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Julian 发音

英:['d?u:li?n]  美:['d?u:li?n]

英:  美:

Julian 中文意思翻译




Julian 常用词组

julian day ─── 儒略日(公元前4713年1月1日)

julian calendar ─── 公历;罗马儒略历

Julian 短语词组

1、julian currie ─── 朱利安·柯里

2、mr julianjulian ─── 先生

3、Julian day ─── 儒略日

4、Julian the Apostate ─── [网络] 尤利安;叛道者犹利安;叛教者尤里安

5、Julian Bond ─── [网络] 邦德;庞德

6、julian chichester ─── 朱利安·奇切斯特

7、Julian Alps and Prealps ─── 朱利安·阿尔和普雷普斯

8、Jose Julian Marti ─── [网络] 何塞·朱利安·马蒂

9、julian smith ─── 朱利安·史密斯

10、julian courtney ─── 朱利安·考特尼

11、Julian Alps ─── 尤利安阿尔卑斯山脉(斯洛文尼亚)

12、julian brooks ─── 朱利安·布鲁克斯

13、julian charlotte ─── 朱利安·夏洛特

14、Julian date ─── [计] 儒略历日期

15、julian brady ─── 朱利安·布雷迪

16、Julian calendar ─── 公历;罗马儒略历

17、julian chen ─── 朱利安·陈

18、julian cheng ─── 朱利安·程

19、Julian Casablancas ─── 朱利安·卡萨布兰卡

Julian 相似词语短语

1、Fujian ─── n.福建省(位于中国东部沿海)

2、Dalian ─── n.大连(中国一座城市)

3、Juliana ─── n.朱莉安娜(女子名)

4、Delian ─── adj.得洛斯的;n.得洛斯人,得洛斯居民

5、Julian ─── adj.与凯撒有关的;n.(美、西)朱利安(人名)

6、Malian ─── adj.马里的;马里人的;n.马里人

7、Luvian ─── 卢威语

8、Lilian ─── n.莉莲(女子名)

9、Eolian ─── n.伊奥里亚人;伊奥里亚语(等于Aeolian);adj.伊奥里亚的;伊奥里亚人的;伊奥里亚语的(等于Aeolian);adj.(eolian)风的,风成的,风积的(同aeolian)

Julian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But consider this: Julian Assange did not upload the classified documents and wait for the world to beat a path to his door. ─── 但想想这件事:朱利安阿桑奇没有把这些机密文件上载到网上然后等着全世界找上门来。

2、Shunning law-lessons, Bonnard attended the Academic Julian and in 1888 entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts . ─── 博纳尔不愿学习法律而上了朱利亚学院,并于1888年进入美术学院。

3、On Christmas Day, the family sat around Julian's bed, ate holiday dinner and tried to laugh at Ron's jokes. ─── 圣诞节那天,全家人都围坐在朱利安床前,吃节日晚餐,千方百计取笑罗恩讲的笑话。

4、In early December, a specialist in London had Julian admitted to the hospital for testing. ─── 12月初,伦敦的一位医学专家接受朱利安入院检查。

5、Jeremiah Horrocks made the first observation of a transit of Venus. (November 24 under the Julian calendar. ─── 1619年,38位来自英格兰伯克利教区的殖民者在维吉尼亚登陆并向上帝感恩(这被看作是在北美的第一次感恩行为)。

6、But tampering still continued until Julius Caesar, in 46 B.C, established what has come to be known as the Julian calendar. ─── 不过擅自更改还在继续着,直到朱利斯·凯撒于公元前46年制定了为人所知的罗马儒略历为止。

7、He made 193 reds appearances, helping us to a League title and the FA Cup before joining West Ham United as part of the deal that brought Julian Dicks to Anfield. ─── 他曾获得过联赛与足总杯的冠军。后来转会西汉姆队(当时利物浦为买入西汉姆的迪克斯,布洛斯是这桩交易的一部分。)

8、He came to Paris, in 1900 to study law, but gave up the idea and entered the Academie Julian, joining the studio of Laurens. ─── 他在1900年到巴黎学习法律,后来改变了想法,进了朱利亚美术学院,在劳伦斯画室学习。

9、Julian's in Malta offers views stretching from the historic Grand Harbour in the east to the island of Gozo in the west. ─── 从东部历史古老的大海港到西部的戈佐岛,到处都是宜人的美景。

10、But this has not dissuaded clients who have included rich collectors like Veronica Hearst, art galleries and prominent artists themselves, including Ms.Leibovitz and Julian Schnabel. ─── 但这却没有吓跑客户,包括薇洛妮卡.赫斯特这种富有的收藏家、艺廊和艺术家本人,像莱柏维兹和朱利安.施纳贝尔纷纷上门告贷。

11、Employment counselor Frank Julian shows a job seeker, Karim Cruz-Neal, how to use the department's latest tool - an algorithm - to find employment leads. ─── 不管结果如何,新颖的求职方式还是给求职者带来一丝惊喜,有机会可以去尝试一下,机会说不定就会“从天而降”。

12、You're mine now, Julian. ─── 你现在是我的,朱利安。

13、A woman spotted Julian McCormick lying on the side of the road.He was injured and dehydrated but alert. ─── 一名女士发现了躺在路边的朱利安,当时他受了伤并且脱水,但仍神志清醒。

14、"Okay, Julian," he said. ─── “喂,朱利安,”他说。

15、Wals Julian. ─── 主演:Dylan.

16、Rotter, Julian B. "Generalized expectancies for interval versus external control of reinforcement." Psychological Monographs, 80, 1966: 1-28. ─── 刘家绮,数位多媒体平台实习工作者之个人特徵、人格特质、网路使用行为与学习满意度之研究,铭传大学传播管理研究所,2004。

17、Original King Julian, what a des man! ─── 国王朱利安,多么伟大的人物!

18、Minutes later, anesthetized, Julian lay flat on the operating table. ─── 几分钟后,医生给朱利安注射了麻药,他直挺挺地躺在手术台上。

19、China-US Joint Venture Ningbo Juren (Julian) Measure Co., Ltd. ─── 中美合资宁波巨人(巨联)工量具有限公司。

20、Platek, Julian Paul Keenan, and Todd K.Shackelford. ─── 书名 :Evolutionary cognitive neuroscience /edited by Steven M.

21、At the beginning of their stay at Port St Julian, Magellan quelled a serious mutiny by some of his Spanish captains who resented their Portuguese leader. ─── 在圣朱利亚港逗留初期,麦哲伦平定了一起严重的、因某些西班牙船长怨恨葡萄牙首领引起的叛乱事件。

22、Class; therefore, this class can be used only to calculate dates in the Julian calendar. ─── 因此,此类只能用来计算儒略历中的日期。

23、He was encouraged by local guitar virtuosos , especially Julian Arcas, who recognized his talent, and he took up the career of guitar making. ─── 他被当地吉他美术通鼓励了 , 尤其朱利安槟榔,辨认出他的才能, 而且他着手进行制造的吉他的事业了。

24、The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, appears in court in London for a hearing on his extradition to Sweden. ─── 维基解密创始人阿桑奇在伦敦出庭,就其是否将被引渡回瑞典审判进行听证。

25、As they stood over the boy, waiting, Julian slowly emerged from his deep sleep. ─── 他们站在这孩子的身边等待着,朱利安慢慢地从沉睡中醒过来。

26、IF JULIAN ASSANGE had had his way, this book would not exist. ─── 如果按朱利安?阿桑奇那样一意孤行,这本书就不会出版了。

27、A woman spotted Julian McCormick lying on the side of the road. ─── 一个妇女看到他躺在路边,当时受了伤,并处于脱水状态。

28、Julian columnist - Garcia in the article with another way to praise the Arab-Israeli Alliance's outstanding big man in the leg, foot and ankle injuries, can not be as good this uar mobile. ─── 专栏作家朱利安-加西亚在文章中用另一种方式称赞了阿联的出色,大个子在腿,脚以及踝关节受伤的情况下,并不能够像阿联这样出色的移动。

29、Julian Barbour, whose essay finished first in the judging, has famously championed the view that time does not exist, even writing quite a successful book about it. ─── 因为冰的密度比水小,所以这样的”冰晶”可能会破坏食物的细胞结构,从而导致食物的口感变差。

30、Gianfranco Zola properly announcing his arrival in England by destroying West Ham's fearsome full-back Julian Dicks, December ‘96. ─── 1996年12月,在挫败西汉姆令人生畏的后卫朱利安-迪克斯后,吉安弗兰科-佐拉适时地宣布他将登陆伦敦。

31、"As a kid I used to love Julian Dicks and I used to watch a lot of Paolo Maldini, who was a world class player," he said. ─── “在我还是孩子的时候我就很喜欢胡利安.狄克斯,而且我也看过保罗.马尔蒂尼大部分的比赛。他是世界上最好的球员之一。,”他说道。

32、At 7 a. m. on January 20, orderlies wheeled Julian toward the center's sixth-floor operating suite. ─── 1月20日早上7点,护理员把朱利安推到医疗中心六楼手术室。

33、Four years later, Julian's music won him a scholarship to a prestigious school. ─── 4年后,朱利安的音乐才能为他赢得了一笔就读一所名校的奖学金。

34、The time at which an eclipsing binary variable star is at its minimum brightness is one example of something which is frequently given in the form of a Julian day number (JD). ─── 一个食变双星亮度最低的日期就是经常用儒略日(JD)来公布的。

35、The Hornet appeared to be taking control of the game early in the second half, when alley-oop dunks by Julian Wright and Tyson Chandler highlighted an 8-0 Hornets run to give New Orleans a 55-44 lead. ─── 下半场一开始当怀特与钱德勒的扣篮帮助黄蜂打了一个8-0的小高潮,黄蜂取得了55-44的领先优势,黄蜂似乎控制了比赛。

36、To convert a Julian day number to a calendar date, enter the JD in the upper portion of the dialog, and click the Convert to Calendar button to fill in the lower portion of the dialog with the equivalent calendar date. ─── 在上部的对话框中输入相应的儒略日,并点击“转换到历日期”,下面的历日期对话框中就会出现相应的时间。

37、A citywide AMBER Alert is in effect for Julian King, but officials are focusing on the immediate vicinity of Hudson's mother's home. ─── 事实上全市都为此进入儿童丢失警报状态,但是警方目前还是将寻找重点放在H母亲家附近。

38、Born in Alabama in 1899, Julian was barred from the local public school's college preparatory program because of his race. ─── 出生于1899年的亚拉巴马,Julian因为他的种族,被禁止上当地公立学校的大学预科班。

39、The JDToGregorian() function converts a Julian day count to a Gregorian date. ─── 函数的作用是:将儒略日计数转为格里高里历。

40、Julian Jessop, chief international economist at Capital Economics, believes oil prices will come down but not until the second half of next year. ─── 伦敦的资本经济首席国际经济学家朱利安-杰梭普相信石油价格要到明年下半年才会下降。

41、Now Julian seems to have the step himself, and so we do our best to encourage him.Yesterday after 3 hours of attending the playgroup, the nanny picked him up and brough him back home. ─── 之后托儿所就已经立即替他穿回尿片,我就感到有点儿可惜,觉得他们可能为了免多馀清洁工作。

42、The JDToFrench() function converts a Julian day count to a French Republican Calendar date. ─── 函数的作用是:将儒略日计数转为法国共和历。

43、But I've already put it aside, since Julian already gets enough sweets at school and at the after-school childcare. ─── 不过,已经被我充公,做了陈列品。

44、HILL Julian David Mark ceased to be a partner of CMS Cameron McKenna as from 30 June 2002 and joined Minter Ellison as a partner as from 2 July 2002. ─── 何钜廉先生自2002年6月30日辞去金马伦麦坚拿律师行合夥人一职;自2002年7月2日加入铭德律师行为合夥人。

45、In 45 B.C., New Year's Day is celebrated on January 1 for the first time in history as the Julian calendar takes effect. ─── 历史上第一次庆祝新历新年的到来,是在公元前45年的1月1日,也就是罗马儒略历(即公历)生效的那年开始的。

46、The JulianToJD() function converts a Julian calendar date to a Julian day count. ─── 函数的作用是:将罗马儒略历转为儒略日计数。

47、Its founder Rodolphe Julian was a canny businessman. ─── 其创始人鲁道夫·朱利安是一位精明的商人。

48、Julian Schweitzer of the World Bank says that physical and human shortages in local health services represent “a huge bottleneck to aid”. ─── 世界银行朱利安施韦策称当地卫生机构物力和人力的短缺变成了制约医疗救护的巨大瓶颈。

49、The JewishToJD() function converts a Jewish calendar date to a Julian day count. ─── 函数的作用是:将犹太历转为儒略日计数。

50、With the rule of Julian from 361 to 363, the empire reverted briefly to pagan rule, but with the succession of Theodosius I the argument was renewed. ─── 361年至363年间,在儒略的统治下,帝国恢复了异教统治,但是随着狄奥多西一世的继位,争论又重新开始。

51、The JDToJulian() function converts a Julian day count to a Julian calendar date. ─── 函数的作用:将儒略日计数转为罗马儒略历。

52、He founded Rome's first public libraries and reformed the calendar, fixing the months and the numbers of days in the Julian calendar which was to survive his death by more than 1,600 years. ─── 他创建厂罗马最早的公共图书馆,修训了儒略历,将月份和日期固定下来。 该历一直沿用到他死后1600多年。

53、One morning in late January, Epstein strode briskly into Julian's room. ─── 1月下旬的一天早晨,爱泼斯坦迈着轻快的大步跨过朱利安的病房。

54、Ms. Julian and I may disagree on many facets of this case, but I do agree with her the accused is a very nice guy. ─── 朱利安女士和我或许对这一案子的许多方面均不能达成一致,但我必须同意她所说的被告确实是个非常好的人。

55、Dates on or after 15th October 1582 are considered to be in the Gregorian calendar. Dates before this are considered to be in the Julian calendar. ─── 1582年10月15日及之后的日期将视作格里历日期,之前日期将视作儒略历日期。

56、The foreign exchange and money markets guide : Julian Walmsley. ─── = 外汇与货币市场指南.

57、Somerville Julian. ─── 主演:Bonnie.

58、Creager, Joel D.Justin, and Julian Hinds ... ─── 书名/作者 Engineering for dams,by William P.

59、The Julian calendar is the predecessor of the Gregorian calendar. ─── 儒略历是公历的前身。

60、Shunning law-lessons, Bonnard attended the Academic Julian and in 1888 entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts . However, he left a year later after competing unsuccessfully for the Prix de Rome. ─── 博纳尔不愿学习法律而上了朱利亚学院,并于1888年进入美术学院。但是由于在竞争罗马奖学金时失败,一年后他离开了美术学院。

61、"There's quite a bit of truth in it," Julian Murton, member of the International Permafrost Association, told Reuters. ─── “这里面有相当多的真理,”国际冻土协会委员朱利安默顿告诉路透社记者。

62、Were you [Julian] not the chosen one this time either, sacrificed on the altar of Necessity? ─── 你(朱利安)不正是这一回被选中,成了必然之祭坛上的祭品的那一个?

63、JDAY - JDAY is a conversion tool between calendar dates and astronomical Julian dates. ─── JDAY是一个转化工具,能在公历日期和天文儒略历日期间转换。

64、With help, Julian shifted his legs over the side of the bed. ─── 在他们的帮助下,朱利安将双腿从床的一边翻了下来。

65、Julian has been thinking up new ways of raising money. ─── 朱利安已经想出几个筹款的新办法。

66、On one crisp, sunny January morning, joined by Julian's father, Epstein bundled the boy into a wheelchair and rolled him down the middle of Manhattan's busy First Avenue, which runs in front of the New York University Medical Center. ─── 1月的一个阳光明媚的早晨,爱泼斯坦和朱利安的父亲一起把他包好放进轮椅,向着曼哈顿繁华的第一大街中心地带推去。这条大街恰好经过纽约大学医疗中心的前面。

67、Julian R J,Mcmillan I,Quinton M. ─── 向瑞平,李德印,石冬梅,等.

68、More chalk drawings from Julian Beever. Scroll down slowly and stop at each new frame. Incredible!!!!! ─── 全部都是用粉笔画出来的,看得出来吗?

69、After a deranged scientist releases a group of experimental creatures and commits suicide, a security guard (Julian Peck) loses his grip on reality. ─── 在一个疯狂的科学家释放出一群实验生物并自杀后,一位保安陷入昏迷。

70、Authorities in London have arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on an arrest warrant issued by Sweden. ─── 伦敦当局根据瑞典颁发的逮捕令而逮捕了维基揭密创办人阿桑奇。

71、Then, in early January, Ann Markham visited the hospital with her eight-year-old son Lee, Julian's best friend. ─── 1月初,安·马克汉姆带着8岁的儿子李----朱利安最好的朋友,去医院看望他。

72、"You have reason to be more thankful, young man," said Maitre Pierre, "both to your patron Saint Quentin and to Saint Julian, than you seemed to be but now. ─── “年轻人,对你的保护神圣昆丁和圣朱利安你应当表现出比先前更深的感激。

73、At 5:17 of the video,Bishop Julian Porteous said "We are going to make a declaration to Sydney about our faith. ─── " 在5分17秒的中文翻译应该是:"我们将会对悉尼宣告我们的信德。

74、Also out of the early kick-off will be David Dunn, Jamie Clapham, Julian Gray, Matthew Upson and Alex Bruce. ─── 同样缺席的还有大卫邓恩,Jamie克拉彭,Julian格雷,Matthew厄普森和阿莱克斯布鲁斯。

75、He came to work for Uncle Julian and learn the business from the ground up. ─── 他来替朱利安伯伯干活, 从头学习做生意。

76、Bartlett, Sumantra Ghoshal, Julian Birkinshaw. ─── 作者声明: Christopher A.

77、But the pain increased, and by the time Julian reentered school in the fall, even the short walk home was difficult. ─── 但疼痛与日俱增,到朱利安秋季返校时,甚至连回家那样短短的步行都变得极其困难。

78、In August 1982, Julian started complaining of backaches. ─── 1982年8月,朱利安开始说自己背疼。

79、Julian: Well I do a lot of things, I'll try to cover them briefly. ─── 其实我的工作涉及开发的许多方面,那么我就简单概括一下好了。

80、Arturo Rosenblueth, Norbert Wiener & Julian Bigelow coin the term "cybernetics" in a 1943 paper. Wiener's popular book by that name published in 1948. ─── Arturo Rosenblueth,Norbert wiener和Julian Bigelow,在他们1943发表的论文中,定义了"控制论"(cybernetics)这一术语。1948年,wiener出版了一本与此术语同名的畅销书。

81、In 45 B.C., Julius Caesar ordered a calendar reform, which resulted in the calendar called the Julian calendar. ─── 在公元前45年,Julius Caesar下令进行历法改革,于是产生了称为儒略历的历法。

82、Close to Cluny, that Roman palace, with fine round arches,were once the hot baths of Julian. ─── 克吕尼附近,有座罗马式宫殿,开着几道别致的圆顶拱门,那就是朱利安所建的温泉浴室。

83、McCabe, Julian C.Smith, Peter Harriott. ─── 化学工程单元操作 / Warren L.

84、Julian possessed outstanding business skills. ─── 朱利安具有出色的商业技巧。

85、On January 13,1983, Julian and his mother left for New York. ─── 1983年1月13日,朱利安和他妈妈去了纽约。

86、His many close acquaintances included Ellery Channing, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Bronson Alcott, and Nathaniel Hawthorne and his son Julian (at that time only a boy). ─── 他很多的密友中包括了埃勒里·钱宁、拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默、玛格丽特·福勒、布朗森·奥尔科特、纳撒尼尔·霍桑以及他的儿子朱利安(当时只是个男童)。

87、The JDToJewish() function converts a Julian day count to a Jewish calendar date. ─── 函数的作用是:将儒略日计数转为犹太历。

88、A little boy knocked on the door of his friend's mother answered, he said. "Can Julian come out to play please? " ─── 一个小男孩敲开了他朋友家的门,朋友的妈妈出来开门,小男孩问道:“能让朱利安一块出来玩吗?”

89、The GregorianToJD() function converts a date from the Gregorian calendar to Julian day count. ─── 函数的作用是:将格里高里历转为儒略日计数。







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