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08-14 投稿


fleeced 发音

英:[fli?st]  美:[fli?st]

英:  美:

fleeced 中文意思翻译



fleeced 词性/词形变化,fleeced变形

名词: fleecer |动词过去式: fleeced |动词现在分词: fleecing |动词过去分词: fleeced |动词第三人称单数: fleeces |

fleeced 短语词组

1、fleeced book ─── 羊毛书

2、fleeced clue ─── 被骗的线索

3、fleeced cars ─── 羊毛车

4、fleeced in hindi ─── 印地语羊毛

5、fleeced me ─── 骗了我

6、fleeced definition ─── 羊毛定义

7、fleeced male crossword ─── 填字游戏男

8、fleeced define ─── 羊毛定义

fleeced 相似词语短语

1、fleece ─── n.羊毛,绒头织物;羊毛制的覆盖物;vt.剪下羊毛;欺诈,剥削;n.(Fleece)人名;(英)弗利斯

2、fleeched ─── 哄骗

3、fleeches ─── 哄骗

4、fleeces ─── n.抓绒(fleece的复数)

5、fleered ─── vi.狞笑,讥笑;嘲弄;vt.嘲笑;n.冷嘲,嘲笑;嘲笑挖苦的话

6、fleeted ─── n.船队,舰队;捕鱼船队;(一国的)海军;(同一机构的)车队,机群;(沼泽地)小河,水道,沟;adj.快速的,敏捷的;跑得快的,疾驰的;(水)浅的;adv.(水)浅,不深地;v.(诗歌或文学)飞逝,疾驰;消磨,使(时间)飞快地过去;消失,转瞬即逝;n.(Fleet)(美)弗利特(人名)

7、fleecer ─── n.羊毛,绒头织物;羊毛制的覆盖物(fleece的变形)

8、fleecier ─── adj.覆盖羊毛的;羊毛状的;羊毛似的;轻软的(fleecy的变形)

9、fleecers ─── n.羊毛,绒头织物;羊毛制的覆盖物(fleece的变形)

fleeced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"He was like a lamb in the hands of the swindlers, and they fleeced him of all his savings." ─── 那些骗子使他轻易地上当受骗,然后诈取了他所有的积蓄。

2、Enough with the “he fleeced the blind guy!” ─── 已经有很多关于他的说法,“他是个骗人的傢伙!”

3、Last year, the Lakers were the trade deadline winners because Mitch Kupchak fleeced Memphis for Pau Gasol.This year, they've won again just by doing next-to-nothing at all. ─── 去年,湖人是交易截止日的赢家,因为库普切克从孟菲斯灰熊手里抢夺到了保罗加索尔。今天,湖人队在几乎什么都没做的情况下又一次成为了赢家。

4、If you paid $200 for the watch, you were fleeced . ─── 如果你花200美金买这块表,你就应该是被骗了。

5、She fleeced 1000 dollars of social insurance. ─── 她骗得了1000美元社会保险金。

6、He was caught in a racket?he was fleeced for a million dollars. ─── 他被人坑了,一共被骗了一百万。

7、When they buy goods, the merchants exploit them;when they sell their farm produce, the merchants cheat them;when they borrow money or rice, they are fleeced by the usurers;and they are eager to find a solution to these three problems. ─── 他们买进货物要受商人的剥削,卖出农产要受商人的勒抑,钱米借贷要受重利盘剥者的剥削,他们很迫切地要解决这三个问题。

8、"They've fleeced the desperate, " says one investor, frustrated that CIT did not file for bankruptcy. ─── 一名投资者对于CIT没有申请破产保护感到非常沮丧,他说:“他们落井下石。”

9、Human-rights groups say he fleeced the Haitian treasury of at least $300m. ─── 人权组织称杜瓦利逃离海地时至少卷走了国库中的3亿美金。

10、Bruno fleeced the kid of his money. ─── 布鲁诺骗取了那小孩子手里的钱。

11、He's competitive. He hasn't forgotten how Magic officials gloated that they'd fleeced the Rockets after that deal. ─── 老爷子很好胜。他不会忘记当魔术高层们在麦蒂的交易中蒙骗了火箭队之后那得意的神情。

12、Last year, the Lakers were the trade deadline winners because Mitch Kupchak fleeced Memphis for Pau Gasol. ─── 去年,湖人是交易截止日的赢家,因为库普切克从孟菲斯灰熊手里抢夺到了保罗加索尔。

13、This has heightened suspicions that foreigners will be fleeced. ─── 这一点加深了外国作者将被剥削的怀疑。

14、He was like a lamb in the hands of the swindlers, and they fleeced him of all His savings. ─── 那些骗子使他轻易地上当受骗,然后诈取了他所有的积蓄。

15、They really fleeced us at that hotel . ─── 在那个旅店,他们简直是敲诈我们。

16、1) They fleeced me. ─── 他们骗了我。

17、be fleeced right and left ─── 受到重重剥削

18、Sheep Drug Halts Colon Cancer; Doctor Says Humans Are Fleeced, Chicago Tribune. ─── 绵羊除虫药抑制结肠癌,医师宣传人们被欺骗了〉, 《芝加哥论譠》。

19、The gamblers fleeced him of all his money. ─── 赌徒们把他的钱全都。

20、Dumb money is the term Hollywood uses for people from outside the industry trying to finance movies because they are often fleeced. ─── 由于那些试图赞助电影的局外人往往会被敲竹杠,好莱坞将这类人称为“傻钱”(dumbmoney)。

21、Some also turned to money managers like Mr Madoff, where they were mercilessly fleeced. ─── 一些对冲基金向麦道夫这样的理财公司举债,但同时他们被无情的进行敲诈。

22、They really fleeced us at that restaurant. ─── 那家餐厅收费太高了,简直是剥削。

23、He who is attracted is fleeced. ─── 估计谁去谁被斩。

24、a sky fleeced with white clouds ─── 白云如絮的天空

25、“They've fleeced the desperate,” says one investor, frustrated that CIT did not file for bankruptcy. ─── 一名投资者对于CIT没有申请破产保护感到非常沮丧,他说:“他们落井下石。”

26、He is Jason,who by courage and sharp wits,fleeced the Colchians of their golden ram. ─── 那是詹森,他用勇气和智慧使得科尔奇斯人失去了公羊。

27、The gamblers fleeced him of all his money . ─── 赌徒们把他的钱全都诈骗去了。

28、fleeced underwear ─── 毛绒内衣

29、If the donor is an official, you can assume that the gift was fleeced off someone else." ─── 假如送礼的人是个做官的,那礼物更不用说是旁人身上剥削下来的了。”

30、In a string of scams conducted from 2001 to 2007, Wang fleeced banks, construction contractors, and private investors for a total of nearly 1.8 billion yuan. ─── 从2001年到2007年,在王布置的一系列骗局中,从银行、建筑商及投资人那里套取总额近18亿元的资金。

31、But the servant did not listen to him, and thought, "You have fleeced people often enough, and now the thorn hedge shall do the same to you. ─── 仆人就把琴声拉得更响了,守财奴跟着跳得越来越剧烈,出的钱也越来越多,最后他答应把钱袋里的整整一百个金币都给仆人,这些金币都是他刚刚从穷人那儿榨取来的。

32、Had AIG gone bankrupt, it would have been impossible to hand out these bonuses.The taxpayer would have been fleeced for $170 billion less last year. ─── 如果我们让AIG破产,它就不可能给高管这些巨额奖金,纳税人在去年也可以省下1700亿美元。

33、This outsider was fleeced when he was shopping in a local shop. ─── 这个外地人在当地的一家商店购物时挨宰了。

34、Theyreally fleeced us at that hotel. ─── 在那个旅店,他们简直是敲诈我们。

35、here the capitalists and the workers are balanced against one another and both of them fleeced for the benefit of the decayed Prussian cabbage Junkers. ─── 在这里,资本家和工人彼此保持平衡,并为了破落的普鲁士土容克的利益而遭受同等的欺骗。

36、We did board with him, and finally he fleeced us; ─── 我们在老人那儿搭伙,老人便狠狠地刮我们的钱;

37、2.I was fleeced of what little I had. ─── 我所有的一点钱都被骗走了。

38、a sky fleeced with clouds ─── 白云朵朵的天空

39、Any recommendations of where I won't be completely fleeced and rough prices would a great help too. ─── 阿米特认为,需要政府承担100%的设施建设费用是“非常极端的情况,而且这不是我们想要看到的情况”。

40、“Some patients are desperately searching for treatment, and as a result are fleeced [by the tricksters] and left with nothing to live on. ─── “有些病人病急乱投医,结果被弄得一贫如洗,生活无着,比歧视更难熬”,高耀洁说。

41、But even before Mitch Kupchak fleeced the Grizzlies the Lakers had shown the potential to finish in the top half of the conference thanks to the development of their young center, Andrew Bynum. ─── 但是在库普切克和灰熊交易之前,湖人就已经显示了他们能登顶西部的实力,而这一切都要归功于他们成长很快的年轻中锋:拜纳姆。

42、fleeced union suit ─── 毛绒衫连裤

43、This outsider was fleeced when he was shopping in a local shop. ─── 这个外地人在当地的一家商店购物时挨宰了。

44、really fleeced us at that restaurant. ─── 那家餐厅收费太高了,简直是剥削。

45、They fleeced him of all he possessed ─── 他们把他的一切财产都诈骗去了。

46、“They aren't exactly saying they were fleeced but they know they went in early with Citi and Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. ─── “它们并未明说自己受到敲诈,但它们知道自己过早买入了花旗(Citi)、美林(MerrillLynch)和摩根士丹利的股份。

47、They fleeced us at that hotel. ─── 那家旅馆敲了我们一笔钱。

48、He is jason, who by courage and sharp wits, fleeced the Colchians of their golden ram ─── 那是哲孙,他用勇气和智慧使得科尔奇斯人失去了公羊。

49、The gamblers fleeced Adams of all his money. ─── 那些赌棍把亚当斯的钱都诈骗光了。

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