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08-14 投稿


voiceless 发音

英:[?v??sl?s]  美:[?v??sl?s]

英:  美:

voiceless 中文意思翻译



voiceless 词性/词形变化,voiceless变形

副词: voicelessly |名词: voicelessness |

voiceless 反义词

unvoiced | voiceless

voiceless 同义词

articulated | stated | verbal | oral | pronounced |spoken | sonant | vocal | soft

voiceless 短语词组

1、voiceless quotes ─── 无声语录

2、voiceless stop ─── 清塞音

3、voiceless definition ─── 清音 ─── 清晰度

4、voiceless sounds ─── 清音无音声

5、give voice to the voiceless ─── 为无声者发声

6、voiceless alveolar ─── 清音牙槽

7、voiceless palatal nasal ─── 腭鼻清音

8、voiceless bilabial stop ─── 不带声双唇塞音

9、voiceless define ─── 无声定义

10、voiceless consonant ─── 清辅音

11、voiceless velar stop consonant ─── 软膜无声辅音

12、voiceless velar stop ─── 软膜止音

13、voiceless cast ─── 无声石膏

14、voiceless diacritic ─── 清音变音

15、voiceless th words ─── 无声th字

16、voiceless consonants ─── 清辅音

voiceless 相似词语短语

1、priceless ─── adj.无价的;极贵重的;非常有趣的;n.非卖品

2、iceless ─── 无冰的

3、noiseless ─── adj.无声的;寂静的

4、viceless ─── 邪恶的

5、juiceless ─── 无汁的;少汁液的

6、forceless ─── 软弱的;无力的

7、voicelessly ─── adv.无声地;无发言权地

8、spiceless ─── adj.无香料的

9、vineless ─── 无酒

voiceless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From the very beginning of her writing, Alice Walker, the famous black American woman writer, has been the spokesman for the voiceless, especially for the black women. ─── 美国著名黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克从她的写作伊始就开始为无声者呐喊,她尤其关注黑人女性的命运。

2、voiceless stop ─── 清音塞音

3、From OQ curves, aspirate voiceless and voiced obstruents bring to higher OQ, while voiceless ones cause lower OQ. ─── 仙居话的三类塞音的后接元音段开商值有着明显的区分度,分别为浊内爆音:紧喉嗓音;

4、I yell at a decibel machine hysterically,a series of chirps,with unknown tones,till i am voiceless. ─── 我对着分贝器歇斯底里的喊"叽里咕噜不知所云的音调"一串一串的喊!一次都喊到我无法发声为止。

5、However, solutions which have empirically proposed for the problem Japanese voiced and voiceless plosives learning are scant. ─── 对此一问题,却很少有研究提出具体可行的解决方案。

6、However, her final drowning in the sea is her last voiceless but strong denounciation against the masculinist and patriarchal society. ─── 艾德娜对理想的追求是注定要失败的,自我灭亡就是最后的无言反抗。

7、An aspirted voiceless palatal affricate. It is an aspirated equivalent of “j”. ─── 舌面送气清塞擦音。舌面靠近硬腭,形成一条狭缝,流从狭缝中磨擦而出。

8、Voiceless Environment Do Harm to Health ─── 无声环境不利于健康

9、The Concepts of Voiceless and Voiced Observed From the Voiced Consonants of Wu Dialect ─── 从吴语的浊辅音看清浊概念

10、A voiceless song in an ageless light ─── 一首无声的歌在永恒的光里

11、If the exciting source is a white noise signal, voiceless sound will be sent out; ─── 若激励源是一白噪声信号,则声道发清音;

12、Making love to a 'motionless' or 'voiceless' mate is like having it with a dead body. ─── 同“静止”或“无声”的配偶做爱,就好像在干一具死尸。

13、We see most eloquent orators voiceless as fish when they must speak of Thee, O Jesus our Saviour. ─── 耶稣我们的救主啊,我们看见最雄辩的演说家言及祢时,犹如鱼儿般缄默无言。

14、noiseless; soundless; voiceless; silent; dumb; mute; quiet ─── 无声

15、A voiceless palatal fricative. It is pronounced by raising the tongue close to the hard palate to expel the air with friction through the narrow passage. ─── 知面轻擦音。舌面靠近硬腭,形成一条狭缝,气流从狭缝中磨擦而出。

16、A voiceless palatal fricative. ─── 舌面清擦音。

17、A voiceless blade-alveolar fricative. ─── 舌尖前清擦音。

18、voiceless consonant ─── 清辅音

19、They are important only so far as they speak for that great voiceless multitude of men who constitude the great body and the saving force of the nation. ─── 只有当他们为国家主体及生力军的广大默默无语的大众说话时他们才是重要的。

20、the child was born , was given to me - motionless , breathless , voiceless ; we thought it dead . ─── 孩子生下来了,交给了我,他不会动,不会哭,也不会呼吸,我们以为他死了。

21、a speech defect that involves pronouncing s like voiceless th and z like voiced th. ─── 发音不正常的一种言语失常症。

22、voiceless second- tone characters ─── 浊阳平声

23、The third group is the voiceless building, the restoration of the originalxi lou Li Yuan, and build a pavilion. ─── 第三组是清音楼,恢复原荔园戏楼,并增建了一座凉亭。

24、My eys is always blink with voiceless love,Which appears through the gaps between my eyebrows,and makes my mouth arced.what's more ,can through up intense resonance beyond my voice. ─── 只有一种办法,我要在心里默默地为他祝福。这无言的爱会闪现在我的眼神里,流露在我的眉宇间,让我嘴角挂上微笑,在我的声音里响起共鸣。

25、voiceless screaming ! ─── 无声的呐喊!

26、They are not lecturing from above.They only have equal visions and voiceless dialogues. ─── 没有高高在上的说教,有的只是平等的目光和无声的对话。

27、One of the most vulnerable and voiceless groups of patients within American hospitals and institutions today are those who are dying. ─── 其中最脆弱和无发言权的群体内的病人的医院和机构美国今天是谁正在死去。

28、Voiceless Sound and Voiced Sound from the Prophase and Anaphase Magnum Opus of LI Qing-zhao ─── 从李清照前后期词作看清浊

29、It is what I have called a "voiceless voice" , something like the voice of your own thoughts. ─── 我把这叫做“无声的话语”,有的时候他的话语就想是我自己的想法。

30、An aspirated voiceless palatal affricate. ─── 舌面送气清塞擦音。

31、3.Your eyes is voiceless language, full of anticipation to me. ─── 您的眼神是无声的语言;

32、But voiced obstruent devoicing in Wuyu is not an individual phenomenon. In dialects of Jinhua and Quzhou, nominally voiced obstruents can not uncommonly be recorded as voiceless onsets. ─── 但全浊声母清化在吴语里已不是个别现象,金华、衢州一带方言的所谓全浊声母不少也可以记作清声母。

33、To pronounce(a normally voiced sound)without vibration of the vocal chords so as to make it wholly or partly voiceless. ─── 使浊音变成清音发音时(标准的浊音)不振动声带,完全或部分不发出声音

34、voiceless music ─── 无声之乐

35、"p, t, k", are voiceless non aspirated as in French, which is totally different in English and German. ─── 是不送气清音,相当法语、西班牙语的这些音。

36、The Ambassador's role, supported by the IRF Office and in concert with other U.S. officials, is to provide a voice for the voiceless and the oppressed. ─── 无任所大使得到国际宗教自由办公室的支持和其他美国官员的配合,其使命是为无声的、受压迫的民众大声疾呼。

37、voiceless sound ─── 无音声

38、What is more, for the “chadianer mei VP” format,when the format conveys a positive meaning, “mei” and the complement should be stressed, but the verb is voiceless; ─── 四、讨论了两种最典型的羡余否定格式:对于“差点儿没VP”格式,当它表肯定义时,“没”和补语成分重读,而动词则轻读;

39、That is just one reason, say the policymakers at the WHO, why urgent action is needed to give that big, voiceless interest group a better chance of growing up. ─── WHO的政策制定者们说现在应当采取紧急措施给这些巨大的、沉默的利益群体以更好的发展的机会。

40、An unaspirated voiceless alveolar plosive. ─── 舌尖不送气清塞音。

41、A voiceless cry emanated from the crowd gathering on the street. ─── 街道上满是聚集的人群,传出一阵无声的哭泣。

42、Similar but not identical sounds such as voiced and voiceless pairs of consonants are also linked in this way. ─── 相似但不相同的音如发音与不发音的一对辅音总是会这样连音。

43、Voiceless language ─── 无声语言

44、Composing and Developing of Voiceless Singing in Ming Dynasty ─── 明代清曲的创作和发展

45、p.t.k. etc. are voiceless consonants ─── p、t、k、等是清辅音

46、voiceless plays ─── 无声戏

47、How does it impact the poor, the powerless, the voiceless? ─── 对生活困难的人、残疾人、聋哑人有什么影响?

48、An unaspirated voiceless blade-palatal affricate. ─── 舌尖后不送气清塞擦音。

49、Blogging is the best chance we have had in a while to overturn old hierarchies, giving voices to the voiceless and empowering the powerless. ─── 写部落格是我们到目前以来推翻旧的阶层体系的最好机会,让没有声音的人们有机会发声,赋予没有权力者予以力量。

50、voiceless fricative ─── 清音擦音

51、Your eyes is voiceless language, full of anticipation to me . ─── 您的眼神是无声的语言,对我充满期待;

52、being voiceless through injury or illness and thus incapable of all but whispered speech. ─── 因为伤害或者疾病而没有了声音,只能耳语。

53、Opera houses on the market many varieties: Sichuan Opera sit sing (attacks Wai drums), and Sichuan voiceless, Sichuan bamboo-qin (dulcimer), leaves a cappella more generally storytellers teahouse. ─── 书场茶馆戏曲品种不少:有川剧坐唱(打围鼓)、四川清音、四川竹琴(扬琴)、荷叶清唱更普遍是说书茶馆。

54、And so if we (rightly) save the life of a criminal but sentence to death a voiceless foetus or embryo, are we truly civilised? ─── 如果挽救一名犯人的生命,却判处甚至无法为自己呐喊挣扎的胎儿的死刑,难道我们就可以认为是实现文明了吗?

55、This is an unaspirated voiceless palatal affricate. ─── 舌面不送气清擦音。

56、voiceless vowel ─── 清元音

57、An unaspirated voiceless plosive sound. ─── 双唇送气清塞音。

58、An aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive . ─── 唇齿清擦音。

59、Just anyone can be catapulted to stardom now, although a person with a voice will be charged less for promotional services than a voiceless one, an influential Russian show-biz producer remarks. ─── 现在任何一个人都能定位成明星,只是需要比默默无闻的人多拿出用一些宣传费用。一个颇有影响的俄罗斯娱乐界人士评论道。

60、If love is a sort of lie and voiceless ─── 如果爱是一种无声的谎言

61、Study on the sterilizing effects of drinking water and vinegar with ozonizer of voiceless discharge ─── 无声放电平板式臭氧发生机杀菌效果研究

62、The consonants t,f and s are voiceless. ─── 、f、s这三个辅音是清辅音.

63、voiceless, labiodental, fricative, aspirated, strong, long. ─── 清音,唇齿音,摩擦音,送气,强,长。

64、Opponents still argue that those who exercise choice will be the most able and committed, and by clustering themselves together in better schools they will abandon the weak and voiceless to languish in rotten ones. ─── 反对者仍然坚持认为那些择校的人一半能力很强,很执着,通过往好学校扎堆儿,他们把那些处于弱势地位、没有代言人的学生留在差等学校慢慢受煎熬。

65、So you thought plants are voiceless? ─── 你认为植物是无声的吗?

66、A voiceless velar fricative. ─── 舌根清擦音。

67、Still it was a sepulchre, unprophetic, voiceless, lusterless. ─── 但仍只见一个没有预兆,没有声音,没有光彩的坟墓。

68、a voiceless wish ─── 心里的愿望

69、An unaspirated voiceless blade-alveolar affricate. ─── 舌尖前不送气塞擦音。

70、After tone IIA, the onset of a voiced obstruent tone II syllable is changed to a voiceless unaspirated sound. ─── 全浊上字读阴上后全浊声母变为不送气清音。

71、To the grossest insults, the most violent ill-treatment and mockery that might well bring indignation into the feeblest heart, He responded with voiceless complacent calmness. ─── 祂大有能力,才能不动。

72、The durations of voiceless and voiced fricatives are different although the range of data partly overlaps. ─── 浊擦音的后接元音段基频曲线整体低于清擦音,两者在基频的区分贯穿整个音节。

73、For all of them the lungs push air through a narrow opening where it causes friction of various kinds. /f, W, s, F, h/ are voiceless consonants while /v, T, z, V, r/ are voiced consonants. ─── 然后气流从上齿和下唇之间冲出,但上齿和下齿仍保持不动。不振动声带,发/f/音;振动声带,则发/v/。

74、Pucheng dialect's IVA syllables and IVB syllables can merge, just because its obstruent onsets had already devoiced, not preserving the cause of the natural division between voiceless A and voiced B. ─── 浦城方言的阴入字和阳入字之所以可以合并,正是因为它的全浊声母已经清化,不存在清阴浊阳的天然界线的缘故。

75、An aspirated voiceless blade-palatal affricate. ─── 舌尖后送气清塞音。

76、On the Time of the Voiceless Coming from the Complete Voiced in Northwest Dialects from the Pronunciation of Toponym ─── 西北方言全浊清化的年代考

77、could hardly hear her breathed plea,'Help me'; voiceless whispers. ─── 几乎听不见她的请求,“救救我”;无声的耳语。

78、An unaspirated voiceless velar plosive. ─── 舌根不送气清塞音。

79、Some can also occasionally send out 1-2 heavenly music aftertastes voiceless sound, has the manner which really swings washes vulgarly ponders. ─── 有的还能偶尔发出一两声仙乐余韵般的清音,真有荡俗涤虑的神气。

80、To pronounce(a normally voiced sound) without vibration of the vocal chords so as to make it wholly or partly voiceless. ─── 使浊音变成清音发音时(标准的浊音)不振动声带,完全或部分不发出声音。

81、when the format conveys a negative meaning, the verb should be stressed, but “mei” and the complement is voiceless. ─── 表否定义时,重读的是动词,“没”和补语成分读得较轻。

82、The Pronunciation of the level-tone words in Kunqu Opera is generally long and smooth with voiced or voiceless sounds and rising or falling intonation. ─── 昆曲平声字的字声在总体上具有平稳悠长的特征,同时也有着清浊、抑扬之分,因被分为阴平与阳平两大类。

83、sounds vibrate, whereas voiceless sounds do not vibrate. ─── 是浊音,喉咙会震动,清音则不会。

84、voiceless cough ─── 嗽声不出

85、"Blame surely silk and bamboo, landscape has voiceless sound " . ─── “非必丝与竹,山水有清音”。

86、A voiceless blade-palatal fricative. ─── 舌尖后清塞擦音。

87、An aspirated voiceless velar plosive. ─── 舌根送气清塞音。

88、The vertical screw shipunloader is voiceless. ─── 垂直螺旋卸船机基本没有声音。

89、Syllables from ancient voiceless and voiced tone II (including obstruents and sonorants) are now all pronounced [535] in urban Jinhua, [534] in Lanxi, and [52] in Longquan. ─── 古清上、浊上(包括次浊上和全浊上)字,金华城里今都读[535]调,兰溪今都读[534]调,龙泉今都读[52]调。

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