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08-14 投稿


worsted 发音

英:['w?st?d]  美:['w?st?d]

英:  美:

worsted 中文意思翻译



worsted 短语词组

1、worsted fabrics crossword clue ─── 精纺面料纵横字谜线索

2、worsted test ─── [医] 彩线试验(检色彩视力)

3、worsted weight yarn ─── 精纺粗纱

4、worsted definition ─── 精纺定义

5、worsted uk ─── 精纺英国

6、worsted suiting ─── 精纺西装

7、worsted spun cashmere ─── 精纺羊绒

8、worsted wool ─── 精纺毛

9、worsted spun ─── 精纺

10、worsted fabrics crossword ─── 精纺面料纵横字谜

11、worsted yarn ─── [纺] 精梳毛纱

12、worsted socks ─── 精纺袜子

13、sprightly yarns acrylic worsted ─── 轻纱腈纶精纺

worsted 词性/词形变化,worsted变形

名词复数形式:worsteds 原型:worst

worsted 相似词语短语

1、boasted ─── v.v.有(引以为荣的事物)(boast的过去式和过去分词);扬言

2、worrited ─── worrited

3、forested ─── adj.草木丛生的;v.植树于(forest的过去式和过去分词)

4、Vorster ─── n.(Vorster)人名;(德、荷)福斯特

5、worsened ─── vi.恶化;变得更坏;更坏;vt.使恶化;使变得更坏

6、worsteds ─── n.精纺毛料;精纺毛纱;adj.精纺的

7、boosted ─── v.提高,推进;放大(电信号);(非正式)偷窃(boost的过去式和过去分词)

8、Forster ─── n.福斯特(姓氏)

9、coasted ─── n.海岸;滑行;v.滑行;(交通工具)快速平稳地移动;得过且过,做事不费力;沿岸航行;v.(Coast)(英、美)科斯特(人名)

worsted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is better to be alone than in bad company. ─── [谚]宁可孤独,不交恶友。

2、'Thank you kindly, ' said the Crabs, consecutively. 'We are trying to make some worsted Mittens, but do not know how. ' ─── “衷心感谢,”螃蟹们说,“我们正在试着织一副连指手套,但是不知道怎么弄。”

3、A surfeit of rich food is bad for you. ─── 多吃油腻食物对身体有害。

4、She told us in plain English exactly how bad the situation was. ─── 她直截了当地告诉了我们形势是多么的严峻。

5、He was grown out of the bad habits of his boyhood days. ─── 他已长大戒掉儿时的坏习惯了。

6、A warm overcoat would make him laugh at the worst winter winds. ─── 一件暖和大衣可使他不必畏惧冬季最凛冽的寒风。

7、He ascribed his failure to bad luck. ─── 他把失败归于运气不佳。

8、His bad manners grate on my nerves. ─── 他没有礼貌让我心烦。

9、The company has full advanced production facilities for worsted fabrics, from top combing, spinning, weaving to finishing. ─── 公司拥有先进的精纺呢绒生产设备,从梳条、纺纱、织造到染整全部设备配套齐全。

10、We must sort out the good apples from the bad. ─── 咱们得把好苹果拣出来,同坏的分开。

11、Last year Canton was visited by the worst drought in60 years. ─── 去年,广州遭到六十年未遇的严重旱灾。

12、His face turned gray as he heard the bad news. ─── 听到这个坏消息后,他的脸变得苍白。

13、She was ashamed of her children's (bad) behaviour. ─── 她因为她的孩子不规矩而感到羞愧。

14、He's in a bad mood, so I'll make myself scarce. ─── 他情绪不好,我得躲著点。

15、He isn't nice. As it is, he is bad. ─── 他不好。事实上,他很坏。

16、She had a fit of hysterics and called him some bad names. ─── 她一阵歇斯底里发作,骂了他几句。

17、He was thwarted (in his aims) by bad luck. ─── 他运气不好,未能达到目的。

18、The doctors had to warn her, she must be prepared for the worst. ─── 大夫们不得不把情况告诉她,她必须做最坏的准备。

19、He act in good faith or in bad faith. ─── 他做事有诚信或无诚信。

20、His reputation was blighted by his bad behavior. ─── 他的名誉为他的行为不检所毁。

21、Leaving his name off the list was a bad slip-up. ─── 名单上没有他的名字是个严重的疏忽。

22、Plenty of money often drew out the worst in people. ─── 大量的钱财往往使人显露出最坏的本质。

23、Worsted suits are nice and warm. ─── 精纺毛料套装很暖和。

24、She decided he must have a bad influence upon her husband. ─── 她断定他一定对她丈夫产生了很坏的影响。

25、Take some purgative and it will help you purge your bowels of bad matter. ─── 吃点泻药有助于你将肠胃中的有害物质除去。

26、He had such a bad cold he lost his voice. ─── 他患这么重的感冒,嗓子失声了。

27、He must shuck off the bad habits. ─── 他应该改掉过去的坏习惯。

28、If worst comes to worst and I'm driven out by my stepmother I'll go begging. ─── 万一出现最坏的情况,我被继母赶出家门,我就去乞讨。

29、Its six opponents worsted it. ─── 它的六位对手让它变坏。

30、She felt sick at heart when she heard the bad news. ─── 她听到这不幸的消息感到很难过。

31、He and his political affairs soon went to the bad. ─── 他和他的政治生涯不久便衰败了。

32、Presumably the bad weather has delayed the flight. ─── 大概恶劣的天气使飞机误点了。

33、One bad deed can blemish a good reputation. ─── 一次不良的行为可损害好的名声。

34、I was picked on to announce the bad news. ─── 偏偏选中我去宣布这个坏消息。

35、The bad man will suffer eternal damnation. ─── 坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。

36、His wife stuck by him in good times and bad. ─── 他妻子无论在顺境逆境中都对他不变心。

37、She was full of shame at her bad behavior. ─── 她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。

38、Kate is in bad with Lucy for some unknown reason. ─── 因为某些不为人知的原因,凯特和露西关系不好。

39、His shabby appearance creates a bad impression. ─── 他那寒酸的样子给人留下不好的印象。

40、She is always moaning about her bad memory. ─── 她总是抱怨自己的记性不好。

41、She apologized with (a) bad grace. ─── 她很勉强地道了歉。

42、Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather. ─── 坏天气使农民和渔民都遭受了重大损失。

43、At worst we'll have to sell the house so as to pay off our debts. ─── 在最坏的情况下,我们将不得不卖掉房子来还清债务。

44、Having a bad temper is his worst infirmity. ─── 坏脾气是他最大的弱点。

45、Jack, mislead by bad companion, get into the drug habit. ─── 在坏伙伴的诱使下,杰克染上了吸毒癖。

46、Grace was thus unexpectedly worsted in her encounter with her old friend. ─── 格雷丝完全出乎意料地在与老朋友的这场遭遇战中打了败仗。

47、His father asked him to avoid bad company. ─── 他父亲要他不要交坏朋友。

48、she had taught me to work with my needle , and spin worsted , which is the chief trade of that city. ─── 她曾经教我做针线活,打毛活,这是那城市的大宗生意。

49、She has been racked with a bad cough. ─── 她一直为严重的咳嗽所苦。

50、Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. ─── [谚]抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。

51、If worst comes to the worst, we still have some money in reserve. ─── 如果情形坏到极点,我们还有些储备金可动用。

52、Don't play with him; he is in a bad humour. ─── 别和他开玩笑; 他情绪不好。

53、He is fairly good looking but his bad breath turns me off him. ─── 他长得相当漂亮,可是他嘴里发出的臭味使我对他失去了兴趣。

54、He thinks that the Second World War was the worst blood bath in human history. ─── 他认为第二次世界大战是人类历史上最惨重的大屠杀。

55、Good harvests alternate with bad. ─── 好收成与坏收成交替更迭。

56、Don't associate with bad companions. ─── 不要与坏同伴往来。

57、He is blind to her bad behavior. ─── 他对她的不良行为视而不见。

58、The attorney gave the witness a bad time at the court. ─── 在法庭上,律师使证人难受极了。

59、He got in with a bad crowd at university. ─── 他在大学里和一帮坏人厮混。

60、In any event, the worst that she can do is say no'. ─── 不管怎样,她大不了就是说个`不'字。

61、Smoking's bad for you; you ought to pack it in. ─── 吸烟对你很不好,应该戒掉。

62、Of Elinor 's distress , she was too busily employed in measuring lengths of worsted for her rug to see anything at all . ─── 至于埃莉诺的痛苦表情,她正忙于计量她织毛毯所需毛线的长度,一点儿也没有看到。

63、You can't be leaving me this is a bad dream! ─── 你千万不可离开我--这太可怕了!

64、For this reason, the firm could have difficulty snapping up insurance assets of rivals worsted by the crisis. ─── 因为这个原因,这家公司一直难以从因为金融危机而衰落的竞争对手那里抢购保险资产。

65、Many a good cow hath a bad calf. ─── 好母牛难免产劣犊。

66、Cliche is a feature of bad journalism. ─── 使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。

67、She took her defeat with bad grace. ─── 她对失败表现得不够风度。

68、Riding the brake is a bad habit for a driver. ─── 司机把脚放在刹车踏板上是一个坏习惯。

69、He included some bad debts among his assets. ─── 他把一些呆账也算在他的财产中。

70、Their marriage has been going through a bad patch. ─── 他们的婚姻正处在困难时期。

71、His parents have given him up as a bad job. ─── 他父母对他已不抱希望了。

72、Smoking is bad for you/bad for your health. ─── 吸烟有害於你[有害於你的健康]。

73、The boy's father coaxed him out of the bad habit. ─── 孩子的父亲说服他那个坏习惯。

74、He is unbearable when he's in a bad temper. ─── 他发脾气时让人无法忍受。

75、He is which is rare for him, in a bad temper. ─── 他在发脾气,这对他来说是很少见的。

76、He has a bad name for dishonesty. ─── 他有不诚实的坏名声。

77、His financial affairs are in bad condition. ─── 他的经济状况很糟。

78、Can you discriminate good books from bad? ─── 你能区别好书与坏书吗?

79、He has forsaken the bad habit of smoking. ─── 他已改掉了吸烟的坏习惯。

80、He is not such a bad guy as you (are). ─── 他不是那种和你一样的坏家伙。

81、The result shows that the worsted fabric is not easy to pill without brush effect. ─── 实验结果表明,如果没有毛刷的作用,仅靠摩擦精纺毛织物则不易起球;

82、The bad fortune of some people is good fortune to others. ─── 一些人的厄运正是另一些人的好运。

83、His poor sight is a hangover from a bad illness he had. ─── 他视力不好是他生了一场大病留下的后遗症。

84、Many a good father hath but a bad son. ─── [谚]贤父难免生劣子。

85、In given conditions a bad thing can be turned into a good one. ─── 在一定条件下,坏事可以变为好事。

86、Bad habit corrupt good manners. ─── 坏习惯败坏好风俗。

87、Bad luck goes against the grain. ─── 厄运总是令人讨厌的。

88、Never make friends with bad companions. ─── 别和坏人结交。

89、It's sheer idiocy to go climbing in such bad weather. ─── 在这样恶劣的天气里去爬山简直是愚蠢到家了。


woolen羊毛制的; 羊毛的毛织品的毛织品, 羊毛织物; 毛料衣服worsted精纺绒线; 精纺毛纱; 精纺毛料织品; 精纺套装精纺的1st one is made by woolbut the 2nd one isn't

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