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08-14 投稿


communion 发音

英:[k?'mju?nj?n]  美:[k?'mj?nj?n]

英:  美:

communion 中文意思翻译

n.交流,恳谈; 共享,共有; 宗教团体; 圣餐仪式


communion 网络释义

n. 共享;恳谈;宗教团体;圣餐仪式

communion 反义词

uncommunicative | reserved

communion 短语词组

1、phatic communion ─── 交际性谈话

2、communion scriptures ─── 圣餐经文

3、condition of communion ─── 交流条件

4、post-communion 【 ─── 基督教会】 n. 圣餐仪式后的祷告 a. 圣餐式以后的, 领受圣餐以后的

5、communion definition ─── 交流定义

6、Holy Communion n. ─── 圣餐

7、hold communion with ─── 与…保持沟通

8、communion table ─── 祭坛

9、Anglican Communion ─── 安立甘宗;圣公会(基督新教主要宗派之一)

10、communion prayer ─── 圣餐祈祷

11、communion movie ─── 圣餐电影

12、self-communion n. ─── 自省

13、Communion of Saints ─── 圣徒的共有

communion 词性/词形变化,communion变形

动词现在分词: communing |动词过去式: communed |动词第三人称单数: communes |动词过去分词: communed |

communion 同义词

candid | voluble | communicatory | open | expansive | outgoing | forthright |talkative | expressive | chatty | enlightening | instructive | gabby | informative | unrestrained | loquacious | garrulous | conversable | conversational | forthcoming | eye-opening | educational

communion 相似词语短语

1、communions ─── n.共享;恳谈;宗教团体;圣餐仪式

2、communism ─── n.共产主义

3、excommunion ─── 开除公会

4、Communion ─── n.共享;恳谈;宗教团体;圣餐仪式

5、communional ─── 社区

6、communise ─── vt.使……为公有财产(同communize)

7、commotion ─── n.骚动;暴乱

8、communing ─── v.谈心,亲密交谈(精神上)与……很亲近;密切联系(commune的现在分词形式)

9、communist ─── n.共产党员;共产主义者;adj.共产主义的

communion 习惯用语

1、be of the same communion ─── 是同派教友

2、hold communion with oneself ─── 沉思, 内省

3、hold communion with ─── 与...有(思想上)交往

4、in communion with ─── 与...有联络, 有共同利害关系

5、go to communion ─── 参领圣餐

communion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The consecrated elements of this rite; Communion. ─── 圣餐面包及酒仪式上奉献的圣餐面包和葡萄酒;圣餐面包及葡萄酒

2、Allow the love of the feast and the communion of all species to embrace you. ─── 允许宴会的爱和与所有种类的交融合一去拥抱你.

3、The reasonable application of modern teaching measures is the channel of message communion. ─── 合理应用现代化教学手段,是疏通多向信息交流的渠道;

4、They deposed, exterminated and deprived him of communion. ─── 他们罢免 、 消除和褫夺他的教派.

5、He must turn aside from a life of ceaseless activity and contact with human needs, to seek retirement and unbroken communion with His Father. ─── 他必须脱开不停的活动和不断接触人类需要的生活,去歇一歇,去与天父作无阻碍的属灵的交通。

6、Participation in Holy Communion shall be open to other baptized Christians. ─── 不属于本教会的受洗基督徒可在本教会领受圣餐.

7、The sun brings you into a state of'timelessness'and communion with I, Earth Mother. ─── 太阳把你带进一个“永恒”的状态并与我, 地球母亲连结.

8、He enlightens those who have been cleansed from every stain of sin and makes them spiritual by communion with himself. ─── 祂光照那些洗净一切罪污的人,并藉著与祂的共融,使他们成为属神的人。

9、There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage. ─── 世上没有一种关系 、 交流或陪伴比美满的婚姻更愉快 、 友好和迷人.

10、Communion in the Eucharist does not destroy but affirms diversity and otherness. ─── 圣餐中的共融并不摧毁万物的多样性与他性,反而肯定他们的多样性与他性 。

11、He had never held that sweet communion which is known only to lovers. ─── 他没有用这种浪漫的方法与爱人幽会的经验。

12、In a state of communion, one also ceases to be seduced by another in order to feel loved as soul fills one up to the brim with its love. ─── 在交融状态之中,你也停止为了感受被爱而受到他人诱惑,因为灵魂用自身的爱将你充盈漫溢。

13、Spiritual communion with God. ─── 与上帝灵交

14、The experience of such communion as described by mystics. ─── 人神灵交被神秘主义者们描述的这样的交流

15、He had a great feeling of the communion between himself and the hills and lakes. ─── 他深感自己与大自然是息息相通的。

16、Absolute Divine Union allows for the communion between body, soul and Earth. ─── 绝对神圣联盟允许在身体 、 灵魂和地球之间的交融.

17、Communion does not threaten otherness;it generates it. ─── 共融并不威胁到他性,反而,共融制作他性。

18、We sincerely hope for your communion and corporation to get the mutual profit! ─── 我们期待与您的交流与合作,实现共赢!

19、He advanced to his Uncle with the wafer of communion bread in his hand. ─── 他手里拿着圣餐面包和圣饼,向他叔叔走去。

20、True communion can only be achieved through an individual. ─── 真实的交流唯有通过单独的个体方能实现.

21、The Pope then brought out a communion wafer and a chalice of wine. ─── 教皇出示领圣体用的饼,还有一杯圣酒.

22、Most villagers took communion only at Easter. ─── 大多数村民只在复活节的时候领受圣餐。

23、DARBY: See Israel according to flesh: are not they who eat the sacrifices in communion with the altar? ─── 你们看属肉体的以色列人,那吃祭物的岂不是在祭坛上有分吗?

24、There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage. ─── 世上?有一种关系、交流或陪伴比美满的婚姻更愉快、友好和迷人。


26、Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven. ─── 共融圣事(圣体圣事)是通往天堂的最短与最安全的途径.

27、One shall never substitute an artificial fantasy reality perpetuated by electronic devices again once having experienced authentic communion. ─── 在曾经体验过真正的交流之后,你会不再经由电性设备制造一个人造的幻像来代替它。

28、The interconnection to nature is best fostered through communion with the land or sea. ─── 和大自然互动的最佳培育方式就是与大地或海洋对话。

29、In order to adapt high increase of company business and satisfy vast wire and cable friends demand of online communication and communion, Shangha. ─── 为了适应公司业务的高速增长,为了满足广大线缆行业朋友日益增长的网络在线沟通和交流的要求,上海斯。

30、He offers us instead , the blessedness of close , intimate communion with Himself. ─── 他要叫我们得着与他又亲密又深入的相交祝福.

31、He lived in close communion with nature. ─── 他的生活与大自然亲密交融.

32、In July, a new Lambeth Conference, to be held at Canterbury, in Britain, represents a last chance to keep the worldwide communion together. ─── 今年7月,本届兰贝斯大会将在英国坎特伯雷举行,这也许是维护这个世界性宗教团体统一的最后机会。

33、He belongs to the Anglican Communion. ─── 他是圣公会的信徒。

34、"Shepherd of the world's largest communion, Pope John Paul II delivers Easter greetings in 56 languages from the central loggia of St.Peter's Basilica. ─── 世界上最大教会的领导者约翰保罗教皇二世在圣彼得教堂的中心走廊用56种语言发表复活节祝贺词。

35、Invisible is this Stream of Life to the eyes of the Sons of Men, but the Sons of Light are given the secrets of communion with the angels. ─── 只凭人子的眼睛,是无法看到这条生命源流的。然而,光之子已被授予与守护神交流的秘密。

36、The prestige of the holy man , who renounced the world and all its works and sought direct communion with God, was immense in Byzantium. ─── 圣人的声望在拜占庭影响很大,因为他们放弃尘世以及一切有关的活动,寻求与上帝的直接交流。

37、A cleric acting in the place of a rector or bishop in the Anglican Communion generally. ─── 代理主教英国圣公会代替神父或主教的神职人员

38、I remind priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to practice good hygiene. ─── 我要提醒各位司铎 ﹐ 执事和非常务送圣体员要特别注重卫生.

39、Add love and communion to a simple walk through the woods, and it becomes a magical journey that fills one full from within. ─── 在一次简单的林中漫步中加入爱与交流,它将成为一次奇妙的旅行,在其中一个人会被充盈。

40、On the whole, as I have said, she had fallen from high communion with the probabilities. ─── 不过总的说来,我得说,她对这些可能性缺乏深入的思考。

41、On the other, the transcendental ecstasy derived from the communion of a human being with nature. ─── 另一方面表现的是来自人和自然交融之后得到的至高无上的喜悦。

42、Intranet is good for promoting the communion with the department of nosocomial infection management and clinic. ─── 医院感染管理内部网有效促进了感染管理科与临床的互动交流,值得在有条件单位推广

43、Allow the love of the feast and the communion of all species to embrace you. ─── 允许宴会的爱和与所有种类的交融合一去拥抱你。

44、On the other hand, a good bridge of communion between CSM and CETAS has been established. ─── 同时,通过交流建立了CETAS和中国金属学会分析测试分会间沟通的桥梁。

45、We had only limited communion with the natives. ─── 我们与本地人的交往有限.

46、her piety, she would walk miles to attend communion services in the neighbouring villages. ─── 她的虔诚是出了名的,她会步行几英里去参加邻村的圣餐仪式。

47、Most humans enter the world in a state of communion between body, soul and earth. ─── 大多数人类,都是在一个保持身体 、 灵魂与地球交融的状态中进入世界的.

48、They learn to be happy through sweet communion with God at such auspicious celebrations. ─── 从吉祥的法会中,学会亲近主并获得快乐。

49、Some master blessing and communion very early on. ─── 一些人很早就掌握了祝福和通讯。

50、He lived in close communion with nature. ─── 他的生活与大自然亲密交融。

51、Communion is an act of soul. ─── 交流相融,是一个灵魂的行为。

52、But the Communion service was not to be a season of sorrowing. ─── 但圣餐不该成为悲哀的礼节,因为这原不是它的宗旨.

53、The act of communion also allows the soul to dance with the Earth Mother extending its blessings to Earth. ─── 交融的行为也允许灵魂与地球母亲共舞,将它的祝福扩展到地球母亲身上。

54、The peace and joy of communion is so great, no other preoccupation appeals. ─── 交融的和平和快乐是如此巨大,没有其它事物能吸引弛。

55、Commune with our kingdom to retrieve your ancestral records for a deeper level of communion. ─── 和我们的王国交融来收回你的祖先记录,以获得更深水平的交融。

56、As the fruit of reconciliation, communion will be achieved in love and joy, in peace and justice, in aspirations and hope. ─── 共融是修和的果实,要在爱与喜乐,和平与公义,热切与希望中,方能达成。

57、Communion with nature requires all four elements to be present. ─── 与自然界通讯需要四大元素都在场。

58、They had a communion of interests that covered all the arts. ─── 他们的共同兴趣遍及所有艺术。

59、Some churches have also begun to allow "intinction" or dipping bread in communion wine rather tan sharing the chalice. ─── 一些教堂也开始允许“面包蘸酒”,即在圣餐酒中蘸面包,而不再共用圣餐杯。

60、The Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion impart life, forgiveness and power. ─── 圣洗礼和圣餐礼给予我们生命,赦免,和能力。

61、He offers us instead, the blessedness of close, intimate communion with Himself. ─── 他要叫我们得着与他又亲密又深入的相交祝福。

62、It organizes academic, art communion and training business and cultivates artworks evaluation talents for culture market. ─── 组织学术 、 艺术交流和培训业务,为文化市场培训艺术品评估人才等.

63、Communion was celebrated by the Reverend John Harris. ─── 圣餐仪式由约翰·哈里斯牧师主持。

64、Starting this February, the joint service of every even month will be Communion Sunday. The sermon will be related to Holy Communion. ─── 今年二月份开始,每个双数月的联合主日将定为圣餐主日,当天的讲道也会以宣讲圣餐的信息为重点。

65、Why do we receive the holy communion? ─── 为何我们接受圣体血?

66、The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? ─── 我们所擘开的饼, 岂不是同领基督的身体 麽 ?

67、Full consciousness is a state of unity and communion with soul and Earth. ─── 全意识是一个统一的状态,并与灵魂和地球交流。

68、In terms of the sacraments, I am always edified by the way people assist at Mass and receive Holy Communion. ─── 从各种圣事角度或观点,我总是由辅助弥撒的教友们及领受圣体的众人身上获得启迪。

69、There is no other model for the proper relation between communion and otherness either for the Church or for the human being than the Trinitarian God. ─── 只有身为三位一体的上帝可能作为为教会或为个人所需的共融与他性之间的联系关系的模式。

70、Prayer a dialogue, a continuous communion experience. ─── 祈祷是对话, 是延续沟通的经历.

71、He attended the Pope's msaa and received communion from his hand. ─── 他参与教宗举行的弥撒及由教宗亲手送圣体。

72、Most villagers took communion only at Easter. ─── 大部分村民只在复活节的时候领受圣餐。

73、In the communion, one not only experiences joy, but feels interconnected or ONE again with Earth. ─── 在交流中,你不仅体验欢乐,也感觉到了与地球的互连或一。

74、One of the most important sacraments was holy communion,which was to remind people that Christ had died to redeem man. ─── 在所有的圣礼中,圣餐仪式是最重要的圣礼之一,目的主要是提醒人们耶稣基督是为了拯救人类而死的。

75、The center of communion and emploitation of person with ability of academy of sciences of china. ─── 中国科学院人才交流开发中心。

76、Sith was communion part, people presented asked many question they concerned and he answered all patiently. ─── 之后是互动交流环节,由大家就各自关心的问题向师兄进行了提问。

77、A person who receives or is entitled to receive Communion. ─── 受圣餐的人接受或赋予权力接受圣餐的人

78、You feel an intimate communion with the breeze, and with the trees breaking into leaf, and with the iridescence of the river. ─── 你好象同飒飒的微风,同绽露嫩叶的树木,同波光变幻的流水息息相通。

79、And , as you are aware , although you are not verbalizing questions , we are involved in communion . ─── 在你保持觉知的同时,仅管没有开口问我问题,我们已共融在一起了。

80、Hetty had passed her happiest hours in this indirect communion with the spirit of her mother. ─── 在与母亲的亡灵进行这种间接的谈话时,海蒂感到莫大的愉快。

81、On hand , a good bridge of communion between CSM and CETAS has been established. ─── 同时,通过交流建立了CETAS和中国金属学会分析测试分会间沟通的桥梁.

82、Communion was celebrated by the Reverend John Harris. ─── 圣餐仪式由约翰·哈里斯牧师主持.

83、Communicant:a person who receives or is entitled to receive Communion. ─── 受圣餐的人:接受或赋予权力接受圣餐的人.

84、He attended the Pope's msaa and received communion from his hand. ─── 他参与教宗举行的弥撒及由教宗亲手送圣体.

85、We try to promote exchange of chemical industry and communion of information on market. ─── 中山化工商情网全力开发化工交易功能,强化市场信息交流。

86、Communion is an act in which soul enters the form and blesses the form with its love. ─── 交融是灵魂进入身体并以爱祝福身体的行为。

87、Later, the sexual act between them was a dual communion between themselves and the continuum of time and space which they occupied. ─── 后来,他们的性交就成了他们相互间的双向交流,成了他们所占据的时空的连续体。

88、Why should we receive communion only in our own church? ─── 为什么我们只在自己的教会里领受圣餐?

89、Communion is the union between the body, Earth and soul. ─── 交融是身体、地球与灵魂之间的联盟。

90、Then she will take her first communion. ─── 过后她就要去领第一次圣礼.

91、Some historians believe that it may have been responsible for reports of 'blood' on communion wafers and other bread. ─── 一些历史学家相信这可能是“血”在圣餐礼的圣饼和其它供品上出现的原因。

92、They deposed, exterminated and deprived him of communion. ─── 他们罢免、消除和褫夺他的教派。

93、They had a communion of interests that covered all the arts. ─── 他们的共同兴趣及于所有艺术.

94、Dan said the prayers that accompany communion, we all took bread, and drank from a chalice of wine that we passed around our circle. ─── 丹作了结束圣餐礼的祷告,我们都吃了面包,喝了在我们圈中转递的圣餐杯中的酒。

95、He must ask her to marry him. They must marry at once, and so make a definite pledge, enter into a definite Communion. ─── 他必须向她求婚,他俩必须马上结婚,作出明确的保证,进入明确的结合。

96、We hope it will become the plat where we communion, discuss EIA market and study English. ─── 希望这里能够成为大家交流 、 讨论环评行情,学习英文的平台.

97、Beijing: I am a beginner and want to have more communion with the friends who like flute. ─── 北京:我是初学者,愿意和喜欢长笛的朋友多多交流。

98、Open your heart to our species and remember, remember what unity and communion feels like! ─── 向我们物种打开你的心并去回忆,回忆统一和连接的感觉象什么!

99、With the introduction of the red seeded race some 50,000 years ago, there was communion between our species and mankind. ─── 伴随着大约50,000年以前红族被播根种族的引进,在我们物种和人类之间有着通讯。

100、The practice by which members of different Christian denominations can receive Communion at one another's Eucharistic services or at a common service. ─── 不同教会间的相互交往不同的基督教成员间在相互的圣餐仪式或普通仪式上相互交流的实践

101、He stopped at each, took out a communion, shook a drop or two (are they in water?) off it and put it neatly into her mouth. ─── 他在每个人面前都停下来,取出一枚圣体。甩上一两下(难道那是浸泡在水里的不成?[55]),利利索索地送到她嘴里。

102、He had a great feeling of the communion between himself and the hills and lakes. ─── 他深感自己与大自然是息息相通的.

103、O that a hallowed season of divine communion may be vouchsafed to me this evening! ─── 哦,但愿今晚赐我圣洁的时刻能与祢亲密相交!

104、They both related what had happened during the night.Hsin-mei said sardonically, "So you really had a communion of souls in your dreams.How wonderful! ─── 两人把昨天晚的事告诉他,他冷笑道:“你们两人真是魂梦相通,了不得!

105、In history, the two countries companied friendly and had frequent communion in aspects as culture、art、idea. ─── 历史上两国长期友好相处,在文化、艺术和思想方面交流频繁。

106、Therefore let your visit to that temple invisible be for naught but ecstasy and sweet communion. ─── 因此,就让你对无形寺庙的朝拜,成为一种狂喜和亲切的心灵交流吧。

107、The communion is healing to her heart and fosters her continued ascension. ─── 交流正疗愈她的心灵以及培育她持续提升。

108、In the ascending scale the glories of God are gradually forgotten and the devotee realizes more and more the intimacy of divine communion. ─── 在上升的尺度上,神的荣耀逐渐地遗忘了,奉献者越来越意识到神圣联谊的亲昵行为。

109、Hello, I am a very cheerful and passional Chinese girl, I hope that we can promote communion and progress together through this channel. ─── 你好,我是一个很开朗热情的中国女孩,希望我们能通过这个途径增进交流,共同进步。

110、There will be a Communion Service on January 30. ─── 1月30日本堂将举行圣餐礼.

111、We invite all Christians to participate in the Communion Service. ─── 我们邀请所有基督徒参与此仪式.

112、Having turned his personal pain to such a creative purpose, he gets us to break bread with him and take communion with his grief and loss. ─── 他奖自身的苦痛转化成如此创意,使我们能与他一同品味其间的痛苦与损失。

113、Corporation annual inspection procedure communion, declare dutiable goods procedure experience communion. ─── 企业年检流程交流、企业报税操作流程、金税工程交流!

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