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08-14 投稿


expended 发音

英:[?k?spend?d]  美:[?k?spend?d]

英:  美:

expended 中文意思翻译



expended 反义词


expended 同义词

dispensable | consumable | spendable | nonessential | superfluous | disposable | unneeded | throwaway | replaceable | usable | unessential

expended 短语词组

1、expended meaning ─── 扩展意义

2、expended appropriation ─── [经] 拨款已用数

3、expended pattern ─── 扩展模式

4、expended stage ─── 扩展阶段

5、expended step ─── 扩展步骤

6、expended engine ─── 消耗引擎

7、expended core ─── 扩展核心

8、expended case ─── 已支出案例

9、expended bed ─── 用过的床

expended 词性/词形变化,expended变形

动词过去式: expended |动词第三人称单数: expends |动词过去分词: expended |动词现在分词: expending |

expended 相似词语短语

1、appended ─── adj.附加的;添加的;v.附加;贴上;增补(append的过去式和过去分词)

2、unexpended ─── 未耗尽的;adj.未花费的

3、expanded ─── adj.扩充的,展开的;(材料)多孔的,泡沫的;(金属板)网眼的;(形状)相对宽的;(活字)阔体的;v.扩大(expand的过去式和过去分词)

4、expender ─── 消耗品

5、expensed ─── n.损失,代价;消费;开支;vt.向……收取费用;把……记入费用账户;vi.被花掉

6、expounded ─── v.详述,阐述;说明,讲解;解释……的意思

7、perpended ─── vt.深思;慎重考虑;vi.考虑;仔细考虑;n.贯石;穿墙石

8、extended ─── adj.延伸的;扩大的;长期的;广大的;v.延长;扩充(extend的过去分词)

9、depended ─── 依靠(depend的过去分词);取决于;决定于

expended 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They have expended all their ammunition. ─── 他们把弹药用光了。

2、The work obtainable equals that expended. ─── 可得到的功和所消耗的功相等.

3、It is necessary to expend cost foy enjoying freedom. ─── 享受自由就得付出代价.

4、However, if the data has not been properly filed, some time and effort will be expended to find it. ─── 但是如果数据没有经过合适的存档,要找到该条数据所花费的时间和精力就会加。

5、Analyze risks to decide where to expend test effort. ─── 分析风险,决定测试的重点。

6、They do not want to expend energy in what, to them, is a lost cause. ─── 他们不想再费精力了,对他们而言,那是注意定要失败的。

7、But Mograine was weakened, having expended much of his energy to combat the ambush, and his aide High Inquisitor Fairbanks had already fallen. ─── 但是莫格莱尼被削弱了,已经消毫了太多的力气来抗击埋伏的敌人,而且他的副官大检察官法尔班克斯已经被击倒。

8、But President Bush (says) said this would unreasonably (expend) expand the role of the government in health care. ─── 但布什总统说这将使政府在健康护理方面的作用毫无道理地扩大。

9、MDA make component's reuse expend to model's reuse. ─── MDA的出现,使软件复用由组件复用扩展到模型复用。

10、Commonly, people do not expend the time or energy to gather complete information. ─── 一般来说,人们不会花费时间和精力来搜集完全的信息。

11、He had expended much time and energy on that experiment. ─── 他已经花费许多时间、金钱在那实验上。

12、Relatively little effort has been expended in this country to applying two-phase detonation theory to the combustion stability problem. ─── 在把两相爆震理论应用于燃烧稳定性方面,该国家几乎没做过多少工作。

13、Four fifths of the perjury In the world be expend on tombstone , women , and competitor . ─── 世上的伪证,有五分之四花费于墓碑、女人以及竞争对手之上。

14、A significant scientific and social effort has been expended to evaluate whether cognitive deficits can be remedied through systematic interventions. ─── 一次重要的科学和社会努力已经被用掉评价是否认识的赤字可以被透过有系统的干涉补救。

15、Enter the number of cleanings that this cartridge can perform before it is considered to be expended. The value must not be zero. ─── 在该磁带被扩充之前,请输入可以执行的清洗次数。数值不能为零。

16、For those who truly wish to reduce the amount of energy expended on lighting, the answer may not be to ban old-fashioned incandescent bulbs. ─── 对于那些真正希望减少用于照明的能源消耗的人来说,答案可能不是去禁止使用老式的白炽灯泡,而是强制使。

17、They had expended a great amount of time on the project. ─── 他们在这项工程上耗费了许多时间。

18、Next, after nonexistent also unit is being expended with total wages capture again capture the insurance premium of retiree. ─── 其次,也不存在单位在以工资总额缴费后再缴退休人员的保险费。

19、For all the effort expended on data gaps, the constant evolution and footloose nature of the financial system complicates matters hugely. ─── 尽管为了获得精确的数据花了大量的精力,金融系统的不断创新和自由天性却使该过程变得非常复杂。

20、We expend huge effort in hiding aspects of ourselves that others would barely notice. ─── 其实别人不一定注意到,我们却花大力气去掩盖。

21、They expend large sum of money in maintain this beach. ─── 他们花去大笔的钱维护这个海滩。

22、Don't expend all your time on such a useless job. ─── 不要把时间消耗在这种无用的工作上。

23、In some cases the labor expended on these historical studies was out of proportion to the result achieved. ─── 在某些情况下,花费在这种历史研究的劳动同其所取得的成果很不相称。

24、He lived high and expended largely. ─── 他生活讲究,花费很大。

25、They feel as if they have expended all their energy and all they get in return is a sense of emptiness. ─── 他们觉得似乎耗尽了所有精力,换来的只有空虚感。

26、Not real champagne, but plenty real enough for the amount of imagination expended on it. ─── 也不是真有香槟,而是运用了充分的想像力弄假成真了。

27、To expend all one's strength and resources toward achievement of an end or purpose. ─── 大胆尝试全力以赴且竭尽全力以达到某一目标或目的

28、The structure characteristics of expended granular sludge bed were introduced. ─── 介绍了膨胀颗粒污泥床的结构工艺特性。

29、Pyros: The Divine Fire. Prometheans generate fluid Pyros from their Azoth (their store of purified Pyros). Pyros is expended to power Transmutations. ─── 圣火:神圣火焰。活尸以水银(储存的纯粹圣火)产出液态圣火。消耗圣火可发动嬗变术。

30、They had expended all their ammunition. ─── 他们的弹药已

31、He expended all his strength in trying to climb out . ─── 他用尽全力试图爬出来。

32、Even if him worker agrees, do not expend also be deregulation for pay endowment insurance. ─── 即使是职工本人同意,不为缴纳养老保险费也是违反规定的。

33、I have expended much time and thought on the problem . ─── 在这个问题上,我已花费了许多时间和心思。

34、"The course is unalterable," Dr. Alexander said. "The last fuel was expended several months ago, to make sure we hit the planet. ─── “它的命运是无法改变的,”亚历山大博士说,“最后的燃料数月前已经被扔掉以保证它将在木星上坠毁。

35、"The effort has left me breathless not only because of the energy expended but especially because of the vitality of this exilic prophet's message. ─── 今天拿到这本英文的以西结书注释,厚厚地捧在手中,有期待,也有惶惶。

36、Large sums were expended on model farms. ─── 大宗金钱费于建设模范农场。

37、The idea is to prove that the sender has expended more computer time on that individual message than a mass-marketing spammer could afford. ─── 其中的重点是,寄件者为单一讯息所耗费的计算时间,比大量行销的垃圾邮件寄件者所能负担得更长。

38、He expended a lot of thought, work and money on his project. ─── 他花了许多心思,劳力和金钱在他的计划上。

39、However ,if the data has not been properly filed, some time and effort will be expended to find it. ─── 但是如果数据没有经过任何合适的存档,要找到该条数据所花费的时间和精力就会加大。

40、The energy expended in earning a livelihood, in having a family, and in being serious enough to grasp what is being said is all energy. ─── 能量被消耗在谋生上面,在拥有一个家庭上面,也用在认真领会正在说的这些话上面。这都是能量。

41、I'll love you just like a swan cherish its feather . I seem to be expended all my fortune to change with you at the dawn. ─── 我会像天鹅爱惜自己的羽毛一般爱你,我似乎用尽了自己所有的运气,才换来和你在一起的契机。

42、Eating less but more nutritious food source translates into less energy expended in the act of digestion. ─── 吃得更少但营养更多的食物来源转译为在消化行为中,能量消耗得更少。

43、Many companies have expended great time and effort trying to improve computer security. ─── 一般只花费时间,努力,比较正式。

44、Cuts the personal income tax and the enterprise taxes and fees, this will leave consumer more money to expend. ─── 削减个人所得税和企业税费,这将会留给消费者更多的钱去消费。

45、The I.M.F. is thinking seeking to expend expand its landing lending ability. ─── 世界货币组织正在寻求发挥它的借贷能力。

46、You expend so much effort for so little return. ─── 你为如此小的回报付出了如此多的努力。

47、They had already expended six thousand dollars in advertisement. ─── 在广告上,他们已花费了6000美元。

48、They had already expended six thousand dollars in advertisement . ─── 在广告上,他们已花费了6000美元。

49、All on-the-job worker partakes be expended in pay of single cardinal number. ─── 在单基数缴费是全体在职职工分担的。

50、What is acting cost? Why should the agent explain manage to expend? Is acting cost cash pledge? ? ─── 什么是代理费?代理商为什么要交代理费?代理费是押金吗??

51、So long as it doesn't bump into anything, the car keeps going until all that kinetic energy is expended. ─── 只要它不撞大什么东西,小车可以持续的前进直到动能耗尽。

52、They expended all his strength in trying to climb out. ─── 他们用尽全力想爬出来。

53、The I.M.F. is seeking to expend expand its lending abilityand . ─── 国际货币基金组织正在寻求扩大其借贷能力。

54、The mother expended many interest later, used a left twine of my rub eventually, I ability is not pouty. ─── 后来母亲费了不少劲,终于用了我搓的一根左麻线,我才不撅嘴了。

55、He may expend too much energy trying to control himself and others. ─── 他花费花费过多的精力控制自己和他人。

56、KEY:30. I the speech which expend in the market, every day how many brushes the card the maximum quota is? ─── 8月27日19:2630.我在商场消费的话,每天刷卡的最大限额是多少呢?

57、The efficiency of doing any activity is the ratio between the work accomplished and the energy expended. ─── 做事的效率是指完成的工作和完成这项工作所消耗的能量之间的比率。

58、Last year, it was expended to all the public schools in the city. ─── 去年,该项目扩大到该城市的所有公立学校。

59、He has expended a large sum on his car. ─── 他在车身上花了一大笔钱。

60、The effort expended in the name wars would be better spent on smartening up what was once a wonderfully grand provincial metropolis. ─── 将力气耗费在姓名大战中总比用在争辩那座城曾是宏大的一省之都要强多了。

61、Flattery has expended his head. ─── 别人的恭维使他趾高气扬。

62、Smith had expended large sums in pursuing his claim through the court. ─── 史密斯通过法庭争取自己的权利时花费了大笔的钱。

63、She expended all her efforts on the care of home and children. ─── 她把所有精力都花在料理家务和照顾孩子上。

64、Want you only floriferous dot idea, need not expend setbacks to also can have a cool and clinking summer greatly. ─── 只要你多花点心思,不用大费周折也能拥有一个凉爽无比的夏日。

65、And then, the proposed basic model was expended in several directions to further improve the representation capability. ─── 为了进一步增强该方法在表达性能指标关系方面的能力,扩展了所提出的基本模型。

66、She expended all her capital on equipment. ─── 她将所有资本用于设备。

67、The medical treatment inside insurance time limit is expended pay accumulative total gross to be sure with exceeding amount in the limit of. ─── 保险期限内医疗费给付累计总数以不超过保险金额为限。

68、Which bank or which kinds of means, does hand foreword expend lowest? ─── 哪个银行或者哪种方式,手序费最低呢?

69、They expend all their strength in trying to climb out. ─── 他们费尽全力想爬出来。

70、To expend great or vigorous effort. ─── 努力耗费巨大的或充满活力的努力

71、They expended every ounce of energy. ─── 他们消耗了每一分精力。

72、Do not expend all your energy on such a useless job. ─── 不要把你的精力全花在这无益的工作上。

73、The soldiers expended all their ammunition in that fight. ─── 士兵在那场战斗中用尽了所有的弹药。

74、They expend the entire amount of their allowance, in subscriptions, under my direction. ─── 他们在我的指导下,把全部的零用钱都捐出去。

75、It is likely that when resources and effort have been expended on their behalf, patients feel it is churlish not to express some satisfaction. ─── 也可能是机构的资源与人员的努力,让病人感到不表达些许的满意是没有礼貌的。

76、There is none."It's basic physiology," Loria says."Eat fewer calories than you expend. ─── “这是基本的生理机能,”罗丽亚说,“(如果有的话,那就是)摄取比你消耗少一点的卡路里。”

77、No doubt you know that an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expend the seller's business. ─── 你肯定知道折扣具有刺激性,可以鼓励买方,有助于扩大卖方的业务。

78、He estimates that the beauty premium generated by such primping is worth only 15% of the money expended. ─── 他估计靠打扮来获得的美只占所花金钱的15%的价值。

79、They had expended all their capital on equipment. ─── 他们将所有资本用于设备。

80、They expended a great amount of time on the project. ─── 他们在这个工程上花了大量的时间。

81、Don't use recursive functions because they could expend too much stack space. ─── 不要使用递归功能,因为他们会消耗太多的堆空间。

82、In cause ocean while the brand resents strongly, the person that offset is expended, it is good interest good news however. ─── 在引起洋品牌强烈不满的同时,对消费者而言,却是不错的利好消息。

83、Consults Fei Kedi to expend. ─── 咨询费可抵消费。

84、Low-value consumables and containers for repetitive use may be expended entirely upon incurring or amortized over two years or by installments. ─── 低值易耗品和周转使用的包装物在领用后,可以采用一次摊销、五五摊销或者分期摊销等方法进行摊销。

85、Financing provided to companies that have expended their initial capital and require funds, often to initiate commercial manufacturing and sales. ─── 为需要扩展初始资本和需要资金的公司企业进行的融资,一般用于开展制造或销售业务。

86、The whole of a man's income is expended in the purchase of services and of commodities. ─── 个人之全部所得,乃是用来购买劳役和商品的。

87、The I.M.F. is seeking to expend expand its landing lending ability. ─── 世界货币基金组织正在试图扩张它的贷款能力。

88、The company had expended thousands of dollars on posters and comic books devoted to the subject. ─── 公司为了这个问题花了几千元印刷连环画和招贴画。

89、He lied high and expended largely. ─── 他生活奢侈,花销很大。

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