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08-14 投稿


shawls 发音

英:[???lz]  美:[???lz]

英:  美:

shawls 中文意思翻译




shawls 短语词组

1、crocheted shawls ─── 钩编披肩

shawls 词性/词形变化,shawls变形

动词第三人称单数: shawls |动词过去式: shawled |动词过去分词: shawled |动词现在分词: shawling |

shawls 相似词语短语

1、shamals ─── n.[气象]夏马风(中亚及波斯湾一带的寒冷西北风)

2、spawls ─── 斯帕尔斯

3、shawlies ─── 肖利斯

4、shaws ─── n.杂木林;林薮(shaw的复数形式)

5、scrawls ─── v.马马虎虎(或潦草)地写;n.潦草的笔迹;潦草的字条(或短信)

6、shawleys ─── 肖利。

7、shauls ─── n.(Shaul)人名;(塞、伊朗)沙乌尔;(以)沙乌勒

8、shawms ─── n.木笛的前身;中世纪的双簧管

9、shawl ─── n.(女用)披巾,披肩;襁褓,(裹)婴儿用的包巾;v.用披巾包裹

shawls 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She likes lipstick, shawl, jewelry, and etc. faggy things. ─── 她喜欢口红、围巾和珠宝等女性的东西.

2、A soldier was driving it, and under the leathern tilt behind a cover sat a woman, muffled up in shawls . ─── 士兵驾驶着马车,一个妇女坐在皮革车篷底下的挡布后面,她满头缠着围巾。

3、She pulled a shawl over her shoulders and went out. ─── 她在肩上披上一条围巾就出去了。

4、A beautiful girl dressed as a "goddess of grain," the image of her wearing a bottle-yellow cauliflower woven garland, wearing the costume, dressed in colorful shawls. ─── 一位美丽的少女打扮成“谷物女神”的形象,她头戴蓬子菜花编织的黄色花冠,身穿古装,披着鲜艳的披肩。

5、Within Clothing, there are clothing type, eyeglasses, shawl, robe and shoes. ─── 在服装选项下面,还有衣服类型、眼镜、围巾、袍和鞋子。

6、A few days from now, your horses, your diamonds and your shawls will be returned to you.You need them as much as life needs air. ─── 几天以后,你的马匹、你的钻石和你的披肩都会归还给你,这些东西对你来说就像空气对生命一样是必不可少的。

7、She wound a baby in a shawl . ─── 她把婴儿裹在围巾里。

8、Colorful shawls worn by Tarahumara Indian women dry on a line in Mexico's Copper Canyons. ─── 在墨西哥库伯峡谷,几件五颜六色塔拉乌马拉印第安妇女的披肩晾晒在绳子上。

9、A woman in a black shawl came out of the shop. ─── 一个披著黑头巾的妇女从店铺走了出来。

10、One of the girls had on a shawl red as fire. ─── 其中有一个姑娘披着火红的披巾。

11、Round his neck he wore a green shawl. ─── 一条绿色的大披巾围在他颈子里。

12、Old women in black shawls peered at us from door- ways. ─── 头上围着黑色头巾的老年妇女从门廊里瞅着我们。

13、Mammy: Keep your shawl on.I ain't aiming for you to get all freckled. ─── 奶妈:披肩要披好。我不想看到你有那么多的雀斑。

14、A woman in a black shawl is standing in front of my car. ─── 一个披着黑头巾的妇女站在我的车前。

15、The main products for the printing of silk yarn-dyed silk tie, yarn-dyed Disi printing Disi tie, real velvet shawl. ─── 主要产品为色织真丝印花真丝领带、色织涤丝印花涤丝领带,真丝绒围巾。

16、Old women in black shawls peered at us from door-ways. ─── 头上带着黑头巾的老妇人从门廊里瞅着我们。

17、He was emaciated and he coughed as he lay in an easy chair in the sunshine with a shawl across his knees, but his face lit up when he saw her. ─── 她十分消瘦,咳嗽不断,躺在一把安乐椅里晒太阳,膝上盖着一条围巾,然而他一见思嘉脸色就开朗了。

18、As we climbed up the hill, the air grew cooler and the Indian girls on the road wore shawls over their heads and shoulders. ─── 在我们向山上爬行的过程中,空气变得凉爽起来,路上的印第安姑娘都披着披肩。

19、These shawls. How much are they in American dollars? ─── 那些披肩,它们多少美元一条?

20、were black-eyed girls in scarlet shawls ─── 猩红披肩

21、He chose a traditional Muslim cap and shawl during a visit to Mohammedi Park Masjic Compex in Northolt, London. ─── 在伦敦穆罕默德公园,查尔斯佩戴了传统的穆斯林帽子和披肩。

22、His mother was in the bakery, behind the counter, with a shawl around her shoulders, because she was always cold. ─── 他母亲站在面包店的柜台后面,肩上裹着一条披巾,因为她身上老发冷。

23、A woman in a fluttering shawl was creeping slowly by the railings, staggering as she went. ─── 一个女人,裹着飘动的披肩,沿河边的栏杆慢慢走着,脚步有些踉跄。

24、The shawl in which she had been loosely muffled, dropped onto her chair when she advanced to us. ─── 刚才她起来迎接我们的时候,她那条随手披在肩上的披巾,就掉在椅子上了。

25、A little further on I caught sight of yet another human being, a tall gaunt old woman in cap and shawl. ─── 再往前走,我又看到一个人,一个头戴帽子、肩围披肩、面容憔悴的高个子老年妇女。

26、First marched two men, carrying an open sedan chair with a young girl in it, wrapped up in many shawls. ─── 首先前进的是两个男人,抬着一架敞篷轿子,轿子里坐着一个年轻的姑娘,裹着许多披肩。

27、A woman in a black shawl come out of the shop. ─── 一个披著黑头巾的妇女从店 走了出来。

28、An urchin girl stood there, wrapped in a huge shawl. ─── 一个淘气的小姑娘裹着一条大头巾,站在那里。

29、She had to pay of course, and to avoid asking you for money, she sold her horses and her Indian shawls and pawned her jewels. ─── 帐是一定得还的,为了不向您要钱,她卖掉了马匹和开司米披肩,当掉了首饰。

30、Before every game at Goodison Park free toffees are thrown into the crowd by the famous Toffee Lady, dressed in a traditional skirt, shawl and hat. ─── 在古迪逊公园每场比赛开球之前,总有个穿着传统裙子,披肩,戴帽子,装扮成英格兰著名的太妃的摸样的女士(有点类似于圣诞老人),给大家散发糖果。

31、Ramps shawls from design, To the full feminine pink dress added a bit at British Gas. ─── 产品简介:斜领披肩设计,给女人味十足的粉色礼裙平添了几分英气。

32、The gas station almost looks like its levitating.As barefoot women in traditional gauzy white shawls slipped past, I stood there thinking: when did this thing land here? ─── 一个披着传统白纱披肩的女人赤脚从加油站边上走过,我站在那儿,想弄清楚这个怪物是何时降落在这儿的。

33、She wore a stiff black bonnet, a high white collar and a coarsely woven shawl around her shoulders. ─── 她戴着一顶绷紧的黑色软帽,高白领,肩上披着一条做工粗糙的披肩。

34、And you can love me just as much without horses and shawls and diamonds. ─── 即使我没有马,没有披肩,没有钻石,你也一定会同样爱我的。

35、He is winding a shawl round the baby. ─── 他用围巾裹上孩子。

36、He watched as she took off the bridal shawl and draped it over a chair, and placed the bridal crown on the small dressing table. ─── 他凝视着她取下了新娘头巾,把它搭在椅子上,把新娘花冠放在小梳妆台上。

37、She gathered the shawl about her shoulders to keep out the wind. ─── 为了抵御风寒,她用披肩裹住了她的双肩。

38、Textiles like brocaded silks, carpets and loom-patterned shawls all reciprocated the naturalism in the growth of a peculiarly Mughal design language. ─── 像锦缎丝绸、地毯、杂色图案披肩之类的纺织品反映了处在不断发展中的独特Mughal设计风格的自然主义。

39、Men would wear woollen shawls across their shoulders. ─── 在那个年代,男人们喜欢围毛披肩,

40、A scarf or shawl. ─── 头巾,围巾

41、Would you like to try this sequined wool shawl and this lacquered bag? ─── 你要不要试披这条镶亮片的羊毛披肩,再搭配这个漆皮皮包吗?

42、His left arm, rudely bandaged in a shawl, hung heavy and useless at his side. ─── 他那支仅用披巾胡乱包扎一下的左臂,现在沉甸甸地垂在身旁不能动弹。

43、"You keep yo' shawl on yo' shoulders w'en you is in de sun, an' doan you go takin' off yo' hat w'en you is wahm," she commanded. ─── "在太阳底下你要把披巾披在肩上,热了也不要把帽子摘下来,"她吩咐说。

44、He took off her wet clothes, wrapped her up in his own dry shawl, and made off home as fast as he could. ─── 他脱去她的湿衣服,用他自己的干围巾把她裹起来尽可能快地赶回家去了。

45、When he did not come back, Alexandra threw a shawl over her head and ran down the path to the windmill. ─── 发现他久久未归,亚历山德拉便披上一块头巾循路去了风车房。

46、Instead of bikinis and high heels, the 78 female contestants dress in traditional Mayan knee or calf-length skirts, headdresses and shawls embroidered with flowers and animals. ─── 大赛上,人们看不见比基尼和高跟鞋,只见参赛选手身著传统的玛雅族及膝长裙,佩戴著绣满花朵和动物图案的头巾和披肩,走在铺满松针的舞台上。

47、Her grandmother's shawl had moldered away in the trunk. ─── 她奶奶的围巾已经在箱子里腐烂了。

48、She sat with her arms crossed in her lap, clutching a dark handmade shawl about her shoulders. ─── 她坐在那儿,双臂交叠放在膝上,肩上围一条深色手织披肩,两角捏在手里。

49、A few days from now, your horses, your diamonds and your shawls will be returned to you. You need them as much as life needs air. ─── 几天以后,你的马匹、你的钻石和你的披肩都会归还给你,这些东西对你来说就像空气对生命一样是必不可少的。

50、"As soon as she was warm, she pushed the shawl away without awakening, and then the sun shone full on her eyes and she tightened her eyelids. ─── “当她感觉温暖起来的时候,她扯了扯披巾,但是并没有醒过来,然后阳光照在她的眼睛上,她紧闭了闭眼皮。

51、"Dressed all in green" sounds like Emmeline Vance of the Order of the Phoenix, who favors an emerald shawl, but she looks stately, not wild. ─── “穿一身绿衣服”听上去像凤凰社的那个喜欢深绿色披肩的爱米琳.万斯。但她看起来端庄典雅,而不放荡。

52、"And gently, he draped a shawl over my sister's eyes and lowered the wick of the lamp. ─── “他轻轻地用一块披巾蒙住我妹妹的眼睛,又把灯芯弄暗。

53、A black shawl is the most versatile cover-up accessory for evening wear. ─── 一条黑色披巾是晚礼服的最佳搭配装饰。

54、And besides, Missy, what are you doing out here without your shawl? ─── 另外,姑娘,你光着肩膀在这儿干什么?

55、Just something very India, you know, Sari, shawls and something like that. ─── 就是非常印度特色的,像纱丽啊,披肩之类的。

56、Scarf shawls, handbags, brooch, wool collar and so on. ─── 围巾披肩、手袋、胸花、毛领等。

57、In southern Ethiopia's Omo region, a Hamar child peeks out from under her mother's shawl. ─── 在南部埃塞俄比亚的奥莫地区,一个哈马族孩子在她母亲的头巾下的一瞥。

58、Blachevelle seemed to have been created expressly to carry Favourite's single-bordered, imitation India shawl of Ternaux's manufacture, on his arm on Sundays. ─── 勃拉什维尔仿佛生来是专门替宠儿在星期日挽她那件德尔诺式的绒线披肩的。

59、And cashmere sweater, cashmere scarf, cashmere shawl! ─── 及羊绒衫,羊绒围巾,羊绒披肩!

60、She pulled her shawl about her protectively. ─── 她出于保护把披巾裹在身上。

61、She wound her baby in her shawl. ─── 她将婴儿裹在披肩里。

62、The elder lady was enveloped in a costly velvet shawl, trimmed with ermine, and she wore a false front of French curls. ─── 上了年纪的那位太太裹着一条贵重的貂皮边丝绒披巾,额前还戴着法国假卷发。

63、Title: I Imitation sheepskin dog fur shoulder pad (shawl). ─── 名称:仿羊皮真狗毛护肩(披肩)。

64、Keep your shawl on your shoulders. ─── 围上披肩。

65、Carry handbags, purses, jewelry, pashmina shawls, watches. 1000's of styles and designs . . low prices! Ships from USA. ─── [相关分类:围巾和披肩,皮夹,钱包和卡夹,服装和时装珠宝

66、In 19th-century Europe, women used to wear corsets to achieve a body shape that is no longer considered healthy.Men would wear woolen shawls across their shoulders. ─── 19世纪的欧洲,女性会穿紧身衣来达到塑身效果,而在今天看来,这种做法不利健康。

67、They provided their spare time to knit different shawls for seniors by Christmas. ─── 各义工们既出钱又出力齐齐编织围巾。

68、Products include men's and women's and children's clothing woolen pullover, cardigan, skirt, hat, shawl, etc. ─── 产品包括男、女及童装套头毛衣、羊毛衣、裙、帽、披肩等;

69、She wondered if she should run in and get a shawl as well, just in case, then decided her pride was more important. ─── 她想自己是不是该跑过去拿条披肩,以防万一,但最终还是自尊心占了上风。

70、Stop yanking at my shawl; I can't breathe. ─── 别拉着我的围巾不放,我不能呼气了。

71、Including:Shawls,onepiece, petticoats, socks, headdress flower, handdress, necklaces. ─── 包括:披肩,连衣群,衬裙,袜子,头花,护手,项链。

72、A soldier was driving it, and under the leathern tilt behind a cover sat a woman, muffled up in shawls. ─── 士兵驾驶着马车,一个妇女坐在皮革车篷底下的挡布后面,她满头缠着围巾。

73、Now, a row were T-shirt, skirt, trousers, shawl and belt, caps, shoes, the last by lower right corner to see their design portfolio. ─── 下边一排分别是上衣,裙装,裤子,纱巾和腰带,帽子,鞋,最后按右下角看自己设计的套装。

74、Miss Scarlett.Where`re you goin` without your shawl, and the night air fixin` to set in? ─── 史嘉丽小姐,你要上哪里去?为何不穿披肩?夜晚的冷空气就要来了.

75、She threw a shawl over her shoulders. ─── 她匆匆地把披肩披在肩上。

76、One rabbit's fur shawl requires the fur of one and a half rabbits. ─── 一条兔毛围巾,大约需要一只半的兔皮。

77、A garment to be wrapped or folded about a person, especially an outer garment such as a robe, cloak, shawl, or coat. ─── 外套,披肩裹在或围在人身上的衣服,尤指外罩,如罩袍、大氅、披肩或大衣

78、She likes something female, such as lipstick, shawls and jewellery. ─── 她喜欢口红、巾和珠宝等女性的东西.

79、Besides that, our company also processes shawl, scarf, collar, fur ball, flower, various plates and so on. ─── 公司除生产成衣外,还生产披肩、围巾、毛领、帽条、毛球、花各种褥子及服饰。

80、Article Description: Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, etc, of wool... ─── 产品名称:毛披巾,头巾,围巾,披纱,面纱

81、This is where you match your coat and even a shawl to your suit or dress. ─── 在这个舞台上,你要把你的外衣甚至围巾与套装或连衣裙相配。

82、Alexandra's cart drove up to the Shabstas'gate, and Marie saw Mrs. Lee's red shawl come bobbing up the path. ─── 亚历山德拉的马车驶向夏白塔家的大门,玛丽看到了李老太太的红披巾在小路飘动。

83、The supply of cashmere yarn, cashmere sweaters, scarves, shawls, hats, gloves, etc. ─── 供应羊绒衫,围巾,帽子,童装,披肩以及羊绒纱

84、He tells Aunt Pitty when it's too cold or too wet for her to go calling and when she should wear a shawl. ─── 他告诉皮蒂姑妈什么时候太冷或下雨时不宜出门,什么时候该戴披巾。

85、A naughty girl stood there,wrapped in a huge shawl. ─── 一个淘气的上姑娘裹着一条在围巾站在那儿。

86、Silk, tea, porcelain, lacquer screens, lace shawls, ivory fans. ─── 丝绸,茶叶,瓷器,漆器上,花边围巾,象牙球迷。

87、She draped a shawl over her shoulders. ─── 她把一条披巾披在肩膀上。

88、"I am sorry I am so late," said Ellen, slipping her plaid shawl from drooping shoulders and handing it to Scarlett, whose cheek she patted in passing. ─── "这么晚才回来,很抱歉。 "爱伦说,一面将披巾从肩头取下来,递给思嘉,同时顺手在她面颊上摸了摸。

89、Factory's specialization of production includes all sorts of ski glove, ski cap, ski shawl, ski case, ski suit, etc. ─── 专业生产各种滑雪手套、帽子、围巾、箱包、服装等。

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