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pinnate 发音

英:['p?ne?t]  美:['p?net]

英:  美:

pinnate 中文意思翻译



pinnate 网络释义

adj. [植] 羽状的;翼、鳍之类的

pinnate 短语词组

1、pinnate-leafed ─── [网络] 羽状叶

2、pinnate tentacle ─── 羽状触手

3、twice-pinnate ─── [网络] 两倍羽状

4、odd-pinnate leaf ─── 奇数羽状复叶

5、abruptly-pinnate leaf ─── [网络] 突然羽状叶

6、pinnate-leaved ─── [网络] 羽状叶

7、ternate-pinnate leaf ─── [医]三出羽状叶

8、conjugate pinnate ─── 共轭羽状

9、abruptly pinnate ─── [医](拉abrupte pinnatus)偶数羽状的(指复叶)

10、pinnate drainage ─── 羽状水系

11、even-pinnate leaf ─── [网络] 偶数羽状复叶

12、pinnate gill ─── 羽状鳃

13、even-pinnate un. ─── 偶数羽状的 [网络] ─── 偶数羽状复叶;小叶片对称排开

14、alternately-pinnate ─── 交替-针状

15、abruptly-pinnate ─── [网络] 偶数羽状的;平截羽状的

16、ternate-pinnate ─── [医]三出羽状的

17、odd-pinnate ─── 奇数羽状的

18、pinnate leaf ─── 羽状叶

19、pinnate arrangement ─── 羽状排列

pinnate 词性/词形变化,pinnate变形

异体字: pinnated |副词: pinnately |

pinnate 相似词语短语

1、bipinnate ─── adj.(植)二回羽状的,两羽状的

2、pinnaces ─── n.装载于舰上的中型艇;舰载艇

3、pinnated ─── 羽状的

4、pinnulate ─── 羽状的

5、pennate ─── adj.(硅藻)两侧对称的,翼状的;有羽毛的

6、pinnately ─── 羽状的;有鳍的

7、pinnae ─── n.耳廓(pinna的复数)

8、innate ─── adj.先天的;固有的;与生俱来的

9、pinnace ─── n.装载于舰上的中型艇;舰载艇

pinnate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、veins pinnate. Male inflorescences discoid, fleshy, many-flowered, without interfloral bracteoles, pedunculate. ─── 羽状脉雄花序盘状,肉质,多花的的,没有花内小苞片,有花序梗。

2、Leaves ternate or pinnate, 5-foliolate, glabrous; ─── 叶三出或者羽状,具5小叶,无毛;

3、common perennial aromatic herb native to Eurasia having buttonlike yellow flower heads and bitter-tasting pinnate leaves sometimes used medicinally ─── 原产欧亚的常见多年生芳香草本植物,纽扣状黄色花冠和苦味羽叶,可以入药

4、even pinnate ─── (拉paripinnatus)偶数羽状的(指复叶)

5、Leaves imparipinnate or (pari)pinnate, petiolate; ─── 叶奇数羽状或(偶数)羽状,具叶柄;

6、large genus of tropical trees having pinnate leaves and paniculate flowers and cultivated commercially for their dramatically grained and colored timbers ─── 在商业上,因为它们的引人注目的条纹并长有羽状叶子和有圆锥花序的花的热带乔木的大的属

7、Leaves alternate, spirally arranged, large, veins pinnate and parallel, base sheathing. ─── 叶互生,螺旋状排列,大,羽状劢和平行脉,基部具鞘。

8、any of various plants of the genus Sesbania having pinnate leaves and large showy pealike flowers. ─── 主要为热带的一个羽状叶草本、灌木或乔木小属,花通常蝶形,大而美丽。

9、deciduous subshrub of southeastern Asia having pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers; a source of indigo dye. ─── 东南亚的一种落叶半灌木,具有羽状叶和丛生的红色或紫色花;靛蓝染料的原料。

10、of a leaf shape; pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex. ─── 一种叶子形状;在顶点有一对叶的羽状叶。

11、The leaves are pinnate, palmate, and usually 3-foliolate, with leaflets often folded together at night (sleep movement). ─── 叶片大多三裂,亦有羽状、掌状叶,通常夜间闭合(睡眠运动);

12、shrub or small tree having pinnate leaves poisonous to livestock and dense racemes of intensely fragrant blue flowers and red beans ─── 一种灌木或小乔木,羽状叶,其蓝色花朵异常芳香,成浓密的总状花序,结红豆

13、Leaves compound, trifoliolate or pinnate, 5-7-foliolate, margins of leaflets entire to dentate. ─── 复叶,具三小叶或羽状的,具5-7小叶,小叶边缘的全缘到具牙齿。

14、1. any treelike cycad of the genus Macrozamia having erect trunks and pinnate leaves and large cones with sometimes edible nuts; ─── 大型泽米属的像树一样的苏铁,具有笔直的树干、羽状叶片和大的球果,有时坚果可以食用;

15、a common rock-inhabiting fern of northern temperate regions having rusty-brown stipes and lanceolate pinnate fronds. ─── 在岩石上生长的一种具有黄褐色叶柄和披针形羽叶的北方温带蕨类。

16、thrice pinnate ─── 三回羽状的

17、evergreen Asiatic tree having glossy pinnate leaves and racemose creamy-white scented flowers; used as a shade tree ─── 亚洲的一种常绿树,有光亮的羽状叶片和总状的乳白色有香味的花;作为一种绿荫树

18、Leaves 1-2-ternate or pinnate, ovate-triangular or triangular-ovate, 6-10 cm long, 2.5-4 cm wide, margin irregular coarsely toothed; ─── 叶1至2回三出式分裂或羽状深裂,卵状三角形或三角状卵形,长6-10厘米,宽2.5-4厘米,边缘具不规则粗锯齿;

19、It is found that there are some special kinds of shear sense indicators such as pinnate veins. ─── 发现了如羽状脉体等特殊的指向标志。

20、genus of herbs found chiefly in north temperate regions having pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by bristly fruit ─── 主要发现在北部温和地区长有羽状叶子黄花并结有刚毛的果实的草本的属

21、any of various plants of the genus Sesbania having pinnate leaves and large showy pealike flowers ─── 主要为热带的一个羽状叶草本、灌木或乔木小属,花通常蝶形,大而美丽

22、leaf blade with secondary veins pinnate or basal, often with intramarginal veins near margin, margin usually entire. ─── 叶片具次脉羽状的或基生,通常具边脉接近边缘,边缘通常全缘。

23、small Dominican tree bearing masses of large crimson flowers before the fine pinnate foliage emerges ─── 一种多米尼加的树,在细小的羽状叶子出现之前开大量深红色的大花

24、spleenwort of Europe and Africa and Asia having pinnate fronds and yielding an astringent ─── 分布于亚、非、欧洲的一种带有羽状复叶并味涩的凤尾草

25、large genus of tropical trees having pinnate leaves and paniculate flowers and cultivated commercially for their dramatically grained and colored timbers. ─── 在商业上因为它们的引人注目的条纹并长有羽状叶子和有圆锥花序的花的热带乔木的大的属。

26、Leaves alternate, sometimes opposite, pinnate to unifoliolate or rarely simple; ─── 叶互生,有时对生,羽状对来说或很少单;

27、Leaves simple, alternate or opposite, exstipulate, margin entire or dentate, venation pinnate or triplinerved. ─── 单叶,互生或对生,无托叶,边缘全缘或具牙齿的,羽状脉或离基三出脉的。

28、venation pinnate, lowermost pair of veins originating at very leaf base, forming basal margin. ─── 羽状脉,最下面一对脉正好发生于叶基部,形成基部的边缘。

29、North American herb with bitter-tasting pinnate leaves resembling those of tansy. ─── 北美的一种草本植物,类似水芹,但叶象艾菊叶。

30、spleenwort of Europe and Africa and Asia having pinnate fronds and yielding an astringent. ─── 分布于亚、非、欧洲的一种带有羽状复叶并味涩的凤尾草。

31、Leaves opposite, pinnate. ─── 叶对生,羽状。

32、a sword fern with arching or drooping pinnate fronds; a popular houseplant. ─── 一种带有拱形或下垂羽状复叶的剑蕨植物;是一种普遍的家庭种植植物。

33、Herbs perennial. Basal leaves pinnate, sometimes 3-foliolate. Ovary glabrous; style sub-basal, fusiform, thickened at middle, gradually tapering at both ends. ─── 多年生草本羽状的基生叶,有时具3小叶。子房无毛花柱近基部,纺锤形,加厚在中部,逐渐渐狭在两末端。

34、deciduous subshrub of southeastern Asia having pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers; ─── 东南亚的一种落叶半灌木,具有羽状叶和丛生的红色或紫色花;

35、Leaves alternate, petiolate, usually black when dry, veins pinnate, margin entire. ─── 叶互生,具叶柄,干燥时通常黑色,羽状的脉,边缘全缘。

36、small Dominican tree bearing masses of large crimson flowers before the fine pinnate foliage emerges. ─── 一种多米尼加的树,在细小的羽状叶子出现之前开大量深红色的大花。

37、8(7) Herbs perennial; leaves pinnate or pinnately or palmately lobed; flowers numerous in a terminal panicle or corymb, small. ─── 多年生草本叶羽状的或成羽状或掌状浅裂;花多数在一顶生的圆锥花序或伞房花序,小。

38、The pinnate division of a pinna in a bipinnately compound leaf, or the ultimate divisions of a leaf which is more than twice pinnately compound. ─── 二回或二回以上羽状复叶的末级羽片。

39、The existence of start-up pressure gradient can make depressurization effect of pinnate horizontal multilateral well get worse,which promotes gas production reduced. ─── 启动压力梯度的存在会使煤层中羽状水平井的降压效果变差,从而减少煤层气的产量。

40、Stem apex can be used for preparing chromosomes of Dahlia pinnat a and Cestrum nocturnum; ─── 大丽菊、夜香树用茎尖;野迎春、垂柳用幼芽;

41、Intermediate between pinnate and palmate , as in a leaf with the first pair of veins larger and more distinctive than the others . ─── 羽状和掌状之间的中间类型,叶片的第一对脉比其它的脉大而明显。

42、The leaves are simple and alternate, appear like pinnate leaves;margins are entire. ─── 单叶互生,于一平面左右排列而看似羽状复叶,叶缘全缘;

43、Type genus of Cycadaceae: genus of widely distributed Old World evergreen tropical trees having pinnate leaves and columnar stems covered with persistent bases of old leaves. ─── 凤尾松科的模式属;广泛分布在旧大陆的一种热带树,具有羽状的叶子和被老叶子持久覆盖的筒形的树干。

44、any of numerous cycads of the genus Encephalartos having stout cylindrical trunks and a terminal crown of long often spiny pinnate leaves ─── 具有坚硬的圆柱形树干和多刺的羽状长叶尖端处的树冠的苏铁类植物

45、interruptedly pinnate ─── 参差羽状的

46、ornamental evergreen shrub of Pacific coast of North America having dark green pinnate leaves and racemes of yellow flowers followed by blue-black berries ─── 北美太平洋沿岸的装饰性常绿灌木,有深绿色的羽状的叶子和黄花的总状花序及蓝黑色的浆果

47、Basal leaves pinnate, palmate, or 3-foliolate; ─── 基生叶羽状,掌状,或者具3小叶;

48、Leaf blade long-ovate, pinnate, thinly coriaceous, abaxially strongly reticulate, white villous, margins dentate and slightly reflexed; ─── 叶片长卵形,羽状,薄革质,背面强烈网状,白色长柔毛,边缘具牙齿和稍反折;

49、Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, estipulate, veins mostly pinnate, sometimes palmate, margin usually entire, rarely lobed or denticulate. ─── 叶互生,很少对生,无托叶,多数羽状脉,有时掌状脉,边缘通常全缘,很少分裂的或者有小齿。

50、any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers; cultivated as ornamentals ─── 因加属的任何一种灌木或乔木,羽状复叶,花白色;因其观赏性而种植

51、a leaf shape; pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex ─── 一种叶子形状;在顶点有一单叶的羽状叶

52、Genus of chiefly tropical American shrubs and trees having pinnate leaves and red or white flowers. ─── 羽状叶子和红白花的主要在美国热带的灌木和乔木的属。

53、sterile lamina about 60 cm long and 20 cm wide, simply pinnate; ─── 不育叶片长约60厘米,宽20厘米,一回羽状;

54、Lamina simply pinnate, dimorphous: sterile lamina oblong, 15-20 cm long and 10 cm wide; ─── 叶片一次羽状分裂,二型:不育叶长圆形,长15-20厘米,宽约10厘米;

55、Slender, tilted trunk with ring marks, tree top the FuYe born great pinnate, forming a beautiful crown. ─── 树干细长,倾斜,具环痕,树顶著生巨大的羽状复叶,形成优美的树冠。

56、North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance - shaped fronds. ─── 具有羽状叶片和成群长矛状复叶的一种北美常绿蕨类。

57、simple pinnate compound leaf ─── 单出羽状复叶

58、any of numerous cycads of the genus Encephalartos having stout cylindrical trunks and a terminal crown of long often spiny pinnate leaves. ─── 具有坚硬的圆柱形树干和多刺的羽状长叶尖端处的树冠的苏铁类植物。

59、North American perennial with hairy basal pinnate leaves and purple flowers and plume-tipped fruits. ─── 北美洲的一种多年生植物,具有多毛的羽状基叶,紫色的花朵,果实顶端有宿存的羽毛状花柱。

60、The leaves are usually compound and pinnate, with stipules. ─── 叶子通常为具托叶的羽状复叶。

61、of a leaf shape; pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex ─── 一种叶子形状;在顶点有一对叶的羽状叶

62、Of a pinnate leaflet; having only one pair of leaflets . ─── 羽状复叶的一回羽状小叶。见小叶的插图。

63、tendrils bifurcate.Leaves bipinnate, or pinnate on upper branches, basal pinnae of bipinnate leaves usually 3-foliolate; ─── 卷须二叉二回羽状的叶,或在上部分枝羽状,基部二回羽状叶通常具3小叶的;

64、Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, leathery, margin entire, venation pinnate or palmately triplinerved. ─── 叶互生,具叶柄短,革质,边缘全缘,羽状脉或者掌状离基三出脉的。

65、Young branches tetragonous. Leaves opposite, shortly petiolate, leathery or thinly leathery, often shining, margin entire, venation pinnate. ─── 幼枝四棱对生的叶,短柄,革质或薄革质的,通常发亮,边缘全缘,羽状脉。

66、fast-growing sturdy Japanese fern; cultivated for their attractive broad dark-green pinnate fronds. ─── 一种成长迅速的坚韧日本蕨;长有宽大的墨绿色的羽状复叶。

67、leaves compound, opposite, consisting of three leaflets or sections (ternate), biternate or pinnate, the leaflets 3-9, acuminate at apex, coarsely serrate at margin; ─── 叶对生,2回3出叶或羽状复叶,小叶3-9,先端渐锐,叶缘粗锯齿;

68、North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance-shaped fronds. ─── 具有羽状叶片和成群长矛状复叶的一种北美常绿蕨类。

69、shrub or small tree having pinnate leaves poisonous to livestock and dense racemes of intensely fragrant blue flowers and red beans. ─── 一种灌木或小乔木,羽状叶,其蓝色花朵异常芳香,成浓密的总状花序,结红豆。

70、deciduous subshrub of southeastern Asia having pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers; a source of indigo dye ─── 东南亚的一种落叶半灌木,具有羽状叶和丛生的红色或紫色花;靛蓝染料的原料

71、a leaf shape; pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex. ─── 一种叶子形状;在顶点有一单叶的羽状叶。

72、genus of herbs found chiefly in north temperate regions having pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by bristly fruit. ─── 主要发现在北部温和地区长有羽状叶子黄花并结有刚毛的果实的草本的属。

73、Leaves all basal, simple, palmate, ternate, or pinnate, sometimes reduced and scalelike, rarely absent. ─── 叶全部基生,单,掌状,三出,或羽状的,有时退化和鳞片状,很少无。

74、large shrub or shrubby tree having sharp spines and pinnate leaves with small deciduous leaflets and sweet-scented racemose yellow-orange flowers; ─── 一种大灌木或灌木状树,羽状叶有脱落的小叶和尖刺,具有芳香的、橙黄色总状花序;

75、leaves alternate, 5-15 cm long, finely divided and pinnate to bi-pinnated; ─── 叶互生,5-15公分长,不规则一至二回羽状细裂,表面散生长毛;

76、abruptly pinnate ─── (拉abrupte pinnatus)偶数羽状的(指复叶)

77、leaf blade simple, margin entire, venation pinnate. ─── 叶柄短单叶,边缘全缘,羽状脉。

78、any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers; cultivated as ornamentals. ─── 因加属的任何一种灌木或乔木,羽状复叶,花白色;因其观赏性而种植。

79、pinnate horizontal multilateral well ─── 地面羽状井

80、of a pinnate leaflet; having only one pair of leaflets. ─── 只有一对叶子的羽状叶。

81、Leaves 1-2-ternate or pinnate, ovate-triangular or triangular-ovate, 6-10 cm long, 2.5-4 cm wide, margin irregular coarsely toothed; petioles c. 10 cm long, sheathed. ─── 叶1至2回三出式分裂或羽状深裂,卵状三角形或三角状卵形,长6-10厘米,宽2.5-4厘米,边缘具不规则粗锯齿;叶柄长约10厘米,具鞘。

82、Leaves are usually pinnate or palmate, and differ enormously in size at maturity, sometimes reaching a length of about 25 m. ─── 叶片多为羽状或掌状,成熟时大小变化大,有时长达25公尺,在叶柄与叶片交接触多有突起。

83、Upper leaves smaller, sessile, pinnate, pinnae lanceolate. ─── 上部叶片小,无梗,羽状,羽片。

84、relating to a pinnate leaf with two pairs of leaflets ─── 具二对小叶的,二对的与两对嫩叶的羽状叶有关的

85、of a pinnate leaflet; having only one pair of leaflets ─── 只有一对叶子的羽状叶

86、Leaves ternate with simple ,ternate or pinnate leaflets . ─── 单叶,二回三出复叶。

87、evergreen Asiatic tree having glossy pinnate leaves and racemose creamy-white scented flowers; used as a shade tree. ─── 亚洲的一种常绿树,有光亮的羽状叶片和总状的乳白色有香味的花;作为一种绿荫树。

88、North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance-shaped fronds ─── 具有羽状叶片和成群长矛状复叶的一种北美常绿蕨类

89、ornamental evergreen shrub of Pacific coast of North America having dark green pinnate leaves and racemes of yellow flowers followed by blue-black berries. ─── 北美太平洋沿岸的装饰性常绿灌木,有深绿色的羽状的叶子和黄花的总状花序及蓝黑色的浆果。

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