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08-14 投稿


indigenous 发音

英:[?n'd?d??n?s]  美:[?n'd?d??n?s]

英:  美:

indigenous 中文意思翻译



indigenous 反义词


indigenous 短语词组

1、indigenous soil ─── 土着 ─── 土壤

2、indigenous method ─── [法] 土方法, 土法

3、indigenous breed ─── [医]本地品种,土种

4、indigenous fuel ─── 当地燃料

5、indigenous forests ─── 土着森林

6、indigenous fault ─── [计] 固有故障

7、indigenous values ─── 土着价值观

8、indigenous law ─── [法] 固有法

9、indigenous model ─── 土著模式

10、indigenous flora ─── 自然菌群

11、indigenous plant ─── 乡土植物,本地生植物

12、indigenous firm ─── 土着公司

13、indigenous value ─── 固有的价值

14、indigenous forest ─── 土著森林

15、indigenous stock ─── [医]本地牲畜

16、be indigenous to ─── 固有, 土生土长

17、indigenous language ─── 土语

18、indigenous virus ─── 土著病毒

19、indigenous capital ─── [经] 本国资本

indigenous 同义词

natural | natural to | ethnic | autochthonous | to | autochthonal | local |native | aboriginal | endemic | component | autochthonic | homegrown | organic | constitutional | original

indigenous 相似词语短语

1、indologenous ─── 内源性

2、nonindigenous ─── 非本土的

3、indigens ─── n.本地人;土著;动植物的自生种;本地产的动植物(等于indigene)

4、endogenous ─── adj.[生物]内生的;内因性的

5、indigents ─── adj.贫困的;贫穷的(副词indigently)

6、indigenously ─── adv.该土地所固有

7、cnidogenous ─── 神经源性

8、indigenes ─── n.土生的动植物;原住民

9、androgenous ─── adj.男性单性生殖的;产生雄性征的

indigenous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An epidemic resulted in overt measles in 99.9 per cent of the indigenous population. ─── 一次流行引起99.9%土著居民患有明显的麻疹。

2、The indigenous groups say that the laws put their way of life in danger, and amount to nothing less than the theft of their ancestral lands. ─── 土著组织称,这些法律将他们的生活方式置入危险中,无异于盗窃他们祖传的土地。

3、Assyrians are a Semitic peoples indigenous to Mesopotamia. They are Mediterranean Caucasoids, and are ethnically distinct from Arabs and Jews. ─── 亚述人是美索不达米亚的本土的闪族。他们是地中海高加索人中,从人种上于阿拉伯人和犹太人截然不同。

4、Indigenous politicians have begun to make headway in Congress and as mayors. ─── 土著政治家已经开始向国会和市长职位进军。

5、Indigenous peoples and conquerors gradually coalesced into the present - day population. ─── 土生土长的人们和征服者们逐渐合并成现在的居民人口。

6、Both have vast indigenous reserves of coal, the dirtiest form of electricity generation. ─── 两国国内都有丰富的煤炭资源,而煤却是发电最不清洁的一种形式。

7、We can use foreigners to supplement but not to replace the indigenous Chinese intellectual and cultural elite. ─── 外来的人才能辅助但不能代替本土的人才。

8、A six-month-old Wet Panda walks across a tree branch at the Munich zoo. Wet Pandas are indigenous to the Himalayan mountains. ─── 慕尼黑动物园中一只六个月大的小猫熊在树枝上散步。这种猫熊原产于喜马拉雅山一带。

9、Business spirit was not indigenous to the United States; rather, it grew from the soil of European capitalism. ─── 商业精神不是美国的特产,而是从欧洲资本主义的土壤中生长出来的。

10、The indigenous method costs less money. ─── 土办法少花钱。

11、Indigenous people have lived in Australia for. ─── 原住民已经存在于澳洲多久?

12、Ethnobotany is the study of how people of a particular culture and region make of use of indigenous plants. ─── 人类植物学是研究特定文化地区利用当地植物的学科。

13、Introduction: Indigenous struggle between the controlling of your forces to defeat that all! ─── 土著人之间的斗争,控制好你的部队,战胜所有的一切吧!

14、Named for the thin black strip beneath their "chins," the chinstrap penguin are indigenous to Antarctica. ─── 得名于它们“脸颊”下方黑色细带的颊带企鹅是南极洲的土著居民。

15、The driver was a member of one of the indigenous tribes. Sitting beside him was a woman, probably his wife. ─── 开车的是位原住民,旁边坐着一位妇女,像是他的太太。

16、When the Spanish first came to Mexico, they intermarried with and absorbed the culture of the indigenous Indians. ─── 当西班牙人率先来到墨西哥时,他们与土著印第安人通婚,并吸收他们的文化。

17、Religion: Moslem (official from 1959) -65%; also Buddhism, Daoists, Christian, indigenous and others. ─── 宗教:伊斯兰教为国教,占65%,另外还有佛教、道教、基督教等。

18、Indigenous foods like salt marsh lamb are in vogue. ─── 像盐沼羊肉这样的本土食物正在流行。

19、Troops violently dispersed the demonstrators and arrested three indigenous leaders. ─── 军队粗暴地驱赶示威者并且逮捕了三个当地领袖。

20、This, some people said, was the origin of a special indigenous plant of Hunan known as mottled bamboo, also known as Xiang Ladies bamboo. ─── 从此,湖南就有了特产“斑竹”,也叫“湘妃竹”。

21、Are exotic pests more easily controlled than indigenous pests? ─── 外杂害虫比本地害虫更容易防治吗?

22、The Bunon's indigenous knowledge was then ongoing by sacred ceremony pertaining to the millet and its agriculture. ─── 布农人的原生知识极藉著以小米为主轴的祭典仪式与耕作而得以传承。

23、No, camels aren't indigenous to Oz. ─── 不对,骆驼并不是澳洲原生动物。

24、A() As indigenous musicians bloon to seashores blew into sea shells to signal the start of the rally. ─── 当本地的音乐家()去代表游行的开始。

25、IWMI suggests employing appropriate and time-tested indigenous practices. ─── 国际水资源管理研究所建议使用恰当的,经得住考验的本地做法。

26、ATA has found that a host of appropriate indigenous practices and technologies exist regionally. ─── 亚洲适用技术发现亚洲地区存在各种本土适用技术及手法。

27、An alternative is genuine old pasture Kentish indigenous ryegrass. ─── 可供选择的一种牧草是真正的英国肯特郡的土生的黑麦草。

28、As the Thai-Dai people settled in the rich river valley, they took over the control upon the Lua indigenous people. ─── 傣泰人定居于肥沃的河谷低地以后,政治上控制了洛人原住民。

29、The only places lacking indigenous ants are Antarctica and a few remote or inhospitable islands. ─── 土著蚂蚁唯一的地方缺乏的是南极洲和一些偏远或荒凉的岛屿。

30、Many of the indigenous leaders he was planning to meet with had never heard of him before, much less seen his movie. ─── 这些土著首领中有很多以前从来没有听说过他,看过他电影的就更少了。

31、The potato is indigenous to South america. ─── 土豆产于南美。

32、Frequently, as in the case of the word hyakkaten, they suggest indigenous origin. ─── 通常,就像 hyakkaten 这个词一样,它们暗示着原住民的起源。

33、One that is native or indigenous to an area. ─── 土著者一个地区土生土长的事物或人

34、Indigenous to North or South America. Used of plants and animals. ─── 原产于美洲的,美洲特有的北美洲或南美洲特有的,用于指植物和动物

35、Very few of the Western and Japanese Buddhist have thought it worthwhile to explore indigenous Buddhist tradition in the Kathmandu Valley. ─── 很少西方与日本的佛教徒会想到探索位于加德满都村落里,这个本地的佛教传承。

36、Camaras Oficiales Agricolas de Guinea: Bioko and Bata; purchase of cocoa and coffee from indigenous planters. ─── 几内亚官方农业公司:比奥科、巴塔;从本地种植园主手中收购可可粉和咖啡。

37、In the last year ANC-aligned officials have gone further, arguing that indigenous names should cleanse the legacy of colonialism and apartheid. ─── 在去年,亲非洲民族议会党的官员又更进一步,表示应该用原住民的地名替换现行的地名,以除去殖民者和种族隔离政策的遗毒。

38、How do many Canadians refer to their indigenous whisky? ─── 加拿大人如何称谓他们的本土威士忌呢?

39、It has no indigenous people to press land rights, as has the Arctic. ─── 它不像北极那样,它没有土著居民坚持土地所有权。

40、Many Canadians refer to their indigenous whisky as" rye", this despite the fact it is distilled with a relatively small percentage of rye grain. ─── 很多加拿大人把加拿大威士忌称作是黑麦威士忌,尽管这种威士忌中只包括少量的黑麦。

41、Indians were the indigenous inhabitants of America. ─── 印第安人是美洲的土著居民。

42、As a result, it encourages the development of indigenous psychologies. ─── 全球化心理学走的是一条多元与共生的统合之路。

43、"There has been a lag, but now the substitution effect is taking place, boosting the demand of indigenous crops, " he said. ─── 他表示:“这里面有滞后因素,但如今替代效应正在显现,从而推高了对本土粮食作物的需求。”

44、Good curriculum must be adapt the new conjuncture, be useful, be indigenous and be elastic. ─── 好的普通中学课程必须具有时代性、实用性、本土性及良好的弹性和适应性。

45、Brazil is not unique in its history of slavery and the obliteration of its indigenous peoples. ─── 巴西在清洗本土居民的奴隶时代是没有任何特点的。

46、Compared to the previous indigenous frigate Jianghu and Jiangwei class, the Type 054 is larger, with better weapon system and sensors. ─── 与早先国产的护卫舰江湖和江卫级比较,054更大,拥有更好的武器系统和传感器。

47、"With this, we should be in a position to finish off the indigenous transmission in Bihar also," said Khander. ─── 他说:“这样做,我们就会阻止这种疾病在比哈尔邦传播。”

48、Also indigenous to the region is the saddleback wrasse, seen underneath, which feeds on dead and damaged skin. ─── 在海龟下面的是濑鱼,同样是夏威夷本土鱼种,它食用坏死的皮屑。

49、Giant pandas are indigenous to China. ─── 大熊猫产于中国。

50、A member of the indigenous or earliest known population of a region. ─── 土著人一地区原始的或最早为人所知的人

51、A member or descendent of the indigenous Polynesian people of the Hawaiian Islands. ─── 夏威夷人夏威夷群岛上土著波利尼西西亚人的一员或后代

52、Businesses crave Chinese workers, for want of sober indigenous ones. ─── 当地商业急需中国工人,因为缺少清醒的本地劳动力。

53、They made these indigenous rockets to disperse clouds and prevent hail storms. ─── 他们制造这些土火箭,是为了驱云防雹。

54、In the major cities I found a great disrespect of nature and a slow disappearance of a beautiful indigenous culture. ─── 在巴西的一些重要城市,我发现人们不尊重大自然,以及美好的原住民文化渐渐消逝的问题。

55、An Adivasi (indigenous) woman from the Kutia Khond tribal group in the Indian state of Orissa. ─── 图为来自印度奥里萨邦的库蒂亚坎德部落的印度土著人妇女。

56、Their impact on the indigenous population was devastating. ─── 他们对土著居民带来毁坏性影响.

57、She contrasts the rights that were granted to French exiles with rights denied to indigenous people. ─── 她将法国流放犯拥有的权利与原住民没有的权利进行了对比。

58、The next year, he upset indigenous Latin Americans by saying that their evangelisation was not the "imposition of a foreign culture" . ─── 2007年,他说传播福音并非“将一种外来文化强加给本地”,又惹恼了拉美土著。

59、All climates agree with brave Chanticleer.(20) He is more indigenous even than the natives. ─── 任何气候都适宜于勇武金鸡的生长,他比本上的禽鸟更土。

60、In the depths of the French Guyanese rainforest, there still remain unusual groups of indigenous people. ─── 在法属圭亚那热带雨林的深处,仍然有罕见的土著人群体。

61、Micro-distilled in Bend, OR, this 95 proof gin is flavored with local juniper and indigenous botanicals. ─── 俄罗冈州的小酒厂采用当地杜松子和植物酿造了这款47.5度的金酒,它叫什么名字?

62、Finally, EO positively moderates intrafirm knowledge sharing and indigenous firm innovation relationship. ─── 企业家导向能够增强内部知识共享对自主创新的促进作用。

63、Which is the country with the highest percentage of indigenous people? ─── 哪一国家拥有最高比例的原住民人口?

64、To settled indigenous communities such as Copal Urco, this spells death to their “hidden brothers”. ─── 对于那些在科帕尔乌尔科等地定居下来的土著部落而言,这无疑是宣布了他们“藏身于密林中的兄弟”的死刑。

65、An Analysis of the Indigenous Consciousness of Foreign Enterprises in Modern China: Centering on the Cigarette Advertisements of B.A.T. ─── 从英美烟公司广告看近代外国企业的本土化意识。

66、I was handled full manuscripts of unpublished books by indigenous writers. ─── 土生土长的作者把未出版的书籍的完整手稿交给了我。

67、The chinquapin tree is no longer indigenous to Germany and is generallyfound on the Pacific coast of North America. ─── 不过这些化石里的坚果,在今天的德国却已经找不到了,他们的树种普遍生长在太平洋海岸北美地区。

68、The indigenous people were merciless towards the immigrants. ─── 当地的土著对外来移民可谓赶尽杀绝。

69、The Gran Protectorate of Malastare was particularly disreputable in its treatment of the indigenous Dug population. ─── 在格兰人统治时期的马拉斯代尔,他们对当地原住民达格人的虐待是臭名昭著的。

70、Have you lodged an application at an office of the Department of immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs? ─── 你是否已经向移民局的相关办事处提出过申请?

71、Because lineages and holograms have been manipulated, the broker will not be "red" or of indigenous origin either. ─── 因为血统与全息图被操控,转嫁者也可能并不是红族或原住民起源。

72、After the war,Chinese literature in Singapore became more indigenous,reflecting the struggles and hopes of an independent Singapore. ─── 二战以后,新加坡的华文文学开始建立本土性的特色,反映新加坡在争取独立过程中的奋斗与希望。

73、The Causes for the Rise of India's Indigenous Enterprises? ─── 印度本土企业缘何能够崛起?

74、Rose won his title only a year after Australians had voted overwhelmingly in a referendum to recognise indigenous Australians' rights. ─── 澳大利亚人投票表决承认澳大利亚原著民的权利后,罗斯仅花了一年时间赢得了冠军。

75、An epidemic resulted in overt measles in 99. 9 percent of the indigenous population. ─── 一次流行引起99.9%土著居民患有明显的麻疹。

76、The islanders are trying to protect the island's indigenous plant and animal life. ─── 岛民们正努力保护岛上的本地植物和动物。

77、After almost three years in office, Mr Correa's relations with Ecuador's indigenous leaders are worse still. ─── 上台近三年,科雷亚先生与厄瓜多尔原住领袖间仍有芥蒂。

78、The overwhelming majority of the indigenous English are,in fact,BCs. ─── 事实上,绝大多数土生土长的英国人属于BC级。

79、Can we promote free access to knowledge and protect indigenous rights at the same time? ─── 同时我们能否促进保护原住民知识与权利?

80、The State shall adopt measures to ban coke making by indigenous methods. ─── 国家采取措施取缔土法炼焦。

81、The chinquapin tree is no longer indigenous to Germany and is generally found on the Pacific coast of North America. ─── 不过这些化石里的坚果,在今天的德国却已经找不到了,他们的树种普遍生长在太平洋海岸北美地区。

82、It is indigenous African, with the Zulu, Xhosa, and Sotho peoples all playing their role in ancient times. ─── 土著的非洲人、祖鲁人、科萨族人和索托人,他们在古时扮演着各自的角色。

83、It is indigenous to the lands of Rus and can be summoned by Fire mages. ─── 它只居住在罗斯的国土内,可以被火魔法师召唤。

84、An indigenous plant or animal. ─── 土生土长的植物或动物

85、Again, a conversation with Feleo's vitrines of indigenous talismans may be germane here. ─── 再者,费罗在一个橱窗里摆放了本土传说中能辟邪的物品,它们之间似乎也有些联系。

86、The majority of ad hoc observers represent indigenous or local communities, or other custodians of TK or TCEs. ─── 大多数特别观察员代表土著或当地社区,或传统知识或传统文化表现形式的其他保管人。

87、Carlos is an Aymara, one of the indigenous ethnic groups that make up 65% of the population in Bolivia. ─── 卡洛斯是个艾马拉人,这个本土种族占玻利维亚总人口的65%。

88、Camphor, a major cash crop, became a cause of conflict between the new arrivals and the indigenous peoples. ─── 主要商用作物樟脑成为新移民和原住民之间起冲突的导因。

89、One is an indigenous goat with the scientific name of naemorhedus swinhoei, the other is a spotted deer. ─── 大熊猫赴台,是两岸动物保育领域合作的新成果,也是两岸交流中的一大盛事。









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