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08-14 投稿


brilliantness 发音


英:  美:

brilliantness 中文意思翻译



brilliantness 短语词组

1、brilliantness goes on ─── 辉煌还在继续

brilliantness 词性/词形变化,brilliantness变形

副词: brilliantly |名词: brilliantness |

brilliantness 同义词

excellent | burning | shining | sparkling | dazzling | alert | ablaze | wonderful | glowing | intelligent | gifted | virtuoso | shrewd | talented | brainy | signal | splendid | colorful | purple | skillful | gorgeous | bright | clever | dashing | glorious | pearl | artistic | magnificent |clear | ingenious | marvelous | resplendent | smart | vivid | noted | stunning | luminous | inspired | flashy | wise | adorned | superb | intense | radiant | flamboyant | capable | shiny | understanding | marvellous

brilliantness 反义词

gloomy |dismal | melancholy

brilliantness 相似词语短语

1、brilliants ─── adj.灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的;精彩的,绝妙的

2、brilliance ─── n.光辉;才华;宏伟

3、brilliant cuts ─── 一种钻石切割法

4、brilliantes ─── 辉煌的

5、brilliantine ─── n.(男用)润发油;(棉毛交织的)亮光薄呢;v.用润发油梳理头发

6、brilliant ─── adj.灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的;精彩的,绝妙的

7、brilliante ─── 轻质平地点花衬衫布

8、brilliantined ─── adj.涂润发油的;穿着亮光薄呢的

9、brilliant cut ─── 一种钻石切割法

brilliantness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The contrasted the brilliant sunset with the gloomy woods. ─── 他们把煌煌的落日和郁郁的树林相对照。

2、They all rejoiced over the brilliant victory. ─── 他们大家欢庆那辉煌的胜利。

3、His vague manner concealed a brilliant mind. ─── 他大智若愚。

4、He was a new and a brilliant recruit for their group. ─── 他是这个集团中才华焕发的新进。

5、After-glow glossed the brilliant sky. ─── 夕阳映照,天空更多彩.

6、His smile looks like a sunflower,so brilliant . ─── 他的笑灿烂的若盛开的向日葵。

7、She was a brilliant public speaker. ─── 她很擅长在公开场合演讲。

8、His brilliant work testifies to his ability. ─── 他卓越的工作表现证明了他的能力。

9、She is a good student, or better, a brilliant one. ─── 她是个好学生,更确切地说,是一个出类拔萃的学生。

10、He has got brilliant achievements in the field of physics. ─── 他在物理学方面已经取得了卓越的成就。

11、Therefore, offering a brilliant uptime and speed. ─── 因此,提供了辉煌的正常运行时间和速度。

12、Day broke and a brilliant sun lit up the rooms. ─── 天亮了,灿烂的阳光照亮了房间。

13、By frankly admitting he wasn't a brilliant player, he disarmed us all. ─── 他坦率地承认自己并非高手,让我们都放下心来。

14、She was so beautiful and brilliant. ─── 她是那么美丽,那么雍容华贵。

15、Prince Henry, had a brilliant idea. ─── 亨利王子,有个绝妙的主意。

16、A brilliant display, as of rhetoric or wit, or of virtuosity in the performing arts. ─── 口才或机智的炫耀辉煌灿烂,天花乱坠,尤指在口才或才智,以及艺术表演中的艺术表现能力

17、He is a brilliant diagnostician! ─── |他是医术高明的诊断师!

18、Gaius Baltar is a brilliant scientist. ─── Gaius Baltar),他是一位非常杰出的科学家。

19、She is not brilliant, but she is thorough. ─── 她并非才华横溢,但很仔细。

20、The sky sparkled with brilliant stars. ─── 天空中群星闪烁,灿烂夺目。

21、They have had a brilliant success. ─── 他们取得了出色的成绩。

22、His form this season has been brilliant. ─── 他本季的竞技状态极佳。

23、He does a brilliant impersonation of the President. ─── 他模仿总统模仿的很出色。

24、He established brilliant achievements in war. ─── 他立下了赫赫战功。

25、He is As brilliant a politician As ever lived. ─── 他是古今最卓越的政治家。

26、Brilliant Cold Storage Management Ltd. ─── 光辉冻仓管理有限公司。

27、He gave birth to a brilliant idea. ─── 他想到一个绝妙的主意。

28、To do him justice, he is brilliant. ─── 你要是公平对待他,他会很优秀。

29、Thanks Tsuyoshi for your brilliant performance! ─── 亚刚,亦要谢谢你的精彩演出!

30、The female is generally drab, the male per contra brilliant. ─── 一般来说雌性是黄褐色的,而雄性是色彩鲜明的。

31、A small brilliant bird flashed into view. ─── 一只色彩斑澜的小鸟从眼前一闪而过。

32、Then Odysseus had a brilliant idea. ─── 后来奥迪赛想到了一个高明的主意。

33、She's a brilliant organizer and administrator. ─── 她是个出色的组织者和管理者。

34、On a day of brilliant sunshine,we went camping. ─── 在一个阳光明媚的日子,我们去野营。

35、The brilliant sunset contrasted with the gloomy woods. ─── 光彩夺目的落日与黑黝黝的树林形成对照。

36、His brilliant speech did them proud. ─── 他出色的谈吐使他们感到骄傲。

37、He came up with a brilliant idea. ─── 他想出了一个绝妙的主意。

38、Harriet was an extremely pretty girl of seventeen, not in the least brilliant, but with pleasing, unassuming manners, and a gratifying habit of looking up to Emma as a paragon. ─── 哈里特是附近寄宿学校学生,住在校长家里。她年方十七,相貌出众,虽然资质低下,但举止行为却讨人喜欢,毫不做作,又习惯于把爱玛奉为楷模,所以挺称人心意。

39、That's another brilliant idea down the pan. ─── 又一个好主意玩儿完了!

40、She's brilliant but self-effacing. ─── 她才华横溢而不露锋芒。

41、She is brilliant but her work lacks organization. ─── 她很聪明,但工作缺乏条理。

42、After a good night's sleep, he had a brilliant inspiration. ─── 他美美睡了一夜後想到一个绝妙的主意。

43、He is not brilliant, but he's very sensible. ─── 他不是特别聪明,但很通情达理。

44、To make less colorful or brilliant. ─── 使无光泽,使不艳丽

45、Lily turned a brilliant smile on the newcomer. ─── 丽莉对新来者展现出一幅妩媚的的笑容。

46、A style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmonic complexity, improvised solo performances, and a brilliant style of execution. ─── 博普一种爵士乐风格,具有节奏与和声混合的特征,即兴独奏表演,是一种音乐演奏技巧上的卓越风格

47、Thanks. You've been brilliant(= very kind). ─── 多谢。您真好。

48、He did a brilliant impression of the President. ─── 他对总统作了逼真的滑稽模仿。

49、He's a fucking brilliant standup comedian. ─── 佢讲栋笃笑讲得好精采。

50、He was brilliant, fantastic, and irresponsible. ─── 他容光焕发,浮想联翩,而且不负责任。

51、He is a competent, but not a brilliant musician. ─── 作为音乐家,他能胜任,但缺乏才华。

52、He's not a brilliant tennis-player but he's passable. ─── 他不是一个优秀的网球运动员,但还过得去。

53、He's an absolutely brilliant cook. ─── 他的厨艺精湛至极。

54、Never expect him to come up with a brilliant idea. ─── 别指望他能够想出好主意。

55、She was conspicuous by her brilliant merits. ─── 她以卓越的功绩而受人注意。

56、What a brilliant way to end the season! ─── 何等辉煌的收官之战!

57、His mind wsa in no sense brilliant. ─── 他的头脑一点也算不得聪明。

58、She does a brilliant take-off of the boss. ─── 她学老板的样子学得可笑极了。

59、Both sides showed brilliant play. ─── 双方都施展出高超的球艺。

60、The brilliant court life at Versailles. ─── 凡尔赛豪华的宫廷生活。

61、His fave colour is pms 300 (a brilliant blue). ─── 他最喜欢的颜色是明蓝。

62、A brilliant young comedian upstaged the star. ─── 一位出色的年轻喜剧演员抢了这明星的镜头。

63、He is a brilliant student; he will go far. ─── 他是位有才华的学生; 他会大有作为的。

64、A brilliant flare popped off right over our heads . ─── 一颗耀眼的照明弹突然在我们头顶上炸开。

65、Sha is a brilliant and accomplished girl. ─── 她是个多才多艺的姑娘。

66、He was the most brilliant composer of his age. ─── 在他那个时代,他是最杰出的作曲家。

67、She's a brilliant raconteur. ─── 她是讲故事的高手.

68、She's brilliant but self effacing. ─── 她才华横溢而不露锋芒.

69、His work isn't brilliant but give him his due. He is conscientious and loyal. ─── 他的工作并不出色,但说句公道话,他很认真,也很尽职。

70、Their brilliant performances won great acclaim from the audience. ─── 他们精彩的表演赢得了观众的一致好评。

71、Brilliant students are ten a penny at that college. ─── 出色的学生在那所大学里有的是。

72、Aster looked in, green eyes brilliant as emeralds. ─── 埃斯特探头进来,一双碧绿的眼睛象翡翠那样闪着光亮。

73、He did a brilliant backward somersault. ─── 他翻了个漂亮的后翻跟头。

74、Did you think the book matched up to its brilliant review? ─── 你是否认为这本书与其充满赞誉的书评相符?

75、She seemed to have a brilliant career ahead of her. ─── 她似乎有着灿烂的前途。

76、Here was the germ of a brilliant idea. ─── 一个绝妙的主意就是从这里萌发的。

77、She is brilliant and beautiful, and I love her. ─── 她又聪明又美丽,我是爱她的。

78、The most brilliant person may be mired in detail and confusion. ─── 即使是最聪明的人也会陷入琐事与混乱之中。

79、Brilliant technique or style in performance. ─── 优秀演技表演的优秀技巧或风格

80、Matching Ads to Content - Brilliant! ─── 匹配广告内容的辉煌!

81、Wind and rain Brilliantness future worth looking forward to. ─── 风雨铸就辉煌,未来值得期待。

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