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theology 发音

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theology 中文意思翻译



theology 网络释义

n. 神学;宗教体系

theology 词性/词形变化,theology变形

名词复数: theologies |

theology 短语词组

1、Biblical theology ─── 圣经神学

2、Princeton theology ─── 普林斯顿神学

3、Syriac Christian theology ─── 叙利亚基督教神学

4、Quaker theology ─── 贵格会神学

5、Doctor of Theology ─── [网络] 神学博士;神学博学;文件已签署

6、Apophatic theology ─── 哲学神学

7、Russian Orthodox theology ─── 俄罗斯东正教神学

8、Bachelor of Theology ─── [网络] 神学学士;神学士;神学学士科

9、Christian theology ─── 基督教神学

10、practical theology ─── 实践神学

11、systematic theology ─── 系统神学

12、Roman Catholic theology ─── 天主教神学

13、Dialectical theology ─── 辩证神学

14、Doctor of Sacred Theology ─── [网络] 神学博士;读得神学博士

15、Master of Theology ─── [网络] 神学硕士;神学硕士科;宗教硕士

16、liberation theology ─── 解放神学

17、natural theology ─── 自然神论

18、dogmatic theology =dogmatics

19、Philosophical theology ─── 哲学神学

theology 相似词语短语

1、theologer ─── 神学家

2、atheology ─── 无神论

3、therology ─── n.[脊椎]哺乳动物学

4、ethnology ─── n.人种学;人类文化学

5、theologic ─── 神学的

6、rheology ─── n.[力]流变学;液流学

7、thermology ─── n.热学

8、teleology ─── n.目的论

9、phenology ─── n.生物气候学,物候学

theology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wayne Grudem.1994. Systematic Theology:An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Michigan:Zondervan Publishing House. ─── 基督教与中国本色化国际学术研讨会论文集,初版。台北:宇宙光出版社。

2、He believes in theology. ─── 他信仰宗教。

3、It argues that the foundation of Augustinian theology is a synchronization of Platonic idealism and Christian faith. ─── 哈佛大学硕士、耶鲁大学顽士、在读博士。研究方向:宗教学、东西方比较文化。

4、He wants to know more about liberal latitudinarianism in theology. ─── 他想多了解有关神学上不拘泥教条的自由主义。

5、For my college education I went to England where he earned a B.A. degree in Theology at Newbold College. ─── 为受大学教育,我到了英国,在纽波特学院得了学士学位。

6、Scripture is the primary and unique source of theology. ─── 圣经是首要且独一的神学来源。

7、Methodologically the history-logic of the New Testament is different from by biblical theology. ─── 5.着眼于整部新约而作出的关联解释,人们习惯性地把它称之为‘新约神学’。”

8、In law and theology, the caliph who is successor to Mohammed as the lawful supreme leader of the Islamic community. ─── 伊玛目在法律和神学上,哈利发是作为伊斯兰社会合法的最高领袖的穆罕默德的继承者

9、George, Timothy, Theology of the Reformers (1988);Leith, John H., ed., Creeds of the Churches (1982). ─── 乔治,提摩太,神学的改革者( 1988年) ;

10、He also completed the course works for Master of Theology. ─── 他也完成了神学硕士所有的课程。

11、But feminist theology tends to go to extremes and lacks of supporting theoretical achievements. ─── 但女性主义神学研究也存在着过激之处,其在理论上的建树还比较欠缺。

12、But a Christ-centered theology that skirts the question of God raises more questions than it answers. ─── 但是以耶稣为中心,将其人化的神学理论引起的问题远比它能解答的要多得多。

13、You are not permitted to wonder about the foundations of morality, or to discuss theology. ─── 不准你对道德的基础提出任何怀疑,不准你探讨神学。

14、Later he received a doctorate in theology and religious studies from the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland. ─── 后来在苏格兰爱丁堡大学获得神学和宗教学博士学位。

15、The bent of his mind was at all times much to metaphysical theology. ─── 他一向对玄奥的神学理论很感兴趣(有癖好)。

16、The use of free will to put an end to one's life finds no sanction in the theology to which Van Dusen was committed. ─── 在VanDusen所献身的神学中,运用自由意志力是绝对禁止的。

17、Other critics accused him of inventing fables which made his ideas not a theology or philosophy but a theosophy. ─── 其他的批评家指控他发明神话,令他的思想并不是神学或哲学体系,而是一种见神论。

18、Others considered academic theology too far removed from the needs of the unchurched masses. ─── 其它人认为学术性的神学无法符合不属于教会的群众之需要。

19、John and Rosemary Miller practiced “radical hospitality” to give flesh to Reformed theology (cf. ─── 可是必须同时高举上帝的律法:不是靠律法得救,而是高举上帝的圣洁与圣洁的标准。

20、He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself, and cut his throat if his theology isn't straight. ─── 人类是唯一的动物,他爱护他的邻居就如同爱护他自己一样,但是如果对方的宗教神学有问题,他会割断对方的喉咙。

21、Hume gives a fatal criticism of its theoretical foundation and the testimonies of the traditional rational theology. ─── 休谟对设计论证明的理论根据进行了毁灭性的批判,同时也驳斥了传统理性神学的各种证明。

22、The sermon was his customary one on the big bang, black holes, time and the universe, with the theology coming in the question-and-answer period. ─── 他整场布道仍是一如往常,讲授大霹雳、黑洞、时间和宇宙;至于神学,那就只能留待现场答问时段。

23、He graduated from the CUHK in 2002, major in Fine Arts and minor in Theology. ─── 他从事混合媒介及绘画创作,以视觉艺术方式捕捉人与人、人与自然之间的感通。

24、As other branches of theology,eschatology was explained according to the private,individual,and existential method. ─── 同神学其它分支一样,末世论是按照私人的、个体的、存在主义的方式加以解释的。

25、There is a devilishly odd nexus of theology, mathematics and commercialism on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year. ─── 06年6月6日是一个古怪、磨人的有关神学、数学和商业化的连结。

26、In the Middle Ages,philosophy and theology were inextricable. ─── 在中世纪,哲学与神学是不分的.

27、The history of Christian theology is a history of conflicts and negotiations over the identity of God. ─── 基督教神学史是关于上帝身份之争论及妥协的历史。

28、Christian theology is one of the most fascinating subjects. ─── 基督教神学是最有诱惑的课程之一!

29、Any one of the founders of the four schools of law and theology. ─── 伊玛目四个法律和神学学派的创建人之一

30、At the request of the archdiocese, he completed his liscense and doctorate in theology at the Gregorian University. ─── 在敎区的指示邀请,吴神父在圣额我略大学完成神学副博士及博士学位。

31、R Tuttle, John Wesley: His Life and Theology (1978). ─── R塔特尔,约翰卫斯理:他的生活和神学( 1978年) 。

32、I would be wrong to think that the Freudian myth of the Oedipus complex had put an end to theology on the matter. ─── 假如我们以为佛洛伊德提出有关伊底普斯情结的神话,父子关系牵涉到性的宗教神学就告结束,那可就错了。

33、Forgive the personal reference, but consider this: In my Doctrine of the Knowledge of God I introduce a "multi-perspectival" approach to theology. ─── 因此,在基督里世界面对神永恒的审判;因此,必须悔改离弃罪,并且以信靠和顺服归入耶稣;

34、What is the Discipline of Biblical Theology? ─── 圣经神学是怎样的一门学科?

35、In law and theology,the Caliph who is successor to Mohammed as the lawful supreme leader of the Islamic community. ─── 伊玛目在法律和神学上,哈利发是作为伊斯兰社会合法的最高领袖的穆罕默德的继承者。

36、An authoritative scholar who founds a school of law or theology. ─── 伊玛目创建了一个法律和神学学派的权威学者

37、Gd is not only in Theology but in life. ─── 他不仅是神学中的上帝,也是在生活中。

38、It is equally certain that they are in the hands of people (the Vatican in Rome) who do not intend to make them available to Christian Theology". ─── 同样无可争议的是:它们在人民(罗马的梵谛冈)的掌握中,人们无意将其提供给宗教神学”。

39、And his micro-history of Christian theology is inaccurate in places. ─── 他对于基督教的简史陈述在某些地方是不准确的。

40、Levitov's translation, though, was at odds with the Cathars' well-documented theology. ─── 不过李维托夫译写出来的内容也和净化派完整保存的教义不相符合。

41、It has been written assuming that you know nothing about Christian theology. ─── 它是在假设您对基督教一无所知的基础之上创作的。

42、The first is the radical theology, and the second is this poem's equally radical and equally daring original verse form. ─── 第一个是激进的神学,第二个是这首诗同样激进、同样大胆的原始诗歌形式。

43、He then studied philosophy and theology in Emmanuel College and Knox College (and at Regis College), all affiliated to the University of Toronto. ─── 他随即进入多伦多大学附属的以马内利、诺思及理哲斯学院,攻读神哲学。

44、Voluntarism and covenant theology together constitute Hobbes' conceptualization of sovereign. ─── 唯意志论和盟约论神学一起塑造出霍布斯的主权者概念。

45、In a later period, the theology of Augustine owed a great deal to his early experience as a Manichaean. ─── 在后期的时期,奥古斯丁把他的神学思想归咎于早期作为一个摩尼教徒的经历。

46、He wanders through a mysterious world of arcane theology. ─── 他在奇妙的神学领域的神秘世界之中穿梭。

47、Does historical theology have a history? ─── 历史神学本身有其历史吗?

48、But that does not explain why Calvinism should be the preferred theology of the house churches and the intellectuals now. ─── 但这并不能解释加尔文教为何在家庭教会和知识分子中如此受欢迎。

49、In many cases, they have a general aversion to the idea of elaborate theology. ─── 在许多情况下,他们对阐述精微的神学思想有一种普遍的厌恶。

50、First, the writer interprets the fore-mentioned points in terms of both rational theology and revelational theology.A. ─── 一、笔者以理性神学与启示神学诠释以上的简短道理。

51、No impact on the only access to the Theology Building. ─── 不会影响通往神学楼唯一的通道。

52、The Russian Orthodox Church has also a school of "Sophiology" to explore the theology of Sophia without contradicting the Russian Orthodox theology. ─── 俄罗斯东正教也有一个“索菲娅”学派,去探究索菲娅的神学,与俄罗斯东正教神学并没有抵触。

53、Theology To free (a human being) of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin. Used only of God. ─── 上帝赦免罪人:宣告(人)无罪,把(人)从与滔天罪行相连的惩罚中解脱出来。只用于上帝

54、The Gospel of St. John has more idiosyncrasies and is colored by theology of a strongly Hellenic type. ─── 《约翰福音》具有更多的特性,是被强烈的希腊式神学渲染了的。

55、In theology, ethics and politics alike, the problem is “one of controlling and ridding the world of sin”. ─── 在神学中,伦理学与政治学是一样的,问题都在于“控制和消除这个世界的原罪”。

56、I searched through books of philosophy and theology hoping to find an answer. However, none could clear my doubts and confusion. ─── 于是开始涉猎一些哲学及神学的书,冀求从中获得答案,不幸它们都不能满足我的疑惑。

57、A. in History.He received the Master of Divinity (1993) and Master of Theology (1994) from Gordon-Conwell. ─── 他自戈登康威尔取得道学硕士(1993)与神学硕士(1994)学位。

58、Chinese churches have complained that many foreign preachers come to China and promote their own church growth methods or "success theology". ─── 中国教会也投诉有许多外国传道人前来推销独门的教会增长方法或成功神学。

59、It has 3 schools: Theology, Intercultural Studies and Psychology. ─── 下设三个学院:神学院、跨文化研究学院和心理学院。

60、Although McGuffey drew upon a variety of sources in compiling these Readers, the Bible and its theology formed the basis of the content. ─── 也就是说,圣经神学是其道德教导背后的根据,圣经经文也常常出现在书中。

61、Var.Title Transmission and transformation: christian theology and cultural traditions. ─── 传承与转化:基督教神学与诸文化传统/赖品超著.

62、He appeared to have read a great deal, including something of western theology. ─── 他看起来读过很多书,包括西方的某些神学。

63、You see, I discovered that the beliefs and practices of this religion fit my personal theology and intellect as well as basic human logic. ─── 你看,我发现,信仰和习俗的宗教适合我的个人神学和智慧以及人的基本逻辑。

64、At a much later time, very complex systems of theology are going to be spun from particular interpretations of biblical passages. ─── 在今后一长段时间里,非常复杂的神学体系将会从对圣经段落的特殊解释中产生。

65、But it was Thomas Aquinas and his sequelae that protruded and systemized the theory of analogy in philosophy and theology. ─── 但是,使类比问题在神学和哲学中的核心地位凸显出来,并得到系统化的创新发展,却是汤玛斯及其后继者的成就。

66、Buddha taught a theology that bordered on the godless.He did not condemn the regular worship of the gods, but taught that some rituals were foolish. ─── 佛陀所教导的是近于无神论的神学,他不会谴责定期敬拜上帝,而是教导说有些宗教仪式是荒谬的。

67、In fact, they all felt guilty and I developed a self-esteem theology to work through that. ─── 事实上,他们都有罪恶感,于是我建立了一套自尊神学来解决这问题。

68、The Fuller Theolog ical Seminary opened in 1947.It has 3 schools : Theology, Intercultural Studies and P sychology. ─── Fuller神学院于1947年成立,下设3个学院:神学院、跨文化研究院和心理研究院。

69、Texts dealing with economic matters predominated, as they always had done; but at this point works of theology, literature, history, and law also appeared. ─── 同以往一样,处理经济问题的文章占主导地位;但此时,也出现了神学、文学、历史和法律的著作。

70、Of or relating to the Virgin Mary, her cult, or her theology. ─── 圣母玛丽亚的圣母玛丽亚的、圣母玛丽亚的祭礼的、圣母玛丽亚神学的、或与此有关的

71、"I had to sign the contract between my exams. It was on the day of my theology A level, " she said. ─── “我不得不在考试期间与出版社签约,那天我还在参加神学课A级考试,”她说。

72、It is no exaggeration to say that: "In the future all of the philosophical theology, have had to consider Hume's research. " ─── 可以毫不夸张地说:“以后所有的哲理神学,都不得不考虑休谟的研究。”

73、Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.Th.D.), Moral Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University. ─── 以及其他多位辅仁大学神学院教授担任本培育课程讲师。

74、In the absence of all historical certainty, the name of Jesus has therefore become an empty vessel for Protestant Theology. ─── 因为一切历史的确实性欠缺的缘故,耶苏的名字便变成新教神学的一条空船。

75、The first basic error of the "new theology" stemmed from the old Augustinian doctrine of original sin. ─── “新神学”的第一项基本错误是起源于奥古斯丁原罪论的古老教义。

76、After leaving school, Mr.Cameron dabbled in theology before moving on to horticulture, botany and ecology and then environmental science. ─── 从学校毕业以后,卡梅伦先是涉猎了神学,然后转攻园艺、植物、生态和环境科学。

77、Along with theology and law, medicine was usually one of the basic faculties. ─── 医学常常是和神学、法学并立,作为大学的基本学系。

78、He read theology at university. ─── 他在大学攻读神学。

79、Rather than getting entangled in theology, he made three broad points. ─── 他没有纠缠于这些神学问题,而是指出了3个主要的方面。

80、Here it was the study of logic, by way of preparation for theology, which was most famous. ─── 人们在这里学习逻辑学,为研究最著名的神学理论作准备。

81、Italian (Roman Catholic) theologian remembered for his attempt to reconcile faith and reason in a comprehensive theology (1225-1274). ─── 在一种包容理论中以试图调解信仰和理智的关系而著称的意大利(罗马天主教徒)神学家(1225-1274)。

82、In detaching the science of law from theology and religion, he prepared the ground for the secular, rationalistic version of modern natural law. ─── 在将法学与神学和宗教分离时,他为现代自然法世俗的、理性主义的观点奠定了基

83、The medieval universities generally had four faculties: theology, law, medicine and the liberal arts. ─── 中世纪大学一般由四个学院组成:神学院、法学院、医学院和人文学院。

84、In Christian theology, the unmerited gift of divine favor, which brings about the salvation of a sinner. ─── 在基督教神学中,指上帝无条件救赎罪人的恩赐。

85、His work crosses the boundaries of philosophy, theology, psychology, literary criticism, devotional literature and fiction. ─── 他的作品跨越哲学、神学、心理学、文学批评、信仰文学和小说等学科领域。

86、It has3 schools: Theology, Intercultural Studies and Psychology. ─── 下设三个学院:神学院、文化研究学院和心理学院。

87、For example, much critically important Christian theology is concerned with the nature of Jesus Christ and his relationship with God the Father. ─── 例如,大多数批评地/钻研地重要的基督教神学都关注耶稣基督的本性/本质和他与天父的关系。

88、In the Middle Ages, philosophy and theology were inextricable. ─── 在中世纪,哲学与神学是不分的。

89、He investigates theology, and metaphysics and all sorts of subjects. ─── 他研究神学,还有形而上学,还有各种各样的学问。

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