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08-14 投稿


streamer 发音

英:['stri?m?]  美:['strim?]

英:  美:

streamer 中文意思翻译



streamer 网络释义

n. 彩色纸带;饰带;长旗;横幅n. (Streamer)人名;(英)斯特里默

streamer 词性/词形变化,streamer变形

动词第三人称单数: streams |动词过去式: streamed |形容词: streamy |动词过去分词: streamed |动词现在分词: streaming |

streamer 短语词组

1、pilot streamer ─── 导闪流;先 ─── 导闪流;[地物] ─── 导航流光

2、double pocket streamer ─── 双口袋拖缆

3、lady streamer ─── 女士拖缆

4、big streamer ─── 大拖缆

5、offline music streamer ─── 脱机音乐拖缆

6、recoil streamer ─── [电] 回跳电子流

7、conical streamer ─── 锥形风标

8、streamer fly ─── [钓鱼](人造)蝇饵

9、data streamer for excel excel ─── 数据流

10、streamer dedicated budget ─── 拖缆专用预算

11、life streamer ─── 救生拖缆

12、Streamer-tailed Tyrant ─── 流尾暴君

13、music streamer ─── 音乐拖缆

14、city streamer ─── 城市拖缆

15、streamer breakdown ─── [电] 流体崩溃

16、dj streamer dj ─── 拖缆

17、korean streamer ─── 韩国拖缆

18、data streamer ─── 数据流

19、streamer mode ─── 拖缆模式

streamer 相似词语短语

1、streakers ─── n.裸跑者(1970年代出现);n.(Streaker)人名;(英)斯特里克

2、screamer ─── n.尖声叫喊的人;令人惊叹的事;惊叹符号;耸人听闻的标题

3、streamered ─── 流式

4、steamer ─── n.轮船;蒸汽机;蒸笼

5、streaker ─── n.裸跑者(1970年代出现);n.(Streaker)人名;(英)斯特里克

6、streamier ─── adj.多河流的;流水般的;发出光线的(streamy的变形)

7、streamed ─── n.溪流;流动;潮流;光线;(数据)流;vi.流;涌进;飘扬;vt.流出;涌出;使飘动

8、streakier ─── adj.更有条纹的;(非正式)更不均匀的;(非正式)更不可靠的

9、streamers ─── n.水流纹(因显影搅动不正常而产生的不平均显影结果);飘带;燕尾服(streamer的复数形式)

streamer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、GINI media streamer is a lightweight, mainly and managing / Shoutcast-compatible streaming server broadcasting for Ogg Vorbis, MP3, AVI, ASF / WMV, QuickTime and RealMedia format. ─── GINI media streamer是一个轻便的,主要是Icecast/Shoutcast 兼容流服务器,用于广播 Ogg Vorbis, MP3, AVI, ASF/WMV, QuickTime, 和RealMedia格式文件。

2、pilot streamer ─── 导航流光

3、Streamer, one kind of flage being used by Buddhism, using for statedly Buddhism ceremony. ─── 幡,是佛教所用的旌旗,是用以供养菩萨、庄严道场的道具。

4、After the sun has inplace, looked up, eyes Miqi streamer, I will smell the fragrance of your unique body, and then raised mouth. ─── 在有阳光经过的地方,仰起头,眯起眼睛看流光,我会闻到你身上独有的清香,然后扬起嘴角。

5、tape streamer ─── n. 磁带旗帜,将资料转换成备份磁带而设计的标志

6、It allows fully-braced positioning networks and streamer steering including multi vessel support for undershooting and wide azimuth techniques. ─── 此系统完全支持定位网络,电缆方向,包括支持多船作业和广角技术。

7、Increasing O2 volume fraction can improve the development of streamer and heighten the discharge current, which is helpful to increase NO removal rate and NO conversion rate into NO2. ─── 提高O2体积分数能够促进流光电晕的发展,增大放电电流,从而提高NO的脱除率以及NO向NO2的转化率。

8、A narrow forked flag or streamer attached to a staff or lance or flown from a ship's masthead. ─── 小旗,燕尾旗连接到一根杆或矛上的或挂在船桅杆上的窄的叉形旗或三角旗

9、streamer chamber ─── 冲烈

10、Keywords streamer corona discharge;catalyst;toluene removal; ─── 流光放电;催化;甲苯;

11、A streamer was going along at full speed, when it suddenly got into shallow water and ran aground. ─── 一条轮船正在全速前进,突然一下子驶入浅水而触礁了。

12、The first pulse of pulse bursts is due to the initial streamer in the liquid phase,and all subsequent pulses will be the PD pulse responses in the growing bubble. ─── 油中局部放电表现为一系列离散的脉冲序列形式,脉冲序列中的首脉冲是液相中发生电荷注入产生的,随后的脉冲则是由于液相中电荷注入产生的气泡所引发的气泡放电导致。

13、Streamer: The hoodlum long live! ─── 横批:光棍万岁!

14、leader streamer ─── 先导闪流

15、recoil streamer ─── 反冲电子流

16、”In fact , there were merely four flags .The performers ’dance and action, fluttering streamer and tail feather and magnificent helmet and costume filled the foreign guest with illusion . ─── 实则靠旗只有四面,因为在演员的舞蹈动作中,飘带、翎尾飞扬,以及华丽的盔头、服饰、使外宾产生五彩缤纷的神秘感觉。

17、polar streamer ─── 极辐射线

18、A numerical simulation study on the mechanism of interaction between CME and helmet streamer ─── CME和冕流结构相互作用机制的数值模拟研究

19、plastic streamer tube ─── 塑料射束管

20、Development, Deployment and Measurement of Streamer Sediment Trap ─── 旌式泥沙捕获器的研制和施测

21、Especially young fellow Han Xinyun/a Xu streamer, is in the semi-final, eliminated Zheng clean/Yan Zi, Tanasugan/Xie Dong to combine, pushes onward the finals. ─── 尤其是小将韩馨蕴/徐一幡,更是在半决赛中,淘汰了郑洁/晏紫、塔纳苏干/谢弗冬娜组合,挺进决赛。

22、Keywords Discharge in water;Active species;Streamer discharge;Spark discharge;Transition; ─── 水中放电;活性粒子;流注放电;火花放电;转变;

23、Low-grade equipment magnificent streamer also be able to attract players, allow themselves to be focusing much of the characters. ─── 低等级装备华丽的流光同样也能吸引玩家,让自己成为万众聚焦的人物。

24、Influence of a Streamer Background With Nested Close Magnetic Structures on the Properties of CME Initiated From Its Bottom ─── 嵌套闭磁场日冕背景结构对触发CME特征的影响

25、A small pennon, flag, or streamer borne on a lance. ─── 小三角旗一种小的三角旗、旗或骑士矛上的尖旗

26、seismic streamer cable ─── 地震等浮电缆

27、Two American scientists were using this seal hole to fish with a metal net and a long streamer net designed to catch plankton. ─── 两位美国科学家正在利用这个海豹钻出的洞进行捕鱼,工具是用来捕捞浮游生物的金属网和长幅网。

28、seismic streamer tracking system ─── 地震等浮电缆跟踪系统

29、Along the bottom streamer, star-hop from Alpheratz to the star Mirach.Draw a line from Mirach through the upper streamer star, and go twice the distance.You've just located the Andromeda galaxy! ─── 沿着下边一条飘带,从壁宿出发跃至奎宿九星,再从奎宿九星画一条线穿过正对上一条飘带的星星,再延长至其一倍的距离,这样,你就标出了仙女座星系的位置。

30、Hand beaded and embroidered bodice and hem, seamist satin ribbon with bow, streamer, and brooch detail. ─── 我想拥有它,因为: Vanilla silk duchess satin A-line gown with a softly scooped strapless neckline.

31、streamer mode ─── 气流方式

32、Streamer channel ─── 放电通道

33、Design of DCS of Streamer Discharge FGD Power supply ─── 流光放电烟气脱硫电源集散系统的设计

34、Keywords streamer corona;ammonia FGD;AC/DC superposition source;sulfite oxidation;plasma induced oxidation; ─── 流光放电;氨法烟气脱硫;AC/DC叠加电源;亚硫酸铵氧化;等离子体氧化;

35、a paper streamer ─── 五彩纸带(开船时送别用)

36、Have three defensive skills to the study, streamer body care, improve their physical and magic defense power. ─── 有3项防御技能是要学习的,流光护体,提高自己的物理和法术防御力。

37、The streamer discharges in water originate from the appearance of micro bubbles formed by the intensified electric field and the partial discharges in the dielectric coating. ─── 介质涂覆中局部电场的增强和微小缺陷的局部放电在水中形成气泡是水中流注放电起始的根本原因。

38、return streamer ─── 回返闪流

39、Streamer bit harsh foolproof 3 replacement perfect replacement bit harsh Spain 3 replacement replacement ribbons Spain has been tested. ─── (译):流光位严厉万无一失3更换完美替代位严厉的西班牙3更换更换色带西班牙进行了测试。

40、Numerical Simulation of CME Initiation and Propagation From a Streamer Containing Nested Close Magnetic Field Structures ─── 嵌套闭磁场结构内CME产生和传播的数值模拟

41、Greatwall Gold Streamer Red Wine ─── 华夏长城金飘带干红葡萄酒

42、Untrue space to each other ormiss the true or false, the elimination of the streamer in a dream. ─── 不真实的空间,给了彼此或真或假的想念,消于流光的梦。

43、Keywords Streamer corona;Non-thermal plasma;Flue gas desulfurization;Ammonium sulfite oxidation;AC/DC power supply; ─── 流光放电;非热等离子体;烟气脱硫;亚硫酸铵氧化;交直流叠加电源;

44、coronal streamer and polar plume ─── 冕流和极羽

45、Land streamer aided, seismic diving wave tomography at an archaeological site, Saqqara, ─── 埃及塞加拉考古现场陆地半自动电缆地震弓形波层析成像

46、streamer signal ─── 流光信号

47、Streamer corona ─── 流光放电

48、8Hama H, Inami K et al. Streamer to leader transition of surface discharges under impulse voltages in SF6 gas. 8th ISH, Yokohama,34-01,1993 ─── 9王中方.快速振荡冲击电压下SF6气体间隙及绝缘子沿面放电特性,硕士学位论文.绵阳:绵阳交通大学,1999

49、MLB ranks as the largest streamer of live media of any US media group, and draws 8m-10m visitors to its site each day. ─── 在所有美国媒体集团中,MLB都是排名首位的实况流媒体提供商,其网站每天能吸引800万到1000万访客。

50、The current Apple TV box is really just a media streamer with hardly any storage to speak of. ─── 目前苹果电视盒几乎不包含任何存储设备,是一个真正的“流媒体播放器”。

51、Banner headline;(also streamer) large newspaper headline,often printed across a whole page ─── (报纸的)大标题(常为通栏的).

52、In order to produce stable and intensive streamer corona, the O2 volume fraction in the flue gas should not be lower than 5%. ─── 为了产生稳定而强烈的流光电晕,烟气中O2体积分数不应小于5%。

53、coronal streamer ─── 冕流

54、prominence streamer ─── 日珥射流

55、A companion helped him to disentangle himself, and as he pulled the gold streamer loose his whiskery face creased in a broad grin. ─── 他的一个同伴帮他一起将缎带从眼睛上移开,当他捏着这条金色的彩带,把它移到一边的时候,他那满是胡须的脸上,露出了灿烂的笑容。

56、He took up many posts and official titles while he was alive, which were all written on the funeral streamer when he died. ─── 他生前有很多职务、官衔,去世后都写在了铭旌上。

57、Keep as much line off the water as possible by raising the rod tip and stripping in line as the streamer drifts towards you. ─── 当饰带毛勾向钓手位置漂流时,尽可能提高竿尖及收丝使飞蝇线离开水面。

58、When towing a streamer a seismic ship must avoid stopping, making sharp turns. ─── 当船拖曳拖缆时,应避免停驶,不作急转弯。

59、Research on Variation of Positive DC Corona Streamer Characteristics with Air Pressure and Humidity ─── 正直流电晕流注脉冲特性随气压湿度变化的研究

60、I slipped the ancient city, large areas of the fine structure of the tile roof, triangular and ramps, in the dim light rain, a wet Changzhangduanduan the streamer. ─── 古城一溜,结构了大片的细瓦屋顶,三角和斜面,朦胧在微雨里,湿着长长短短的流光。

61、been captured in running the blockade. ─── 在偷越封锁线时被截获。

62、A huge streamer is hung below the eaves of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Imperial Palace. ─── 太合殿房檐下悬挂着一块巨大的横额。

63、Low-grade equipment magnificent streamer also be able to attract players, allow themselves to be focusing much of the characters. ─── 低等级装备华丽的流光同样也能吸引玩家,让自己成为万众聚焦的人物。

64、Streamer more of his light. ─── 更显他的流光异彩。

65、At this moment, if you are on my side, this long night is just a fleeting streamer. ─── 此时此刻,你若在我的身边,这漫漫长夜也只不过是转眼即逝的流光。

66、ground streamer ─── 地面流光

67、"Couplet inscribed in the column:" pet since the days of Antarctic Streamer Shanghai-Kok Kang, Taiwan by Yiu-Chung River Jisheng Okazaki Mausoleum. ─── 中柱对联刻:"宠自天申南极流光齐角亢,荣增台耀西河纪盛颂冈陵"。

68、The residue upward streamer incepted from the surface of conductors which is fail to hit and the primary discharge can be observed at the same time. ─── 依据试验现象,定性分析了标称电场对绕击特性的影响机理;

69、Seminar/meeting room rental fee and basic set-up (including the streamer); ─── 座谈会场地租金及基本布置(包括横幅);

70、streamer tape ─── 数据流磁带

71、Worn around the neck, the Streamer acts as an interface for Bluetooth enabled phones and digital audio players. ─── 环绕在颈部,Streamer像是蓝牙耳机和数字音频播放器的接口。

72、SeaPro Nav is fully integrated with Sercel Binning System (SeaPro Bin) and Acoustic Range Measurement and Streamer Control System (Nautilus). ─── SeaPro Nav综合导航系统可与Sercel Binning系统(SeaPro Bin),声学范围测量以及电缆控制系统(Nautilus)完全集成。

73、Streamer all the sweat and exhausted all efforts to stop Do not let the body. ─── 流光所有汗水,用尽所有力气,别让身体停下。

74、Streamer on WIN9X, WINNT, WIN2000 the loopholes can detect, many make it a must-have tools for hacking the hands of one of a number of experienced hackers have also increase its favor. ─── 流光对WIN9X、WINNT、WIN2000上的漏洞都可以探测,使它成为许多黑客手中的必备工具之一,一些资深黑客也对它青睐有加。

75、The transition form streamer discharge to spark discharge was directly dependent on the magnitude of oxygen gas flow rate and detected by the light intensity of H. ─── 实验表明放电形式对各种活性粒子的产率有明显的影响,而气体流量的大小直接决定放电形式的转变,其中氢原子发射光谱强度的变化可以直接表示这种转变。

76、A friend of mine was so lucky to buy a vase which had thin neck and fat belly, blue and white cailco,streamer and spilling color from the auction market. ─── 一个朋友在拍卖会上有幸购得一个花瓶,花瓶细颈大肚,碎花蓝白调子,流光溢彩。

77、Keywords Streamer discharge Decontaminate air Benzene Decompose; ─── 流光放电;空气净化;苯分解;

78、streamer discharge in water ─── 水中流注放电

79、One dark streamer is created during each pass of Prometheus through the F-ring that it shepherds. ─── 一条暗条纹是在每次土卫十六飞过f环时产生的。

80、Can be seen from the financial to earn, but also reasonable and not financial management, and also earning streamer. ─── 可见,财要挣,更要理,不会理财,再能挣也会流光。

81、A big streamer hung from the top of the building ─── 一幅大标语从建筑屋顶上垂挂下来。

82、Like a ribbon trailing from a parade float, a streamer of hydrogen gas seems to waft across the stars in an image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. ─── 在这张由哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的照片里,一条氢气带就像是从一辆游行花车上垂下来的丝带一般,飘荡在星辰中。

83、seismic recording streamer ─── 地震记录等浮电缆

84、streamer tape device ─── 数据流磁带机

85、External triggering uses a high voltage trigger pulse to create a thin ionized streamer between the anode and cathode within the lamp. ─── 外部触发使用高压触发脉冲在闪光灯的阳极和阴极之间产生一个较稀薄的电离流!

86、This is a sad but unforgettable, with the increasingly grim streamer, only waiting for him to come to the next dilution. ─── 只是这种伤感是刻骨铭心的,随着流光日益凝重,只等着下一个他来稀释。

87、Finally, based on calculating the protective range of lightning rod, the importance of using early streamer emission lightning rod in important project was explained. ─── 最后通过避雷针保护范围的计算,说明了在重要工程中采用提前放电式避雷针的重要意义。

88、If sharks are attracted to areas outside the Streamer also coupled with a layer of polyethylene sheath. ─── 在有鲨鱼出没的地区,在海缆外面还要再加一层聚乙烯护套。

89、A pencil-like streamer of gas shoots out in both directions from the pillar and plows into surrounding gas like a fire hose hitting a wall of sand. ─── 一个铅笔状的气体流从柱体两端射出一头扎入周围的气体中,就像用消防水龙喷一堵沙墙。



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