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alloying 发音

英:[??l????]  美:[??l????]

英:  美:

alloying 中文意思翻译





alloying 常用词组

mechanical alloying ─── 机械合金化

alloying element ─── 合金元素

alloying 词性/词形变化,alloying变形

动词过去式: alloyed |动词现在分词: alloying |动词过去分词: alloyed |动词第三人称单数: alloys |

alloying 反义词

deny |disallow | prohibit | forbid

alloying 同义词

set aside | allow for | appropriate | allocate | reserve | authorize | agree | accede | apportion | provide | acknowledge | render | consent | recognize | earmark | sanction | leave | permit | allot | tolerate |let | concede | accept | grant | admit | countenance | license | give up | take into account

alloying 短语词组

1、alloying additions ─── 合金添加剂

2、alloying concept ─── 合金化概念

3、alloying iron ─── [材]铁合金 ─── [材]合金铁

4、alloying anode ─── 合金阳极

5、alloying furnace ─── 合金炉

6、fusion alloying ─── 熔融合金化

7、alloying technique ─── 合金化技术

8、alloying need ─── 合金化需求

9、alloying agent ─── [化] 合金元素

10、alloying good ─── 合金化产品

11、alloying element ─── [化] 合金元素

12、frictional alloying ─── 摩擦合金化

13、saturated alloying ─── 饱和合金化

14、alloying pdf ─── 合金化pdf

15、alloying constituent ─── [化] 合金剂

16、alloying ppt ─── 合金化ppt

17、alloying work ─── 合金化功

18、alloying effect ─── 合金化效应

19、alloying elements ─── 合金元素

alloying 相似词语短语

1、aleying ─── 阿列英

2、allaying ─── v.减轻,消除(allay的现在分词)

3、alaying ─── 警报器

4、allotting ─── n.取位选择;v.分配(allot的ing形式)

5、allowing ─── v.允许(allow的现在分词)

6、allying ─── n.同盟国;伙伴;同盟者;助手;vt.使联盟;使联合;vi.联合;结盟;n.(Ally)人名;(巴基)阿利;(法)阿利;(英)艾丽(女子教名Alice的简称);(尼日利)阿利

7、alleging ─── vt.宣称,断言;提出……作为理由

8、accoying ─── 会计

9、accloying ─── 合金化

alloying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The process flows of magnesium alloy surface alloying and electrophoretic coating were introduced. ─── 介绍了镁合金表面合金化及电泳涂装工艺流程。

2、The alloying annealing process of zinc layer is also described. ─── 并对锌层合金化退火工艺进行了阐述。

3、Problems existing in converter smelting and deoxidation alloying courses are found,operation technique is optimized and corresponding improved measures are advanced. ─── 找出了转炉冶炼和脱氧合金化环节中存在的问题,优化了操作工艺,提出了相应的改进措施。

4、The rapid surface alloying of AISI 316L stainless steel by high current pulsed electron beam(HCPEB) was investigated. ─── 利用强流脉冲电子束对不锈钢表面进行了快速钛合金化。

5、In this paper, numericalsimulation for temperature field of Mo2/N films generated on molybdenum surfaceusing laser gas alloying(LGA) method is performed by finite-difference method. ─── 本文用有限差分法对金属钼表面脉冲激光生成氮化钼薄膜过程的温度场进行了三维数值模拟计算。

6、It was pointed out that the high quality zinc powders could be produced by controlling effectively the processes of alloying,atomizing and sieving,as well as reducing the pollution in every process. ─── 指出,通过加强对合金化、雾化和筛分过程的有限控制,减少各流程的污染,能生产出高质量的无汞锌粉。

7、Direct reducing and alloying of scheelite and molybdenum oxide is considered by thermodynamic and kinetic calculation and analysis in this paper. ─── 对白钨矿和氧化钼直接还原合金化进行了热力学和动力学计算和分析。

8、A number of alloying elements can be added to steel in order to make it suitable for specialized application . ─── 为使钢更适于某些特定的用途,可以在钢中加入多种合金元素。

9、The computation of alloying in RH process control is very important.Its goal is to acquire the aim product properties,and meanwhile to minimize the cost of addition alloy. ─── RH过程控制中合金化的计算是一个很重要的问题,在保证获取目标产品性能的同时,要尽量使添加合金的费用最低。

10、Some techniques to improve the mechanical properties of V process castings, such as surface alloying, inoculant addition to the coating are presented. ─── 也介绍了改善V法铸件机械性能的方法,如表面合金化,涂料中加入孕育剂等。

11、A alloy with excellent mechanical properties and wear resistance has been developed by optimizing alloying elements on ZA27 alloy basis. ─── 在ZA27合金的基础上,通过合金元素的调整和优化,研制了一种具有优良力学性能和耐磨性能的锌基耐磨合金。

12、Metal Traders or producers of primary non-ferrous metal products, encompassing all processes from smelting to alloying, rolling and drawing. ─── 有色金属生产商和交易商,包括冶炼,融合,滚轧及拉延处理。

13、the alloying is even and easy to be broken, which reduces the preparation cost of titanium alloy. ─── 合金化均匀易破碎,降低了钛合金制备成本。

14、The surface alloying under casting penetration is synthetically discussed. ─── 对铸渗条件下的铸件表面合金化进行了综合述评;

15、Compared blowing nitriding to ladle with alloying nitriding, the blowing nitrogen to ladle is thought to be a economic and advisable method. ─── 对钢包内吹气增氮和合金化增氮进行比较,认为钢包吹氮是一种比较经济、可取的方式。

16、Alloying a metal not only increases its hardness but also its electrical resistance. ─── 把金属熔成合金不仅提高其硬度,而且也增加金属的电阻。

17、Abstract: Langmuir probe technique was used for the plasma diagnostics of double-glow plasma surface alloying process.Effects of the process parameters on plasma parameters were discussed. ─── 摘 要: 用朗缪尔单探针技术对离子渗金属中的等离子体参数进行了诊断, 讨论工艺参数对等离子体参数的影响。

18、On this basis, summary remarks are presented on the advantageous aspects and prospects of mechanical alloying as a . . . ─── 指出了机械合金化技术在纳米晶材料制备方面的优势及应用前景。

19、The methods to improve the intensity of cold-rolled sheets is to add some useful alloying elements during steel-making and improve the cooling rate annealing treatment. ─── 提高冷轧薄板机械强度的方法主要是在炼钢时添加有益的合金元素及在热处理时提高退火后的冷却速率。

20、An engineer trained in the extraction and refining and alloying and fabrication of metals. ─── 在提

21、Melting loss of alloying element ─── 元素烧损

22、Effects of various alloying elements (Li, Si, Ca, Sn, Bi, Sb, Ag, Th, Re, Nd and Zr) on beat-resistant properties of magnesium alloys, as well as the functioning mechanisms are summarized. ─── 介绍了锂、矽、钙、锡、铋、锑、银、钍、稀土以及其中的钕、锆元素对镁合金性能尤其是耐热性能的作用及影响机理,总结了提高镁合金高温性能的途径。

23、The previous methods to improv the servce life of the plug were described, and it was pointed out to carry on the research on RE-aluminium alloying to increase the plug life. ─── 对过去提高顶头寿命的工作作了简介,提出开展稀土铝合金化提高顶头使用寿命的研究。

24、Partial substi-tution of alloying elements has found to occur in all the constituent phases caus-ing small deviations from the stoichiometric compositions reported for the ternarycompounds. ─── 所有夹杂相的合金元素均部分地被其它元素所取代,使粗大夹杂相的成分稍偏离于理想的三元化合物。

25、Results show that high strength and thin wall gray iron with high carbon equivalent can be obtained by Cr Mo alloying and RCC inoculant. ─── 其结果显示,在高碳当量条件下,采用低合金化和稀土复合孕育剂孕育处理,可以稳定地获得生产缸体、缸盖用的高强度薄壁灰铸铁。

26、This artjcle deals with the effect of alloying elements on the macrostructure,depth,phase compo sition and microhardness of the complex boronisation lamination. ─── 分析并系统研究了合金元素对复合硼化层宏观组织、深度、相成份及显微硬度的影响。

27、DT300 Low Alloying Ultra-high Strength Steel ─── DT300低合金超高强度钢

28、Controlled concentrations of specific donors or acceptors may be intentionally added into materials to form extrinsic semiconductor using various techniques. Such an alloying process in semiconducting materials is termed doping. ─── 控制特定施主和受主原子的浓度,进而运用各种方法能动地填加,这种在半导体材料中加入合金成分的过程称为掺杂。

29、In this paper the mathematical pattern and its application of the optimum calcula-tion and decision analysis for Alloying of electric furnace steelmaking are presented with ex-amples. ─── 本文介绍了利用微机进行电炉炼钢合金化优化计算及其决策分析的数学模型和应用实例。

30、The surface alloying under casting penetration is synthetically discussed. ─── 对铸渗条件下的铸件表面合金化进行了综合述评;

31、On the basis of corrosion test data and their statistical analysis, the relationship between alloying elements and corrosion rate has been derived. ─── 在典型的制盐生产工艺使用的卤水介质中,进行了不同成分的低合金钢的腐蚀试验。

32、By means of spray weld alloy powder alloying of casting surfaces has come true in spraying and coating-cast technology. ─── 本文应用喷焊合金粉末,采用喷熔、涂铸、熔铸工艺方法使铸铁件表面合金化,硬度、耐磨性提高。

33、It has been proved that rare earth La also pe-rmeates into the layer and acts as an alloying element during the process of ni-tro-carbo-boronizing witn ion microanalysis. ─── 使材料的耐磨性、耐蚀性获得了明显提高,离子探针检测证实,稀土元素镧也渗入了钢的表面,起到了微合金化的作用。

34、P. D. Deeley, K. J. A. Kunding and H. R. Spendelow, 1981, Ferroalloys &Alloying Additives Handbook, Shieldalloy Corporation &Metallurgy Alloy Corporation. ─── 日本热处理技术协会,1984,特殊钢的热处理,复汉出版社。

35、On the basis of systematical study,the comprehensive effects of alloying elements in cryogenic austenitic steels were analyzed. ─── 在系统研究结果的基础上,分析总结了低温奥氏体钢中合金元素的综合作用。

36、Microstructure and Properties of the Carburize-quenched Surface after Laser Alloying[J]. ─── 引用该论文 阚义德,刘文今,钟敏霖,马明星,李敏,张伟明,张红军.

37、A mathematical model is developed to analyze the movement of Fe Mn alloy in a bottom stirred ladle, the melting process and trajectories of alloying addition movement are calculated. ─── 建立了底吹钢包内加入合金后的运动过程数学模型,计算了铁锰合金颗粒在吹氩钢包内的熔化过程和运动轨迹。

38、The theory and process of mechanical alloying were described and the adopted apparatuses were introduced. ─── 描述了机械合金化的过程和机理,并对机械合金化采用的设备进行了介绍。

39、Brittleness is often a result of alloying. ─── 脆性往往是合金化的一种结果。

40、In this paper three methods of anti-corrosion, including ion injection, coating on uranium surface and alloying are mainly discussed and described. ─── 从离子注入、离子镀以及表面合金化处理3方面综述了铀及铂合金的防腐涂层方法的研究。

41、Keywords spring steel;alloying;microalloy element; ─── 弹簧钢;合金化;微量合金元素;

42、The alloying elements of the cladding weld, indicated in the table, shall be checked using a proven quantitative analytical technique. ─── 列于下表中的复层焊缝合金元素应采用已验证过的定量分析技术检验。

43、On the basis of deep research on the role of the alloying elements and alloy combinatio... ─── 分析和研究了弹簧钢合金化的最新发展趋势。

44、The results show that the alloying surface layer is comprised of three parts which are hypoeutectic layer, eutectoid layer and matrix. ─── 实验证明,所形成的合金化层由三部分组成:亚共晶层、共析层和基体;

45、The prospect of small alloying additions was also investigated in this paper. ─── 并对饰品金合金微量添加元素的发展进行了展望。

46、The methods for nanostructured materials (NSM) fabrication are introduced including gas condensation, mechanical alloying and spray conversion. ─── 介绍了NSM的主要制作方法,包括气相凝固法、机械合金化法和喷雾转化法等。

47、The compositions and microstructure of surface alloying layer wereinvestigated by the advanced means of XRD,SEM,BES,EDS. ─── 其中渗层的成分分布、显微特征、结构形貌采用了先进的XRD、SEM、BSE,EDS等手段进行了检测分析。

48、The factors to influence the quality of surface alloying and existing problems are analyzed, and the advantages of surface alloying of EPC castings are discussed. ─── 分析了影响合金优质量的各种因素,以及存在的基本问题,并讨论了用消失模法实现表面合金化的优点。

49、The effect of graphite morphology and alloying elements on thermal fatigue resistance of cast iron was studied. ─── 对石墨形态、合金元素等对铸铁抗热疲劳性能的影响进行了研究。

50、Alloy steels are formed by the addition of one or more of the following elements: nickel, tungsten, silicon and small amounts of other alloying elements. ─── 加过下列一种或几种元素可制成各种合金钢:镍、钨、硅和少量别的合金元素。

51、Thus, the role of alloying element depends mainly on its impact on the state diagram. ─── 因此,合金元素的作用主要取决于其对状态图的影响。

52、Nitrogen alloying process was set up by theories of nitrogen dissolved and degassed in stainless steel refined in AOD. ─── 介绍了AOD炉运用氮气在不锈钢中溶解与脱除理论所开发的氮合金化工艺。

53、double glow plasma surface alloying ─── 双层辉光离子渗金属

54、The latest researches concerning microstructure and phases of AZ91D magnesium alloy as well as the effects of heat treatment and alloying elements on them were comprehensively analyzed. ─── 摘要分析了国内外有关AZ91D镁合金铸态组织与合金相、热处理以及合金元素对铸态组织及合金相的影响等方面的最新研究;


56、Two processes were introduced,that is, the decarbonizing and then surface alloying,and the surface alloying directly. ─── 介绍了两种处理工艺,一种是脱碳后渗金属,另一种是直接渗金属。

57、The formation mechanism of polymer solid alloy and the theoretical model of alloying process were discussed based on mechanical alloying and mechanochemical principles. ─── 以机械合金和力化学原理为基础,讨论了高分子固体合金的形成机理和合金化过程的理论模型。

58、It is shown that the degree of superheat of molten steel and the deoxidation alloying are main factors for the formation of skin blowhole. ─── 明确了钢液的过热度及脱氧合金化是铸坯产生皮下气泡的主要影响因素;

59、Meanwhile, alloying agents can form carbides, so the hardness of bead welding layer is increased. ─── 同时又由于合金元素能形成碳化物,因此提高了堆焊层的硬度。

60、Process formula and operation steps of magnesium alloy surface alloying were discussed. ─── 讨论了镁合金表面合金化的工艺配方及其操作步骤。

61、Choice of metallization scheme, surface pretreatment and alloying process are discussed. ─── 本文讨论了金属化方案的选择、表面预处理和合金化处理等几个问题,回顾了近年来p型GaN欧姆接触的研究进展。

62、In structure, matrixes and borides were included in as-cast condition and the matrixes were changed with different alloying elements and quantity. ─── 在铸态条件下,其组织由基体和硼化物组成。

63、After tempering treatment at different conditions,the tempering stability of Fe-base hardfacing layer containing multiple alloying element was investigated. ─── 对多元合金铁基堆焊层的焊态试样进行不同条件下的回火后处理,研究了该堆焊层的回火稳定性。

64、Pressing to attitude is divided into four major types:molten lava, athrogenic rock, moraine moltenlava and alloying athrogenic rock. ─── 按产状又可分为熔岩、火山碎屑岩、火山碎屑熔岩、熔结火山碎屑岩四大类。

65、Copper, one of the main alloying elements, has great effect on the microstructure and properties. ─── 提高铜元素含量可能形成多相强化的效果,从而提高合金的强度。

66、The computation of alloying in RH process control is very important.Its goal is to acquire the aim product properties, and meanwhile to minimize the cost of addition alloy. ─── 摘要RH过程控制中合金化的计算是一个很重要的问题,在保证获取目标产品性能的同时,要尽量使添加合金的费用最低。

67、The interfacial diffusion of alloying element is an important factor to microstructure, apparent hardness and interfacial bond strength. ─── 元素在界面两侧的扩散是影响材料显微组织、表观硬度及界面结合强度的关键。

68、The development of mechanical alloying was summarized. The basic principle, the theoretic research and the influential factors of mechanical alloying were introduced. ─── 摘要综述了机械合金化的发展情况。着重介绍了机械合金化的基本原理、机械合金化过程中的理论研究,机械合金化过程中的影响因素。

69、Many factors have been confirmed to influence the sulfidation behavior of the iron aluminides intermetallics such as alloying component, corrosion atmosphere, temperature and pretreatment conditions. ─── 影响铁铝金属间化合物高温硫化腐蚀的因素主要有:合金成分、腐蚀气氛、温度、预处理工艺等。

70、The microstructure and phase structure of precipitate in double glow phasma W-Mo alloying layer are studied in this paper. the causes for precipitiation are analyszed in theory and by experiment. ─── 对双层辉光离子渗钨钼的合金层中析出物进行了金相组织分析,从理论及试验上指出其析出的原因。

71、double glow plasma surface alloying technique ─── 双层辉光离子渗金属技术

72、The multiple mechanism of excimer laser gas alloying is confirmed to be effective to improve the corrosion resistance of Al/SiC composite. ─── 准分子激光气体合金化对金属基复合材料的复合抗蚀机理使材料的抗腐蚀性能得到了显著提高。

73、The effects of alloying elements,modification treatment and thermoplast ic deformation on the structure and properties of hypoeutectic white cast iron w as studied and discussed. ─── 探讨了合金元素、变质处理和热塑性变形对亚共晶白口铸铁组织和性能的影响,确定了合适的成分范围。

74、The paper mainly summarized the small alloying additions added to the gold alloy for jewellery as the strengthener,deoxidizer,grain refiner and castability improver. ─── 从提高强度、防止氧化、提高铸造性能以及细化晶粒几个方面综述了饰品金合金中微量添加元素的一些研究现状。

75、The effect of alloying elements on expansion coefficient of greg iron was investigated. ─── 利用正交试验方法,研究了合金元素对灰铸铁膨胀系数的影响;

76、One way to enhance the working life of piercer point by means of Re-Al alloying was offered and its feasibility was proved in this paper. ─── 提出了利用稀土铝合金化提高顶头使用寿命的措施,并对该措施的可行性进行了论证。

77、This paper introduce how to develop hot rolled strip used for J55 ERW casing for petroleum by using the technology of Nb micro alloying in BaoTou CSP plant. ─── 介绍了包钢CSP厂采用Nb微合金化技术开发直缝焊石油套管用热轧钢带J55的过程。

78、Numbers indicate respective nominal compositions of main alloying elements. ─── 数字表示主要合金元素的各自标称组成。

79、The fatigue life is insensitive to the titanium alloying method.If alloys have the same titanium content, two kinds of alloys have similar low cycle fatigue life. ─── 合金的疲劳寿命对加钛方式不敏感, 在相同钛含量下, 两种加钛方式的合金具有相近的低周疲劳寿命。

80、The truncated electrode degradation mechanism is basically caused by wear and a little alloying, and by a mass of deformation on electrode tip. ─── 截锥形电极的失效除了电极头部的磨损和少量的合金化外,还有电极头部大量的塑性变形。

81、The friction property of high, middle and low P alloying cast iron was compared with that of ordinary cast iron. ─── 比较研究了高、中磷合金铸铁与普通灰铸铁的摩擦性能。

82、Laser quenching,laser cladding and laser surface alloying,as well as microstructure and properties were presented.The properties and research progress of intelligent coating were reviewed. ─── 介绍了激光淬火,激光熔凝,激光表面合金化等材料表面改性技术及其组织和性能;综述了智能涂层的特点及研究进展。

83、Study of V-EPC Cast on Surface Alloying Process ─── V-EPC法铸渗工艺的实验研究

84、The casting coatings: expand and strengthen the transferred coating, surface alloying paint application fields and its mechanism. ─── 铸造涂料:扩大和加强转移涂料、表面合金化涂料的应用领域和机理研究。

85、The thermodynamic analysis shows that the infiItration of molten iron into the alloy powder paste is the key to form a surface alloying layer in the process of surface alloying during casting. ─── 对铸造表面合金化过程进行了热力学分析,认为铁水向膏剂内浸渗是形成良好合金层的关键环节。

86、It can be improved by inoculation, modification, alloying, high temperature prespheroidization and eletron slag remelting(ESR). ─── 改善的途径有孕育处理、变质及合金化、共晶碳化物的高温顶球化及电渣重熔等。

87、The microstrueture of compagted graphite cast iron glass mould with RE alloying was observed. The heat-proof behavior was tested and industrial scale experiment was made. ─── 对稀土微合金化蠕铁玻璃模具的显微组织作了观察,对其耐热性能进行了测定,并进行了工业性试验。

88、NITON XL3-800 Series analyzers provide alloying chemistry for up to 30 of the most common elements in tens of thousands of alloy grades, with additional elements available on request. ─── NITON XL3-800系列金属分析仪可对上万种合金分析仪 中最常见的30种化学元素做出分析,如有特殊要求,也可提供对其它元素的分析测试。

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