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08-14 投稿


forenoon 发音


英:  美:

forenoon 中文意思翻译



forenoon 网络释义

n. 上午;午前

forenoon 短语词组

1、forenoon defined ─── 上午确定

2、the forenoon ─── 上午

3、forenoon timing ─── 上午时间

4、forenoon means ─── 上午意味着

5、forenoon antonym ─── 上午反义词

6、forenoon afternoon ─── 上午下午

7、forenoon watch ─── 上午值班

8、forenoon times ─── 上午时间

forenoon 相似词语短语

1、foredoom ─── v.预先就注定会(失败、毁灭);预先谴责;n.预定的命运

2、foreboom ─── 前桅张帆杆

3、foreworn ─── 磨损;极疲倦的

4、forebooms ─── 前臂

5、prenoon ─── 普伦农

6、forehoof ─── 前蹄

7、foreknown ─── v.预知

8、forenoons ─── n.上午;午前

9、forefoot ─── n.前脚,前肢;龙骨的前端部

forenoon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There were two activities in the forenoon and afternoon on 2nd,Oct. and our volunteers raising enough money for the child.As an experiencer,I joined the forenoon activity. ─── 10月2日上午和下午将先后有两场的募捐活动,并募集到了足够的善款。我作为一位老手参加了上午募捐活动。

2、Then in the forenoon the Blessed One having dressed himself, took bowl and (double) robe, and entered the city of Savatthi for alms. ─── 这天早上,世尊穿好衣服,带著钵和袈裟进入舍卫城乞食,那时,拜火者婆罗豆婆遮婆罗门家中点燃了火,正在祭祀。

3、In the forenoon of May 29th, fitful laughters and applause came out from the hall of the headmaster's office building in Peking Universtiy. ─── 5月29日上午,北京大学校长办公楼礼堂里,不时传来阵阵笑声和掌声。

4、So the forenoon passed. ─── 这个上午过去了。

5、Filling the air, the lonesome room, the long forenoon, ─── 充溢于空中,在僻静的室内和冗长的午前,

6、Mr. And Mrs. Sun Zhijun request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Sun Jia to Mr. Zhang Guanghan on Sunday, 5th May 2002 at eleven o'clock forenoon Peace Hotel ─── 兹定于二oo二年五月五日(星期日)上午十一点在和平饭店举行女儿孙佳与张广汉先生的婚礼。

7、We loitered to such a degree that it was near the middle of the forenoon when we entered the market-square of the town. ─── 我们老是那么磨蹭时间,一个上午都快过一半了,才走进那个城镇的市场。

8、Forenoon:Nan Wan port Gui Ling Seashore Park Nan Wan Service Center Volcanic Geological Park Western Seashore Distriet the main symbolic spuare Geological Museum. ─── 上午:南湾港口龟岭海滨公园-南湾服务中心-火山地质公园-西海岸景区-主标志广场-地质博物馆

9、I also request the people of the United States to display the flag at half-staff from their homes for the customary forenoon period. ─── 我也要求美国人民在自己的住所依上午传统降半旗。

10、I also request the people of the United States to display the flag at half-staff from their homes for the customary forenoon period. ─── 我也要求美国人民在自己的住所依午前传统降半旗。

11、The coffee-room had no other occupant, that forenoon, than the gentleman in brown. ─── 这一天早上,餐室里除了这位棕色绅士而外并没有别的食客。

12、forenoon watch ─── 午前值班

13、It could be five or six days the girl had been sitting there.He has seen her these days on his way to work and get home until today's forenoon. ─── 有五、六天了吧,每天上班下班都看见女孩坐在那里,直至今天上午走过时,她还在。

14、Now promise me to remember this, and expect me the 21st of May at the same hour in the forenoon ." ─── 现在,请答应我记着这一点:请在五月二十日上午十点半钟等着我。”

15、It was eleven o'clock on the forenoon of the next day when frank waked up. ─── 法兰克醒来时已是次日上午十一点钟了。

16、07:30 Breakfast for Forenoon Watch . ─── 07:30 Forenoon 组 吃 早 餐 。

17、Only during the hours preceding the evening meal, as also during the early hours of the forenoon, did Reinhard stat working in his own room. ─── 只有在晚餐以前的时间,和清早的时候,莱因赫是独自在他的房间里做他的事。

18、And in the forenoon we took it down to the woods, but it wouldn't go into the pie. ─── 在上午,我们把这个带到了下边的树林子里,不过馅饼包不住这绳索。

19、Don't bother me now,i will knock up whole forenoon. ─── 现在不要烦我,我整个上午一直忙来忙去,都快累倒了。

20、After a forenoon, four of us got at Pak Tam Au ahead of them, there is an arbor and water supply. ─── sufan又煮了蛋汤和咖啡,这是非常重要的一次能量补给。

21、We loitered to such a degree that it was near the middle of the forenoon when we entered the market-square of the town . ─── 我们老是那么磨蹭时间,一个上午都快过一半了,才走进那个城镇的市场。

22、Mr. And Mrs. Sun Zhijun request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Sun Jia to Mr. Zhang Guanghan on Sunday, 5th May 2002 at eleven o’clock forenoon Peace Hotel ─── 兹定于二oo二年五月五日(星期日)上午十一点在和平饭店举行女儿孙佳与张广汉先生的婚礼。

23、Forenoon of the First day ─── 第一天上午

24、So much calls congest my ears and bore my live all the forenoon. ─── 上午被好多的电话充斥着我的耳朵打扰着。

25、For some people the peak comes during the forenoon. ─── 对一些人来说,他们的能量峰值会在午前到来。

26、The forenoon passed. ─── 这个上午过去了。

27、For some people the peak comes comes during the forenoon. ─── 对有些人来说,他们的能量峰值会在上午时达到。

28、So the little impudent fellow would waste many an ear in a forenoon; ─── 就是这样,这个唐突的家伙一个上午就糟蹋了好些玉米穗;

29、I need to spend whole forenoon to do my homework. ─── 我需要整个上午来写我的作业。

30、He went there in the forenoon. ─── 他上午到那里去了。

31、The data of solar radiation in the tablewere the average of forenoon and afternoon. ─── 表中光照度数据为上午和下午两次观测值的平均值.

32、The coffee-room had no other occupant,that forenoon,than the gentleman in brown. ─── 那天上午咖啡室里除了这位穿褐色礼服的先生再也没有客人。

33、Now promise me to remember this, and expect me the 21st of May at the same hour in the forenoon . ─── 现在,请答应我记着这一点:请在五月二十日上午十点半钟等着我。

34、Forenoon of the second day ─── 第二天上午

35、Many a forenoon have I stolen away, preferring to spend thus the most valued part of the day; ─── 我宁愿把一日之计在于晨的最宝贵的光阴这样虚掷;

36、Early in the forenoon parties of jaded men began to straggle into the village, but the strongest of the citizens continued searching. ─── 还没到下午,三三两两的人拖着疲惫的身体回到村里,那些身强力壮的人还在山洞里搜索。

37、For some people the peak comes during the forenoon . For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. ─── 一些人的高峰期在上午,另一些人的则在下午或晚上。

38、Now promise me to remember this, and expect me on the 21st of May at the same hour in the forenoon. ─── 现在,答应我记着这个,在五月二十一日上午同样的时间等着我。

39、my boss watched me tightly on the whole forenoon. ─── 老板整个上午都死死地盯着我.

40、Are you telling me that you spent the forenoon drinking beer in the porter's lodge? ─── 你告诉我,你花费了门房的那天上午喝啤酒吗?

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