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pedicel 发音

英:[?ped?sl]  美:[?ped??sel]

英:  美:

pedicel 中文意思翻译



pedicel 词性/词形变化,pedicel变形

形容词: pedicellar |

pedicel 短语词组

1、Pedicel (botany) ─── 花梗(植物学)

2、Pedicel (spider) ─── 花梗(蜘蛛)

pedicel 相似词语短语

1、medical ─── adj.医学的;药的;内科的;n.医生;体格检查

2、radicel ─── n.胚根;小根

3、pencel ─── n.狭旗;小燕尾旗

4、pedicels ─── n.花梗;[解剖]茎;肉茎

5、pedicab ─── n.三轮车

6、pediculi ─── 足梗

7、pedocal ─── n.钙层土

8、pedicle ─── n.蒂;[动]肉茎;花梗

9、pedicles ─── n.蒂;[动]肉茎;花梗

pedicel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(3)the approach of overturn of the bone flap of anterior wall of maxillary sinus with pedicel. ─── (3)上颌窦前壁带蒂骨瓣翻揭径路 ,分别为 2 0例、5例和 5例。

2、Abaxial surface of calyx pubescent and with sparse, minute prickles; pedicel pubescent, glandular, with sparse, minute prickles. ─── 背面青春期的花萼并且稀的具,小皮刺;花梗短柔毛,腺,有稀少,微小刺。

3、Inflorescence paniculate. Flowers bisexual. Pedicel slender, articulate below middle, articulation distinct. ─── 花序圆锥状花两性花梗纤细,中部以下具节,节明显。

4、Leaves 3-foliolate, rarely 5-foliolate. Branchlets, petioles, pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx with soft hairs, without glandular hairs. Calyx abaxially with sparse, needle-like prickles. ─── 叶具3小叶,很少具5小叶。小枝,叶柄,花梗,和背面花萼与一起柔软头发,没有腺毛。花萼背面具稀,象针叶一样的皮刺。

5、Twigs densely pubescent. Leaf blade with both surfaces densely pubescent on veins. Pedicel to 1 mm. Calyx lobes usually with hairs. ─── 小枝密被短柔毛。两面的叶片具密被短柔毛的在脉上。花梗到1毫米。萼裂片通常具毛。

6、Pedicel 2-3 mm, thickened toward apex;bracteoles ca. 4, semiorbicular, 0.5-1 mm, outside puberulent, margin ciliolate. ─── 小苞片大约4,半圆形,0.5-1毫米,外面被微柔毛,边缘具短缘毛。

7、Capsule straight in relation to pedicel, globose to subglobose, shorter than calyx, dehiscence circumscissile. ─── 关于花梗的直的蒴果,球形到近球形,短于花萼,开裂。

8、Fruiting pedicel erect or deflexed. ─── 果梗直立或外折。

9、Treatment of wide pedicel polyp ingastrointestinal tract by electric coagulation of titanium clench under endo-scope ─── 内镜下钛夹钳夹后电凝切治疗胃肠道宽蒂大息肉

10、Methods 3 patients were repaired the defect with Y pedicel skin flap in lower abdomen, the vascular pedicel was wraped with skin, pedicel was cut in 3-4 weeks postoperation. ─── 方法运用下腹部Y型蒂皮瓣修复双指撕脱伤及单指撕脱伤并手部小面积皮肤缺损3例,术后3-4周断蒂。

11、Phellogen layer structure was seen inside the pedicel wart of all cultivars observed but Red globe.Fungi mycelium was also observed in the pedicel wart of all cultivars except Beichun. ─── 发现抗性较强的北醇,小果柄上的疣小、形成较早,发育速度较慢,破裂后内部结构层次清晰,基部木栓形成层明显,抗性差的红地球则相反。

12、Methods Based on the length of the tibia defect, the fibula attaching the pedicel muscle on the same side of the defect was cut and transplanted in the section of the defect. ─── 方法根据胫骨缺损的长度,切取同侧腓骨带肌蒂转移至胫骨缺损区,植入大量松质骨,加内固定,置管冲洗。

13、Leaflet blades abaxially pilose basally on veins, adaxially puberulous basally on midvein, margin entire or 2-dentate. Pedicel puberulous. Sepals abaxially not winged. ─── 小叶叶片在脉上基部背面具柔毛的,正面被微柔毛基部在中脉上,边缘全缘或2具牙齿的。花梗被微柔毛。萼片背面的无翅。

14、Leaflets obovate, apex shallowly cordate or subtruncate; pedicel and abaxial surface of calyx with few bristles. ─── 倒卵形的小叶,先端浅心形或近截形;花梗和背面花萼与一起少数硬毛。

15、The persimmon has abundant nutritions which are essential to the health of man.The fruit, leaf, pedicel, frost, bark, root,honey have good medical and healthy function. ─── 柿子富含人体需要的多种营养成分,柿子的果实、叶、蒂、霜、树皮、根等具有较高的医疗价值。

16、A supporting stalk, such as a peduncle or pedicel. ─── 叶梗支撑的梗,如花梗或小花梗

17、pedunculated Borne on a stalk or pedicel; ─── 有柄的长了一个轴或茎部;

18、Branchlets, fruiting pedicel, and persistent calyx tube pubescent. Leaf blade abaxially densely pubescent at least on veins. ─── 小枝,果梗和持久的萼筒短柔毛;叶片背面密被短柔毛的至少在脉上。

19、Branchlets, petiole, pedicel, and calyx with dense, yellow simple hairs and 2- to many-celled hairs; corolla white to pale purple. ─── 小枝,叶柄,花梗和花萼具紧密的,黄单毛和2-在很多室头发;花冠白色到浅紫色。(5

20、Leaflets densely pubescent on both surfaces. Pedicel and hypanthium densely pubescent. ─── 小叶密被短柔毛的在两面。花梗和托杯密被短柔毛。

21、Young shoots, petioles, and abaxial surface of leaf midrib sparsely setose or glandular-setose. Ovary and pedicel glandular-setose. ─── 幼枝,叶柄,和叶背面中脉稀疏刚毛或具腺。子房和花梗具腺具刚毛。

22、Branchlets, petioles, pedicel, epicalyx, and calyx densely stellate and woolly pubescent. ─── 小枝,叶柄,花梗,副萼和花萼浓密的星状和具绵状毛短柔毛。

23、Branchlets, petiole, and pedicel without hairs. ─── 小枝,叶柄和花梗没有毛。

24、Branchlets, petiole, pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx villous. ─── 小枝,叶柄,花梗,和背面花萼具长柔毛。

25、Branchlets smooth, not verruculose. Fruit solitary or in fasciculate infructescences; axis 1-1.5 mm; fruiting pedicel 2-3 mm. ─── 小枝平滑,并非具小瘤。果单生或在束状的果序里;轴1-1.5毫米;果梗2-3毫米

26、Branchlets, petioles, and pedicel soft hairy, with stalked glands. Aggregate fruit ca. 1 cm in diam. ─── 小枝,叶柄,和柔软有毛的花梗,有偷偷走近的腺。聚合果直径约1厘米

27、Petioles, pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx densely pubescent, without stalked glands. ─── 叶柄,花梗,和背面密被短柔毛的花萼,没有偷偷走近腺体。

28、In measurements given in this account, the scape includes the raceme, the flower includes the pedicel, and the capsule includes the persistent style and stigma. ─── 在这里给出的测量数据,花葶为包括总状花序的,花为包括花梗的,并且蒴果为包括宿存花柱和柱头的。

29、Methods A total of 35 cases with severe hand hot-crush injury were repaired with distal and proximal pedicel skin flap transfer. ─── 方法对35例各种原因所致手热压伤早期采用远位和邻近带蒂皮瓣修复,术后早期给予康复治疗。

30、Leaf blade, pedicel, calyx, and ovary pubescent. ─── 叶片,花梗,花萼和子房短柔毛。

31、Fruiting pedicel with sessile scales and scattered shortly stipitate hairs, 1.5-1.8 cm. ─── 果梗具无梗鳞片和星散具短柄毛,1.5-1.8厘米。

32、Leaf blade abaxially glabrous; pedicel and hypanthium abaxially sparsely pubescent. ─── 叶片背面无毛;花梗和托杯背面稀疏短柔毛。

33、Branchlets, petioles, pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx with dense, glandular hairs. ─── 小枝,叶柄,花梗,和背面花萼具紧密的,腺毛。

34、Young shoots glandular. Leaf blade thinly leathery. Pedicel densely glandular; ovary densely glandular, viscid. ─── 幼枝具腺。叶片薄革质。花梗密被腺;子房密被具腺,黏。

35、Flowers axillary, bisexual, zygomorphic, solitary, with a pair of bracteoles at joint of peduncle and pedicel. ─── 花腋生,两性的,左右对称,单生,在花序梗和花梗的关节具一对小苞片。

36、Flowers bisexual;pedicel adnate to the midvein or the bract.Perianth connate, limb rose or yellow, funnelform, 5-6-lobed, lobes short. ─── 合生的花被,冠檐玫瑰色或黄色,漏斗状,5-6浅裂,短的裂片。

37、Pedicel ca. 1.7 cm, with brown glandular-villose hairs; ─── 大约1.7厘米的花梗,有棕色腺体绒毛的毛;

38、Ovary 1-loculed; placentas 2, parietal; corolla tube cylindric to broadly tubular or narrowly campanulate, sometimes ampliate above; capsule straight in relation to pedicel; cymes 1- to many flowered. ─── 子房1室;胎座2,周壁;花冠筒圆筒状对宽管状或狭钟状,有时在上面;直接关于花梗的蒴果;聚伞花序1到多花的。(29

39、Leaf blade abaxial surface sparsely short-setose. Pedicel sparsely setose or glabrous; ovary with upper part coarsely appressed-puberulent. ─── 叶片背面疏生短刚毛。花梗稀疏刚毛或无毛;子房具上半部分粗的贴伏被微柔毛。

40、Abaxial leaf surface yellow glandular or eglandular; petiole 0.1-3.5(-4.7) cm; leaf blade elliptic to broadly ovate or obovate, rarely triangular, oblong, or rhombic; pedicel usually over 2 mm. ─── 叶背面黄的具腺的或无腺体;叶柄0.1-3.5(-4.7)厘米;叶片椭圆形到宽卵形或倒卵形,很少三角形,长圆形,或菱形;超过2毫米的花梗通常(27

41、Fruiting pedicel very short. ─── 果梗非常短。

42、The development of the sieve element (SE) of meta-phloem is the same as the company cell (CC) in pedicel central vascular bundles of rice.First, the vacuolation of cytoplasm increases in SE and CC. ─── 摘要水稻小穗柄中央维管束后生韧皮部筛管分子和伴胞的发育都经历了一个基本相同的过程,首先是细胞液泡化程度增加;

43、Leaf blade thick papery, adaxially woolly, glabrescent; corolla glabrous outside; ovary glabrous; peduncle 3-21 cm; pedicel 0.5-2 cm. ─── 叶片厚纸质,正面具绵状毛,;无毛的花冠在外面;子房无毛花序梗3-21厘米;花梗0.5-2厘米(21

44、Lowest cauline leaf below middle of stem; pedicel longer. ─── 茎的最低的茎生叶中间以下;长时间的花梗。

45、Petiole, leaf veins, pedicel, and hypanthium glabrous; pome subglobose or obovoid. ─── 叶柄,叶脉,,和托杯无毛;梨果近球形的或倒卵球形。(8

46、Bracteoles 2, needlelike, near apex of pedicel. ─── 小苞片2,针状,花梗的近先端。

47、Methods According on the size of defects of lip-cheek,A interior chin myocutaneous flap with SMAS-platysma pedicel was designed to repair skin defect of lip-cheek. ─── 方法根据口周皮肤及软组织的缺损面积,设计以SMAS-颈阔肌为蒂的颏下部横行肌皮瓣,经皮下隧道修复缺损。

48、Pedicel erect, to 3 cm, terete, striate. ─── 花梗直立,对3厘米,圆柱状,具条纹。

49、Fruit globose, 2.5 cm in diam.;pedicel red in fruiting time. ─── 果球形,直径约2.5厘米,果梗红色。

50、The outline of transverse section of the pedicel is more or less triangular in Strelitzia nicolai Regel &Koern. ─── 大鹤望兰花梗横切面近三角形,花梗的维管束分散分布在基本组织内。

51、Peroxidase activity in the pedicel abscission zone of young cotton boll was promoted either by removing the opposite leaf, removing stigma, or spraying ethrel on the flower. ─── 使用去叶、阻止受精或乙烯利处理花朵的方法,诱发棉花幼铃脱落,铃柄离区的过氧化物酶活性增加,到脱落前达到最高值。

52、Young shoots, petioles, and leaf midrib glabrous. Ovary and pedicel glabrous. ─── 幼枝,叶柄,并且叶中脉无毛。子房和花梗无毛。

53、Fruiting pedicel nodding.Fruit indehiscent, narrow and long, with 5 hooklike or spiny appendages below calyx lobes, sometimes with 3-5 longitudinal wings. ─── 果梗下垂不裂,狭窄的果和长,具5或具刺附属物在下面萼裂片,有时3-5纵向翅的具。

54、Keywords flexor carpi ulnaris;neurovascular pedicel;muscle transposition; ─── 关键词尺侧腕屈肌;血管神经蒂;肌转位;

55、Branchlets, petioles, pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx without glandular hairs. ─── 小枝,叶柄,花梗,和背面花萼没有腺毛。

56、Methods A total of 35 cases with severe hand hot-crush injury were repaired with distal and proximal pedicel skin flap transfer.Postoperative patients were treated by rehabilitation at early stage. ─── 方法对35例各种原因所致手热压伤早期采用远位和邻近带蒂皮瓣修复,术后早期给予康复治疗。

57、Keywords Lower lumbar;Fracture;Pedicel screw; ─── 关键词下腰椎;骨折;椎弓根螺钉;

58、The female antenna was descriipted as 6 segmented: scape, pedicel, anell us, two funicles and a solid club. ─── 在赤眼蜂属雌性触角中,过去一般描述为由6节组成,即柄节1节、梗节1节、环状节1节、索节2节、锤节1节。

59、Abaxial leaf surface indumentum patchy, discontinuous. Pedicel glandular-hairy. ─── 叶背面毛被不规则,不连续。花梗腺毛。

60、Guan J F,Ma Z H,Zhang H M,Wang Q B.Changes of the pedicel structure and Ca,Mg,K levels during apple fruitlet development[J].Plant Nutr.Fert.Sci.,2005,11(2):264-268. ─── [4]关军锋,马智宏,张会敏,王桥彬.苹果幼果发育期果柄结构和Ca、Mg、K水平的变化[J].植物营养与肥料学报,2005,11(2):264-268.

61、supporting stalk, such as a peduncle or pedicel. ─── 梗支撑的梗,如花梗或小花梗。

62、Ovary glandular-setose; style glabrous; pedicel sparsely stipitate-glandular. ─── 子房具腺具刚毛;花柱无毛。稀少的花梗具柄腺体。

63、bracteoles opposite, deltoid, attached to median part of pedicel. ─── 小苞片对生,正三角形,附在花梗的中间的部分上。

64、6(5) Petiole with verrucose spots; pedicel puberulent. ─── 叶柄具瘤状的斑点;花梗被微柔毛。

65、Having or supported by a pedicel. ─── 有肉茎的或由肉茎支撑的

66、Leaflet blades abaxially pilose on basal veins, adaxially puberulous on basal midvein, margin sparsely dentate. Pedicel puberulous. Sepals abaxially with a ca. 1 mm wide longitudinal wing on midvein. ─── 小叶叶片背面具柔毛在基部脉上,正面被微柔毛在基部中脉,边缘疏生具牙齿的。花梗被微柔毛。萼片背面具一约1毫米宽纵向的翅在中脉上。

67、Bracteoles 2, persistent, inserted on apical portion of pedicel. ─── 小苞片2,宿存,着生于花梗的顶端部分。

68、Sad sound as if they are all over the world, from pedicel fragrant petals wither. ─── 哀伤的声音仿佛是全世界的芬芳、花瓣都从花梗凋零。

69、Branchlets, petioles, and pedicel glabrous, with sparse prickles. ─── 小枝,叶柄和花梗无毛,有稀少刺。

70、Repair of the soft tissue defect of the fingertip with reverse island flaps with pedicel of dorsal digital artery ─── 指背动脉蒂逆行岛状皮瓣修复指端皮肤缺损的临床研究

71、a supporting stalk,such as a peduncle or pedicel ─── 支撑的梗,如花梗或小花梗

72、Four patients diagnosed with ovarian cyst accompanied by twisted pedicel, among whom one was misdiagnosed, healed up by surgical operation. ─── 卵巢囊肿蒂扭转4例,误诊1例,均手术治愈;

73、The ripening effect of besmearing pedicel with florel was the best with the maturity of 83.8%. ─── 催熟以乙烯利涂果柄法效果最佳,成熟度为83.8%;

74、Leaves strigillose. Inflorescences capitate with crowded flowers near apex of stems and branches. Pedicel erect, 2--4 mm. Calyx ca. 4 mm. Corolla ca. 5 mm. Fl. Jun-Jul. ─── 叶具短糙伏毛。花序头状的具茎和分枝的密集的花近先端。花梗直立,大约4毫米花冠约5毫米花期的2-4毫米花萼6-7月。

75、Thin cell layer (TCLs) technology developed in the last century's 1970 with the controlled development of roots, shoots and somatic embryos on tobacco pedicel longitudinal TCLs. ─── 摘要薄层细胞培养技术是20世纪70年代发展起来的,最早是通过时烟草茎段的纵向薄层培养来诱导它的生根、出芽以及体细胞胚。

76、Analysis of Inorganic Elements in Fruit Pericarp and Pedicel of Garcinia mangostana L. ─── 山竹果皮及果蒂无机元素成分的分析。

77、Method:A retroauricular groove flap with pedicel was designed to reconstruct retroauricular groove. ─── 方法:利用残耳或多余皮肤设计带蒂的耳后沟皮瓣修复耳后沟。

78、Petiole long; leaf blade lobed more than halfway to base; lobes 5, broadly ovate-lanceolate, margin sharply serrate. Ovary and fruit glabrous. Fruiting pedicel 5-8 mm. ─── 叶柄长;叶片浅裂的多于半路上至基部;裂片5,宽卵形披针形,边缘锐有锯齿。子房和果无毛。果梗5-8毫米

79、The blood supply of the pedicel originated from the subdermal vascular network formed by the perforator branches of superficial temporal artery. ─── 其蒂部血供来源于颞浅动脉小穿支形成的真皮下血管网。

80、So it can be presumed that the fungus may invade the fruit from the pedicel wart. ─── 推测该组织可能与葡萄果实病害病原菌的侵染有关。

81、Branchlets, petioles, and pedicel unarmed. Flowers single. ─── 小枝,叶柄和花梗非武装。花单身。

82、Young shoots glandular; pedicel and ovary densely glandular; ovary viscid; leaf blade thinly leathery. ─── 幼枝具腺;浓密的花梗和子房腺;子房黏;叶片薄革质。

83、Fruiting bracts triangular or rhombic, 1.5-2 cm, margins narrower, subentire; pedicel usually less than 1.5 cm. ─── 果苞片三角形或菱形的,1.5-2厘米,边缘狭窄,近全缘;通常的花梗不到1.5厘米

84、bracteole 1 per pedicel, ovate-lanceolate, membranous. ─── 小苞片1每花梗,卵状披针形,膜。

85、Keywords Mammaplasty;Infra - pedicel;Corium tissue flap; ─── 关键词乳房整形术;下蒂;真皮组织瓣;

86、Applied Anatomy of the reverse island flaps with pedicel of dorsal digital artery ─── 指背动脉蒂逆行岛状皮瓣的应用解剖

87、Keywords Vessel pedicel tissue flap Upper limbs Firearm wound Repair; ─── 关键词带蒂组织瓣;上肢;火器伤;修复;

88、Branchlets, fruiting pedicel, and persistent calyx tube pubescent. Leaf blade abaxially densely pubescent at least on veins. ─── 小枝,果梗和持久的萼筒短柔毛;叶片背面密被短柔毛的至少在脉上。

89、flowering pedicel perpendicular to axis of raceme, without or rarely with a minute setaceous bracteole at base, commonly pubescent. ─── 花梗垂直于总状花序的轴,没有或很少具一在基部具一细小刚毛状小苞片,通常短柔毛。

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