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08-14 投稿


absurdity 发音

英:[?b's??d?t?]  美:[?b's?d?ti]

英:  美:

absurdity 中文意思翻译



absurdity 词性/词形变化,absurdity变形


absurdity 短语词组

1、sink into absurdity v. ─── 做荒唐事

2、be honest to absurdity ─── 诚实到荒谬的地步

3、absurdity in art ─── 艺术的荒诞

4、be the height of absurdity ─── 荒谬绝伦

5、absurdity test ─── 挑错测验

6、absurdity crossword ─── 荒诞填字游戏

7、absurdity day ─── 荒诞日

8、absurdity film ─── 荒诞电影

9、the height of absurdity ─── 荒谬绝伦

10、reduction to absurdity ─── [法] 归谬法, 法证论法

absurdity 反义词


absurdity 同义词

incongruity | farce | rubbish | stupidity | silliness | joke | foolery | paradox | farcicality | fatuity | illogicality | irrationality | fatuousness | ridiculousness | absurdness | extravagance | vanity |nonsense

absurdity 相似词语短语

1、absurdists ─── adj.荒诞主义的;n.荒诞主义者

2、absurdism ─── n.荒诞主义

3、abstrusity ─── n.难解;深奥

4、absurdities ─── n.荒谬;谬论;荒谬的言行

5、absurder ─── 荒谬的

6、surdity ─── n.聋

7、absurd ─── adj.荒谬的;可笑的;n.荒诞;荒诞作品

8、absurdly ─── adv.出奇地,荒谬地

9、absurdist ─── adj.荒诞主义的;n.荒诞主义者

absurdity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His high-flown style just sounds absurd today. ─── 他的浮夸风格如今听起来真是荒谬。

2、Moreover, the "one doctrine" theory is an absurdity. ─── “一个主义”也不通。

3、He insisted in an extremely agitated fashion on the absurdity of the parallel. ─── 他还是十分激动地坚决指出这种类比是荒谬的。

4、The crowd laughed at the absurdity of the clown's behavior. ─── 人群对小丑的滑稽行为报以笑声。

5、They offered him the most absurd flattery, and he ate it up. ─── 他们对他说了些最为荒唐可笑的奉承话,而他竟欣然接受了。

6、Camus argued that not absurdity but absurd outcome is important. ─── 加缪觉得荒谬并不重要,重要的是荒谬的结果。

7、His face was coarse-slack from illness, suffering, and absurdity. ─── 他脸上的肌肉粗糙松弛,是病痛、苦难和荒唐生活造成的结果。

8、He finally recovered from an absurd infatuation. ─── 他终于从荒唐的迷恋中醒悟过来。

9、It is absurd to argue from these premises. ─── 凭这些前提议论是不合理的。

10、How can you believe his absurdity? ─── 你怎么能相信他的谬论呢?

11、Sir Geoffrey would have none of the absurdity. ─── 佐佛来男爵却不以为有什么荒唐的地方。

12、It 'll be just let candy company make a profit. It 's absurd ! ─── 只让糖果公司赚钱,真不合理!

13、Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd. ─── 与本性、理性或常识相反的; 荒谬的

14、He doesn't sound bitter, just commenting on the absurdity of the situation. ─── 他没有说难听的话,只是就这种荒谬的情况发表了看法。

15、Can you synonymize “absurd”? ─── 你能举出“absurd”的同义词吗?

16、Your explanation involves a gross absurdity. ─── 你的解释大为荒诞

17、Their conduct in this affair caps the climax of absurdity. ─── 在这件事情上,他们的表现荒唐透顶。

18、He has a good sense of the absurd. ─── 他对荒诞事物有较强的识别能力。

19、The pleading with Noriega is beyond absurd. ─── 向诺列加好言相求真是荒唐得无以复加。

20、Can you help me to explain my absurdity? ─── 你是否能够帮助我解释一下我的悖论?

21、We just let candy company make a profit. It's absurd! ─── 只让糖果公司赚钱,真不合理!

22、I wonder who dreamed up that idea; it's pretty absurd anyhow. ─── 不知是谁想出的这个主意。不管怎么说,实在是荒唐。

23、The author has overdrawn the villain to the point of absurdity. ─── 作者把那个反面人物夸张到了荒谬的地步。

24、In winter it is beastly even to absurdity. ─── 冬天是荒谬的坏。

25、Now the absurd situation was open. ─── 于是尴尬的局面揭开了。

26、They go to absurd length to keep the affair secret. ─── 他们为了保密无所不用其极。

27、Every absurdity have a champion to defend it. ─── 任何谬论都拥有拥护它的斗士。

28、He smiled at the manifest absurdity. ─── 他对这明显的谬论付之一笑。

29、On the face of things, this concern is absurd. ─── 在表面上看来,这样的担心是愚蠢的。

30、The story(absurd enough!) is that Jupiter made the first woman and sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their presumption in stealing fire from heaven; and man, for accepting the gift. ─── 传说(虽然相当荒唐)朱庇特造了第一个女人并把她送给了普罗米修斯兄弟二人,以惩罚他们偷盗天火的狂妄行为,也惩罚人类,因为他们接受了天火。

31、Often they would push their questioning to the point of absurdity in an effort to expose the fallacy of a particular belief or argument. ─── 通常,他们会把问题推向悖论之极,然后竭力揭示出某一信仰或论题的荒谬性。

32、You may be sensitive to a point of absurdity. ─── 你可能对荒谬的事十分敏感。

33、It is absurd to argue about this. ─── 争论这个问题是不合情理的。

34、His story of been kidnapped by little green men is sheer absurdity. ─── 他说他遭到矮小的绿种人绑架,这纯粹是无稽之谈。

35、Bakhtin's feelings of the world is carnival, but behind Yan Lianke's carnival in the surface is the deep sense of tragedy and absurdity. ─── 巴赫金对世界的感受是狂欢,而阎连科在表层狂欢书写的背后隐藏着深沉的悲剧意识和荒诞感。

36、He said something very absurd and we took him up on it quickly. ─── 他说了一些非常荒谬的话,我们立即给他指出来。

37、He looked absurd in that get up. ─── 他穿着那套衣服看上去怪模怪样的.

38、Ridiculously clumsy; absurd. ─── 可笑地愚蠢的;蠢笨的

39、Afterwards he would grumble to Jou-chia, "This is absurd! ─── 他事后跟柔嘉叽咕道:“这不像话!

40、It is absurd of you to suggest such a thing. ─── 你竟提出这种事,真荒唐。

41、It was absurd of you to suggest such a thing. ─── 你居然建议这样的事,太可笑了。

42、What put that absurd notion in your head? ─── 什么使你有那样不切实际的想法?

43、It was absurd of you to do such a thing. ─── 你做那样的事是愚蠢的。

44、It is absurd that nobody had noticed them before, but there it is. ─── 可真傻,以前谁也没注意到,可是,确有其事。

45、He made absurd statements in the internet chat room. ─── 他在网络聊天室里大放阙辞。

46、They began to swell to the point of absurdity. ─── 他们开始扩增到近似荒唐的地步。

47、Besides, it struck him as a little absurd to allude to the matter. ─── 况且,他突然觉得提这事有点荒唐。

48、Albert Camus is an absurd philosopher. ─── 加缪的哲学是荒诞的哲学。

49、There was an absurd idea that the earth was flat and motionless. ─── 去曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球呈扁平状而且静止不动。

50、later that she could see the absurdity of the situation. ─── 后来她才看出了那种局面的荒唐。

51、Coevolution moves things to the absurd. ─── 共同进化将事物推往荒唐的境地。

52、Another area where people go to absurd extremes is exercise. ─── 人们走入可笑极端的另一个领域是锻炼。

53、A new idea suddenly came to him, but the absurdity of it made him laugh. ─── 一种新的想法突然来到他的脑际,但这种想法的荒谬性使得他大笑起来。

54、Your absurd name, an ancient Greek. ─── “你这姓名太荒唐了,一个古希腊人[9]。”

55、Do you expect me to credit that absurd tale? ─── 你想我会相信那个荒谬绝伦的谎言吗?

56、He said something very absurd and we took him up on it. ─── 他说了一些非常荒廖的话,我们都责备他。

57、Ten years ago,the thought of a professional gamer would have been absurd. ─── 十年前,职业游戏玩家的想法被认为是荒谬可笑的。

58、He revolted against the absurd idea. ─── 他厌恶那种荒谬的想法。

59、He was dressed for the pantomime, in all the absurdity of a clown's costume. ─── 他穿着演哑剧的服装,是荒唐不堪的小丑装。

60、He examined this joy with a sort of wrath, and found it absurd. ─── 他气愤愤地检查那种愉快心情,觉得有些荒谬。

61、His works on the absurdity and sufferings of life create the most comprehensive irony. ─── 他的作品对生活中所有的荒谬和苦难作出最彻底的反讽刺。

62、He began to pity himself, but a sense of the absurdity of his thoughts made him smile. ─── 他开始可怜自己,但又感觉到自己的想法荒谬而微笑了。

63、His idea is nothing short of absurd. ─── 他的想法无异于荒谬。

64、It is absurd and ridiculous that he should behave so! ─── 他竟然如此表现,真是荒唐可笑!

65、Don't let yourself be taken in by such absurd deception. ─── 你不要被这些歪理邪说蒙骗了。

66、He looked absurd in that get-up. ─── 他穿著那套衣服看上去怪模怪样的。

67、Laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity. ─── 可笑的由于明显的荒谬或不协调而使发笑或可笑的

68、Camus:Rebel against this absurd shit. ─── 卡谬:对抗这个荒谬的大便。

69、It is absurd that they (should) deny my request. ─── 他们拒绝我的要求是荒唐的。

70、Absurd, perhaps, but not amateurish. ─── 也许有些荒谬,但手段绝不业余。

71、His colleagues were surprised at his absurd Behaviour. ─── 同事们对他那荒诞的行为感到吃惊。

72、His viewpoint was utterly absurd. ─── 他的观点荒谬绝伦。

73、This opinion of his is utterly absurd. ─── 他的这个观点是荒谬绝伦的。

74、Your proposal is absurd; it's an absolute non-starter. ─── 你的建议不合理, 绝对行不通.

75、He regarded the offer as absurd. ─── 他认为这项建议是荒谬的。

76、Don't show us up by wearing something absurd. ─── 不要穿可笑的衣服让我们丢人现眼。

77、He said the late economist's belief in shareholder primacy is today "an absurdity, an obscenity" . ─── 他表示,这位已故经济学家所信仰的“股东至上”,现在看来是“一种谬论、一种无耻之言”。

78、He often says absurd things. ─── 他净说些傻话。

79、Self-reliance is sneered at as an absurd suburban pretension. ─── 依靠自己被讥笑为一种荒唐的偏狭的见解。

80、This use of dialogue underscores not only the dizzy quality of the character played by Katherine Hepburn, but also the absurdity of the film itself and thus its humor. ─── 这种对白的使用不仅突出了凯瑟琳·赫本所扮演角色的大大咧咧的特性,也突出了电影本身的荒谬和幽默。

81、He looks absurd in that hat! ─── 他戴那帽子看起来荒唐可笑的!

82、Disease taught him to treasure his own life, exhausted absurdity with his whole life, also do not hope the future, treasure nowadays. ─── 疾病教会了他要学会珍惜自己的生命,用自己的生活来穷尽荒诞,也勿将希望给予未来,要注重现世的生活。

83、Now, how absurd! To swallow a bird! ─── 嗳呀,多么荒唐!吞咽了一只鸟!

84、The regularity of a habit is generally in proportion to its absurdity. ─── 习惯的规律性通常与其荒谬的程度成正比。

85、Your views are absurd and don't hold water. ─── 你的看法荒唐,根本站不住。

86、Its absurdity, being unsurprising, seems a bit forced. ─── 其丝毫不让人吃惊的荒谬情节也似乎是强制安排的。

87、It was only later that she could see the absurdity of the situation. ─── 只是到了后来她才看出了那种局面的荒唐。

88、These times make it especially necessary to be in touch with the absurdity, the ridiculous, the funniness, and the irony of the everyday. ─── 这些时候使得与日常的荒谬、好笑、滑稽和讽刺相联系特别有必要。

89、He refuted the view by reducing it to absurdity. ─── 他用归谬法驳斥了这个观点。

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