空间分布和密度具有明显的季节变化特征, 此外密度在水库的纵轴上也表现出明显的梯度分布, 越近大坝密度越高。

44、Application and Prospect of Marine Copepod Diapause Eggs in Mariculture ─── 海洋桡足类滞育卵在海水养殖业中的应用及其前景

45、Mitochodrial DNA COI Sequence Analysis of Calanus sinicus (Copepod) in Qingdao Waters ─── 中华哲水蚤线粒体DNA COI基因序列分析

46、Deleterious effects of diatom in high concentration on copepod reproduction ─── 高浓度硅藻对桡足类繁殖的抑制作用

47、This was the first flying copepod I saw and, I am sure, it was the first not only to me. ─── 那才是我看过第一只能够飞翔的桡足动物,相信对许多人亦然。

48、Keywords Calanus sinicus;Copepod;mtDNA;mt COI;Population Genetics; ─── 中华哲水蚤;桡足类;线粒体DNA;线粒体COI;种群遗传学;

49、38 species in 24 genus of copepod were observed and had 6 dominant species such as Cyclops vicinus, Eucyclops serrulatus, Mesocyclops leuckarti and etc. ─── 桡足类24属38种,优势种类为近邻剑水蚤(Cyclops vicinus)、锯缘真剑水蚤(Eucyelops serrulatus)、广布中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops leuckarti)等6种。

50、Imperceptibly the yellow balloon and the yellow copepod mingle with the music in my mind, the balloon representing the globe on which copepods play such a prominent ecological role. ─── 不知不觉的,记忆中那颗大汽球、伏在球上的黄色巨大桡足动物和音乐声逐渐融合,宛如象徵著桡足生物在地球生态中所扮演举足轻重的角色。

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