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08-14 投稿


inspiriting 发音

英:[?n?sp?r?t??]  美:[?n?sp?r?t??]

英:  美:

inspiriting 中文意思翻译



inspiriting 词性/词形变化,inspiriting变形

副词: inspiritingly |动词过去式: inspirited |动词现在分词: inspiriting |动词第三人称单数: inspirits |动词过去分词: inspirited |

inspiriting 短语词组

1、inspiriting define ─── 激励定义

2、inspiriting meaning ─── 启发意义

3、inspiriting def ─── 激励def

4、inspiriting definition ─── 令人振奋的定义

inspiriting 相似词语短语

1、dispiriting ─── adj.令人沮丧的;使人气馁的;v.使沮丧;使气馁(dispirit的ing形式)

2、spiriting ─── n.精神;心灵;情绪;志气;烈酒;vt.鼓励;鼓舞;诱拐

3、inspiritingly ─── 鼓舞人心的

4、inspiritment ─── n.激励

5、inspirations ─── n.启示(inspiration的复数);灵感

6、inspiring ─── adj.鼓舞人心的;灌输的;启发灵感的;v.鼓舞;激发;使感悟(inspire的ing形式)

7、inspissating ─── v.(以蒸发)使浓缩;使凝结

8、aspirating ─── n.除尘;抽气;吸气;v.吸引;送气发音(aspirate的ing形式)

9、reinspiriting ─── 再灌注

inspiriting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Who inspirit you the most inmusic? ─── 你最喜欢的音乐人是谁?

2、Based on the analysis the characteristics of the knowledgeable workers, a model of inspiring the knowledgeable workers the model of whole inspirit mechanism is designed to accelerate the harmonious development of all kinds of organizations. ─── 基于知识型职工自身特点的,激励知识型职工模型?全面激励机制设计模型,有利于促进组织和谐有序发展。

3、Which only cover one-year conversation with just one person.It was both funny and inspiriting throughout the conversation. ─── 像这次太多事情控制不了,太多事情害怕做不好,太多事情发觉未如理想。

4、He rises over the tide of events and witnesses the ever-changing era embroiled with turmoil, poverty and dissatisfaction, provoking and inspiriting. ─── 他在动荡的时代中崛起,传奇的一生,正好见证了当代中国一段风云诡异的历史。

5、His sagas inspire patriotism inspirit among the youngling. ─── 他的英雄事迹激发起年轻人的爱国主义精神。

6、Roundly carry out inspirit of the meeting of countrywide agriculture archival work, make out farther this work ─── 全面贯彻落实全国农业和农村档案工作经验交流会精神进一步做好农业农村档案工作


8、Discussion about Consummating Inspiriting and Inhibiting System for Proprietors of State-owned Enterprises--Thinking about the Theory of Group Production ─── 完善国企经营者激励约束机制的探讨--学习团队生产理论启示

9、Combining western "Performance" with "Reappearance" in painting inspirit of Chinese traditional literati, the development of enjoyable oil painting could be a good example for this tendency. ─── 写意油画的发展在当下具有代表性,是因为这种油画表现形式可以将西方的“表现”同中国文人画精神中的“再现”很好的结合起来。

10、Knowledge Contribution Inspiriting Mechanism for Knowledge Management ─── 知识管理中的知识贡献激励机制

11、Establishment of the modern inspiriting system; ─── 人才激励体系的架构;

12、foster new enterprise culture and make it an efficient method of inspiriting and so on. ─── 培育企业文化,使之成为一种有效的激励手段等。

13、It is a fine-new thing that we build the ecological culture of the city community. It is the important content between the inspirit civilization and substance civilization in socialist construction. ─── 城市社区生态文化建设是一个全新的事物,它是社会主义精神文明建设和社会主义先进文化建设的重要内容。

14、It also discusses the trend of China inspiriting TV play in the future. ─── 中国励志剧未来的发展有机会也有挑战。

15、When analyses the theory of the property right, the paper major in the meaning , the theory and the structure of the property right.Which can bring the long inspirit fuction to human capital. ─── 在分析产权理论的时候,主要介绍了产权的涵义,产权理论和产权结构等,得出了企业产权能对人力资本产生长远的激励作用。

16、Legitimacy refers to the following factors such as the value advocated by the academicians, academic criterion, social obligation and some non-economic inspiriting factors. ─── 合法性机制是指学术人员所崇尚的价值观、学术规范、社会约束以及发挥激励作用的非经济因素。

17、Job descriptionLead a sourcing team with 3 Sourcing EngineersCoach and inspirit the team member to achieve the t...... ... ─── 公司名称:凯讯国际贸易(张家港保税区)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-11

18、His words inspirit me to study harder. ─── 他的话激励我更加努力学习.

19、“Groundnut Inspirit”became a kind of leading principle that always hidden in Xu dishan's artistic creation motive. ─── “落花生精神”成为一种写作的指导理念始终潜藏在许地山的文学创作动因中。

20、ENTERPRISE CULTURE: Free inspirit and harmonious fashion. ─── 企业文化:自由的灵感,和谐的时尚。

21、People always believe teacher like as candle many yeas, praise her contribution of shining silent and regretless, teacher always inspirit themselves according to candle spirit also. ─── 多少年来,人们一直把教师比作红烛,赞颂她默默发光、无怨无悔奉献的精神,教师也一直以蜡烛精神来鞭策自己。

22、Discovers the DSS is an ideal property right arrangement on inspiriting and restricting human capital owner by comparing. ─── 在对人力资本所有者的激励与约束上,“动态股权制”是一种较为理想的产权安排。

23、Smile can give people pleasure as same as nod can inspirit them having a positive thought. ─── 如同微笑可以为人带来快乐一样,点头也可以鼓励人的积极思想。

24、How to improve the quality of teaching of Lu Xun’s works’ in middle schools and to pass down his inspirit and arts correctly is an important title in today’s teaching. ─── 在改革开放逐步深入的今天,如何进一步提高中学鲁迅作品的教学质量,让鲁迅精神之美、艺术之美真正得到传承是当今中学鲁迅作品教学的重要课题。

25、Secondly, we can strengthen the inner part management innovation, by consummating the interior control system, the assess system and the inspirit system. ─── 其次,根据国内报业集团的实际情况,从完善内控制度、业绩考核制度、激励制度等方面来加强内部管理创新。

26、Our company staff wish to resolve prosperous and strong for motherland and make great efforts inspirit of" two bombs and one satellite". ─── 公司全体员工愿以"两弹一星"的精神,立志为祖国富强而努力。

27、The Cause and Countermeasures of State-owned Corporation'Technical Innovation Inspiriting Inefficienc ─── 国有企业技术创新产权激励低效的成因与对策

28、The Attempt to Remark on the Mechanism Innovation of Inspiriting Entrepreneurs ─── 企业经营者激励机制创新刍议

29、Its spirits emphasize that humankind can possess healthy body as well as soul, optimistic inspirit, the enthusiasm and pursuing about life by self-training and self-participation. ─── 奥林匹克精神强调人通过自我锻炼、自我参与而拥有健康的体魄、乐观的精神和对美好生活的热爱与追求。

30、The initial goal of MBO is to found the effective inspiriting system in enterprise and reduce the agent costs between the owner and manager. ─── MBO的基本出发点是解决企业内部激励机制问题,降低企业所有者与经营者之间的委托代理成本。

31、Find out Staff"s realty incenter requirement ,to accelerate staff motivate bythemselves, reinforce the inspirit function of human" s inherence factor. ─── 了解员工真实的内心需求,促进员工的自我激励,加强内在因素的激励作用。

32、In addition, his notion that a man with unique character and artistic pursue still has an inspiriting significance in today's society. ─── 此外,他关于人应该有独特个性和艺术追求的信念对于当今的社会也是具有深刻启发意义的。

33、The literae humaniores has its unique character different from natural science.It"s the inspirit factor if life that is the impersonalized spiritual activity in the world of human life. ─── 人文科学有着不同于自然科学的特点,它是生命中的精神因素,生命就是人类生活世界中客观化的精神活动。

34、He won his colleaques' respect for the inspirit of dedicating himself to teaching. ─── 他专心致力于教学的精神赢得了同事们的尊敬。

35、Inspiriting Strategy of Study Motivation for Primary Teachers in Post-employment ─── 小学教师职后学习动机的激发策略

36、Executive Stock Options (ESO) is a long-term and effective inspiriting mechanism. ─── 经营者股票期权激励机制是一种长期有效的激励制度。

37、Who are your favorite musicians, who inspirit you the most in music? ─── 你最喜欢的音乐人是谁?谁对你的音乐影响最大?

38、The ciceroni should guide and help the tourists to construct personal culture psychology, to perfect the humanity and to、devote themselves into constructing the society inspirit civilization. ─── 在文章的最后作者提出了加强导游文化素质的对策建议。

39、Corporate culture, with orientation, cohesion, inspirit and restraint functions, is the soul of enterprise.Good corporate culture can quickly enhance its charm in the market. ─── 企业文化作为企业灵魂,具有导向、凝聚、激励和约束等功能,优秀的企业文化可迅速提升企业的市场魅力。

40、A Study of the City Community History and Inspirit Civilization Construction ─── 城市社区发展与精神文明建设略论

41、On policy apocalypse to preventing corruption from "Paradox of inspiriting" ─── “激励的悖论”对防治腐败的政策性启示

42、During the forming patent pool, the anticipation into the pool can strongly inspirit Chinese self-determined innovation, but also lead to overlap of R&D activity. ─── 在专利池形成过程中,企业进入专利池的预期对我国自主创新有强激励作用,同时也可能导致重复研发。

43、Enterprise inspiriting and its propagation effects are important for enterprise human resources management. ─── 企业激励及其传播效应是企业人力资源管理的重要内容。

44、He was constrained to do so by a kind of thorough, infinite, absolute inspirit, and a kind of extremely pure seriousness and responsibility. ─── 一种力求彻底、无限和绝对的精神,一种极端纯正的严肃性和责任感,使他不能不这样做。

45、The information culture industry is dedicate civilization construct either matter or inspirit, and has some characteristic which different from other industry. ─── 信息文化产业既致力于人类的物质文明建设,更致力于人类的精神文明建设,具有不同于其他产业的诸多特点。

46、confucian and Taoist inspirit ─── 儒道精神

47、5、Be independent with team-work inspirit. ─── 5、独立性强,能独立开展工作并具备团队精神。

48、Equity Theory is one deputy of the inspiriting theory and difficult enough to be replaced.This article makes it as the fundamental theory of the pay design of the FY Company. ─── 公平理论作为激励理论的一个代表,在工资体系的理论基础方面具有不可替代的作用,本文将之作为FY公司的工资体系设计的基础理论。

49、innovation inspirit ─── 创新精神

50、the inspirit of physical philosophy ─── 体育哲学精神

51、the Inspiriting Talents System ─── 人才激励机制

52、Keywords inspiriting mechanism;management;reform; ─── 关键词激励机制;管理;改革;

53、Qualitative Simulation of Inspirit Process of Operators of Corporations ─── 公司经营者激励过程的定性模拟技术研究

54、Essentially speaking, the design of this system can combine inspiriting and obligate mechanism effectively. ─── 从本质上讲,这种制度设计有效地将激励机制和约束机制结合了起来。

55、10.Z: Who are your favorite musicians, who inspirit you the most in music? ─── 你最喜欢的音乐人是谁?谁对你的音乐影响最大?

56、law inspirit ─── 差异

57、The mechanism is able to inspirit the generation companies to bid the true cost effectively and carry out economical operat... ─── 从而保证充裕的发电容量,维持可靠的电力供应。

58、He took a stride to inspirit his wits ─── 他跨出一大步,可激发他的思维。

59、Industrial automation or electrical. Equivalent English CET4 . Good command of computer operation skill and high team work inspirit. ─── 工业自动化,电子技术,英语相当于国家四级;计算机操作熟练;具有团队精神。

60、How to further manage,inspirit,cultivate and retain the talent has been the core problem related to the continuous development of the mine enterprise as its special characteristic. ─── 作为具有独特个性的矿山行业,如何更好的管理人才,激励人才,培养人才,留住人才,已经成为关系到其可持续发展的核心题。

61、student individual inspirit life ─── 学生个体精神生命

62、On policy apocalypse to preventing corruption from "Paradox of inspiriting" ─── "激励的悖论"对防治腐败的政策性启示

63、Inspiriting Offer Mechanism Design of Film Market P. ─── 中科院,激励性薄膜竞价机制设计。

64、Statistical Model of Integrated Inspiriting Capacity of Human Resource in Systems of Disease prevention and Control in Sichuan Province ─── 四川省疾控体系人力资源综合激活能力统计模型

65、The initial goal of MBO is to found the effective inspiriting system in enterprise and reduce the agent costs between the owner and manager. ─── MBO的基本出发点是解决企业内部激励机制问题,降低企业所有者与经营者之间的委托代理成本。

66、Handsome Dao Tai-yu and three beautiful girls dedicate this warm-hearted and inspiriting story to you. ─── 以刚阳味道浓厚的陶大宇配合三位青春可人儿,爆发青春热血新一页。

67、human inspirit ─── 人文精神

68、Brief Discussion about Implementation of Two-factor Theory in Enterprise Inspiriting Mechanism ─── 浅谈双因素理论在企业激励机制中的应用

69、Gauss function is used as neural network's inspirit function , and least square rule is used to recognize the character. ─── 使用了高斯函数作为神经网络的激励函数,并以最小二乘准则对字符进行识别。

70、On the day ,when Polo left the office ,a boy asked in quiet inspirit around the shining new car :“Sir ,is this your car ? ─── 圣诞节当天,保罗离开办公室时,一个男孩绕着那辆闪闪发亮的新车,十分赞叹地问:"先生,这是你的车?"

71、double inspiriting control line ─── 双激励控制线

72、“Bangte” fellow no serer enterprising 、inaugurate、transcend、 consummate and far off amass best up of inspirit. ─── 基于对国内行业的美好前程,“邦特”人不断进取、创新、超越、完善和永远积极向上的精神。

73、The way of change is to strengthen the construction of inspirit civilization and education. ─── 工人阶级转型的有效途径是接受现代教育,为此就要加强精神文明建设,就要全方位实施大教育建设。

74、Dangerous recognizing and risk controlling can inspirit all employees to participate safety management and play a positive role in safety production to ensure health development of enterprise. ─── 危害辨识与风险控制是一种能激发大家主动参与安全管理的模式,将对企业确保安全生产的健康发挥出积极的推动作用。

75、For me, writings can show my emotion, reveal my joyance, alleviate my anger, and inspirit my ambition. ─── 对我自己来说,文章能抒发我的感情,表露我的喜悦,缓解我的忿怒,激励我的志向。

76、The Problem of Fund Inspiriting based on the Frame of Commission-Agent ─── 委托-代理框架下的基金激励问题

77、Inspiriting Offer Mechanism Design of Film Market P . ─── 中科院,激励性薄膜竞价机制设计。

78、Zen is one most power inspiriting him.To know Wang anshi more clear, we compare Wang anshi with Wang wei who is a most famous poet in Tang Dynasty. ─── 同时,本文将唐宋阶段中国两位重要的文学人物王维与王安石作一比较,说明王安石的入禅迥异于一般的士大夫,体现了平民化的色彩;

79、It analyzes the feasibility of inspiriting TV play to deliver the positive thinking and encouragement to audience. ─── 励志类电视剧可以对观众传递积极思想和激励精神。

80、Discussion on Operater Inspirit Encouraging Mechanism in Managerial Personnel of State Enterprise ─── 国企经营者精神激励机制探讨

81、The new system is equitable, as well as links with outstanding achievement, and has inspiriting action. ─── 其目的是为了新的薪酬体系既具有内部公平性,又体现了与业绩挂钩,真正起到对员工的有效激励作用。

82、employee inspiriting ─── 员工激励

83、Should have more intercourse with others, enhance interpersonal connections, inspirit the whole team. ─── 3需要多和人交流,增进人际关系,提高团队精神。

84、Inspirit memories with spacial elements, presenting the main idea of "peace world" to all the participants with the concept of anti-war, love and life from all the media press. ─── 以空间激发记忆,使不同的客户,来宾感受到设计者的构思是这个展场主要目的,以世界和平为主题表达了媒体反对战争热爱和平和生命主要概念。

85、They have figured such feminine with self-awareness .In this numerous and complicated housemistress sensibilities, we can see the survival status and inspirit hunting of china and Britain feminine. ─── 她们塑造了一群自我意识强烈而又不落俗套的女性形象,在这些女主人公纷繁奇异的情感世界里,我们看到的是中英两国女性极具趋同性的生存状况与精神探求。

86、Human capital is playing a role inthe world.How to inspirit senior managers is the key of building the core competenceof the firm. ─── 人力资本的重要性日益凸显,财务资本对人力资本的依赖性日渐增强,如何激励高级经营管理人员成为构建企业核心竞争力的关键之中的关键。

87、Concrete is : A.Execution mechanism for Inner Technique Application Expanding, with “market simulation”, “project execution ” and “ inspiriting platform” as its main contents.B. ─── 具体为:一、“模拟市场”、“项目实施”、“激励平台”为主要内容的企业内部技术推广主要实施机制;



n. 灵感;鼓舞;吸气;妙计


After seeing the fireworks flashing in the sky, I thought of an inspiration for a marriage proposal.



inspiration[英][??nsp??re??n][美][??nsp??re??n]n.灵感; 鼓舞人心的人或事; 启发灵感的人(或事物); 吸气; 复数:inspirations易混淆单词:Inspiration 例句:1.Mr. campbell finds inspiration across a generation of pioneer chinese rockers. 坎贝尔从一代中国摇滚先驱人物身上获得了灵感。

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