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08-14 投稿


foreclose 发音

英:[f??r?klo?z]  美:[f???kl??z]

英:  美:

foreclose 中文意思翻译




foreclose 词性/词形变化,foreclose变形


foreclose 短语词组

1、foreclose houston ─── 休斯顿止赎权

2、foreclose the mortgage ─── [法] 实行抵押

3、foreclose define ─── 止赎定义

foreclose 相似词语短语

1、reclose ─── vt.再次接通;重闭

2、to eclose ─── 关闭

3、foreclosure ─── n.丧失抵押品赎回权

4、forecloth ─── 前围网

5、forecloses ─── vt.阻止;排除;取消抵押品赎回权;vi.取消抵押品赎回权

6、foreclosed ─── vt.阻止;排除;取消抵押品赎回权;vi.取消抵押品赎回权

7、forechosen ─── 前院

8、foreclosable ─── 可取消抵押品赎回权,

9、to reclose ─── 重新闭合

foreclose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why would you make a loan if you weren't even sure that, if the guy defaulted, you could at least foreclose? ─── 为什么你贷款,如果你甚至不知道,如果违约的家伙,你至少可以取消抵押品赎回权?

2、They recently issued guidelines to make it easier to keep underwater loans out of bad-loan tallies, and to encourage banks to restructure, not foreclose on, problem commercial mortgages. ─── 它们最近发布了指导意见,让现值低于贷款额的“水下”贷款更容易脱离不良贷款范畴,并鼓励银行重组而不是止赎问题商业抵押贷款。

3、Finally, consistent with the reason why lenders prefer IOs, these mortgages are more likely to be repaid earlier or foreclose. ─── 最后,同出借方更喜欢IOS的理由相一致,这些按揭更有可能被提前偿还或者取消赎回权。

4、To me, the easy way out of such dilemmas is to foreclose the tension. ─── 对我来说,最简单的方法就是从这样的困境没收了紧张感。

5、2. The building society will be forced to foreclose on this mortgage because regular payments have not been made. ─── 住宅互助协会被迫取消这项抵押的赎取权,因为没有交纳定期的付款。

6、His business is foreclose. ─── 他的生意失败了。

7、I also urged Yeltsin not to foreclose the possibility of future Russian membership. ─── 我也敦促叶利钦,不要事先排除俄罗斯未来成为北约成员国的可能性。

8、As a result the banks started to foreclose on the mortgage-defaulted homes. ─── 这意味着该银行出售的房屋不到其贷款本金并采取了损失。

9、She has repeatedly rebuffed attempts by the left to harden her opposition to the Iraq war, insisting that she will not foreclose any military options as president. ─── 她把人工流产称作“灾难性的选择”,自诩为“祷告的人”,聘用了一个新教会的基督教徒作自己的手下。

10、Inevitably, many lenders will foreclose on thehomeowner. ─── 不可避免地,许多贷款者会强行收回借款人的房产。

11、If the building goes bankrupt , the lender will foreclose on the ownership of the common area , but individual apartment owners will not be affected . ─── 如果该栋建筑物房产破产,贷方会取消公共区域的赎回权,但个人部分不受影响。

12、To foreclose on a mortgage property ─── 占有被抵押的财产或取消抵押财产的赎回权

13、Recent studies of New York and Cleveland find that, if lenders foreclose on 3-4% of properties in an area, local prices fall even faster and further than average. ─── 纽约和克利夫兰的最新研究发现,如果某一地区的贷方取消3至4%的房产赎回权,那么当地房价下滑态势甚至较平常更快的进一步走软。

14、If the building goes bankrupt , the lender will foreclose on the ownership of the common area ,individual apartment owners will not be affected . ─── 该栋建筑物房产破产,贷方会取消公共区域的赎回权,但个人部分不受影响。

15、And in the event that we go into default and they have to foreclose on us, they at least want to know how everything works so that they'll have an easier time moving in and getting things sorted. ─── 如果我们要赖账不还,他们就可以有准备。至少,他们想了解我们在做些什么,以便提前应对。

16、They also know that if they have to foreclose on a mortgage, they will incur substantial costs. ─── 他们仍然知道如果他们必须赎回抵押,则会发生巨大成本。

17、They will foreclose our mortgage ─── 他们将取消我们赎回抵押品的权利。

18、Especially if CMBS financing remains unavailable, banks will face the tough decision of whether to roll over maturing debt or to foreclose. ─── 尤其是如果CMBS融资之路仍然不畅通,银行将面临艰难的抉择,决定是否将到期债务展期,或取消抵押品赎回权。

19、Note the importance of the issue to lending institutions which foreclose, take title, and resell the property ─── 注意贷款惯例问题的重要性,其中包括取消赎回权,享有所有权以及重新出售财产问题。

20、6.Rising debt costs could force many overstretched homeowners to default and their lenders to foreclose. ─── 升高的债务成本迫使许多贷款期限过长者放弃履约,借贷者从而收回这些房屋。

21、Creditors with secured claims can foreclose upon (seize title to) these assets if the borrower defaults. ─── 如果借款人违约,持有担保索赔权的债权人可以没收抵押品资产。

22、Banks in this situation face a stark choice: foreclose on the loan and trigger a fire sale, or hang on in the hope that the market will improve. ─── 如此情况使银行面临着一个无法回避的抉择:取消贷款回赎进行销售,或者寄希望于市场好转持观望状态。

23、Few lenders want to foreclose, a process that takes ages, incurs massive costs and often causes the departing residents to trash the house.It is better to agree on a quick sale. ─── 几乎没有出贷者想要提前收回债权,因为这个过程要花费大量的时间,成本过高,而且常常造成搬走的房客毁坏房屋的事件。

24、If default is made by the mortgagor and not rectified the mortgagee has power to foreclose. ─── 如果抵押人不履行债务且并不纠正,抵押权人有权取消(抵押人的)回赎权。

25、It could foreclose any chance of a combination with any other search provider that is not already relying on Google's search services. ─── 其次微软可以选择与其他任何不依赖谷歌的搜索引擎提供商合并。

26、When I am president, I will not offer up unconditional summit meetings with dangerous dictators, nor will I foreclose diplomatic tools that serve our interests. ─── 我会终结过去三十年失败的能源政策:不再向那些反对美国价值观并资助我们敌人的国家送去7,000亿美元;钻探石油和天然气资源。

27、His opinion also noted that the decision does not foreclose the act from challenge by someone who suffers “judicially cognizable injury resulting from it. ─── 译为:他的意见也表明这结果没有妨碍来自一位受害者的“公平审理受伤害结果”的提案。

28、A strict reading of Article III of the Constitution would foreclose this option, because it provides that the "judicial Power of the United States" shall be exercised by judges with lifetime tenure and salary protection. ─── 认真阅读宪法第三条将排除选择的自由,因为该条规定,“合众国的司法权”将由享有终生任职和薪金保障的法官行使。

29、foreclose the mortgage ─── [法] 实行抵押

30、When Sally doesn't pay back the money she borrowed, both Brad and Amy attempt to foreclose their mortgages. ─── 当萨莉未清偿其借款时,布瑞格和安梅都企图终止抵押回赎权。

31、Organizing our algorithms in terms of these abstract operations does not seem to foreclose any options in solving the connectivity problem, and the operations may be useful for solving other problems. ─── 用抽象操作术语组织算法,并不意味着不能解决联通问题了。这种做法能使算法更加通用,解决其他的问题。

32、the Company is entitled to foreclose the Property to compensate the shortfall between the amount returned to the Company and the initial monetary value of the Trust Property of RMB92.0 million。 ─── 本公司将可没收财产,以弥补偿还本公司之金额与信讬财产之初步金钱价值人民币92,000,000元之之间之短缺。

33、Even if the state law is generally compatible with the objectives of the federal legislation, a court may determine that Congress intended to foreclose state action. ─── 即使一般看来州法与联邦立法的意图相符,法院也可能判定国会是希望排斥州法的适用。

34、The building society will be forced to foreclose ─── 建筑工会被迫取消赎回权。

35、to foreclose a mortgage ─── 因逾期不偿付取消抵押品

36、Mr.Dinking, the local banker, tried to 5)foreclose on Greta‘s house and land after her husband passed away. ─── 在葛丽塔的丈夫去世后,当地的银行家丁肯先生曾经要收取她抵押给了银行的房子。

37、Lenders of all stripes clearly prefer to foreclose on delinquent borrowers. ─── 对于逾期不还贷的借款人,形形色色的放款人明显青睐没收他们的房产。

38、They tried to foreclose the possibility of his meeting with the chairman. ─── 他们设法排除他与董事长会面的可能性。

39、About three or four nights every week, peasant debtors, bearing gifts of meat and wine, would feast the principal in the school rooms, trying to persuade him not to foreclose on their land. ─── 每星期总有三四个晚上,负债的农民拿着酒肉到学堂里请校长吃席,求他不要没收他们典出的土地。

40、The building society will be forced to foreclose on this mortgage because regular payments have not been made. ─── 住宅互助协会被迫取消这项抵押的赎取权,因为没有交纳定期的付款。

41、bout the suspect, it does not foreclose the possibility that there are several different suspects in the lineup with red cars. ─── 用两个逗号来分隔同位语或插入语。

42、That's a lot of work to foreclose on an 8,000-mile-in-diameter ball of molten iron and rock. ─── 在这个满是岩浆和岩石的直径有八千英里的星球上,那是很大的工作量。

43、* It could foreclose any chance of a combination with any other search provider that is not already relying on Google's search services. ─── 其次微软可以选择与其他任何不依赖谷歌的搜索引擎提供商合并。

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