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08-14 投稿


demander 发音

英:[[d?'mɑ:nd?]]  美:[[d?'mɑ:nd?]]

英:  美:

demander 中文意思翻译



demander 反义词


demander 词性/词形变化,demander变形

动词过去分词: demanded |动词第三人称单数: demands |动词现在分词: demanding |名词: demander |形容词: demandable |动词过去式: demanded |

demander 同义词

necessitate | provision | clamor | petition | obligation | ask | question | know | claim | entreat | application | implore | request | exact | supply | exigency | exaction | involve |need | oblige | insist | to | require | press for | take | furnish | dictate | necessity | query | command | for | plead | pressure | requirement | postulate | want | call | pray | sale | beg | call for | inquire

demander 短语词组

1、demander la lune ─── 需求方la lune

2、demander a qn de faire qch ─── 要求某人做某事

3、demander et indiquer le chemin ─── 询问并指明路径

4、demander a quelqu ─── 问某人

5、demander de ─── 需方de

6、demander conj ─── 需求者联合体

7、demander chemin ─── 问路

8、demander pardon ─── 需方赦免

9、demander son chemin ─── 需方儿子chemin

10、demander pcu ─── 需方pcu

11、demander qch ─── 需方质量控制

12、demander a ─── 需方a

demander 相似词语短语

1、Meander ─── v.(河流、道路等)蜿蜒,曲折前行;漫步,闲逛,徘徊;漫谈,闲聊;(文章)行文散漫;n.河流(或道路)弯道,河曲;漫游

2、desander ─── n.[油气]除砂器

3、dander ─── n.头皮屑,羽毛屑;(非正式)发火;闲逛;v.漫步,闲逛;n.(Dander)(意、美、德、奥、波、英)丹德尔(人名)

4、remainder ─── n.[数]余数,残余;剩余物;其余的人;adj.剩余的;吃剩的;vt.廉价出售;削价出售;vi.廉价出售;削价出售

5、Leander ─── n.利安得(希腊传说中海洛的情人)

6、Menander ─── n.米南德(雅典剧作家)

7、demanded ─── n.(坚决的或困难的)要求;(顾客的)需求;v.强烈要求;需要;逼问;查问,查询;n.(Demand)(德)德曼德(人名)

8、germander ─── n.石蚕属植物;立浪草之类

9、demand ─── n.(坚决的或困难的)要求;(顾客的)需求;v.强烈要求;需要;逼问;查问,查询;n.(Demand)(德)德曼德(人名)

demander 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Demand from abroad bumped the price of crude oil. ─── 国外的需求提高了原油的价格。

2、The demand for new houses held good all the year. ─── 对新房子全年都有需求。

3、They demand prompt payment. ─── 他们要求立即付款。

4、The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. ─── 供求规律决定商品的价格。

5、The company's plans to increase production were predicated on the growing demand for computer products. ─── 公司增加生产的计划基於不断增涨的电脑产品需求量。

6、He made an inexorable demand. ─── 他提出一个无情的要求。

7、They demand the surrender of all weapons. ─── 他们要求支出所有武器。

8、Domestic consumption demand is well met. ─── 国内消费需求得到很好的满足。

9、The demander instructed soldiers to wait until further information. ─── 指挥者命令士兵等下去,直到进一步通知。

10、What is the nature of your demand? ─── 你想要什么样的的东西?

11、The hijacker threatened to kill all the passengers if their demand had not been met. ─── 劫机者扬言若不满足他们的要求,就把乘客都杀死。

12、There is a strong demand to reform social abuses. ─── 人们强烈要求革除社会弊端。

13、Your allegations are completely untrue, and I demand an immediate apology. ─── 你的说法完全不真实,我要求立即道歉。

14、You ,too ,will strain at such a demand . ─── 你对这样的要求也会同样感到难受的。

15、Good secretaries are always in demand. ─── 好的秘书总是很多人都需要的。

16、The demand is rather high both at home and abroad. ─── 国内外的需求量都很高。

17、She is in great demand as a singer. ─── 她是个十分受欢迎的歌手。

18、Complementary goods have a negative cross elasticity of demand. ─── 互补商品的需求的交叉弹性为负数。

19、His demand seems to have neither rhyme nor reason. ─── 他的要求似完全不合理。

20、Demand and supply can be balanced. ─── 供求关系可加以协调。

21、The employees demand that their salaries be raised. ─── 员工们要求加薪。

22、The heavy demand for coffee sent the price up. ─── 大量的需求使咖啡价格上升。

23、Jim's father often said that one secret of his success in business was that he always stayed one step ahead of public demand. ─── 吉姆的父亲常说他的生意成功的秘密就是他总是稍稍领先一步公众的需求。

24、Women demand equal pay for equal work. ─── 妇女要求同工同酬。

25、Commodities get grown in the Midwest, get shipped to the west coast and then sent to the biggest demander, China. ─── 大宗商品在中西部种植,运到西海岸,然后再运往最大的需求国——中国。

26、Prices are very much governed by market demand. ─── 价格在很大程度上取决于市场需求。

27、Demand is high at this time of year. ─── 一年的这个时期需求很大。

28、due to the effect of income distribution of international trade policy , the supplier and demander will inevitably conflict with each other. ─── 由于国际贸易和各种贸易措施在实行后会产生收入分配效应,导致各种利益集团和政策制定者的利益分配冲突。

29、Samples are furnished on demand. ─── 一经要求,即供样品。

30、Smith capitulated to John's demand. ─── 史密斯屈从于约翰的要求。

31、You have insulted my wife; I demand satisfaction! ─── 你侮辱了我的妻子,我要与你决斗!

32、How could you conceive of his granting the demand? ─── 你怎么竟会认为他可能批准这个要求呢?

33、Govern by supply and demand, price is the invisible hand in economics. ─── 在经济生活中,价格是看不见的手,取决於供给与需求关系。

34、Supply fails to meet the demand. ─── 供不应求

35、I demand some satisfaction for that loss. ─── 为那项损失我要求一些补偿。

36、Based on the aspect of audit demander, this paper investigates the best board system and the approach of how to improve audit quality. ─── 本文立足于审计需求方的角度,探讨最佳的董事会制度建设和提高审计质量的方法。

37、It be demand that atomic weapons be prohibit . ─── 人们要求禁止使用原子武器。

38、If you borrow from the scoundrel, you may be sure he'll demand his pound of flesh. ─── 如果你从那个坏蛋那里借债,可以肯定他会十分苛刻。

39、It aims to satisfy the demand from the opposition. ─── 它的目的是满足了反对的诉求

40、The saleswoman is still persisting with her demand. ─── 女售货员仍然坚持她的要求。

41、Extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article. ─── 大规模的广告能引起对某一物品人为的需求。

42、Demand for a product usually determines supply. ─── 一种产品的需求往往影响供应。

43、Supply should rise to meet demand. ─── 增加供给以满足需求

44、Investment demand increased rapidly, said Ye. ─── 他说,首先投资需求快速增长。

45、In logistic network logistic facility is a bridge, by which supplier connect with demander, is a signify node. ─── 在物流网络中物流设施连接着供应方和需求方,是两者之间的桥梁,在整个物流系统中有着举足轻重的作用。

46、Supplier is not allowed to use the Demander's trademark, unless consent in writing by the Demander is attained. ─── 在得到需方书面同意时,供方可以使用需方商标。

47、You should not demand such an excessive charge. ─── 你不该索要如此高的价钱。

48、Owing to the heavy demand for these materials, however, we would ask you to order without delay. ─── 但不论如何,由于此类货品的市场需求量甚大,希望您不要延迟订购时间。

49、They demand that the library be open every day. ─── 他们要求图书馆每天开放。

50、He's quite within his rights to demand an enquiry. ─── 他完全有权要求进行调查。

51、Soon there was a large demand for kerosene. ─── 不久就产生了对煤油的大量需求。

52、Pardon, Monsieur. Est-ce que je peux vous demander un renseignement ? ─── 对不起,先生,我能问您点事吗?

53、Price have fall due to a reduce demand for the goods. ─── 价格由于货物需求量的减少而降低了。

54、Their demand steers the allocotive process. ─── 他们的需求左右着调配的过程。

55、Obviously, its appearance and development involve two parts: the demander and the supplier. ─── 明显地,它的出现和发展介入二部分:要求者和供应商。

56、The matter cannot rest there I demand an apology. ─── 事情不能就此罢了--我要求向我道歉。

57、The Distribution Method of Benefits and Risks between the Supplier and the Demander in Supply Chain ─── 供应链供需双方利益风险分配方法

58、Shipper is anxious about stock disposal as demand falling. ─── 因需求下降,货主急于知道如何处理库存货物。

59、The demand outreaches the supply. ─── 供不应求。

60、You have insulted my wife ; I demand satisfaction ! ─── 你侮辱了我的妻子,我要与你决斗。

61、The demand for our product have keep rising. ─── 对我方产品的需求在日益增长。

62、She demand a refund. ─── 她要求退款。

63、They demand the right to govern themselves. ─── 他们要求自治权。

64、He demand the right of reply to the newspaper allegation. ─── 他要求获得对报纸断言的答辩权。

65、Their demand is entirely justified. ─── 他们的要求是完全正当的。

66、The supply of vegetables falls short of demand this year. ─── 今年蔬菜供不应求。

67、His new overlord demand the service of one of his sons. ─── 他的新领主要求他的一个儿子为他服务。

68、If you demand his presence,I shall go and find him. ─── 如果你要他来,我就去把他找来。

69、His records are in great demand. ─── 他的唱片总是很受欢迎。

70、They demand that the rich shall pay for them. ─── 他们要求这些费用由富人付。

71、Teachers are in demand in this area. ─── 在这个地区很需要教师。

72、Exploration of the New Ideas in Employment from the Perspective of the Supplier and Demander ─── 从供需双方探究就业工作的全新理念

73、Governed by supply and demand, price is the invisible hand in economics. ─── 在经济生活中,价格是看不见的手,取决於供给与需求关系。

74、D'accord.Je peux te demander quelque chose? ─── 好吧,我能问你一些问题吗?

75、He was caved in to our demand. ─── 他屈从了我们的要求。

76、You should hear what my American patients demand! ─── 你真该听听我的美国病人提怎样的要求!

77、Stimulate domestic demand by making great efforts. ─── 下大力气启动国内需求。

78、You, too, will strain at such a demand. ─── 你也会难以接受这样的要求的。

79、Don't bring forth such a unreasonable demand to me. ─── 不要向我提出这种不合理的要求。

80、The military representative is the tie between the supplier and the demander of military products. ─── 军代表是连接军品供需双方的重要纽带。

81、Supply is conditioned by demand. ─── 供应受需求制约。

82、Demand is slack over the summer months. ─── 夏季的几个月市场滞销。

83、They rejected the union demand. ─── 他们拒绝了工会的要求。

84、Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand. ─── 公司必须对顾客的需求作出积极反应。

85、Her skill is in such demand that she can dictate her own salary. ─── 她因其技术奇货可居,故可以主宰自己的薪金待遇。

86、They use television advertising as a device for stimulating demand. ─── 他们利用电视广告作为刺激需求的方法。

87、The prices are regulated by demand and supply. ─── 价格随着需要和供应而调整。

88、If Johnson has any self-respect, he will demand the demotion of police officers who decided to act as a law unto themselves. ─── 如果约翰逊有些自尊的话,他就会要求把那些准备不顾法规而自行其是的警官们降职。

89、If necessary they will go to the authorities themselves to press the demand. ─── 如果必要,他们将自己去找当局,敦促他们接受这项要求。

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