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druggist 发音

英:[?dr?ɡ?st]  美:[?dr?ɡ?st]

英:  美:

druggist 中文意思翻译



druggist 网络释义

n. 药剂师;药商;(美)药房老板(兼营化妆品、文具、牙膏、漱口剂、香烟等杂货的)

druggist 短语词组

1、druggist pharmacist ─── 药剂师

2、druggist meaning ─── 药剂师的意思

3、druggist fold ─── 药剂师折

4、druggist scale mpa ─── 药师秤mpa

5、druggist pharmacy ─── 药剂师 ─── 药房

6、druggist pharmacy laguna niguel ─── 药剂师拉古娜·尼格尔

7、druggist pagoda ─── 药师宝塔

8、druggist mutual ─── 药剂师互助会

9、druggist means ─── 药剂师的意思是

10、druggist scale ─── 药师量表

11、druggist def ─── 药剂师定义

druggist 词性/词形变化,druggist变形


druggist 相似词语短语

1、druggies ─── n.(非正式)吸毒者,有毒瘾的人(等于druggie);adj.吸毒的,毒品的

2、druggier ─── 药剂师

3、druggists ─── n.药剂师;药商;(美)药房老板(兼营化妆品、文具、牙膏、漱口剂、香烟等杂货的)

4、drugging ─── n.药;毒品;麻醉药;滞销货;vt.使服麻醉药;使服毒品;掺麻醉药于;vi.吸毒;n.(Drug)(罗)德鲁格(人名)

5、ruggiest ─── 最粗犷的,

6、druggiest ─── 药剂师

7、druggist's ─── 药剂师的

8、drugget ─── n.厚毯;粗毛毯;粗毛衣

9、druggie ─── n.瘾君子;吸毒者(等于druggy)

druggist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Because market of city of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty is current dimensions is lesser, amount of goods in stock is not large, druggist complains search not to come supply of goods. ─── 由于禹州市场目前规模较小,存货量不大,有药商抱怨找不来货源。随着“中华药城”的开工建设,市场规模扩大,禹州药市重振昔日辉煌的日子不久了。

2、the druggist told me to take this pain-killer every four hours. ─── 药剂师告诉我每四小时吃一粒止疼药。

3、The ugly druggist put the huge plug in the rug . ─── 丑陋的药剂师将巨大的插头放进毛毯.

4、Lime water may be bought at any druggist's, or easily prepared at home. ─── 石灰水可从药店购得,不过在家里配制也很容易。

5、the druggist didn't come back. ─── 药剂师却没有再露面。

6、Plainly in view of no other inspiration it was necessary for him to return to the druggist at once ─── 一时没有旁的好办法,他就必须马上再一次到那家杂货店去。

7、The ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug. ─── 丑陋的药剂师测量了难民毛毯中的巨大插头。

8、But suppose I want to be an artist, a druggist, or a nurse. ─── 但是假如我想当艺术家、药剂师、护士,

9、The root of Chinese trichosanthes that each district druggist favors Heibei is produced alone only, its quality best, price is top. ─── 各地药商唯独青睐河北产的天花粉,其质量最好、价格最高。

10、ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug. ─── 丑陋的药剂师测量了难民毛毯中的巨大插头。

11、The druggist has recommended me to try this ointment for sunburn. ─── 药房老板劝我试用这种药膏治疗晒斑。

12、The same evening the grocer or grocers, druggist or druggists, come and say, 'It was I who sold the arsenic to the gentleman;' ─── 当天傍晚,杂货商或药商就会来说:‘被告的砒霜是我卖给他的。’他们绝不会认错的,一认就认出了那个犯罪的顾客。

13、Druggist: Fine. Here's your change. I hope you'll be better soon. ─── 好。你的找零。我希望你很快就能恢复。

14、druggist balance ─── 毒物天平

15、Thgossip girl 插曲e ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug. ─── 丑陋的药剂师测量了难民毛毯中的巨大插头.

16、“I want some poison,“ she said to the druggist. ─── “我要买些毒药,”她对药贩子说。

17、6.The physician is accused of receiving questionable fund from a druggist. ─── 这个医生被控告接受了药商的值得怀疑的资金。

18、The ugly druggist struggled to get his luggage . ─── 丑陋的药剂师挣扎着去拿行李。

19、But suppose I want to be an artist, a druggist, or a nurse. Suppose I want to go in business for myself. ─── 但是假如我想当艺术家、药剂师、护士,假如我本人想经商,

20、The druggist plugged in an electric coffee pot, found two cups and put them on a table that had a chair on either side of it. ─── 老板把一个电咖啡壶插上了电源,然后他找出两个杯子并把它们放在了一张两边各有一把椅子的桌子上。

21、The druggist made no immediate move to pick them up. ─── 药房老板没有立即把钱拿起.

22、The next day she went to the same druggist and with tears in her eyes asked for an essence which was given only to a dying person. ─── 第二天她又跑去找同一个药剂师,泪汪汪地向他要一种只有垂死的人才用得着的香精。

23、"Why, of course," the druggist said. ─── “噢噢,当然有,”药剂师说。

24、5.To be a druggist you have to study chemistry. ─── 要成为药剂师你必须学习化学.

25、He set himself up as a druggist in Leamington. ─── 他在利明顿是一位小有名气的药剂师。

26、"I knew you were a druggist, " said my fellow traveller affably. ─── “我知道你是一个药剂师,”我的旅行伙伴友好地说。

27、The druggist filled the doctor's prescription. ─── 药剂师按这张医生的药方配药。

28、druggist's scale ─── 药用天平, 柜台天平, 上皿天平

29、7 The little druggist nodded.“Yes, I occasionally give out an undetectable poison.I do so freely; ─── 小个子老板点点头,“对,我有时是送一种察觉不到的毒药。

30、In front of the gate of Zhanshansi Temple stand a pair of exquisitely carved stone lions. By the side of the temple there stands the Yaoshita Pagoda (the Druggist Pagoda). ─── 例(1)湛山寺山门两旁的一对石狮子,雕凿精细。寺外建有“药师塔琉璃光如来宝塔”,简称“药师塔”。

31、My aunt is both a physician and a druggist. ─── 我的姑妈既是医生又是药剂师。

32、The druggist owns a small store. ─── 药房老板拥有一家小店。

33、The druggist looked down at her.She looked back at him, erect, her face like a strained flag. ─── 药剂师盯着她看,她也用直勾勾的目光回敬他,脸上没有任何表情。

34、anyhow. I'd better go back to the village and get posted by the postmaster, or drug the druggist for some information. ─── 无论如何。我应该回到村庄并向消息灵通的邮件管理者,获取一些信息,或者从药材商那里获取一些资料.

35、The next morning Morgiana went to the druggist. ─── 第二天早上她去找药剂师。

36、7. written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient. ─── 内科医师或牙科医师给药剂师写的书面说明,说明用于某个患者的药的形态剂量。

37、6.H is an Herb Shop , a native apothecary or Chinese druggist . ─── 是中草药铺,就是天然草药商或是中药商。

38、Chemist and Druggist Qualifying Examination ─── 化学师及药师资格检定考试

39、This druggist handed her the pills saying “take the medicine three times a day. ─── 药剂师把药递给她时说:“一天吃3次。

40、druggist rs ─── 药店

41、1. I bought some medicine at the druggist's on the corner. ─── 我在大街拐角的药房买了些药。

42、American Druggist Blue Book ─── 美国药剂师蓝皮书

43、The druggist plugged in an electric percolator, found two cups and put them on a table that had a chair on either side of it. ─── 老板把一个电咖啡壶插上电源,找了两个杯子,放在一张桌上,桌子的两边各有一把椅子。

44、2.To be a druggist you have to study chemistry. ─── 要成为药剂师你必须学习化学。

45、Before he had quite finished, the coffee pot had finished its task and the druggist briefly interrupted to get the coffee for them. ─── 在他快讲完的时候,咖啡壶把咖啡煮好了,老板用简短的话打断了他,把咖啡端了过来。

46、The druggist plugged in an electric coffee pot. ─── 药商插上一个电咖啡壶.

47、The druggist named several. ─── 药剂师一口说出好几种。

48、That person is certainly in the wrong.is druggist right to do so?Do u think that he he prevent murder? ─── 那个人当然是理亏的,那么药店老板做得对吗?他制止谋杀案的办法你怎么看?

49、A druggist's job is to compound medicines. ─── 药剂师的工作是配药

50、The druggist put up the medicine that the doctor had prescribed. ─── 药剂师把医生开的药包装好。

51、The druggist measured out a bottle of cough mixture according to the prescription. ─── 药剂师根据处方量出一瓶止咳药水。

52、A person trained in pharmacy; a druggist. ─── 制药者,药剂师在制药学上受过训练的人;药剂师

53、The Negro delivery boy brought her the package;the druggist didn't come back.When she opened the package at Home there was written on the box, under the skull and bones: "For rats. ─── 一个黑人男孩把砒霜送到她家,她打开包裹,看见盒子上画着骷髅头像,下面写着“老鼠用”。

54、"I want some poison," she said to the druggist. ─── “我要买点毒药。”她跟药剂师说。

55、Elinor , catching all, and more than all the druggist's fears in a moment, proposed to call in further advice . ─── 埃莉诺立刻洞悉了药剂师心中的全部恐慌——还不止是全部,并提议另请高明。

56、The druggist suggested a preparation to relieve the ache. ─── 药剂师建议配一种止痛剂。

57、The druggist dispensed a prescription. ─── 药剂师照药方配了药。

58、The druggist put up the medicine that the doctor had prescribed. ─── 药剂师把医生开的药配制出来。

59、But suppose I want to be an artist, a druggist, or a nurse. Suppose I want to go in business for myself. ─── 但是假如我想当艺术家、药剂师、护士,假如我本人想经商

60、The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. ─── 那位药商进了一大批药品。

61、written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient. ─── 内科医师或牙科医师给药剂师写的书面说明,说明用于某个患者的药的形态剂量。

62、The druggist smiled at him. ─── 老板冲他笑了笑。

63、The next day she went to the same druggist and with tears in her eyes asked for an essence which was given only to a dying person. ─── 第二天她又跑去找同一个药剂师,泪汪汪地向他要一种只有垂死的人才用得着的香精。

64、H is an Herb Shop , a native apothecary or Chinese druggist . Its ranks are gradually thinning because imported herbs are banned . ─── 是中草药铺,就是天然草药商或是中药商。药铺的规模一般都不是很大,因为美国禁止一些药材进口。

65、druggist rubber sundries ─── 医用橡胶制品

66、"The druggist later confirmed that he had just started using the new safety caps ─── 药剂师后来对我说,他也刚刚开始使用这种安全瓶盖。

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