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emblem 发音

英:['embl?m]  美:['?mbl?m]

英:  美:

emblem 中文意思翻译




emblem 网络释义

n. 象征;徽章;符号vt. 象征;用符号表示;用纹章装饰n. (Emblem)人名;(英)恩布勒姆

emblem 短语词组

1、distinctive emblem ─── 特殊标志

2、emblem mark of manufacture ─── [化] 厂标

3、fire emblem heroes wiki ─── 火徽英雄维基

4、mistrust of gifts emblem ─── 不信任礼物象征

5、shoulder emblem ─── 臂章

6、fire emblem switch ─── 消防标志开关

7、ike fire emblem ike ─── 火焰徽章

8、Meritorious Unit Emblem ─── 功单位徽

9、national emblem ─── [法] 国徽

10、fire emblem ─── 火焰纹章

11、heraldic emblem ─── 纹章

12、sleeve emblem ─── 袖章

13、fleche fire emblem three houses ─── 火焰象征三座房子

14、Presidential Unit Emblem ─── 总统单位徽章

15、Emblem and logo of Abkhazia ─── 阿布哈兹的标志和标志

16、recognized emblem ─── 公认的徽章

17、fire emblem heroes ─── 火徽英雄

18、emblem of peking university ─── 北京大学校徽

19、Distinguished Unit Emblem ─── 尊贵单位徽章

emblem 词性/词形变化,emblem变形

动词现在分词: emblazoning |动词第三人称单数: emblazons |动词过去分词: emblazoned |动词过去式: emblazoned |名词: emblazoner |

emblem 相似词语短语

1、Wembley ─── 文布利

2、epiblem ─── n.根被皮

3、emblema ─── n.浮雕装饰;徽章系列

4、sembles ─── vi.看来好像

5、sembled ─── vi.看来好像

6、embaled ─── 打捆;打包

7、emblems ─── n.徽章(emblem的复数);符号;象征动作;v.象征(emblem的单三形式);用徽章表示

8、embloom ─── 埃姆布鲁姆

9、embales ─── 打捆;打包

emblem 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A man sewed an emblem into the jacket of his best friend. ─── 一位男子把标签缝在他最好朋友的茄克上。

2、What is The official emblem of Beijing 2008? ─── 2008年北京奥运会的官方会徽是什么样的?

3、The Athens 2004 Olympic Games emblem is an olive wreath with which the Olympic winner was crowned in classical times. ─── 2004年雅典奥运会的会徽是由一支橄榄花环组成的图案,而橄榄花环在古代是颁发给奥运冠军的奖品。

4、Chinese people regard lotus as an emblem of purity. ─── 中国人把莲花看作是纯洁的象征。

5、The 33m high lighthouse, together with the monument, are the Bavarian heraldic emblem of Lindau harbour. ─── 33米高的灯塔和纪念碑是林岛港的标志。

6、Being the owner of those corporations, she is regarded as an emblem of mammon. ─── 作为那些公司的拥有者,她被视为财富的象征。

7、A hand made emblem, made with brass or silver hollow like thread a product of India or Pakistan. The finished emblem. ─── 一种手工制作的徽章。由铜和银混合制成。由印度和巴基斯坦出产。是一种和精美的徽章。

8、It has George Washington on the front and either a United States emblem or a design of one of the 50 states on the back. ─── 正面是乔治·华盛顿像,背面或者是美国国徽,要么就以不同的州采用不同的设计。

9、The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands. ─── 世博会会徽看起来像三个人手拉手。

10、But Nessie isn't just an icon of the paranormal -- she's also an emblem of Scottish tourism. ─── 尼斯湖位于英国苏格兰高原北部的大峡谷中,地处偏远,地形崎岖,两岸陡峭,是英国最大淡水湖。

11、Schoolgirls braid Chinese knots, the Olympic emblem,with their dexterous hands. ─── 学校女生们用灵巧的双手去编织中国花结和奥运会的会徽.

12、On the reverse the official emblem of the Barcelona Games. ─── 奖牌背面是巴塞罗那奥运会会徽。

13、Saladin emblem for the Eagle emblem, the symbol of Mesopotamia civilization. ─── 国徽为萨拉丁雄鹰徽,象征两河流域的文明。

14、The rear sports the Shepherd head emblem once more in white and both items are available in the usual sizes, S to XXL. ─── 后方体育牧羊人头徽,再一次在白人和这两个项目都可以在一般的大小, S来张XXL 。

15、To this distressful emblem of a great distress that had long been growing worse, and was not at its worst, a woman was kneeling. ─── 一个妇女跪在这象征巨大痛苦的凄惨的雕像面前--那痛苦一直在增加,可还没有达到极点。

16、The emblem stands for Singapore people's courage, strength, wisdom and longing for peace. ─── 国徽代表了新加坡人民的勇气,力量,智慧和对和平的向往。

17、The cross is an emblem of Christianity. ─── 十字架是基督教的象徵。

18、The snake that adorned her headdress was an emblem of kingship. ─── 她头上的蛇形装饰代表着王权。

19、The Chinese character in the emblem is unique. ─── 会徽里的中国汉字非常独特,

20、Annie: Could you introduce something about the emblem? ─── 安妮:介绍一下会徽,好不好?

21、Why is the Eagle the national emblem of the United States? ─── 为什么鹰是美国的象征?

22、Her shirt has the company emblem on it. ─── 她的衬衫印有公司的标记。

23、In the center of the emblem is Tian'anmen or "the Gate of Heavenly Peace". ─── 同时,全体一致通过了关于国旗、国歌、国都、纪年的四个决议案。

24、What is the emblem of Beijing's bid? ─── 北京申奥的会徽是什么组成?

25、Trucks marked with the company emblem; the emblemof the air force. ─── 带有公司标志的大货车;空军的徽章蓟,苏格兰的象征。

26、It was impervious to the shocks and mutations of time-it was an emblem of time itself. ─── 它不受时代的冲击或变迁的影响,它自己就是时间的象征。

27、It seems to me that Pygmalion's frenzy is a good emblem. ─── 我看来,皮格马利翁的狂热是一个很好的象征。

28、A medal, emblem, or insignia in the form of an upright post with a transversepiece near the top of it, or a modification thereto. ─── 十字勋章用接近顶部的地方横梁上的一根立柱的形状制成的勋章或徽章或由此加以装饰的饰物。

29、Regional emblem of Hong Kong S.A.R. ─── GB16690-1996香港特别行政区区徽

30、A die or signet having a raised or incised emblem used to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead. ─── 印章:一种有凸出或雕刻纹章的印模或图章,用来在可接受性物质上作印记,如蜡或铅上。

31、The figure of the sacred serpent, an emblem of sovereignty depicted on the headdress of ancient Egyptian rulers and deities. ─── 圣蛇象古代埃及统治者以及被奉若神明的人的冠冕上刻饰的象征着权威的神蛇饰物

32、The RI emblem may not be altered, modified, or obstructed in any way, nor reproduced other than in its complete form. ─── 国际扶轮徽章不得以任何方式变更、修改或遮蔽,亦不得以完整形式以外的形式予以复制。

33、A publisher's emblem or trademark placed usually on the title page of a book. ─── 商标出版商的商标或徽章,通常置于一本书的首页。

34、However this use must not infringe WHO's intellectual property rights, in particular relating to its name, emblem, copyright or authors' rights. ─── 但是,其使用不得侵犯世卫组织的知识产权,尤其是涉及其名称、会标、版权或作者权利。

35、The strand of beard hanging under their jaws,in fact,is far from being a comical mark,but an emblem of profundity. ─── 原来它们颌下垂挂的那一缕胡须,远远不是什么滑稽的标志,而是深刻的象征。

36、Mr. Costa will therefore propose a Blue Emblem to recognize companies that align their rules and regulations to the universal principles of the UNCAC. ─── 因此,科斯塔先生将建议颁发蓝色徽章以表彰那些将其规则和条例与《联合国反腐败公约》的普遍原则一致起来的公司。

37、It is recognized and respected everywhere as the emblem which means service to the sick and suffering. ─── 在全世界,红十字会被公认为是对受苦受难的人们进行救援的标志。

38、If there's an emblem in there with swastika, how people gonna react? ─── 如果这儿有一个纳粹的标志,人们会怎么想,怎么回应?!

39、When people hold the Olympic Games, they always make an emblem . ─── 当人们举行奥运会的时候,他们总是会设计一个会徽。

40、Members of the Communist Youth League are required to wear the league emblem every day. ─── 团员被要求每天都佩戴团徽。

41、On their reverse side, the medals are inlaid with jade with the Beijing Games emblem engraved in the metal centerpiece. ─── 奖牌背面内嵌中华玉,正中央镌刻着北京奥运会会徽。

42、Anhui Emblem Park Management Company Limited as the "Emblem Park" is a major theme park. ─── 安徽徽园管理有限公司简称“徽园”,是一座大型的主题公园。

43、In fact, everybody in the room born on his head this characteristic emblem of man's sovereignty. ─── 屋子里人人头上都戴着这样一顶帽子,标志着至高无上的男子汉大丈夫气概。

44、Oh, just like the dragon is their official emblem? ─── 哦,就像龙是他们的象征一样?

45、An Olympic emblem is the design combining the Olympic rings together with other distinctive elements. ─── 奥运会会徽是结合了奥林匹克五环与其他元素的产物。

46、Caedwalla was victorious, and the leek became the national emblem of Wales. ─── 卡德瓦拉战胜了。韭菜后来成为威尔斯国徽。

47、Party organizations at all levels and all Party members shall safeguard the sanctity of the Party emblem and flag. ─── 党的各级组织和每一个党员都要维护党徽党旗的尊严。

48、All organizations and citizens shall respect and care for the National Emblem. ─── 一切组织和公民,都应当尊重和爱护国徽。

49、In religious art one of the emblem of St. James is the scallop shell which is vaguely similar to the shell of an oyster. ─── 在宗教艺术中,圣詹姆斯的艺术象征物是一种与牡蛎外壳大体相似的扇贝壳。

50、Goat - Emblem of that martial man who wins a victory by the employment rather of policy than valor. ─── 山羊-象征那些更依赖外交式的雇佣而不是个人英勇来取得胜利的人。

51、The dove is an emblem of peace. ─── 鸽子是和平的象征。

52、The RI emblem can be printed in any single color. ─── 国际扶轮徽章能够被印制成任何单一的颜色。

53、It contains many national flags and ability to set up flag with your logo, photo, emblem of a football team and any picture you want. ─── 它包含许多国家的国旗和能力,以建立国旗与您的标志,照片,会徽足球队和任何您要的图片。

54、Disciple Wang Hao using the Deep Silence seals he designed and carved to present an emblem containing our lineage name and our websites. ─── 弟子王浩用他所设计和雕刻的深寂诸印文,制作出一个含有我们传承名字和我们网站名的标志图案。

55、Mungo's emblem is a wand and a bone, crossed. ─── 圣芒戈的徽章:一跟魔杖与骨头组成的十字。

56、The picture, changed or unchanged, would be to him the visible emblem of conscience. ─── 不论画幅是否改变,对他来说都成了良心的可辨识的标志。

57、The emblem is an eagle of Saladin, based on the eagle carved on a wall in Cairo. ─── 埃及的国徽是撒拉丁鹰,它是以刻在开罗墙上的鹰为样板的。

58、Trucks marked with the company emblem;the emblem of the air force. ─── 带有公司标志的大货车;空军的徽章

59、How do you like the emblem of Dancing Beijing? ─── 你认为“舞动的北京”这个会徽怎么样?

60、The color "red" is intensively used in the emblem, hushing the passion up to a new level. ─── 在这个标志中,红色被演绎得格外强烈,激情被张扬得格外奔放。

61、The National Emblem shall be hung right in the middle on top of the front gate of the organ concerned. ─── 国徽应当悬挂在机关正门上方正中处。

62、While on the back, the medal is inlaid with jade with the Beijing Games emblem engraved in the metal centerpiece. ─── 奖牌背面镶嵌着取自中国古代龙纹玉璧造型的玉璧,背面正中的金属图形上镌刻着北京会会徽。

63、The colours of the emblem symbolise the shadesof white and blue found in the Greek countryside. ─── 三个简单的要素表达了“奥运发源”的主题。

64、Other circumstances where the National Emblem and the design thereof may not be used, as prescribed by the General Office of the State Council. ─── 国务院办公厅规定不得使用国徽及其图案的其他场合。

65、As a favorite among the Chinese, the color "red" is generously used in the emblem, pushing passions up to a new level. ─── 作为中国人民喜爱的颜色,“红色”被大量地运用到会徽上,将中国人民的热情提升到新的高度。

66、An emblem of honor, such as a medal or badge. ─── 勋章,奖章一种荣誉的象征,如奖章

67、An embroidered motif like an emblem, an insignia or a Coat of Arms. See Emblem. ─── 一种类似徽章,勋章或武器的外套的绣花花边,见徽章。

68、We will put a special emblem on your ship. ─── 你的船将获得特别的勋章。

69、Obama said that motor manufacturing was "an emblem of America's spirit" and a "source of deep pride" on which the nation was built. ─── 奥巴马表示汽车制造业是美国精神的象征,是我们引以为豪的资本,这是整个国家建立起来的。

70、The party emblem was superimposed on the state coat of arms. ─── 党徽被放到了国家盾形纹章之上。

71、An imp of evil, emblem and product of sin, she had no right among christened infants. ─── 她是一个邪恶的小妖精,是罪孽的标志和产物,无挤身于受洗的婴孩之列。

72、The national emblem of Turkey is a crescent. ─── 土耳其的国徽为新月形。

73、The official emblem of Beijing 2008 entitled"Chinese seal-Dancing Beijing" combines the Chinese seal and the art of calligraphy with sporting features. ─── 北京2008年奥运会的会徽“中国印。舞动的北京”将中国篆刻和书法艺术与体育运动的特色结合在一起。

74、The eagle was an emblem of strength and courage. ─── 鹰是力量和勇气的象征。

75、Every emblem of the Olympics tells a story. ─── 奥林匹克的每块徽章的背后都有一段故事。

76、The phonograph that has a golden morning-glory flower shaped amplifier has become an emblem of old Shanghai. ─── 十里洋场,繁华旧梦,那种长着金色牵牛花喇叭的老式留声机,成为了旧上海一个时代的象征。

77、Trucks marked with the company emblem. ─── 带有公司标志的大货车

78、There's no high point in the emblem's design and it seems to be very heavy on the whole! ─── 会徽设计没有什么亮点,整体看起来让人感觉非常繁重!

79、The emblem of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games is an interwined olive wreath. ─── 2004年雅典奥运会会徽是一个用橄榄枝编织的花环。

80、Each generation of critics seems to select one particular usage to stand as the emblem of what they view as linguistic crassness . ─── 每一代的批评家好象都挑了一个特别的用法作为他们认为的语言上的愚蠢行为的象征。

81、What is the emblem of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games? ─── 2004年雅典奥运会的会徽是什么?

82、There was no language of edibles, and butter was no emblem of unmaidenly forwardness. ─── 吃的东西又不会说话,黄油也不算是有失女性端庄的象征

83、It was an emblem of purity, fruitfulness (because of its many seeds) and creative power. ─── 它是纯洁,多子(因为它结的许多种子)和创造力的象征。

84、This is also in the emblem of the Asian Olympic Committee. ─── 在亚奥理事会会徽上就有这句格言。

85、Can you tell me the meaning of this Emblem? ─── 你能告诉我这个会标的含义吗?

86、The flag and emblem are symbols of the party. ─── 党旗、党徽是一个政党的象征。

87、The small dog in the foreground is an emblem of fidelity and love. ─── 地上的小狗象征着忠诚与爱情。

88、A medal, emblem, or insignia in the form of an upright post with a transverse piece near the top of it, or a modification thereto. ─── 十字勋章用接近顶部的地方横梁上的一根立柱的形状制成的勋章或徽章或由此加以装饰的饰物

89、What is the number on the emblem for the battlestar Pegasus? ─── 太空堡垒帕格萨斯号标志上的数字是多少?

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