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08-14 投稿


spiritless 发音

英:[?sp?r?tl?s]  美:[?sp?r?tl?s]

英:  美:

spiritless 中文意思翻译



spiritless 短语词组

1、spiritless people ─── 无精打采的人

2、spiritless def ─── 无精打采的定义

3、spiritless antonym ─── 无灵反义词

4、spiritless coward ─── 懦夫

5、spiritless kentucky 74 ─── 无精打采的肯塔基74

6、spiritless drinks ─── 无精打采的饮料

7、spiritless human ─── 无精打采的人

8、spiritless 74 ─── 无精打采74

spiritless 词性/词形变化,spiritless变形

名词: spiritlessness |副词: spiritlessly |

spiritless 反义词


spiritless 同义词

downhearted | bloodless | wretched | bored | gutless | apathetic | exanimate | downcast | cowardly | dispirited |damp | sad | spineless | pathetic | dejected | meek | depressed

spiritless 相似词语短语

1、spiritedness ─── n.有精神;活泼;勇敢

2、shirtless ─── adj.赤膊的;无上装的

3、spirilloses ─── 螺旋体

4、spiritlessly ─── 无生气地;沮丧地;无生命地(spiritless的副词形式)

5、skirtless ─── 无裙

6、sportless ─── 无运动

7、spirillosis ─── n.螺菌病,螺旋菌病

8、spiritualness ─── n.圣歌(尤指美国南部黑人的)(spiritual的变形)

9、spireless ─── 无螺纹的

spiritless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"You smile what, true his mama be spiritless" square the Hong gradually also cannot help but smile. ─── “你们笑什么,真他妈没劲”方鸿渐也忍不住笑起来。

2、lifeless; spiritless; dull; dreary ─── 死气沉沉

3、By the time they reached home she was contrite and spiritless ─── 他们到家的时候,她心里一个劲儿地后悔难过,老打不起精神来。

4、I have been open and sincere where I ought to have been reserved, spiritless, dull, and deceitful. ─── 我本应该表现得沉默寡言,没精打采,呆板迟钝,而我却表现得胸怀坦率,诚恳待人。

5、Their spirited quarrel spoiled the fun and we all felt spiritless . ─── 他们激烈的争吵破坏了兴致,我们都感到情绪低落。

6、Thinks he, thinks him, loves him, loves him, actually cannot sue shifts this is great perhaps is spiritless? . ─── 思他,想他,恋他,爱他,却不能诉说!这是伟大或是懦弱?

7、Devoid of courage or enthusiasm;spiritless. ─── 缺乏勇气或热情的;没精打采的

8、lutreless and spiritless eye ─── 神光耗散

9、When at last I showed him out on the quarter-deck he drew a long, spiritless sight. ─── 最后我引他登上后甲板时,他有气无力地吐了一口长气。

10、Advantage:Advantage and weakness are very fresh and clear.Weakness:Knew you spiritless. ─── 优点:优点和缺点很鲜明。缺点:知道了你就没劲了。

11、She couldn’t stop fetching water to spill on them, which turned spiritless due to air-conditioners on the train. ─── 她不断地接水,洒在那些被暖气烘得发蔫的花枝上。

12、A lazy man's life is dull and spiritless. While in life he is lifeless. ─── 懒惰的人一生沉闷,毫无生气,生和死没什么两样。

13、They were too spiritless even to resist. ─── 他们无精打采的,甚至都没抵抗。

14、After being taken to an animal hospital his health began to improve but he seemed spiritless - until he developed a friendship with a white pigeon. ─── 小猕猴被带到动物医院后,身体慢慢恢复了,但是还是无精打采。这种情况一直持续到他交到一个白鸽朋友。

15、He was in a most spiritless manner when the soup was sent round to each table. ─── 沿桌分汤的时候,他无精打采。

16、Lacking strength or energy; spiritless; weak. ─── 无力的无力或无精力; 无精打彩的; 虚弱

17、9. Spiritless in studies. Should change his/her learning attitude. ─── 缺乏学习热诚,须改善学习态度。

18、But the spiritless condition which this event threw her into was shortly relieved, and her mind opened again to the agitation of hope, by an article of news which then began to be in circulation. ─── 且说这事虽然使班纳特太太精神颓丧,不过没有过多久也就好了,因为这时候外界正流传着一件新闻,使她的精神又振作报起来。

19、This means that many cities in the country thriving, but Beijing has spiritless residential secondary market, and finally usher in a "big emancipated" one day. ─── 这意味着在国内许多城市红红火火、而在北京却死气沉沉的住宅二级市场,终于迎来了“大翻身”的一天。

20、There is one or two dots of lump light leaking from the tree slot, which is spiritless , like the eyes of a man who hungers for sleeping. ─── 树缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人的眼。

21、do, all I can withstand, I will not be spiritless, I will be very strong. ─── 我可以抵御一切,,我将不会死气沉沉的,我将会很强大。

22、My eyes clouded with tears as I looked through the open window at our blue spruce ,evergreen among brown leafless trees that looked as spiritless as our empty house felt. ─── 当我通过敞开的窗子凝视蓝叶云杉时,泪水模糊了我的双眼。它依然青翠如初,尽管四周光秃秃的褐色树木像我们空荡荡的房子一样没有生气。

23、She seemed to have become completely spiritless ─── 她好像精神上完全垮掉了一样。

24、To become weary or spiritless. ─── 疲倦变得疲惫或无精打采

25、The girl seemed to June, suddenly, intolerably spiritless. ─── 琼忽然觉得这个女孩子太没有种了,简直使人无法忍受。

26、Devoid of courage or enthusiasm; spiritless. ─── 缺乏勇气或热情的; 没精打采的

27、But the spiritless condition which this event threw her into was shortly relieved, and her mind opened again to the agitation of hope, by an article of news which then began to be in circulation. ─── 且说这事虽然使班纳特太太精神颓丧,不过没有过多久也就好了,因为这时候外界正流传着一件新闻,使她的精神又振作起来。

28、He was spiritless when he left yesterday. Has he been ill for long? ─── 昨天他走的时候就不太精神,或是早就病了?

29、Family spiritless, too much, really poor, particularly the alarming divorce rate in recent years, which have indoor and indoor layout and colour disorders arising from the choice is too much. ─── 全家死气沉沉,太多太多,真是可怜,尤其近年来离婚率惊人,这和室内得颜色失调与室内布置不得体而引起的也太多。

30、The ball refers to Li Zi the modelling and the disposition at present appears is too light, is spiritless, has not seen the brilliance in three sisters. ─── 弹者则指黎姿的造型及性格目前显得过于平淡、懦弱,在三姐妹中未见光彩。

31、He was in a most spiritless manner when the soup was sent round to each table ─── 沿桌分汤的时候,他无精打采。

32、The life needs to challenge, may say that does not have the challenging life is the ordinary life, many person of life never dares to challenge the life, that is very regrettable and spiritless. ─── 生活需要挑战,可以说一个没有挑战性的生活是平淡无奇的生活,有许多人一生都从未敢于挑战生活,那是非常遗憾和懦弱的。

33、Being lonely, spiritless and sad, she always goes to Allan for releasing. ─── 她孤独无依、无精打采、愁眉苦脸,经常到阿兰那里去排除忧伤。

34、When at last I showed him out on the quarter-deck he drew a long, spiritless sight ─── 最后我引他登上后甲板时,他有气无力地吐了一口长气。

35、I have been open and sincere where I ought to have been reserved, spiritless , dull, and deceitful. ─── 我本应该表现得沉默寡言,没精打采,呆板迟钝,而我却表现得胸怀坦率,诚恳待人。

36、He was a blond, spiritless man, anemic, and faintly handsome ─── 他这个长相不错的人,苍白的脸上没有血色,无精打采。

37、I know that one day my body will be lying somewhere, completely spiritless after I die. ─── 我知道,某一天,我也会躺在某处死去,死后无知无觉,一切都结束了。

38、I unwilling only this kind of spiritless matter keep company with my endless dark night in future, I try to more diligently search not much of recall. ─── 我不甘心只有这种没劲的事陪伴我将来的漫长黑夜,我试图更努力地搜索不多的回忆。

39、Zheng country is the small country, king is also spiritless, leads ChuJunzhui to kill Wu Zixu immediately. ─── 郑国是小国,国王也懦弱,立即带领楚军追杀伍子胥。

40、UNTIL recently the jobs market had been one of the livelier parts of a mostly spiritless economy. ─── 直至最近,就业市场一直为多半处于萎靡状态的经济中比较有生气的部分。

41、The child used to be lively, why does he seem so spiritless today? ─── 这孩子怎么了,平常挺活泼的今天怎么发苶了?

42、Oh! Mama, how spiritless, how tame was Edward's manner in reading to us last night! ─── 啊,妈妈!昨晚爱德华给我们朗诵时是多么萎靡不振,无精打彩啊!

43、In front of this heavyprice, our family spiritless. ─── 在这个沉重的代价面前,我们家死气沉沉的.

44、The old man seemed dejected and spiritless ─── 那老汉显出一副垂头丧气的潦倒相。

45、spiritless death ─── 死于无聊

46、such traditional practices in use today will not be unreasonable to Lizainali no creativity, spiritless the gate wall. ─── 但这种传统做法在如今的使用不会再是蛮横地立在那里,却没有任何创意、死气沉沉的一堵墙。

47、Maybe it's this big turn of events that has rendered me energy-deprived and spiritless like shriveled-up spinach. ─── 也许是大势所趋?我也有点被凉凉的晨露打蔫的感觉。

48、Spiritless time must prepare a lesson strongly. ─── 懦弱之时要预习坚强.

49、The reason that some websites are spiritless, do not have the how much influences, the question to lie in lack the innovative ideology, lacks the new mentality, the method and the form. ─── 一些网站之所以死气沉沉,没有多少影响力,问题就在于缺少创新意识,缺少新的思路、方法和形式。

50、A hotel staff member said Liu looked tired and "spiritless". ─── 一位宾馆的工作人员说,刘翔看起来很累,精神疲惫。

51、3. A spiritless tenacity was his main characteristic, I judged. ─── 我估量他性格的主要特征是一种冷冰冰的韧劲。

52、He was a blond, spiritless man, anaemic, and faintly handsome. ─── 他是个头发金黄、没精打采的人,脸上没有血色,样子还不难看。

53、In this film, the love plot was dealed with carefully and had the full flavor.However, it didn"t make Laoli"s spiritless and disposition character pass through the whole film. ─── 不过,影片在表现老李性格的前后一致性上处理得不当,没有将老李懦弱、敷衍的性格特征贯穿全片。

54、No. Oh, they will. They will. -I get offended when they accuse us of being soulless spirits, spiritless... -So do I, so do I. ─── 不。哦,他们会。他们会。-我因他们指责我们没有灵魂、没有信仰而生气...-我也是,我也是。

55、I am as before spiritless, ─── 我依旧懦弱,

56、Yes!!!! I am spiritless!!! I am very spiritless!!!! I do not want to be strong!!!! I only think the spiritless sadness!!! ─── 是!!!!莪懦弱!!!莪很懦弱!!!!莪卟想坚强!!!!莪只想懦弱的感伤!!!

57、If he does not join the general scramble and pant with the money-making street, we deem him spiritless and lacking in ambition. ─── 如果某人不加入一般人的争夺,或是不汲汲于生财之道,我们就会认为他精神委靡,缺乏抱负。

58、Crawls furiously the annotation spiritless cliff. ─── 奋力爬出诠释懦弱的悬崖。

59、a spiritless argument ─── 沉闷的辩论

60、The girl seemed to June, suddenly, intolerably spiritless ─── 琼忽然觉得这个女孩子太没有种了,简直使人无法忍受。

61、The angel shortcoming is too kind.The devil shortcoming is too evil.My shortcoming is too spiritless. ─── 天使的缺点是太善良 魔鬼的缺点是太邪恶 我的缺点是太懦弱.

62、a pale, spiritless child ─── 面色苍白、无精打采的孩子

63、it was a spiritless attempt. ─── 这是个无精打采的尝试。

64、Does strongly for the man continually in the competition such big society all cannot achieve is not very spiritless? ─── 在竞争这么大社会中做为男人连坚强都做不到是不是很懦弱?。

65、The not familiar rice wine sweet flavor have another, the alcohol contain is little, haven't completely converted and drink spiritless, but the eating be not on the whole bad. ─── 不熟的米酒甜味多,所含酒精少,还没有完全转化,喝着没劲,但口感不算坏。

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