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drupe 发音

英:[dru?p]  美:[dru?p]

英:  美:

drupe 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 核果


drupe 词性/词形变化,drupe变形


drupe 短语词组

1、Rough Thorn Drupe ─── 粗刺核果

2、drupe eye ─── 核果眼

3、Strawberry Drupe ─── 草莓核果

4、Prickly Pacific Drupe ─── 太平洋刺核果

5、drupe pro ─── 葡萄

6、drupe define ─── 核果定义

7、drupe fruit ─── 核果

8、spurious drupe ─── [医]假核果

9、drupe app drupe ─── 应用程序

10、drupe definition ─── 核果定义

11、drupe dialer ─── 核果拨号器

12、drupe apk ─── 时钟

13、drupe fruit type ─── 核果型

drupe 相似词语短语

1、croupe ─── 四脚动物的臀部

2、drape ─── vt.用布帘覆盖;使呈褶裥状;vi.成褶皱状垂下;n.窗帘;褶裥;手术洞巾;n.(Drape)(德、瑞典)德拉佩(人名)

3、drupels ─── n.小核果

4、drupes ─── n.[植]核果

5、drupel ─── n.小核果

6、dupe ─── n.上当者;易受骗的人;vt.欺骗;愚弄(等于duplicate)

7、drusen ─── n.脉络膜小疣;脉络膜玻璃膜疣

8、druse ─── n.德鲁士族;德鲁士族人

9、drudge ─── n.苦工;做繁重无聊工作的人;繁重的劳动;v.做苦工;被迫做苦工;n.(Drudge)(美)德鲁奇(人名)

drupe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A small drupe, as in the individual segments of a raspberry fruit. ─── 小的核果,如悬钩子果实中的单个果。

2、Drupe ovoid or ellipsoidal, tuberculate or indistinctly tuberculate-rugose on surface, often glaucous; ─── 核果卵球形或者椭圆体,表面具瘤或具瘤状皱纹,通常有白霜;

3、Drupe globose, slightly compressed, 4-5 mm in diam., mixed pilose and glandular-pubescent, red at maturity. ─── 核果球状,稍压扁,直径4-5毫米,混合具柔毛和腺状短柔毛,成熟时红色。

4、Fruit a drupe, berry, capsule, or samara. ─── 果一核果,浆果,蒴果,或。

5、drupe globose, to 2 cm in diam., fulvous, usually 1-celled, 1-seeded. ─── 核果球状,直径对2厘米,黄褐色,通常是1室,1种子。

6、Anatomical Structure and Histochemical Localization of the Drupe of Macrocarpium officinacle ─── 山茱萸核果的解剖结构和组织化学定位

7、Fruit a drupe;exocarp slightly fleshy, 2- or 3-locular. ─── 果为核果外果皮有点肉质,2-或者3室。

8、Fruit a berrylike drupe with membranous or papery endocarp, rarely drupaceous or loculicidal. ─── 很少,果浆果状核果具膜质或纸质内果皮具核果或。

9、The stony endocarp of a drupe , as in a peach or cherry . ─── 核果的石质内果皮,如桃和樱桃。

10、Drupe red or orange, ellipsoid to subglobose, ca. 4 mm in diam. ─── 核果的红色的或橙,椭圆形到近球形,直径约4毫米;

11、Fruit a drupe or schizocarp, consisting of 1 or 2 mature carpels, 1(or 2)-loculed, indehiscent. ─── 果为核果或者分果,由1或2成熟心皮组成,1(或者2)室,不裂。

12、Fruit a follicle, pome, achene, or drupe, rarely a capsule, naked or enclosed in persistent hypanthium and sometimes also by sepals. ─── 果为蓇葖果,梨果,瘦果,或者核果,很少蒴果,裸露或者包围在宿存托杯里面并且有时也被萼片包围。

13、3(2) Petioles and adaxial surface of leaf blades glabrous; drupe more than 2.5 cm in diam.; endocarp surface scabrous or smooth, base symmetric or rarely asymmetric. ─── 叶片的叶柄和正面无毛;核果2.5厘米直径的超过;内果皮表面难解决的或平滑,基础匀称的或很少非对称。

14、Fruit a septicidal or septifragal, rarely loculicidal, capsule, berry, or drupe; ─── 果为室间开裂或室轴开裂,很少室背开裂的蒴果,浆果,或核果;

15、Fruit black when dry, a baccate drupe, globular, 6-7 mm in diam. ─── 果干燥时的黑色,一浆果状核果,球状,6-7毫米直径。

16、Fruit a drupe, subglobose. ─── 果一个核果,近球形。

17、Leaf blade base cuneate, margin acutely serrate. Drupe and endocarp subglobose to globose. ─── 尖锐的叶片基部楔形,边缘有锯齿。核果和内果皮近球形的到球形。

18、1 Leaf blade base cuneate, margin acutely serrate; drupe and endocarp subglobose to globose. ─── 尖锐的叶片基部楔形,边缘有锯齿;核果和内果皮近球形的到球形。

19、Fruit a drupe, ellipsoid. ─── 果一个核果,椭圆体。

20、Calyx deeply 5-lobed, accrescent, persistent at base of drupe in fruit. ─── 花萼5裂,增大,在果期在核果的基部的宿存的。

21、Fruit a globose or subovoid drupe, with somewhat fleshy exocarp and crusty or leathery endocarp, 1-seeded. ─── 果一近卵形核果的球状或,具稍肉质外果皮和脾气暴躁或革质内果皮,1种子。

22、Leaf adaxially with few subentire scales, soon glabrous, apex long acuminate to bluntly caudate. Calyx tube cylindric, 5-6.5 mm. Drupe ellipsoidal. ─── 叶正面具很少的近全缘的鳞片,不久无毛,先端长渐尖到钝的尾状的。圆筒状的萼筒,核果椭圆体的5-6.5毫米。

23、flowers bisexual, milky yellow, drupe flat, ca. 1 cm long. ─── 核果扁形,约1公分长。

24、The hard, woody endocarp enclosing the seed of a drupe. ─── 核果中包裹种子的木质、坚硬内果皮。

25、Fruit a follicle, pome, achene, or drupe, rarely a capsule, naked or enclosed in persistent hypanthium and sometimes also by sepals. ─── 果为蓇葖果,梨果,瘦果,或者核果,很少蒴果,裸露或者包围在宿存托杯里面并且有时也被萼片包围。

26、small drupe, as in the individual segments of a raspberry fruit. ─── 小核果小的核果,如悬钩子果实中的单个果。果实。

27、Rough Thorn Drupe ─── n. 单齿刺岩螺(骨螺超科,骨螺科)

28、Additional, want to eat the food that contains vitamin B to abound to wait like banana, egg, drupe, Xianggu mushroom, potato more in the festival. ─── 另外,在节日中要多吃含维生素B丰富的食物如香蕉、蛋、核果、香菇、马铃薯等。

29、false drupe ─── 假核果

30、Fruit a small drupe, usually with a 4-locular pyrene. ─── 果一小核果,通常具一4室的果核。

31、Drupe small, subreniform, compressed; ─── 核果小,近肾形,压扁;

32、Drupe 4-lobed, lobes globose, glossy dark reddish brown. ─── 核果4裂,裂片,有光泽深色的红棕色。

33、The stony endocarp of a drupe, as in a peach or cherry. ─── 核果的石质内果皮,如桃和樱桃。

34、fruit a nutlike glabrous drupe with bony endocarp. ─── 果一坚果状无毛核果具骨质的内果皮。

35、Drupe pear-shaped, 3-5 cm, base narrowed into robust stipe, apex nearly truncate, slightly sunken in young fruits, persistent perianth and disk enlarging to more than 5 mm in diam. ─── 核果的梨形,3-5厘米,基部狭窄成为粗壮的柄的,胚乳油性。

36、Drupe purple-red or purple-black at maturity, subcylindric, 7-11 mm, 4-5 mm in diam., base with persistent cup-shaped disk, apex mucronulate; ─── 成熟时的核果的紫红色或紫色黑色,近圆筒状,7-11毫米,直径4-5毫米,基部具宿存的杯状的花盘,先端具小短尖;

37、Valuation of drupe varieties used for culture under protection in Shandong Province ─── 山东果树保护地栽培中应用的核果类品种评价

38、Fruit capsular or baccate, rarely a drupe, pericarp mostly smooth, sometimes winged or bristly. ─── 果具蒴果或浆果状,很少核果,果皮通常光滑,有时具翅或刚毛。

39、1 Stipules absent; fruit an indehiscent berrylike drupe. ─── 托叶无果一个不裂的浆果状的核果。

40、Drupe nearly dry, black at maturity, obovoid-globose, 4-5 mm in diam., with 2 stones, with persistent calyx tube at base. ─── 成熟时核果差不多干燥,黑色,倒卵球形球状,直径4-5毫米,具2核,具宿存的萼筒在基部。

41、Fruit a capsule, berry, drupaceous berry, or drupe, 1- to many-seeded. ─── 果为一蒴果,浆果,核果状浆果,或核果,1-到多数种子。

42、Fruit a succulent drupe, endocarp bony, mesocarp fleshy. ─── 果一个肉质的的核果,内果皮骨质,中果皮肉质。

43、Purple Pacific Drupe ─── n. 紫口岩螺(骨螺超科,骨螺科)

44、Fruit a subglobose drupe. ─── 果一个近球形的核果。

45、A small drupe, such as one of the many subdivisions of a raspberry or blackberry. ─── 小核果一种小的核果,如树莓或黑刺莓诸多亚门中的任一种

46、Fruit a drupe, capsule, or schizocarp, leathery or fragile. ─── 果为核果,蒴果或分果,革质或脆。

47、Branches long, without stipular spines. Drupe 1.5-2 cm in diam.; mesocarp sweet-tasting; stone acute at both ends. Fr. Aug-Oct. ─── 分枝长,没有托叶刺。直径的核果的1.5-2厘米;中果皮甜;在两末端锐尖的核。果期8月10月。

48、Drupe obovoid, ca. 2.2 cm long. ─── 核果倒卵形,长约2.2厘米。

49、Strawberry Drupe ─── n. 玫瑰岩螺(骨螺超科,骨螺科)

50、drupe tree ─── 核果类果树

51、Fruit a berry, drupe, capsule, or follicle. ─── 果为浆果,核果,蒴果或者蓇葖果。

52、A small drupe, as in the individual segments of a raspberry fruit. ─── 小的核果,如悬钩子果实中的单个果。

53、Fruit a drupe, crowned with persistent calyx and disk. ─── 果为核果,上面有宿存的萼片和花盘。

54、This species is distinct in having an obovoid drupe. ─── 本种具一个倒卵球形的核果方面是特别的。

55、Fruit a follicle, achene, or drupe or drupaceous. ─── 果蓇葖果,瘦果,或者核果或者具核果。

56、Branchlets, leaf rachis, and inflorescence covered with curved or curled hairs; leaflet margin glabrous; drupe glabrous, longer than wide. ─── 为弄弯或者弯曲的头发所覆盖的小枝,叶轴和开花;小叶边缘无毛;核果无毛,长于宽。

57、Fruit usually a dry achene, sometimes a fleshy drupe, often enclosed by the persistent perianth. ─── 果通常为干燥瘦果,有时肉质核果,通常被宿存花被包围。

58、Drupe egg form, shape is like beehive. ─── 核果卵形,状如蜂窝。

59、Drupe ovoid, compressed, polygonous reticulate. ─── 核果卵球形,压扁,多角网状。

60、Fruit a drupe, leathery. ─── 果一个核果,革质。

61、Drupe pubescent, subglobose, ca. 3.5 mm, with persistent basifixed style. ─── 核果具短柔毛,近球形,长约3.5毫米,带有宿存的基着的花柱。

62、Drupe obcordate or elliptic, oblique, ca. 2 cm in diam., densely ferruginous pubescent, without distinct sutures. ─── 核果倒心形或椭圆形,偏斜,直径约2厘米,密被铁锈色短柔毛,没有离生的缝。

63、Fruit usually a septicidal capsule or a drupe. ─── 果通常为室间开裂的蒴果或者核果。

64、Fruit is a capsule, drupe, samara or berry. ─── 果实多为蒴果,少有核果、翅果及浆果。

65、Bracts lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, caducous at anthesis; ovary often glabrous; drupe compressed globose to transversely shortly oblong. ─── 苞片披针形的到线状披针形,早落的在花期;子房通常无毛;核果扁球状与长圆形的横向短。

66、Leaf blade base broadly cuneate to rounded, margin obtusely serrate; drupe and endocarp ellipsoid to oblong. ─── 叶片基部宽楔形到圆形,边缘钝锯齿;核果和内果皮椭圆形的到长圆形。

67、Prickly Pacific Drupe ─── n. 黄齿岩螺(骨螺超科,骨螺科)

68、Fruit a baccate drupe, globular, ca. 1 cm in diam., minutely tuberculate, apex with a ring. ─── 果一个浆果状的核果,球状,直径约1厘米,稍具瘤,先端具一环。

69、Fruit a baccate drupe, often globular, apex with hypanthium forming a ring; ─── 果一浆果状核果,通常球状,先端具托杯形成一环形;

70、interstylar nectaries or nectariferous tissue lacking.Fruit a drupe. ─── 内花柱蜜腺或分泌蜜汁的组织无;

71、Fruit a drupe;mesocarp succulent, fleshy, or dry, not splitting or more rarely splitting when ripe. ─── 果为核果中果皮多汁,肉,或者干燥,不劈开或者更很少成熟时劈开。

72、The fleshy, edible drupe of this tree. ─── 枣子这种树所结的多肉、可食的核果

73、Fruit 1-loculed, 1-seeded, rarely 2-seeded, usually a drupe, rarely samaroid. ─── 果1室,1种子,很少2种子,通常为核果,很少翅果状。

74、stigma capitate.Fruit a drupe, dry, usually transversely oblong to ellipsoid, obscurely didymous, sometimes subglobose to oblong and distinctly longer than wide;endocarp cartilaginous. ─── 柱头头状果核果,干燥,有时,通常横向长圆形到椭圆形,成双的不明显到长圆形和清楚长于宽;

75、Mix with drupe for making dim sum. ─── 与核果类混合调制小点心。

76、Leaves apically acute to obtuse, finely mucronate, abaxially turning yellow when dry; drupe basally with shallow dish-shaped remnants of calyx tube and disk. ─── 叶顶部锐尖到钝,好短尖,黄地转身着干燥时;基部的核果具浅的盘形萼筒残余和花盘。

77、Drupe orange to red, 0.8-1.4 cm, globose to ellipsoid, base rounded to obtuse, apex rounded to obtuse. ─── 核果的橙到红色,0.8-1.4厘米,球状到椭圆形,基部圆形到钝,先端圆形的到钝。

78、Drupe compressed ellipsoid, with nonaccrescent persistent calyx. ─── 压缩椭圆体,具的核果宿存花萼。

79、drupe fruit ─── 核果

80、Branches with stipular spines. Drupe large, 1.5-2 cm in diam.; mesocarp sweet-tasting; stone acute at both ends. Fr. Aug-Oct. ─── 分枝具托叶刺。核果大,直径的1.5-2厘米;中果皮甜;在两末端锐尖的核。果期8月10月。

81、Fruit a small globose drupe, endocarp bony, mesocarp fleshy, exocarp thin. ─── 果一小球状核果,内果皮骨质,肉质的中果皮,瘦的外果皮。

82、Drupe red when mature, globose, ca. 5 mm, scabrous, 2-seeded. ─── 成熟时核果红,球状,长约5毫米,粗糙,种子2。

83、Drupe globose, 15-16 mm in diam. ─── 核果球形,直径15-16毫米。

84、Drupe red when ripe, narrowly ellipsoid or oblong, 1-1.6 cm, densely brown scaly. ─── 成熟时核果红色,狭椭圆形或长圆形,1-1.6厘米,密被棕色鳞片。

85、Fruit a drupe, laterally compressed. ─── 果一个核果,侧面压扁。

86、Drupe is close form of globose or long egg, the face is fine by nap. ─── 核果近球形或长卵形,表面密被绒毛。

87、Drupe or berry; shrubs, small trees, or lianas. ─── 核果的或浆果;灌木,小乔木,或藤本植物。

88、It is big drupe if really; ─── 果为大核果;

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