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08-14 投稿


misapprehension 发音


英:  美:

misapprehension 中文意思翻译



misapprehension 短语词组

1、misapprehension mean ─── 误解_意思_

2、misapprehension syn ─── 误解syn

3、misapprehension define ─── 误解定义

4、misapprehension etymology ─── 误读词源

5、misapprehension antonym ─── 误解反义词

6、misapprehension sentence ─── 误判

misapprehension 词性/词形变化,misapprehension变形

动词过去式: misapprehended |动词第三人称单数: misapprehends |动词过去分词: misapprehended |名词: misapprehension |动词现在分词: misapprehending |

misapprehension 相似词语短语

1、apprehension ─── n.理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧

2、misapprehensiveness ─── 误解

3、misapprehensive ─── adj.误会的;误解的

4、misapprehending ─── vt.误会,误解

5、misapprehensively ─── 误会地

6、apprehensions ─── n.理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧

7、inapprehensive ─── adj.缺乏理解力的;未意识到危险的;不操心的

8、misapprehensions ─── n.误解;误会

9、inapprehension ─── n.不理解,不领会

misapprehension 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To avoid misapprehension, I am going to ask all of you to repeat the instructions I have given. ─── 为了避免误解,我想请诸位复述一下我所作的指示。

2、Similarity English word being pronounced often arouses the misapprehension between saying English person. ─── 发音相似的英语词常常引起讲英语者之间的误会.

3、The rest of us are falling for the most common misapprehension of mid-career crisis - which is to think this is the beginning of the end. ─── 我们其他这些人陷入了最常见的中年职业危机误解的圈套——即认为这段时期是结束的开始。

4、Keywords low strength wastewater;domestic sewage;anaerobic treatment;misapprehension; ─── 低浓度;生活污水;厌氧技术;机理;认识误区;

5、2:Non-disease exists when a patient is under the misapprehension that disease is present. ─── 非疾之病之存在,乃是病人误认它的存在。

6、2.Exploration finds the causes of the exsisted problems-having violated and misapprehended and misapprehend the rule of education and principle of teaching; ─── 寻因中认真分析了存在问题的原因:违背和错解了教育规律及教学原则;

7、To expose this misapprehension,it would be to repeat what has been said in the introductory chapter. ─── 要揭穿这一误解,就得重复一下绪论中说过的话。

8、Such misapprehension strengthened the organic feature of Chang*s masterpiece.It seemed hat people could predict all the holes to be deepened, broadened with the moving of the time. ─── 满目疮痍的透雕人体乍看之下呈现了某些残酷而夸张的诗意与快感,却是一种再真实不过的隐喻。

9、Ascertaining subjective and objective factors of employment misapprehension of university student ─── 大学生就业误区的主客观因素探析

10、Some misapprehension in the application of concrete expansion ─── 关于混凝土膨胀剂使用的几个误区

11、When you met the people who you had misapprehension before, please explained to him/her, may be you only got this chance once in your life. ─── 遇到曾经和你有误会的人时,要解清误会,因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚。

12、Misapprehension make some mistakes on judge people and things. ─── 成见,往往是自己产生错误的评判,对人,对事。

13、On Psychological Action's Misapprehension and Adjustment of Stock Investment ─── 证券投资心理行为的误区与调节

14、we work longer hours under this misapprehension it's in our own interests; ─── 对于误以为符合我们自己兴趣的工作,我们长时间地干个没完;

15、* I thought you wanted to see me but I was clearly under a complete misapprehension. ─── 我以为你想见我, 显然完全是我误解了.

16、Nothing but a detailed criticism of the practical reason can remove all this misapprehension and set in a clear light the consistency which constitutes its greatest merit. ─── 只有一个详细的实践理性的批判将会解决所有的误解,以澄清(批判理性)的连贯性为己任。

17、Communicating, don't leave over misapprehension; ─── 沟通,别留下误会;

18、To avoid misapprehension , I am going to ask all of you to repeat the instructions I have given . ─── 为了避免误解,我想请诸位复述一下我所作的指示。

19、In fact, we misapprehend it, "criminal law of enemy" will provide us a more clear and rational life. ─── 但是,剔除直觉和感性的因素,敌人刑法理论实际上向我们展示的是一幅更清晰、更理性的生活画卷。

20、According to this interpretation the well-known conflicts between religion and science in the past must all be ascribed to a misapprehension of the situation which has been described. ─── 依照这种解释,过去宗教同科学之间人所共知的冲突则应当完全归咎于对上述情况的误解。

21、The theory experiences the circumstances of acceptance and misapprehension from the successors. ─── 这一理论本身也在后世经历了接受与误解的境遇。

22、Is it the admition in the storm? The comfort of an easy life? The pity of misapprehension? The brief of mistake? Or the care and melancholy of leaving? ─── 是在暴风雨中的接纳收留?是宽松喜悦中流露出来的欣慰?是不被世人理解时显示出的同情?是被人误会时坚定的信任与理解?还是离别的惆怅与牵挂?

23、Several kinds of misapprehension in our idea about jus and law ─── 关于法和法律在认识上的几个误区

24、Misapprehension and Countermeasure in Developing Green Agriculture ─── 绿色农业发展中的误区与对策

25、I think you want to see me but I am clearly under a complete misapprehension. ─── 我以为你想见我,显然完全是我误解了。

26、It is good time when we working together,we are like brother and sister.distressful course and little misapprehend ...... Thank you for yours ─── 和大家一起的美好时光里,总是交错著情同手足的情感,同甘共苦的历程和微不足道的误会,感谢大家赋予我的一切!

27、To expose this misapprehension, would be to repeat what has been said in the introductory chapter. ─── 要揭穿这一误解,就得重复一下 绪论中说过的话。

28、I was anxious that there should be no misapprehension. ─── 我很希望不至有误会。

29、The boss's misapprehension mad her want to weep with frustration. ─── 上司的误解使得她沮丧地想哭.

30、I think, Miss Marple, that you are under a slight misapprehension, began Mr. Petherick. ─── “我觉得,马普尔小姐,你有些误会了。”彭斯瑞克先生说。

31、I was under the misapprehension that the course was for complete beginners. ─── 我误以为这门课是给纯粹的初学者开的。

32、A big misapprehend broke their friendship which have ever taken them much happiness. ─── 一个严重的误会破坏了它们之间的友谊,这场友谊给他们带来过很多的快乐。

33、The Misapprehension in the Realization of Criminal Essence ─── 规范刑法学中犯罪本质认识的三个误区

34、The Impacts and Causes of the Misapprehension of Educational Practicability ─── 教育有用性观念误识的影响及形成原因

35、really? I come from dalian city,I want to make frend with you. but you don't misapprehend me.My gf want to attend exam of civil servant. ─── 为什么做不到让自己的人生目标指导自己生活中的每一件事情,那样的生活将使更有效率的,活得也更为简单!

36、World Expo can create a bridge for people all over the world to clear up misapprehension, improve mutual understanding and balance oppositions. ─── 世博会可以为人民消除误解、增进了解、化解矛盾架起一座沟通的桥梁。

37、She could not attribute such behaviour to mistake or misapprehension of any kind. ─── 她也不能把这种行为归之任何的误会或误解。

38、Misapprehension in the Anaerobic Treatment of Low Strength Sewage ─── 低浓度生活污水厌氧处理技术的认识误区

39、1.misunderstanding; misconstruction 2.to misconstrue; to misinterpret; to misapprehend; to misconceive; to misunderstand ─── 误解

40、World Expo can build up a bridge for people all over the world to clear up misapprehension, improve mutual understanding and balance oppositions. ─── 世博会可以为各国人民消除误解、增进了解、化解矛盾架起一座沟通的桥梁。

41、Many Europeans may also be labouring under a second misapprehension. ─── 许多欧洲人也许正在被大二个误会所欺骗。

42、Misapprehension of the Conception of "System of Politics" ─── "政治体制"概念认识上的误区

43、The earth was dark through misapprehension of God. ─── 世人既误解了上帝,大地就黑暗了。

44、The misapprehend about Ludicrous Conceit of the King of Yelang catch scholar's attention recently. ─── 近年来,“夜郎自大”所体现的对于夜郎君主的误解开始引起学者们的广泛关注。

45、employment misapprehension ─── 就业误区

46、So pained was Christ by the misapprehension in His own home that it was a relief to Him to go where it did not exist. ─── 家人的不理解和不体量使耶稣非常伤心,所以来到没有这种情形的地方,就觉得松快多了。

47、The fighting between the two sides rose from misapprehension. ─── 双方之间的战争起因于误会。

48、His statement cleared away some misapprehension. ─── 他的声明澄清了一些误解。

49、Talk your beautiful misapprehension of you life. ─── 说一下你生命中美丽的误会。

50、On rereading your letter it seems to us that you are laboring under the misapprehension that we pay for unsolicited manuscripts. ─── 拜读来翰,先生似有所误会,以为我处对未约写之稿亦付稿酬。

51、It is the reason that the government and people at China and Japan lack of mutual understanding and recognition.So they are making lapse into the vicious circle of mutual misapprehension. ─── 其原因是中日政府和人民相互了解不够,相互认识不足,使双方关系进入了“相互误解”的恶性循环之中。

52、To expose this misapprehension , would be to repeat what has been said in the introductory chapter. ─── 要揭穿这一误解,就得重复一下绪论中说过的话。

53、Do not misapprehension and I do not say my study is very well. ─── 不过不要误会了,我可不是说我学得很好。

54、Men still appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that women want hairy, muscular men. ─── 男人们似乎仍误以为女人喜欢体毛多的肌肉男。

55、Some people are under the misapprehension that all politicians stink. ─── 有些人误会所有的政客都可疑。

56、Misapprehension and Countermeasure on SME's Financing Problems ─── 我国中小企业融资问题的误区与对策

57、I was under the misapprehension that the course was for complete beginners. ─── 我误以为这门课是给纯粹的初学者开的。

58、I wouldn't want so charming a little patriot to be left under a misapprehension about my contribution to the Confederate Cause. ─── 我不想让这么可爱的一个小小爱国者,对于我为联盟的主义所作出的贡献,仍处于茫然无所知的境地呢。

59、Keywords Disposition;Capacity;Science;Misapprehension; ─── 布局;规模;科学;误区;

60、1. I thought you wanted to see me but I was clearly under a complete misapprehension. ─── 我以为你想见我,显然完全是我误解了.

61、Would you please tell me that all of this is my misapprehension(misunderstanding)? ─── 9月3日11:45告诉我.这一切都是我的误解,好吗?

62、Many Europeans may also be labouring under a second misapprehension. ─── 许多欧洲人也许正在被大二个误会所欺骗。

63、Keywords Hospital Logistics management Misapprehension; ─── 医院;后勤管理;误区;

64、psychological misapprehension ─── 心理误区

65、The paper discusses the regularity of optimum point for resection operation within an angle or a triangle, and points out some misapprehension used in resection operation and in following some standard. ─── 摘要文章分析了在一个角度和一个三角形中进行后方交会时最佳点位的规律,指出某些规程中有关后方交会问题的不足之处。

66、Advertisement Misapprehend and Advertisement Innovation ─── 广告误区与广告创新

67、He laboured under the constant misapprehension that nobody liked him. ─── 他总是误认为没有人喜欢他。

68、According to Buddhist psychology, most of our troubles are due to passionante desire for and attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities. ─── 依据佛教心理学(按佛学来说),常人最多的烦恼在于我们执迷于误以为永恒的幻象。

69、Talk about your beautiful misapprehension of your life...... ─── 秀秀你人生中的美丽误会。。。。。

70、Analysis on the misapprehension to the service -oriented- government ─── 试析我国服务型政府认识中的几个误区

71、Maybe the aftereffect would be very serious that I would be dislike by her and made the misapprehension ever deeper. ─── 想到大脑失控,甚至想出一个故事来。思维飘到很远的地方,拉不回来。

72、1.misunderstanding 2.to misunderstand; to misconstrue; to misapprehend; to get sb. wrong ─── 误会

73、Communicating, don't leave over misapprehension; handshake, don't let down voluntarily. ─── 沟通,别留下误会;牵手,别轻易放下。

74、All of them thought that the prejudices' existence is the root of misapprehension, but their methods of avoiding misapprehension are different. ─── 荀子及施莱尔马赫等人均认为主观成见的存在是诱发误读的根源,但他们避免误读、处理成见的方式却各有差异;

75、correct a misapprehension. ─── 消除误解。

76、On Some Misapprehension Used to Resection ─── 关于后方交会的一些误区

77、Third, the probable misapprehend and its countermeasure and the remaining problems will be discussed as key points here. ─── 三、主要论述整合存在的误区及相应对策和整合中尚待解决的问题。

78、There is a little misapprehend between them. ─── 他们之间有点儿误会。

79、A quarrel often rises from a misapprehension. ─── 争吵常起于误解.

80、Labour under a misapprehension ─── 被误解引入歧途

81、I was under the misapprehension that he was dead. ─── 我误以为他死了。

82、The charges are partly due to misapprehension, and in part also to that race hatred from which Western nations are by no means free. ─── 这些控诉,一部分是出于误解,另一部分出于针对西方民族的强烈的民族仇恨。

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