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08-14 投稿


herring 发音

英:[?her??]  美:[?her??]

英:  美:

herring 中文意思翻译




herring 网络释义

n. 鲱(又称青鱼)n. (Herring)人名;(英)赫林

herring 词性/词形变化,herring变形


herring 常用词组

red herring ─── 熏青鱼;转移注意力的话题;与事实不相干的论点

herring 短语词组

1、Herring bodies ─── [医] 赫林氏体(垂体后叶的透明胶质)

2、Herring's tests ─── [医] 赫林氏试验, 赫-比二氏试验(检智力)

3、lake herring ─── 加拿大白鲑

4、Pacific herring un. ─── 太平洋鲱 [网络] ─── 太平洋鲱鱼

5、herring salad ─── [网络] 鲱鱼沙拉

6、king of the herring ─── [网络] 鲱鱼之王

7、Atlantic herring un. ─── 大西洋鲱 [网络] ─── 大西洋鲱鱼; ─── 大西洋鰊鱼;青鱼

8、pickled herring ─── [网络] 腌鲱鱼;腌青鱼;腌制的鲱鱼

9、herring-bone ─── 人字形图案(用于缝纫和纺织)

10、matjes herring ─── 酒汁鲱鱼;糟青鱼[亦作 matjes]

11、draw a red herring across the track v. ─── 在谈话中谈些不相干的内容

12、herring bone gear ─── [化] 人字齿轮

13、herring gull ─── 银鸥(产于北大西洋, 体大, 翼端呈黑色)

14、herring hog ─── [网络] 鲱鱼猪

15、kippered herring na. ─── 熏鲱鱼 [网络] 燻制鰊; ─── 熏制鰊;背开冷 ─── 熏鲱

16、smoked herring un. ─── 烟熏鲱鱼 [网络] 熏鲤鱼;熏鱼;生鱼

17、herring oil ─── [化] 鲱鱼油

18、red-herring ─── 熏青鱼;转移注意力的话题;与事实不相干的论点

19、red herring ─── 熏鲱, 转移注意力的话题

herring 习惯用语

1、like herrings (in a barrel) ─── 非常拥挤

2、a red herring ─── 熏青鱼 ─── 遮眼法; 转移注意力的东西

3、(as) dead as a herring ─── 肯定死僵了

4、salt as brine ─── 咸得象腌鲱鱼, 极咸

5、as salt as a herring ─── 咸得象腌鲱鱼, 极咸

6、salt as a herring ─── 咸得象腌鲱鱼, 极咸

7、a red-herring ─── 熏青鱼 ─── 遮眼法; 转移注意力的东西

8、as salt as brine ─── 咸得象腌鲱鱼, 极咸

9、as close as herrings ─── 拥挤不堪

10、as thick as herrings in a barrel ─── 拥挤不堪

11、as close as herrings in a barrel ─── 拥挤不堪

12、as thick as herrings ─── 拥挤不堪

13、be packed as close as herrings ─── 挤得象罐头里的鲱鱼

herring 特殊用法

1、Iceland herring ─── 冰岛鲱鱼

2、Pacific herring ─── 太平洋鲱

3、glut herring ─── 黑膜锯腹鲱

4、milt herring ─── 雄鲱鱼

5、English herring ─── 海鲱鱼

6、big-eyed herring ─── 大眼勃氏褐鲱

7、dwarf round herring ─── 尖圆腹鲱

8、picton herring ─── 澳洲沙瑙鱼

9、bloat(er) herring ─── 熏鲱鱼, 半干熏原鲱鱼

10、Atlantic herring ─── 大西洋鲱

11、young herring ─── 幼鲱

12、river herring ─── 内河鲱鱼

13、common herring ─── 大西洋鲱

14、Chinese herring ─── 鳓鱼

15、round herring ─── 小鳍圆腹鲱, 脂眼鲱

16、medium scale herring ─── 中型鲱

17、long-finned herring ─── 鳓鱼

18、blue herring ─── 美洲鲱

19、Japanese herring ─── 日本鲱鱼

20、autumn herring ─── 秋鲱

21、wolf herring ─── 宝刀鱼

22、mountain herring ─── [美]白鲑

23、fall herring ─── 隆脊锯腹鲱

24、red herring ─── 重熏鲱鱼, 原条熏干鲱

25、rainbow herring ─── 亚洲胡瓜鱼

26、Pacific round herring ─── 脂眼鲱

27、oceanic herring ─── 大西洋鲱

28、thread herring ─── 后丝鲱

29、Baltic herring ─── [德]糖醋渍波罗的海鲱

30、hils herring ─── 鲥鱼

31、lake herring ─── 加拿大白鲑 ─── 鲱型白鲑

herring 相似词语短语

1、herringer ─── 赫林格

2、herding ─── n.集中畜群;畜牧;v.聚在一起;牧放(herd的ing形式);n.(Herding)人名;(德)赫尔丁

3、serring ─── 塞林

4、-ferring ─── n.(Ferring)人名;(英、德)费林

5、herying ─── 她

6、herling ─── 回游幼鲑

7、herrying ─── v.(不断)烦扰;不断袭击(等于harry);n.(Herry)(印)赫里(人名)

8、herrings ─── 鲱

9、erring ─── adj.做错的,错误的;不忠的;v.犯错误,越轨(err的现在分词)

herring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her cooking is nothing like as good as yours. ─── 她做饭的手艺绝比不上你。

2、She dabbled her hands in the fountain. ─── 她把手伸到喷泉中玩水。

3、Then finally to a red herring, and then only on the rest of my small and a little hint of the Secretary of the reaction. ─── 话终于转到了正题,再余下的就只需要我的一点点暗示和小秘书的反应了。

4、kipper is a whole herring fish that has been split from tail to head, salted, and smoked. ─── 腌鱼是整条鲱鱼去头去尾后以盐腌制而后烟熏而成。

5、She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. ─── 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。

6、She covered her face with her hands. ─── 她双手掩面。

7、She capitalized on her opponent's mistake and won the game. ─── 她利用了她对手的失误赢得了比赛。

8、She will not veer from her brave new intentions. ─── 她不会改变她的大胆的新计划。

9、She had her hair bound up in a neckerchief. ─── 她把头发用围巾包起来。

10、She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. ─── 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。

11、She gave him her heartfelt thanks. ─── 她向他表示衷心的感谢。

12、It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long. ─── 你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。

13、Thousands of herring and crab are washed up on the beaches during every storm. ─── 成千上万的鲱鱼和螃蟹每逢暴风雨都会被冲上岸。

14、He swore to love her for evermore. ─── 他发誓永远爱她。

15、She cleaned the dirt from her finger-nails. ─── 她从指甲里剔掉污垢。

16、She beg them not to punish her son severely. ─── 她恳求他们不要给他儿子太重的处罚。

17、They tried to persuade her to commit perjury. ─── 他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证。

18、The softness of his reply calmed her down. ─── 他温和的回答使她冷静下来。

19、She threw a scarf over her shoulders. ─── 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。

20、Her description of the meeting is an exact reproduction of the reunion. ─── 她对会面的描述是这次团聚的真实再现。

21、Her beautiful voice charms everyone. ─── 她优美的声音迷醉了每个人。

22、The next instruction is a bit of a red herring, at least as far as this article is concerned. ─── 接下来的内容有些偏离主题,至少不是这篇文章关注的主题。

23、She worried over her father's health. ─── 她为父亲的健康担忧。

24、He felt he had been entrapped into marrying her. ─── 他觉得和她结婚是上了当。

25、A sense of futility stole over her. ─── 一种没用的感觉向她袭来。

26、I really wanted to slap her during the meeting. ─── 在开会的时候我真想赏她一巴掌。

27、He returned her love and devotion with usury. ─── 他给她的爱恋和忠诚以加倍地回报。

28、She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. ─── 她垂下双目以避免对视。

29、He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. ─── 他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。

30、She wears a diamond ring on her left hand. ─── 她左手上戴着一枚钻石戒指。

31、She could only flounder through her song. ─── 她只能慌乱地唱完她的歌。

32、Her boss landed all over her because of her carelessness. ─── 她因粗心大意而受到她上司的责骂。

33、She affiliated her child to Smith. ─── 她判定孩子是史密斯的。

34、He pushed her into making a decision. ─── 他催促她做出决定。

35、He got engaged to her when working in Xian. ─── 他是在绵阳工作时和她订婚的。

36、It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her. ─── 他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。

37、It's only a waste of time to speak to her. ─── 和她说话纯粹是浪费时间。

38、She was full of shame at her bad behavior. ─── 她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。

39、She nestled her head on his shoulder. ─── 她将头依偎在他的肩上。

40、Aim to eat salmon or another oily fish, like mackerel, herring, or canned tuna, at least twice a week. ─── 制定计划吃鱼:鲑鱼或另外的油性鱼类,如鲭鱼,鲱鱼,金枪鱼罐头,至少每周两次。

41、She seems quite clear about her future curricula. ─── 她对自己未来要学的课程看来很有把握。

42、Her speech in Parliament was falsified by the newspapers. ─── 她在议会里的发言被报纸歪曲了。

43、She looked at him with hate in her eyes. ─── 她以憎恨的目光看着他。

44、He cast a furtive glance at her. ─── 他偷偷瞥了她一眼。

45、She married a man who put her on a pedestal. ─── 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。

46、With a pocketknife he cut Herring's seat belt, reclined her seat, then cradled her head and neck in his hands. ─── 他用随身带的小刀割断海岭的安全带,把她的座位向后倒,并用手抱持住她的头和脖子。

47、All her clothes have been at pawn. ─── 她所有的衣服都已典当了。

48、She immured herself in her study to work undisturbed. ─── 她将自己关在书房内读书以免受干扰。

49、She feel sick and go to lie down in her cabin. ─── 她感觉有些恶心,回她的房舱去躺下休息了。

50、She could only croak because of her heavy cold. ─── 她因患重感冒只能用沙哑的声音说话。

51、She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste. ─── 她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。

52、She wondered what fate had in store for her next. ─── 她不知道以后等待她的将是什么命运。

53、In her preface she pours out vials of wrath on her detractors. ─── 在序言里她对她的诽谤者表示愤慨。

54、She invested the money on behalf of her ward. ─── 她代表受她监护的人投资。

55、You must have mistaken her for her sister. ─── 你一定是把她误认为是她的姊妹了。

56、Donna call on her friend kita for a chat. ─── 多娜到她的朋友莉塔家闲谈。

57、She is always wimpled that no man can see her visage. ─── 她总是用包头巾围包著,没有任何男人能看见她的容貌。

58、Her tearful family came to pay their last respects. ─── 她全家含泪前来向死者告别。

59、On hearing the soft footsteps outside her room, she was seized with panic. ─── 一听到门外有轻轻的脚步声,她惊慌失措。

60、She fall to brood about what have happen to her. ─── 她开始沉思默想自己的遭遇。

61、She is inattentive to her guests. ─── 她对客人招待不周。

62、She embroidered her initials on the handkerchief. ─── 她把她姓名的起首字母绣在手帕上。

63、He thereupon asked her to marry him. ─── 他随即向她求婚。

64、Her mother is a thrifty housewife. ─── 她妈妈是一个节俭的主妇。

65、She was in league with her mother to embarrass me. ─── 她和她母亲联合起来叫我下不了台。

66、He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. ─── 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。

67、She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle. ─── 她把帽子歪戴着,一副俏皮的样子。

68、His success gave her vicarious pleasure. ─── 他的成功给她如同身受的快乐。

69、She thought of brushing up her shorthand. ─── 她想到要复习一下过去学过的速记术。

70、Her family lives three li away from her school. ─── 她家住在离学校有三里路的地方。

71、She rushed off to work leaving her bed unmade. ─── 她匆忙去上班连床都没铺好。

72、He'll rue the day he married her. ─── 他将会因为和她结婚而抱恨终身。

73、She buy a black nightie to wear on her honeymoon. ─── 她买了一件黑色睡衣准备在蜜月时穿。

74、She leaned her head back and whispered the news. ─── 她向后仰着头,小声说出了这个消息。

75、She refused to be dispirited by her long illness. ─── 她并未因长期患病而萎靡不振。

76、"The blame put on China, Brazil and India is nothing but a red herring to distract people's attention from the real problem, " he said. ─── “把罪名安插在中国、巴西和印度,只不过是转移视线的把戏。”他说道。

77、She felt a pricking on her scalp. ─── 她感到头皮上被扎了一下。

78、He blundered his surprise at her winning the prize. ─── 他不慎说出对她得奖感到惊奇。

79、She flung on her coat and ran to the bus-stop. ─── 她匆匆穿上大衣就向公共汽车站跑去。

80、Dried cod and herring were already the staples of the European fish trade, but changes in water temperatures forced fishing fleets to work further offshore. ─── 鳕鱼干和鲱鱼干已经是欧洲鱼类贸易的主要产品,但水温的变化迫使渔船在离岸更远的地方作业。

81、She had a dilly of a bruise on her arm. ─── 她手臂上有一块显眼的伤痕。

82、She has a gold chain about her neck. ─── 她在脖子的周围挂着一根金项链。

83、She is raring to try out her new skates. ─── 她很想试试她那双新溜冰鞋。

84、She was envious of her sister's new job. ─── 她很羡慕姐姐的新工作。

85、That was just a red herring to lull you into a false sense of security while I made my plans. ─── 那正是让你在我为自己筹划将来的时候掉以轻心的烟幕弹。

86、She got her spunk up and left the country. ─── 她一怒之下离开了这个国家。

87、She wore a diamond clip on her new dress. ─── 她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。

88、She preened herself upon her beauty. ─── 她为自已的美貌感到自满。

89、She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. ─── 她估计她减少了一半的费用。

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