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08-14 投稿


distal 发音

英:['d?st(?)l]  美:['d?stl]

英:  美:

distal 中文意思翻译



distal 反义词

mesial |proximal

distal 同义词

distal 短语词组

1、distal wall ─── [医] 远中壁

2、distal over bite ─── [医] 远中覆Ж

3、distal side ─── [医]远极面

4、convoluted portion of the distal tu ─── 远端TU的卷曲部分

5、distal occlusion ─── [医] 远中Ж

6、distal closed space ─── [医] 远侧闭锁间隙(指骨)

7、distal ligation ─── [医] 远侧扎法(动脉瘤)

8、distal ileitis ─── [医] 回肠末端炎, 节段性回肠炎

9、be distal to... ─── 在...的远侧

10、distal clot ─── [医] 远侧血块

11、mesial and distal movement ─── [医] 近中远中移动

12、distal root ─── [医] 远中根

13、distal face ─── 远极面

14、distal myopathy ─── [医] 远端肌病

15、distal point ─── 远端点

16、distal tingling on percussion ─── [医] 叩诊肢端麻刺感

17、distal cavosurface angle ─── [医] 远中洞面角

18、distal angles ─── [医] 远中角

19、distal muscular dystrophy ─── 远端型肌营养不良症

distal 词性/词形变化,distal变形

副词: distally |

distal 相似词语短语

1、distally ─── adv.远侧地

2、distad ─── adv.向远侧;在末梢

3、distain ─── v.(使)变色;将……弄脏;伤害……的名誉

4、mistal ─── n.奶牛棚

5、Liestal ─── n.利斯塔尔(瑞士地名)

6、vistal ─── 维沙

7、distil ─── vi.蒸馏;提炼;渗出;vt.蒸馏;提取…的精华;使渗出

8、distaff ─── n.卷线杆;女人;女红;女子关心的事;adj.女人特点的;母系的

9、distrail ─── n.耗散尾迹

distal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Heberden's nodes of the distal interphalangeal joints of the hand are cla ic findings. ─── 手远侧指间关节的Heberden's结节是典型的表现。

2、The following photos show the blade thickness and distal taper. ─── 以下的是比较不同刀剑的刃厚及其变化。

3、Phase limb gangrene artery occlusion distal limb necrosis, skin dishes, or black or brown gradually expand upward, can happen to ours unhealed ulcer. ─── 患肢动脉完全闭塞,肢体远端发生坏死,皮肤呈暗红,或黑褐色,逐渐向上扩展,可发生经久不愈的溃疡。

4、In adolescents, neurovascular injury, especially ulnar nerve injury, is rare with fracture of the distal radius. ─── 摘要神经血管的受伤,特别是尺神经的受损,在青少年的远端桡骨骨折中是很少伴随发生的。

5、Results PJS was characterized by signs of pigmentation of perioral skin and oral mucosa, together with pigmentation of skin in distal extremities. ─── 方法:回顾分析本院经病理证实的8例黑斑息肉病的全消化道造影资料,并结合临床和病理资料共同分析。

6、Northern part is lake delta system, including deltaic frontal mouth bar, distal bar, sheet sand and predelta mud. ─── 北部为湖泊三角洲沉积体系,主要发育三角洲前缘河口坝、远沙坝、席状砂和前三角洲泥;

7、Mature flower bud straight, basal 1/2 usually slightly inflated and angled, distal portion usually subclavate. ─── 成熟花芽直,基部的1/2通常稍膨大和有棱,上部部分通常似棒状的。

8、The earth electrode was inserted from distal to proximal limb into gastrocnemius muscle around tibialis anterior muscle. ─── 接地电极从肢体远端向近端插入腓肠肌临近胫前肌处。

9、Tetrapod For example, fingers or toes is not new to us by our ancient ancestors of fish they are the distal radial evolved. ─── 对于四足动物来说,手指或脚趾绝对不是新鲜的事物,它们是由远祖鱼类的桡骨远端进化而来。

10、Treatment of distal femoral fracture with dynamic condyle. ─── 动力髁螺钉内固定治疗股骨远端骨折。

11、Left descending arteries were ligated at the distal side of the second diagonal branch. ─── 分离左冠状动脉左前降支,第二对角支远端结扎。

12、The ealuated implant is an interspinous spacer fixed to the spine by 2 polyester braids looped around the proximal and distal spinous. ─── 待研究的融合器由椎间融合器和两根固定于上的聚酯带组成,这两根聚酯带分别缠绕于上、下椎体棘突用以固定。

13、Abstract: Objective: To explore the treatment of complex comminuted fractures of distal humerus. ─── 摘 要: 目的:探讨复杂的肱骨远端关节内粉碎性骨折的治疗。

14、Methods:Distal tibia osteotomy lengthening and epiphysis distraction lengthening operation . ─── 方法:胫骨远端骨骺牵伸延长术、胫骨下端截骨延长术。

15、To treat the neoplasm on the external orifice of urethra in order to make the urethra distal end and exterman orifice of urethra smooth. ─── 并处理尿道外口之新生物,使尿道末端和尿道外口直顺平滑。

16、The tumor seen here has caused obstruction of the main bronchus to left lung so that the distal lung is collapsed. ─── 图示肿瘤导致左主支气管阻塞,因此远端肺组织塌陷。

17、Howeer, there is little information regarding treatment of infected distal biceps repairs. ─── 但是关于远端感染性肱二头肌腱修复的报导却很少。

18、Methods The segments from distal ileum were studied in 16 female Wister rats with 10 rats in ?in vivo? group and 6 rats in ?in vitro? group. ─── 方法 将 1 6只Wister大鼠分为两组 ,在体组 1 0只 ,离体组 6只 ,对末端回肠做充压实验。

19、For example, acute retention occurs if the obstruction is distal to the bladder, and anuria occurs if obstruction involves both ureters. ─── 例如梗阻在膀胱以下部位可以引起急性尿潴留,而双侧输尿管发生梗阻则可出现无尿。

20、A distal motivation was my nagging concern over the usability of years of accumulated mail, news, and writing archives. ─── 也是我想利用多年积累下来的信件、新闻和写作档案的一个小动机。

21、Two flaps had distal necrosis, of which required reinsertion of the flap and skin grafting. ─── 其中10位病患手术后伤口愈合良好,2位病患于皮瓣远端小部份坏死,经扩创术及植皮后,伤口愈合良好。

22、Objective: To realize actual therapeutic effects of acupuncture at variational distal point cooperated with kinesitherapy on acute lumbar sprain. ─── 摘要目的:了解辨经远道取穴配合运动疗法治疗急性腰扭伤的确切疗效。

23、However, sleeve lobectomy combined with sleeve pulmonary artery resection to preserve the distal lung is not common. ─── 但是同时进行袖式肺动脉及袖式肺叶切除来保存远端肺组织的报告则不常见。

24、US,however,could show the lack of pulsatile motion of distal cord with TCS. ─── 同时超声尚能检查出脊髓远端动态脉跳搏动消失。

25、Methods 16 cases of severe complicated fractures of distal femoral and proximal tibia were treated by LISS. ─── 方法使用LISS闭合复位治疗股骨远端及胫骨近端复杂骨折16例。

26、Th e distal intimal rupture was sealed through operation,and a bifurcate stent graf t in 1 case, respectively. ─── 45例主动脉夹层共应用 56个支架型人工血管行近侧内膜破口封堵 ,1例同时行远侧内膜破口手术关闭 ,1例远侧破口以分叉的支架型人工血管封闭。

27、Objective: To explore vascular treatment for replantation of distal revered finger without venous anastomosis. ─── 摘要目的:探讨远端无静脉吻合的手指末节断指再植术血管处理的方法。

28、The opening of the distal end of the rectum was closed by means of a purse-string suture and a stapling device was applied. ─── 而后直肠残端行荷包缝合,并置入吻合器收紧荷包线,还纳残端,和乙状结肠行吻合。

29、OP may be discovered more early in menopausal women by examining BMD at 1/10 site of distal forearm. ─── 女性围绝经期测量前臂远端1/10部位BMD可更早的发现OP。

30、One of the commonest fracture localizations in which the LCP system is used is the distal radius. ─── LCP系统应用的最常见骨折位置之一为桡骨远端骨折。

31、This gland is located on the distal end of spermatophore cyst, and shaped like a semicylinder which consists of many acini. ─── 促雄性腺位于精荚囊末端,半圆柱状,由许多腺泡组成,细胞内富含粗面内质网和高尔基氏体,推测其分泌蛋白质性质的激素。

32、Leaves several, all basal, tufted, grasslike, gradually narrowed into a filiform, distal part. ─── 叶数个,全部基生,丛生,草状,逐渐狭窄成丝状的,上部。

33、Centrilobular emphysema occurs with loss of the respiratory bronchioles in the proximal portion of the acinus, with sparing of distal alveoli. ─── 当腺泡近端的呼吸性细支气管扩张,而远端的肺泡扩张不明显,腺泡中央型肺气肿就会发生。

34、Only small total volumes of liquid aerosols can be expected to reach the distal portions of the tracheobronchial tree. ─── 只有很少一部分液状气溶胶可达到细末支气管。

35、The utility of fixed-wire balloon catheters is often limited by prolapse of the distal wire tip. ─── 的效用固定钢丝球囊导管往往受到限制脱垂远端线提示。

36、We report the case of a man who had an insidious onset of asymmetrical distal muscle weakness of the upper extremity at the age of 17. ─── 我们报告的情况下,谁的人了阴险的发病不对称远端肌肉无力上肢在17岁时。

37、Methods Twenty-three cases of comminuted fractures of the distal end of radius were treated with LCP and bone grafting. ─── 方法23例桡骨远端粉碎性骨折行切开复位LCP内固定+植骨治疗,术后早期功能锻炼。

38、Distal ending of the peroneal nerve was also undergone histologic evaluation and morphometric analysis. ─── 同时取远端腓神经作组织学检查和图像分析。

39、At laparotomy, duodenal dverticulitis and one enterolith obstructing the distal ileum were found. ─── 术前诊断为十二指肠憩室病合并肠阻塞,于是我们进行小肠切开并摘除肠石。

40、possessing dense cilia and pits is found at the distal axis of each lamella. ─── 在每个薄片的远端轴处发现具有密集的纤毛和凹坑的舌状突。

41、The greatest distal tipping was observed in the lower lateral incisors. ─── 最大远心倾斜则为侧门齿。

42、Hypothesis: Complete distal biceps avulsions can be reliably detected with the Hook test. ─── 假设:二头肌腱完全撕脱能够通过牵引钩被检查出.

43、Title: The open lever bone plastic and cast immobilization in treatment of stable fracture of the distal radius. ─── 关键词:桡骨远端;稳定骨折;开放撬拨复位;石膏外固定

44、TCP seems to be an alternative to iliac crest bone grafting in corrective osteotomies of the distal radius. ─── 结论:磷酸三钙在桡骨远端截骨术中可能是髂骨移植物的一种替代物。

45、The distal part of the aesthetasc is very soft and there is no pore on the tip of the aesthetascs. ─── 化感刚毛上端柔软,顶端无孔,仅着生于附鞭的凹槽内。

46、CT scan plays an important role in finding pericolic infiltration, distal ileal involvement and lymphadenopathy. ─── CT 扫描在发现心包浸润、远端回肠受累和淋巴结病变中起重要作用。

47、In one patient with borderline mass size, a rim of tissue 1-2mm distal to the focal ablation zone could not be ablated. ─── 一个有临界大小肿块的病人,烧蚀中点的远端1-2毫米的组织不能被切除。

48、The MVESSCI were dominated by Colles fractures and distal fractures of ulna and radius, accounting for 73.8% (384/520). ─── 主要以Colles骨折及尺桡骨远端骨折为主 ,占 73.8% (384 /5 2 0 )。

49、Two Cross Nails Internal Fixation of Radius Treating for Displacement Fracture of Distal Both-bone Forearm in Children. ─── 桡骨交叉针内固定治疗儿童尺桡骨远端不稳定骨折。

50、Its distal aponeurosis blends with the pars transversa of the nasalis muscle to form the superficial musculoaponeurotic system of the nose. ─── 其远端腱膜与鼻肌横部混合形成鼻表浅肌肉腱膜系统。

51、The left renal vein was anastomosed to the distal spleen vein on the benching of the graft. ─── 修整时行供体左肾静脉与脾静脉端端吻合。

52、Moreover, distal fixation and osseointegration allow for a greater lever arm to resist torsional forces compared with proximally coated stems. ─── 以外,与近端喷涂假体柄相比,远端固定和骨长入能够提供一个更长的力臂来对抗扭转剪力。

53、Therefore the origins of limb muscles are usually at their proximal ends, not at their distal ends. ─── 所以,肢体的肌源通常是在近端,而不是在远端。

54、MRI showed abnormal signs in the distal part of the acoustic nerve in 3 patients. ─── MRI显示脑干内病灶 11例 ,3例 (5 17% )可观察到听神经颅骨内段条索状长T1长T2 异常信号 ,听神经肿胀。

55、The distal part of the forelimb of a vertebrate, including the wrist and hand or the carpus and forefoot. ─── 前足脊椎动物前肢的末端,包括手腕和手或脚腕和前足

56、To reinforce anchorage with second molar can prevent anchorage teeth movement mesially during canine distal movement. ─── 将第二双尖牙、第一、第二磨牙连成整体,可减小尖牙远中移动时的支抗消耗。

57、The open lever bone plastic and cast immobilization in treatment of stable fracture of the distal radius. ─── 局麻下小切口开放撬拨复位石膏外固定治疗桡骨远端稳定骨折。

58、Recent outcome of cortical strut allograft in the femoral fractures of distal end of femoral component after total hip replacement. ─── 同种异体皮质骨板治疗全髋关节置换术后股骨假体远端股骨骨折的近期疗效观察。

59、Location:This point lies longitudinall 1.5 cuns distal to the olecranon.Insert 4-7 fen in depth. ─── 尺骨鹰嘴突之下,去肘一寸五分陷,针四至七分深。

60、At the distal articulation of the scaphoid is the -shaped scaphotrapezial ligament. ─── 在舟骨远侧的关节间,有呈“”形的舟头韧带。

61、B, Distal fibula has been replaced and fixed to tibia with syndesmosis screw. ─── 复位腓骨远端,并以螺丝钉固定于胫骨上。

62、Abstract: Objective To explore the value of endosonography(TRS&.TVS)in diagnosing distal ureteral calculi. ─── 文章摘要: 目的探讨腔内超声(经直肠或阴道超声)在输尿管中下段结合的诊断价值。

63、Method The author dissociated the distal 2/3 part of the sartorius muscle,and transferred the section to the front of the limb. ─── 方法缝匠肌中、下 2/3段游离,其止点不切断前移,加强髌骨切除后的伸膝肌力。

64、Basal leaves spiral; middle and distal stem leaves alternate. Inflorescence racemiform, simple or few branched. ─── 基生叶螺旋形;中间和上部茎生叶互生。花序总状花序状,单的或很少分枝。

65、In 1/3 distal upper arm, the MCN branches to brachialis can be anastomosed directly to digital flexion fascicles of MN. ─── 在上臂下1/3段内,肱肌肌支可以和正中神经屈指功能束直接缝合。

66、A observation wire placed in chin was to observe the displacement of distal of bone. ─── 在颏部放置观测丝,以观测远心端骨的位移。

67、A fixing ring at distal end ensures fixation and depth of insertion. ─── 头端增配定位圈,既好定位又可作深度保证。

68、The oral shield is rounded with a distinct distal lobe. ─── 口盾是圆形的,有明显的远端叶。

69、The puboprostatic ligaments were cut and finally the urethra was cut through just distal to the apex of the prostate. ─── 前列腺耻骨韧带分开后紧靠前列腺尖部切断尿道,完整取出膀胱、前列腺和精囊,完善止血。

70、A linguiform process possessing dense cilia and pits is found at the distal axis of each lamella. ─── 嗅板远轴端有一纤毛和嗅孔密集的舌状游离突;

71、Triplane fracture of distal tibal epiphysis in adolescents is a relatively rare but recently well recognized entiy. ─── 摘要胫骨远端三平面型骨折好发于青少年生长板将愈合期。这种骨折虽不常见,但近年来已引起广泛的研究及瞭解。

72、The distal aorta was used as the access for perfusion with UW solution. The liver was harvested rapidly, and the warm ischemia time was eight minutes. ─── 供肝用4℃UW液自腹主动脉灌注,快速切取肝脏,热缺血时间为8分钟。

73、And distal radius 1/3 total had the highest BMD of the four regions. ─── 4个部位中以前臂远端1/3桡骨总体骨密度最高;

74、Volcanic edifice is divided into three facies belts which are crater-near crater facies(CNCF),proximal facies(PF) and distal facies(DF). ─── 将火山机构分为火山口-近火山口相(CNCF)、近源相(PF)和远源相(DF)三个相带.

75、Bracteoles with distal crest. ─── 小苞片有上部的脊;

76、The LISS provides stable fixation,a high rate of union,and a low rate of infection for distal tibial fractures. ─── LISS对于胫骨粉碎性下段骨折提供了稳定的固定、较高的愈合率、较低的感染率。

77、According to the distal temperature regulator valve to fix outside temperature induction point. ─── 外置感温点,根据远端温度调节阀门。

78、There was no fracture of the distal radius and no associated carpal instability or disruption of the distal radio-ulnar joint. ─── 没有骨折远端半径和没有相关的腕关节不稳或破坏远端尺桡关节。

79、This syndrome is the result of an unbalanced translocation resulting in a deletion of the distal end of the short arm of the X chromosome. ─── 这种综合征是一种不平衡的一对X染色体的短臂缺失导致远端移位的结果。

80、Location of the olulus: The olulus occurs between the proximal jejunum and the distal ileum. ─── 扭转的位置:扭转发生在空肠近端和回肠末端之间。

81、The proportion of proximal colonic cancer and distal colorectal cance between Caucasian and Chinese patients was 36.3% vs 26.0%,63.7% vs 74.0%. ─── 位于近侧结肠者为36.3%比26.0%(P

82、Soft tissue defects over the distal one-third of the dorsal foot continue to present challenges to the surgeon. ─── 摘要足部背侧远端三分之一的软组织之重建,对整形外科而言,仍是一具挑战性的工作。

83、Therefore, it is a new type of clasp design for the distal extension removable partial dentures. ─── 因此改良卡环可减小或避免传给基牙扭力,是一种适用于远中游离端可摘局部义齿的新型卡环设计。

84、Take it on the distal side of lateral incisors when necessary. ─── 如果有必要,放在侧切牙的远中面上。

85、These 3 patients all had anterior shoulder subluxation and greater proximal than distal upper extremity weakness. ─── 本报告之改良式肩带设计分两部分(一)肩部以皮革固定并在前方加一楔状海绵作往后方之压迫。

86、Objective To study the methods and outcome of surgical treatment of distal bile duct carcinoma. ─── 摘要目的探讨下段胆管癌外科手术治疗的方法及其效果。

87、The 7 patients were treated by the duodenopancreatectomy (1), distal pancre... ─── 手术切除是唯一的有效治疗方法,预后满意。

88、For lesion at the distal region, this flap may be modified as a distal-based flap based on reverse flow. ─── 其适应症为近位或中位指节部位之疤痕挛缩,较远位者则可改采逆流之远位皮瓣重建。

89、According to the locations of the tumors, it can be named as distal end GC and gastric cardia adenocarcinoma (GCA). ─── 根据肿瘤的发生部位,GC可以分为远端胃癌和贲门癌(gastric cardia adenocarcinoma,GCA)。

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