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08-14 投稿


appointer 发音

英:[??p??nt?r]  美:[??p??nt?(r)]

英:  美:

appointer 中文意思翻译



appointer 词性/词形变化,appointer变形

appointer 相似词语短语

1、anointer ─── 无花果

2、appointees ─── n.被任命者

3、appointor ─── n.指定人;任命者;财产受益人

4、appointors ─── n.指定人;任命者;财产受益人

5、appoint ─── vt.任命;指定;约定;vi.任命;委派

6、appointed ─── v.任命(工作、角色);约定(时间、地点);命令;受权处置(财产)(appoint的过去式及过去分词);adj.指定的;被委任的;(建筑、房间)按一定方式(或标准)陈设(或布置)的

7、appointee ─── n.被任命者

8、appoints ─── vt.任命;指定;约定;vi.任命;委派

9、-appointed ─── v.任命(工作、角色);约定(时间、地点);命令;受权处置(财产)(appoint的过去式及过去分词);adj.指定的;被委任的;(建筑、房间)按一定方式(或标准)陈设(或布置)的

appointer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Company decided to appoint a new treasurer. ─── 公司决定任命一位新司库。

2、In such event, the Provider shall have the discretion to appoint a substitute Panelist. ─── 在这样的情况下,服务提供方因该有权决定指派替代的陪审员。

3、Appoint an evil man to oppose him; let an accuser stand at his right hand. ─── 6愿你派一个恶人辖制他,派一个对头站在他右边。

4、Be careful whom you appoint to the position of manager. ─── 你该当心你所任命的那个经理。

5、He could not force the bishop to appoint him. ─── 他无法强迫主教委派他。

6、They clashed over who to appoint. ─── 他们对要任命谁意见相左。

7、Within fixed time, we dispel all of your worry according to the way that you appoint. ─── 在规定的时间内,我们依照您指定的方式,消除您所有的顾虑。

8、Did they appoint him secretary ? ─── 他们任命他做秘书了吗?

9、Boswell wants to appoint you to a special arts committee. ─── 将任命你到一个特别艺术委员会。

10、Could you appoint a skillman to here? ─── 你们可以派个技术员过来吗?

11、If you desire an interview,I shall be most happy to call in person,on any day and at any time you may appoint. ─── 如贵公司有意面谈,我一定遵照指定之时间前往拜访。

12、Appoint a Department representative to be part of the EHS committee. ─── 委任一位部门成员作为环境健康安全委员会的成员之一。

13、When opportunity matures,we will appoint you our exclusive agent for the USA. ─── 当机会成熟时,我们将委托你为我方在美国的独家代理。

14、Party committees should appoint suitable leading comrades to take charge of the work. ─── 党委要指定适当的领导同志来主持这件事。

15、Only one man -- the President -- can appoint justices to the Supreme Court. ─── 只有一个人--总统--才能任命最高法院的法官。

16、We will advise you that, in our opinion, it is better not to appoint an exclusive distributor at the outset. ─── 兹告知,我方认为在开始阶段以不委托任何包销为宜。

17、To appoint as an ambassador to a foreign government. ─── 委派,派出委任一驻外国政府的大使

18、Will they have bought all the computers before they appoint a new Director of Studies? ─── 在任命新的教育主管之前,他们会已经买到所有计算机了吗?

19、May he be enthroned in God's presence forever; appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him. ─── 他必永远坐在神面前。愿你预备慈爱和诚实保佑他。

20、Do they appoint him for the secretary? ─── 他们任命他为秘书了吗?

21、To appoint(one's debtor)as a debtor to one's creditor in place of oneself. ─── 债务转移将自己的债务人转移给自己的债权人

22、Why do you want to appoint this man as a director? The last company he worked for caved in. ─── 为什么你要把这个人任命为经理?他上次工作的那家公司垮掉了。

23、Candidate or his election agent may appoint not more than 3 polling agents. ─── 候选人或其选举代理人可委任不超过3名监察投票代理人。

24、Appoint Aaron and his sons to serve as priests; anyone else who approaches the sanctuary must be put to death. ─── 你要嘱咐亚伦和他的儿子谨守自己祭司的职任。近前来的外人必被治死。

25、I'm afraid we can't agree to appoint you as our sole agent because the annual turnover you promised is too low. ─── 因为你方所答应的年销售量太低,我们不能同意你方作我们的代理。

26、They have yet to appoint the new coach of the local team. ─── 他们仍然不得不给当地球队任命新教练。

27、That's good.So I guess I'll have to make an appoint to see you. ─── 不错。我猜我要见你的话得预约了。

28、To appoint(one's debtor) as a debtor to one's creditor in place of oneself. ─── 债务转移将自己的债务人转移给自己的债权人。

29、appointer declares that all the related information provided by the company is reliable. ─── 委任人声明本公司所提供之相关资料均属实在。

30、If you could agree to our terms, we would appoint you as our sole agent. ─── 如果你们同意这些条件,我们将指定你们为我方独家代理。

31、It is most important to appoint at least one Executor when you make your Will. ─── 在你立遗嘱的时候,指定至少一名遗嘱执行人是至关重要的。

32、The principal can appoint one or several commission agents in the same area at the same time. ─── 一个主人可以在同一时间同一地区指定一个或几个佣金代理。

33、We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent. ─── 只要指定我们为你方的独家代理,我们可以增营业额。

34、Appoint me thy wages, and I will give it. ─── 又说,请你定你的工价,我就给你。

35、You'll find it most worthwhile if you appoint us as your sole agent. ─── 如果指定我们为你们的独家代理,你们会觉得特别值。

36、If we come to terms,we'll appoint you as our agent. ─── 如果达成协议,我们将指定你为我方的代理。

37、To appoint or serve as a deputy. ─── 代理,成为代理

38、Have you ever consider appoint us as your sole agent in brazil? ─── 你有没有考虑过让我们做贵方在巴西的总代理?

39、To nominate for or appoint to a duty,an office,or an honor. ─── 任命指定被派到某一职位、职务或荣誉。

40、They appoint him the secretary . ─── 他们任命他为秘书。

41、To appoint to a naval or military command. ─── 委派任命司令官或舰长

42、On the question of using cadres we should never appoint people by favoritism. ─── 在使用干部的问题上,我们决不能任人唯亲。

43、To appoint or authorize as an agent or a representative. ─── 委任任命或授权作为工作人员或代表

44、The leaders of the House and Senate appoint the commissioners. ─── 委员会的委员由众议院和参议院的领导人任命。

45、If can be done appoint earth up unripe, fractional line can fall a lot of! ─── 假如可以做委培生,分数线可以降很多!

46、To nominate for or appoint to a duty, an office, or an honor. ─── 任命指定被派到某一职位、职务或荣誉

47、To appoint an agent to participate in arbitration activities, a power of attorney signed or sealed by the appointer shall be submitted to the labor dispute arbitration commission. ─── 委托他人参加仲裁活动,应当向劳动争议仲裁委员会提交有委托人签名或者盖章的委托书,委托书应当载明委托事项和权限。

48、A Committee member may not appoint any alternate. ─── 委员会成员不能委任代表。

49、The UCI shall also appoint the Derny pacer for Keirin races. ─── 国际自由车总会要指定竞轮赛的领骑员.

50、If we come to terms, we'll appoint you as our agent. ─── 假如达成协议,咱们将指定你为咱方的代理。

51、They appoint precinct election judges and other election-day officials. ─── 他们委任选举区的评判员及在大选日工作的官员。

52、We also authorize our agent to appoint a sub-agent with the said power to act on our behalf. ─── 代理人有转委托权。

53、Rush to engage sb. ahead of others; vie to be the first to appoint sb. ─── 争聘

54、The whole business of the Director's appoint has been enveloped in mystery start to finish. ─── 委任董事长之事自始至终都很神秘。

55、The team leader should appoint a team secretary to take and publish meeting notes. ─── 小组的领导人应指定秘书做好会议记录,发布会议纪要。

56、The king will appoint one of his creature to the post. ─── 国王要派他的一名奴仆去任这差事。

57、Appoint the time and place for the meeting. ─── 决定开会的时间和地点吧。

58、Confirm our letter of last week, we asked you to appoint an early interview with our representatives . ─── 兹确认我上星期致您函,请及早约定与我方代表面谈的日期。

59、A taxpayer is free to appoint a representative irrespective of the means through which he files his tax return. ─── 不论纳税人以何种方式提交报税表,他都可以自行决定是否委任税务代表处理他的税务事宜。

60、You may appoint a proxy to vote for you. ─── 你可以委托他人代你投票。

61、We agree with your suggestions and are prepared to appoint you as our representative for... ─── 同意你的建议并准备任命你为我方...代表。

62、Before the ship sails from its next port of call, the shipowner shall appoint a new Master to take command. ─── 在下一个港口开航前,船舶所有人应当指派新船长任。

63、You can look for a tenant on your own or appoint a licensed estate agent to handle the leasing of your property. ─── 你可自行寻找租客或委托持牌地产代理替你处理出租住宅物业的事宜。

64、Maybe we can appoint Simpson instead of Jackson to do that job. ─── 也许我们可以委派辛普桑去做这项工作,而不是杰克逊。

65、Do they appoint him secretary? ─── 他们任命他为秘书了吗?

66、You were about to appoint the Tigress and that thing fell in front of her. ─── 你是要指小虎的结果那东西掉到了她面前。

67、The agm appoint the company's auditor. ─── 年度股东大会委任公司审计员。

68、The king would appoint one of his creatures to the post. ─── 国王要派他的一名奴仆去任这差事.

69、If they appoint Smithson manager there'll be trouble with the staff as sure as God made little apples. ─── 如果史密森被任命为经理,职员中一定会出乱子。

70、And he said, Appoint me thy wages, and I will give it. ─── 28又说,请你定你的工价,我就给你。

71、A voter shall not accept such appointment from more than three voters, and shall vote according to the will of the appointer. ─── 每一选民接受的委托不得超过三人,并应当按照委托人的意愿代为投票。

72、He can also appoint agents working under him and share their commissions. ─── 他还能任命为他工作的代理,并分享他们的佣金。

73、Appoint people on their merits; do not resort to malpractice in personnel placement. ─── 坚持任人唯贤,反对用人上的不正之风

74、To designate or appoint to an office, a responsibility, or an honor. ─── 任命委任或指派职务、责任或荣誉

75、They decided to kick him upstairs and appoint a younger man to take his place. ─── 他们决定对他明升暗降,让一位比他年轻的人来接替他目前的职位。

76、He proposes electing Franc to appoint a director. ─── 他提议推选法朗西斯爵士任董事。

77、Creditors may appoint proxies to attend creditors' meetings and exercise their voting rights on their behalf. ─── 债权人可以委托代理人出席债权人会议,行使表决权。

78、In order to solve this problem, we can appoint two variables as the parameters. ─── 为了解决这个问题,我们能指定两个变数为参数。

79、A system will be set up to assess and appoint university faculty. ─── 大学教师职务评聘将制度化。

80、We can hardly appoint you as our sole agent without the increase of sale. ─── 只有你们增加营业额,我们才能指定你们作为我方的独家代理。

81、As a top manager, he should appoint none but people on their merit. ─── 作为一位总经理,他应该任人为贤。

82、So Mr.Martino agreed to appoint team leaders to help coordinate. ─── 因此,马丁奴同意指定小组领导协助协调双方的合作。

83、Franklin D.Roosevelt was the first U.S. president to appoint women to high government posts. ─── FranklinD.Roosevelt是第一位任命妇女为政府高层职员的美国总统。

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