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beryllium 发音

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beryllium 网络释义

n. [化学] 铍(符号Be)

beryllium 词性/词形变化,beryllium变形

简写符号: Be |

beryllium 短语词组

1、beryllium hydroxide ─── [机] 氢氧化铍

2、beryllium copper ─── [机] 铍铜

3、beryllium bronze ─── [机] 铍青铜

4、beryllium nitride ─── [机] 二氮化三铍

5、beryllium bromide ─── [机] 溴化铍

6、beryllium methide ─── [机] 二甲铍

7、beryllium iodide ─── [机] 碘化铍

8、beryllium ethide ─── [化] 二乙铍

9、beryllium acetylacetonate ─── [化] 乙酰丙酮合铍

10、beryllium ethyl ─── [机] 二乙铍

11、beryllium hydrophosphate ─── [机] 磷酸氢铍

12、beryllium nitrate ─── [机] 硝酸铍

13、beryllium ammonium phosphate ─── [化] 磷酸铍铵

14、beryllium fluoride ─── [机] 氟化铍

15、beryllium carbonate ─── [化] 碳酸铍

16、beryllium bluoride ─── [机] 氟化铍

17、beryllium chloride ─── [化] 氯化铍

18、beryllium methyl ─── [机] 二甲铍

19、beryllium chlorate ─── [机] 氯酸铍

beryllium 常用词组

beryllium copper ─── 铍铜,铍铜合金

beryllium bronze ─── n. 铍青铜

beryllium oxide ─── 氧化铍

beryllium 相似词语短语

1、eryngium ─── 刺芹属

2、beryllia ─── n.[无化]氧化铍

3、bdellium ─── n.芳香树胶;没药树脂;没药属;宝石

4、trillium ─── n.[植]延龄草;延龄草属植物

5、bretylium ─── 溴苄胺

6、psyllium ─── n.车前草,亚麻籽车前

7、beryline ─── 绿柱石

8、bisellium ─── n.古罗马荣誉双人席

9、berkelium ─── n.[化学]锫(放射性元素,符号Bk,原子序为97)

beryllium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract: The effect of aging treatment on residual resistance ration of pure beryllium was studied by the use of electric potential approach. ─── 摘 要: 运用电位方法测量纯金属铍剩余电阻比,研究了时效处理制度对金属铍的剩余电阻比的影响。

2、The effects of preheating on temperature and stress fields of beryllium ring during laser brazing process were studied. ─── 研究预热对铍环激光束钎焊过程温度场和应力场分布的影响。

3、But ignorance and misinformation about the health hazards of beryllium die hard. ─── 关于健康的破坏物铍的无知和误传是很顽固的。

4、There are such defects as furnace oxidation,beading,brittle fracture,distortion,unstable properties and so forth on commonly aged beryllium bronze. ─── 铍青铜经常规时效处理后存在表面氧化、起泡、脆断、畸变和性能不稳定等缺陷。

5、Parts in contact with liquid in pipe are of brass and beryllium copper. ─── 在管道内与流体接触的部件是黄铜和铍铜合金。

6、Beryllium element occurs in sericitization-kaolinization syenogranite as bertrandite single ore, and distributes in sericite as seperated type occurrence. ─── 铍元素以羟硅铍石单矿物赋存于绢云母化高岭土化正长花岗岩中,其次呈分散状态分布于绢云母中。

7、The castability of two kinds of titanium containing NCT1 and titanium free(NC1)nickle based ceramometal alloys without beryllium was investigated. ─── 报告了最近研制的牙科无铍、含钛的镍基烤瓷合金(NCT1)和无铍、不含钛的镍基烤瓷合金(NC1)的可铸造性。

8、He had never expected that working around "a little beryllium" would someday destroy his lungs. ─── 他从来没有想过,在“一点儿铍”的边上工作,有一天会毁了他的肺。

9、Cadmium and cadmium oxide in thick film pastes used on beryllium oxide substrates. ─── 在铍氧化物基体上使用的厚膜胶中的镉和镉的氧化物。

10、Beryllium difluoride is very soluble in water, unlike the other alkaline earths. ─── 铍二氟化物极易溶于水,与其它碱土不同。

11、Datuanliujia beryllium deposit in Rongcheng city occurs in Mesozoic syenogranite which is controlled by tension and contorted fault with the trend of NW. ─── 荣成市大疃刘家铍矿床赋存于中生代正长花岗岩中,受北西向张扭性断裂控制。

12、Beryl is a beryllium-aluminum silicate, and its color comes from small amounts of chromium. ─── 绿宝石其实是一种铍铝硅酸盐,而它的颜色则来自于微量的铬元素。

13、On the basis of analysis of solid rotor distortion in ESG, beryllium can be recognized as the best material for the rotor of ESG. ─── 通过对实心转子静电陀螺仪的转子变形进行分析,确定了铍材是作为静电陀螺仪转子的最佳材料.

14、After adding 0.3% beryllium, the oxidation resistance of the liquid magnesium alloy Mg 9Al 0.5Zn was enhanced greatly and it even can be melted exposing to air. ─── 在Mg 9Al 0 .5Zn合金中添加 0 .3%铍 ,镁合金液抗氧化性能得到极大提高 ,可以直接暴露在大气中熔炼。

15、This kind of alloy can be used as substitute for beryllium bronze to produce explosion-preventive alloy and electric equipment elements. ─── 指出该合金可用于代替铍青铜生产防爆合金及电器弹性元件。

16、Conclusion The gilding treatment can decrease the quantity of beryllium ion which released from Ti porcelain crown, and improve the biocompatibility. ─── 结论含钛合金烤瓷全冠表面镀金处理能降低铍离子的析出量,从而提高含钛合金烤瓷全冠的生物相容性。

17、Because of the rather large penetrate depth of X-rays into beryllium, that effect on X-ray stress constant measurement must... ─── 由于X射线对铍有较大的穿透深度,必须考虑X射线穿透深度对应力常数标定的影响。

18、The supplied paddle is made of beryllium copper and superior to stainless steel in the area of flex memory, tensile strength and corrosion resistance. ─── 所提供的开关叶片采用铍铜合金制造,铍铜合金在弯曲记忆区域、抗张强度和耐腐蚀等指标均优于不锈钢。

19、A natural beryllium silicate, Be2SiO4, occurring as vitreous crystals sometimes used as gems. ─── 硅铍石一种天然铍硅酸脂,Be2SiO4,以玻璃晶体出现,有时用作宝石

20、Once inhaled, beryllium is like a time bomb in the body. ─── 一旦人体吸入这些物质,铍就象在身体里的定时炸弹。

21、Examples where lower limit values have recently been proposed include wood dust, respirable silica, and beryllium. ─── 例如木材灰、可呼吸性二氧化矽和铍为最近被提出具较低阈值的例子。

22、Amorphous beryllium hydride,as ablator,can increase conversion from laser to X-rays. ─── 非晶BeH2材料作为烧蚀层,掺入高Z元素后可以提高激光-X光的转换效率。

23、The concentration of cosmogenic nuclides, such as beryllium 10 and aluminum 26, in surface samples is proportional to the elapsed time since exposure.My M.I. ─── 由地表取得的样本中,宇宙源核种(例如铍10与铝26)的累积,与岩石露出地表的时间长短有关。

24、There is agreement in the medical research community that current Occupational Safety &Health Administration permissible exposure limits fail to protect workers from beryllium. ─── 医学研究社团一致认为,职业安全和健康管理部门现在所允许的暴露限制条件,不能够保护工人免受铍的危害。

25、The review ofour work includes: ion implanted contact, ion beam sputtering diposition hardfilm on beryllium and lubricate film on steel and so on. ─── 即离子注入、子束混合、种离子束淀积等技术的研究和应用。

26、The method has been used for the determination of trace beryllium in osmotic water and sediment. ─── 利用抗坏血酸的增感作用直接测定了渗透水和水系沉积物中的痕量铍。

27、Isotopes of carbon in tree rings and beryllium in ice cores show a drop-off in solar radiation during much of the period. ─── 树木年轮的碳同位素和冰核中钚同位素的检测都显示出在上述阶段的大多数时间内太阳辐射能量出现下降。

28、Extended view of Usher beryllium tweeter More than any other audio component, the loudspeaker comes in a variety of sizes, shapes, radiation patterns, and driver technologies. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

29、Workers who breathed beryllium dust even for a few days carry a lifelong risk of developing sensitization to the metal and disease. ─── 工人吸入铍粉尘即使只有几天,便会带有终身的发病风险,这些可能产生对该金属的过敏反应和发病。

30、Toxicity problem in manufacturing and storage might be alleviated by coating beryllium with aluminum. ─── 但如果用铝包覆铍,则可避免加工过程中及储存期间的中毒问题。

31、Microgram for microgram, beryllium is one of the most toxic elements on the periodic table. ─── 一微克,又是一微克,铍是周期表上最有毒的元素之一。

32、These are X-ray camera units comprised of an X-ray image intensifier and a CCD camera. The X-ray input window is made of aluminum or beryllium. ─── 这些X射线相机设备是由一台X射线图像增强器和一台CCD相机构成的。其中,X射线入射窗的窗材是铝或铍。

33、Uses: Alloyed with copper, aluminum, or nickel, beryllium imparts excellent electrical and thermal conductivities. ─── 用途:和铜、铝或镍形成合金。铍给予合金极高的电学和热学传导性质。

34、Beryllium has been widely used in aeronautics and astronautics, electron industry and national defense industry. ─── 铍及铍合金在航空航天、电子工业和国防工业等方面应用十分广泛。

35、Parts in contact with liquid in pipe are of brass and beryllium copper. Flow switch installs in tee in horizontal or vertical piping. ─── 在管道内与流体接触的部件是黄铜和铍铜合金。流量开关以三通管方式安装在水平或垂直管道上。

36、The alloy constitution,property and application in automotive industry of beryllium copper are introduced. ─── 介绍了铍铜的合金成分和性能以及在汽车工业中的应用。

37、We should stop using beryllium whenever possible. ─── 我们只要可能,就应该停止用铍。

38、Made of light-weight beryllium, the mirror is covered in gold, and divided intoeighteen18 linked parts. ─── 光-重量铍制造,镜子在黄金中被复盖,而且区分为18个被联编的部份。

39、We have learned that strict control of beryllium use in the workplace can reduce health risk, but that the best choice is to select safer substitute materials. ─── 我们学会了,在工作空间严格控制铍的使用,就能减少对健康的危害,但是最好的选择是选择更安全的替代金属。

40、Beryllium copper gaskets are expensive and require even more added expense for platings to protect from corrosion. In addition, they lack good environmental sealing options. ─── 铍铜片材垫圈较为昂贵,并且要求表面防腐蚀的电镀层价格不匪。同时,缺少对环境的密封效果。

41、The effect of aging treatment on residual resistance ration of pure beryllium was studied by the use of electric potential approach. ─── 运用电位方法测量纯金属铍剩余电阻比,研究了时效处理制度对金属铍的剩余电阻比的影响。

42、However the toxic properties of beryllium limit its application. ─── 然而铍的毒性限制了它的作用。

43、Isotopes of aluminum, beryllium, carbon(carbon-14), chlorine, iodine and neon, are also formed through cosmic ray spallation. ─── 铝、铍、碳(碳-14)、氯、碘和氖的同位素都可以经由宇宙射线散裂产生。

44、Fortunately, not everyone's immune system will overreact to beryllium. ─── 幸运的是,不是所有人的免疫系统都对铍反应过度。

45、The new method has been applied to the direct determination of beryllium in geological samples of beryl, hsianghualite (raw ore) etc. with satisfactory results. ─── 方法选择性好,用于绿柱石、香花石等地质试样中铍的直接测定,结果满意。

46、Beryllium fluoride borate,Be_2(BO_3)F belonging to space group C2 is built up with BO_3 planar triangle group and BeO_3F tetrahedral group. ─── 氟硼酸铍(Be2(BO3)F,简写为BBF),属单斜晶系,空间群为C2。 该化合物含有BO3平面三角形基团。

47、We have well-validated blood and lung tests for diagnosing chronic beryllium disease with great accuracy. ─── 我们有了很有效的、诊断慢性铍中毒的血检和肺检方法,这些方法有非常准确。

48、Through analyzing the characteristic of the hollow rotor in ESG, it concludes that beryllium is the only material that can be used as the material of the hollow rotor. ─── 通过对静电陀螺仪空心转子的功能特性分析,确认铍材是用作空心转子材料的唯一选择。

49、Microgram for microgram, beryllium is one of the most toxic elements on the periodic table. ─── 一微克,又是一微克,铍是周期表上最有毒的元素之一。

50、The acute symptoms of contact of beryllium with the mucous membrane of the eye and upper respiratory tract include itch, and rhinorrhea. ─── 眼睛粘膜和上呼吸道粘膜若接触铍,其急性症状是发痒、灼烧和流鼻涕。

51、Nonmetallic mineral resources and rocks such as beryllium, mica, lithium, clays, pumice, and scoria also occur in arid regions. ─── 非金属矿资源和岩石如铍,云母,锂,粘土,轻石和铁渣也在干旱地区出现。

52、Slotin instinctively jerked his left hand upward, lifting the upper beryllium hemisphere and dropping it to the floor, ending the reaction. ─── 斯洛廷本能地颤动了他的左手上部分,从而抬高了铍的上半球并把它掉到了地上,因此结束了反应。

53、Seventy years after the discovery that beryllium dust causes disease, the depth of this epidemic is unplumbed, probably involving more than a million exposed workers. ─── 发现铍粉尘致病七十年后,该流行病的深度无法估量,可能包括超过一百万接触过铍的工人。

54、Abstract: Burn-out of a microwave power device due to the poor bonding between beryllium oxide and base metal sink was investigated using Sound Seanning technique. ─── 摘要:利用声学扫描检测技术,揭示了热烧毁的微波功率器件氧化铍陶瓷基片与底座金属散热片的焊接不良现象;

55、The erosion of a divertor target of beryllium in a fusion reactor is discussed. ─── 讨论了偏滤器铍靶在聚变堆工况下的腐蚀问题。

56、Beryllium is one of the strongest of the light metals.Beryllium is a material,which has good physical and mechanical properties,particularly its best nuclear properties. ─── 铍是一种性能较为特殊的材料,它的某些性能特别是核性能和物理性能是其它任何金属材料所不能替代的。

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