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08-14 投稿


minuteness 发音


英:  美:

minuteness 中文意思翻译



minuteness 同义词

small | miniature | report | transcribe | second | jiffy | narrow | summarize | instant | take notes | bit | hour | mo | insignificant | moment | Min | twinkling | detailed | negligible |tiny | close | flash | infinitesimal | arcminute | slight | write down | little | record | minute of arc

minuteness 反义词

broad |immense

minuteness 词性/词形变化,minuteness变形

动词过去式: minuted |名词: minuteness |动词现在分词: minuting |动词过去分词: minuted |动词第三人称单数: minutes |

minuteness 短语词组

1、minuteness definition ─── 微小度定义

2、minuteness synonym ─── 细微同义词

3、minuteness dictionary ─── 细微字典

4、minuteness in a sentence ─── 句子的细微之处

5、minuteness thesaurus ─── 细微词库

6、minuteness modeling ─── 微小度建模

7、minuteness body wash ─── 细微沐浴露

8、minuteness define ─── 微小度定义

9、minuteness long ─── 微小长度

10、minuteness meaning ─── 细微意义

11、minuteness long mascara ─── 微细长睫毛膏

12、minuteness def ─── 微小度定义

minuteness 相似词语短语

1、arguteness ─── 争论

2、muteness ─── n.无言;哑

3、hirsuteness ─── 多毛

4、astuteness ─── n.精明;机敏;狡猾

5、diluteness ─── 稀释

6、finiteness ─── n.[数]有限性

7、diminutiveness ─── 矮小

8、bruteness ─── 残忍

9、acuteness ─── n.剧烈;敏锐;锐利

minuteness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract BACKGROUND & AIM:To test the safety of minuteness granule calcium of biology as a kind of special food. ─── 摘要 背景与目的:检测超微生物钙颗粒剂作为保健食品的安全性。

2、I'll fetch it in a minut, ─── 我立刻把它拿来。

3、minuteness cable ─── 微细光缆

4、This article introduces detailed a sort of test measure of measure minuteness indentation depth, the electrical measurement. ─── 详细地介绍了一种用于测量微小压痕深度的测量方法——电阻法。

5、Deep in the heart, he feels the minuteness of the world. ─── 在他心灵的深处他体会到世界的渺小。

6、Percy may have corrected Mary's parallel constructions, but he also mucked up her more straightforward language."Smallness" became "minuteness. ─── 珀西可能修正了玛丽的平行结构,但他也把玛丽直接了当的语言弄糟了。

7、difficult problem about minuteness mud was faced in the course of practice. ─── 实践过程中,遇到了微细矿泥难处理的问题。

8、It will be answered for few minut afer speech. ─── 演讲后,将会有几分钟时间用于提问。

9、wherein the justness of their similes, and the minuteness as well as exactness of their descriptions, are indeed inimitable. ─── 它们的诗歌比喻贴切,描写细致而恰到好处,实在不是我们所能学得来的。

10、I bring back my heroine to her home in solitude and disgrace; and no sweet elation of spirits can lead me into minuteness. ─── 我让我的女主角孤孤单单、面目无光地回到家乡,因此我也提不起精神来详细叙述了。

11、You can observe person in every possible way, reaction observing Young Pioneer's minuteness carefully. ─── 你能观人入微,仔细观察队员的细微反应。

12、Damen Hersteller: EBEL Werk: Handaufzug Zifferblatt: silberfarben Funktionen: Stunden, Minut... ─── 成色 1 (新);白金;手动上弦;女表;所在地: 德国, D黡seldorf;

13、the minuteness of improvement ─── 细微的进步

14、” This kind of comparison makes you think about the limitations of man.It is like looking into the vastness of outer space.You feel your own minuteness, like you no longer exist. ─── 这种类比让你看到人类自身的局限,就像看浩瀚星空一样,感觉个体的渺小,不复存在。

15、For the small dimension process, ultra minuteness structure andultra low power, some parasitic effects and small dimension effects seriously affect the performanceand the lifetime of the circuit. ─── 小尺寸制造进程、超微细结构及超低功耗的工作环境,使诸多寄生效应、小尺寸效应严重地影响着器件的性能、电路的寿命。

16、The more we realize our minuteness and our impotence in the face of cosmic forces, the more astonishing becomes what human beings have achieved. ─── 我们越是意识到我们在宇宙力量面前的渺小,人类取得的成就越是惊人。

17、wherein the justness of their similes, and the minuteness as well as exactness of their descriptions, are indeed inimitable. ─── 它们的诗歌比喻贴切,描写细致而恰到好处,实在不是我们所能学得来的。

18、And minuteness being able to see object changes , initiates thereby a thinking, carry out analytical cognition on it's phenomenon. ─── 能看到事物的细微变化,从而引发思考,并对其现象进行分析认知。

19、that he would peruse with minuteness and attention ─── 他一定要详尽并仔细地阅读

20、The non-sharp masking filter arithmetic was adopted to enhance the distinguishing the minuteness defects. ─── 对焊缝中的微细缺陷,运用非锐化掩模滤波算法加强其微细缺陷特征,提高了微细缺陷的可分辨性。

21、It happened that be so very small mistake, the minuteness have to not let the person realize. ─── 偏偏就是那么小小的错误,微小得不让人察觉.

22、He grew afraid, Phonology required threefold silence, tenfold minuteness, and quietly sticking to rules as strict as railroad tracks. ─── 他害怕了,语音学要用三倍的安静、十倍的细致,循着铁轨一般的规律默默地干。

23、He grew afraid, Phonology required threefold silence, tenfold minuteness, and quietly sticking to rules as strict as railroad tracks. ─── 他害怕了,语音学要用三倍的安静、十倍的细致,循着铁轨一般的规律默默地干。

24、This method is propitious to measure mechanical accessory accurately such as minuteness, more deformable that unfit for tangency measurement.This method has a wide application foreground. ─── 此种测量方法非常适合于微小、易形变等接触测量难以准确测量的机械零件的参数检测,具有广阔的应用前景。

25、He examined the jewel with minuteness. ─── 他仔细地检视宝石。

26、To filter minuteness particle is available with 5 micron filter. ─── 可过滤5微米的微小颗粒;

27、He does everything step by step, with the trifling minuteness of an old woman; ─── 此公一板一眼,唠唠叨叨,像个老婆子;

28、The Spanish duet, the minuteness of whose bathing suits made them a favorite with the spectators, came in second. ─── 西班牙双人组合漂亮精致的泳装,让她们深受观众的喜爱,两人最终获得了亚军。

29、"Then my brother, while urging the man to eat, explained to him, with great minuteness, ─── “于是我哥一面劝那人吃,一面把篷塔利埃果品厂的内容非常详细地说给他听。

30、To produce 60,000 tons of super minuteness calcined Kaoline per year. ─── 年产超微细煅烧高岭土60000吨。

31、This is the downtown area.In order to better know the street, we are going to walk through it, which takes about 40 minut... ─── 英文导游词-哈尔滨-中央大街英文(英语)导游词(辞) Ladies and Gentlemen: Today we are going to visit Zhongyang Street.

32、Note: Copying data files to memory card may take several minut es, please wait patiently. ─── 請注意:複製的資料文件到對記憶卡需時數分鐘,請耐心等待。

33、CONCLUSION: Minuteness granule calcium of biology is safe as a kind of special food. ─── 结论:超微生物钙颗粒剂作为保健食品是安全的。

34、What accuracy, what minuteness, what knowledge of the locality, what foresight of every possibility, every condition, of every minutest detail! ─── 多么精细,多么周密,对地形多么熟悉,对一切可能性,一切条件,一切详情细节都要有先见之明啊!

35、In the abyss of his mind he apprehend the world's minuteness. ─── 在他的心灵深处,他体会到世界的渺小。

36、A new method of measuring minuteness quality by using CCD sensor is introduced. ─── 介绍一种利用CCD传感器对物体微小质量测量的新方法。

37、minuteness granule calcium of biology ─── 超微生物钙颗粒剂

38、I didn't know why I am also affected by something,somebody or some words , no matter how minuteness it is. ─── 一位著名歌唱家签约要进行演唱,票卖得异常好,事实上演出当晚剧院给挤得水泄不通,票已售罄。

39、minuteness particle ─── 微小颗粒

40、A new method of measuring minuteness quality by using CCD sensor is introduced. ─── 摘要介绍一种利用CCD传感器对物体微小质量测量的新方法。

41、Europeans prefer complexity and nuance, the Japanese revere minuteness and minimalism. ─── 欧洲人更喜欢复杂及细微差别,日本人崇敬细微和极简派艺术。

42、Minuteness Granule Calcium of Biology Poison Experiment Research ─── 超微生物钙颗粒剂毒理学实验

43、Pixel: A contraction of picture elements. It is the minut individual image/non-image areas created by the digitlisation of type or graphics. A pixel is the smallest dot in the system which can be manipulated for its brightness and colour. ─── 像素:是图像元素的缩写。把字体或美术图形数码化后,构成画面的影像和非影像的最细面积。像素是该系统内最小的点子,每一像素的明暗和颜色可单独的操纵和调整。

44、The Discussion on Beneficiation Technologies and Equipments for Minuteness Minerals ─── 微细粒矿物的分选技术及设备探讨

45、The influence of the super minuteness of mineral to the permeability of the high strength concrete ─── 矿物微细粉对高强混凝土抗渗性的影响

46、Through this mastery, minuteness and the other siddhis (or powers) are attained, likewise bodily perfection and freedom from all hindrances. ─── 通过掌握以上要素,微秘和神奇的超能力则可获得,同样身体得以完善而免除所有的阻碍。

47、Minuteness disseminated ─── 微细浸染型

48、accurately,such as minuteness,more deformable that unfit for tangency measurement. This method has a wide application foreground. ─── 此种测量方法非常适合于微小、易形变等接触测量难以准确测量的机械零件的参数检测,具有广阔的应用前景。

49、This watch looses one minut a day. ─── 这表每天大约慢一分钟。

50、The beeline segment of minuteness space and motion parameter was obtained through dispersing in spatial line thick interpolate. ─── 空间直线粗插补通过离散得到微空间直线段及其运动参数。

51、Keywords copper powder silver plating absorption minuteness cell; ─── 微米级铜粉;镀银;吸附作用;微电池;

52、Minuteness machining stage ─── 微细平台

53、The key to the technique lies in minuteness and coupling agent modification of antifriction material, so as to improve theinterface between resins and inorganic antifriction materials and increase the antifriction capability of CCF. ─── 本技术关键是对国产耐磨材料进行微细化处理及偶联剂改性处理,从而改善树脂与无机耐磨颗粒的界面粘结性能以提高耐磨性。

54、It happened that be so very small mistake, the minuteness have to not let the person realize. ─── 偏偏就是那么小小的错误,微小得不让人察觉。

55、minuteness full tailings ─── 极细粒级

56、Minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy treatment the liquid kidney castform stone calculus of unaccumulate liquid through the assistance of minuteness slices ─── 微小切口辅助经皮肾输尿管镜治疗无积液肾铸形结石

57、In the abyss of his mind he apprehends the world 's minuteness . ─── 在他的心灵深处,他体会到世界的渺

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