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08-14 投稿


axunge 发音

英:[?k?s?nd?]  美:[?k?s?nd?]

英:  美:

axunge 中文意思翻译



axunge 相似词语短语

1、blunge ─── v.掺水拌(泥土等);(制陶时)把(粘土等)与水搅合

2、lounge ─── n.休息室;闲逛;躺椅;(英)酒吧间;vi.闲逛;懒洋洋地躺卧;闲混;vt.虚度光阴

3、gunge ─── n.油腻物;脏得让人讨厌的黏性物

4、grunge ─── n.蹩脚货;乏味的东西;难看的东西;n.邋遢文化;颓废文化

5、-lunge ─── v.猛冲,猛扑;刺,戳;用驯马索训练;n.猛冲,猛扑;(击剑中)弓箭步(刺);驯马索;北美狗鱼;n.(Lunge)(美、印)隆格(人名)

6、lunge ─── v.猛冲,猛扑;刺,戳;用驯马索训练;n.猛冲,猛扑;(击剑中)弓箭步(刺);驯马索;北美狗鱼;n.(Lunge)(美、印)隆格(人名)

7、avenge ─── vt.替…报仇;vi.报复,报仇

8、emunge ─── 之前

9、expunge ─── vt.擦去;删掉

axunge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study on the holding axunge effect of complex emulsifier in meat product ─── 肉制品复合乳化剂保油效果的研究

2、It is found that the pod of the seeds of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. contains tannins, alkaloids, organic acid, carbohydrates,and axunge. ─── 结果表明,皂荚中含有鞣质、酚性物质、生物碱、有机酸、糖类、油脂等物质。

3、It is found that the pod of the seeds of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. contains tannins, alkaloids, organic acid, carbohydrates, and axunge. ─── 结果表明,皂荚中含有鞣质、酚性物质、生物碱、有机酸、糖类、油脂等物质。

4、System pre-examination showed that the pod contained chemical components such as saponin, tannins, protein, alkaloids, organic acid, carbohydrates, and axunge. ─── 荚果化学成分系统预试表明荚果里含有三萜皂甙、鞣质、蛋白质、酚性成分、生物碱、有机酸、糖类、油脂等物质;

5、Like milk, egg is reputed to be a type of full nutritional food.It is very popular in western and estern families.Egg has plenty of protein, axunge and amino acid, also has vitamin and mineral. ─── 鸡蛋富含营养价值高的蛋白质、脂质,也是维生素和矿物质的良好来源,特别是其中的蛋白质人体吸收率达99.7%,且必需氨基酸十分丰富。

6、Wash the down which has been washed and divided in order to delete the smelly smell and the axunge. ─── 用于将经过除灰或精分过的羽绒进行洗涤,以去除含在羽绒中的油脂和异味。

7、Applications: Widely used as an antioxidant and preservative in axunge series, frozen meat, fried food to prevent them from deterioration. ─── 用 途:该产品广泛用于油脂系列产品,低温肉食类食品,油炸食品等作为抗氧化剂和防腐剂。

8、It continuously consolidates its current strategic position as fertilizer and axunge chemical base with adjusting and optimizing product and industrial structure and fully using its scale advantage. ─── 继续巩固公司现有化肥和油脂化工两大“基地”的战略地位。

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