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mitotic 发音

英:  美:

mitotic 中文意思翻译



mitotic 短语词组

1、mitotic onset ─── 有丝分裂发作

2、mitotic entry ─── 有丝分裂进入

3、mitotic inhibitor ─── [医] 核分裂抑制剂

4、mitotic cycle ─── [细胞]有丝分裂周期;分裂周期, ─── [细胞]细胞周期

5、mitotic arrest ─── 有丝分裂逮捕

6、mitotic block ─── 有丝分裂阻抑

7、mitotic figure ─── [细胞]有丝分裂象

8、mitotic exit ─── 有丝分裂出口

9、mitotic figures ─── [医] 有丝分裂像

10、mitotic defect ─── 有丝分裂缺陷

11、mitotic clock ─── [医]有丝分裂钟端粒是位于真核细胞染色体末端的特殊蛋白结构,对维持线性染色体的稳定性至关重要,与衰老、肿瘤密切相关。端粒的长度反映着细胞的复制潜力,被称为细胞的“有丝分裂钟”。

12、mitotic delay ─── [医]有丝分裂延迟

13、mitotic stage ─── 有丝分裂阶段

14、mitotic chromosome ─── 有丝分裂染色体

15、mitotic death ─── 有丝分裂死亡

16、mitotic motor ─── 有丝分裂运动

17、mitotic cyclin ─── 有丝分裂周期素

18、mitotic count ─── 有丝分裂计数

19、mitotic poison ─── [医] 细胞分裂毒

mitotic 相似词语短语

1、biotic ─── adj.生物的;有关生命的

2、litotic ─── 石质的

3、entotic ─── adj.耳中的

4、amitotic ─── adj.无丝分裂的

5、Nilotic ─── adj.尼罗河(流域)的

6、ketotic ─── 酮病的

7、diotic ─── adj.与双耳有关的;影响双耳的

8、miotic ─── n.缩瞳剂;adj.瞳孔缩小的

9、aptotic ─── adj.固定不变的

mitotic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To evaluate the change of endometrium with mitotic index and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) index during postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT). ─── 摘要目的了解核分裂率与增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)指数两项指标在监测子宫内膜变化中的作用。

2、Keywords Endosulfan;Mitotic index;Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region|assiociated proteins;Estrogenicity; ─── 关键词硫丹;有丝分裂指数;嗜银染色;雌激素样作用;

3、Drugs targeting the mitotic spindle are used extensively during chemotherapy, but surprisingly, little is known about how they kill tumor cells. ─── 基因时代报道: 靶向有丝分裂纺锤体的药物被广泛的用在化疗中,但令人惊讶的是,人们对其是如何杀死肿瘤细胞的,却不甚明了。

4、Title: Mitotic Karyotyping and Meiotic Observation in Carrot (Daucus carota L. ─── 关键词:胡萝卜;有丝分裂;核型;减数分裂

5、shown that the mean relative lengths and centromeric indices of autosomal SCs agree closely with those of mitotic chromosomes. ─── 表明,常染色体联会复合体的相对长度和着丝点指数与体细胞染色体的相应参数具有很好的吻合性。

6、At the right, the tumor is less differentiated and several dark mitotic figures are seen. ─── 在右侧可见癌组织呈低分化,并可见几个染色较深的核分裂像。

7、44.A mitotic figure is seen in the center, surrounded by a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with pleomorphic cells and minimal pink keratinization. ─── 图示中央有一核分裂相,周围见形态不一的低分化鳞癌细胞和很少的角化。

8、What can see more deformation is mitotic. ─── 可以见到较多畸形的有丝分裂。

9、mitotic nonconformity ─── 有丝分裂不一致性

10、Cytogenetic damage at mitotic stages of Vicia faba root cells induced by sodium bisulfite[J].Chinese Journal of Applied &Environmental Biology,2002,8(4):383-386. ─── SO2衍生物对蚕豆根尖细胞不同分裂阶段的遗传损伤[J].应用与环境生物学报,2002,8(4):383-386.

11、Study of myocyte mitotic index and myocardial actin expression after myocardial infarction in rats ─── 大鼠心肌梗死后心肌细胞核分裂指数及心肌肌动蛋白表达变化

12、Types of mitotic aberration included micronucleus, chromosome bridge, lagging chromosome and a few nuclear budding. ─── 在有丝分裂中出现的主要畸变类型有微核、染色体桥、落后染色体及少数的核出芽。

13、I would also look for any mitotic figure in the hypercellular areas. ─── 在镜下还要仔细看在细胞密集区域有没有核分裂像。

14、I assume that mitotic figures are easy to find, but they are difficult to identify on the photos uploaded. ─── 虽然在上传的图片中很难发现核分裂象,但我想在切片中核分裂象应该很容易找。

15、Biology Of, relating to, or shaped like the mitotic aster; star-shaped. ─── 星状体的:有丝分裂星状体的,与之相关的,或似其形状的;星星状的

16、Alternatively, like allopolyploids, they may arise by the nondisjunction of chromatids during the mitotic division of a zygote. ─── 与异源多倍体相似的是,它们也是在有丝分裂中合子的染色单体不分离形成的。

17、nuclear mitotic apparatus protein ─── NMP22

18、mitotic haploidization ─── 体细胞单倍化

19、Alternatively, like allopolyploids, they may arise by the nondisjunction of chromatids during the mitotic division of a zygote. ─── 与异源多倍体相似的是,它们也是在有丝分裂中合子的染色单体不分离形成的。

20、Microtubules have dominated our think about the mitotic mechanisms. ─── 微管促使我的思考有丝分裂的机制。

21、mitotic apparatus ─── 分裂装置有丝分裂器

22、Such a clearing mechanism that operates along mitotic chromosomes might require proteins that are implicated in chromosome segregation. ─── 这种信息的机制,运作以及有丝分裂染色体可能需要的蛋白质,有牵连的染色体分离。

23、Microtubules are shown in green, actin is in red and mitotic chromosomes are colored blue. ─── 绿色的是微丝,红色为肌动蛋白,正在有丝分裂的染色体为蓝色,正在向两极运动。

24、The vacuolated cytomplasm could not provide energy for mitotic division, which made microspores keep at that stage.At last single nucleus microspores disappeared. ─── 单核小孢子在发育过程中由于细胞质液泡化,不能为核有丝分裂提供能量,使小孢子停滞在单核期,最终消失。

25、mitotic division ─── 有丝分裂

26、mitotic clock ─── 分裂钟

27、The mitotic route is seen, for example, in the slince mold Physarum. ─── 例如,有丝分裂的途径可以看到在粘菌之绒泡。

28、Cultured epithelial cell undergoing division. This cell is in prophase of mitosis. Microtubules are shown in green, actin is in red and mitotic chromosomes are colored blue. ─── 以上两图为正处于有丝分裂前期的动物上皮细胞。绿色的是微丝,红色为肌动蛋白,染色质高度螺旋成为粗短的染色体(蓝色),核膜核仁逐渐解体,染色体不规则地分布于细胞内。

29、Microtubule-associated protein 2, a marker of neuronal differentiation, induces mitotic defects, inhibits growth of melanoma cells and predictsstatic potential of cutaneous melanoma. ─── 宋智琦徐艳妮张怡何春涤.微管相关蛋白-2基因对恶性黑素瘤细胞形态学及增殖的影响

30、Of,relating to,or shaped like the mitotic aster;star - shaped. ─── 星状体的有丝分裂星状体的,与之相关的,或似其形状的;星星状的

31、The nuclei are pale with prominent nucleoli. The cytoplasm is usually in abundance. You may find many dying cells and mitotic figures. ─── 细胞核淡染并具有明显的核仁,且有大量胞浆,你能发现许多死亡的细胞和核分裂相。

32、But keep a in mind that the scientists say this mitotic mutated gene maybe may be rare. ─── 但请注意,科学家称这种变化的基因是罕见的。

33、A few without fusion could also proceed to the mitotic stage. ─── 如此看来,一方面,雌雄性核仁是否融合存在多种情况;

34、mitotic behavior ─── 分裂时的行为

35、Keywords Allium cepa;detergent;micronucleus;cytogenetic damage;mitotic index; ─── 关键词洋葱;洗涤剂;微核;遗传损伤;有丝分裂指数;

36、Conclusion Mitotic index and tumor size may be the valuable prognostic factors, however chemotherapy after operation can't improve the patients' survival. ─── 结论核分裂指数和肿瘤体积是卵巢颗粒-间质细胞恶性肿瘤有价值的预后因素,而术后化疗并不改善患者的预后。

37、Wulffraat NM,de Waal Fc,Stambuis IH,et al.Bone Marrow Mitotic Index:a methodo logical study.Acta Haematol 1985,73(2):89-92 ─── 临床血液学杂志1999年第2期第12卷临床研究作者:于秋菊刘志洁单位:辽宁省人民医院关键词:白血病;骨髓细胞分裂指数;糖元反应;缓解率...

38、Abstract: The effects of N+ ion beam implantation on seed germinating rate and root-tip mitotic aberration rate for dry and sprouting seeds are compared. ─── 摘 要: 比较研究了低能重离子束注入小麦干种子和萌动的种子对种子发芽及根尖细胞有丝分裂畸变的影响。

39、mitotic gene-conversion ─── 体细胞基因转换

40、Ascomycetes also important in study of mitotic recombination via a parasexual cycle. ─── 子囊菌在研究准性生殖中也是重要的.

41、mitotic center ─── 有丝分裂中心

42、Methods The existence of apoptotic cells was determined by DNA gel electrophoresis in 34 cases of astrocytoma.Apoptotic index (AI), mitotic index (MI) and AI/MI ratio were calculated by microscope. ─── 方法:利用DNA凝胶电泳确定34例肿瘤细胞群体中细胞凋亡的存在,使用体视学方法计数凋亡指数(AI)、增殖指数(MI)、AI/MI比率。

43、Mitotic rate was low in all cases, ranging from 0 to 2 mitoses/10 high-power fields. ─── 所有病例中的细胞有丝分裂率都很低,0-2个有丝分裂/10个高倍视野。

44、Detection of Mitotic Index of Cardiomyocytes during the Terminal Differentiation of the Postnatal Rat Heart ─── 大鼠生后不同发育阶段心肌细胞有丝分裂指数检测

45、radiosensitive mitotic phase ─── 放射敏感的分裂期(裂相)

46、With different concentrations of sewage and aluminum sulfate as a mutagen, pea root tip cells in the mitotic index, micro-rate and the rate of chromosomal aberrations are determined. ─── 以不同浓度的污水和硫酸铝作为诱变剂,测定豌豆根尖细胞的有丝分裂指数、微核率和染色体畸变率。

47、Two cases of renal leiomyosarcoma were reported: The first case showed a well-encapsulated tumor with low mitotic rate. ─── 摘要本文报告两个肾脏平滑肌肉瘤的案例:第一个案例为一具有完整包膜的肿瘤,且为低细胞分裂率。

48、In nature, clones are derived from a single parental organism or cell by mitotic cell division, asexual reproduction, or parthenogenesis. ─── 在自然条件下来源于有丝分裂所产生的单个亲本细胞或生物体,还可能来源于无性繁殖或单性生殖。

49、Keywords Bladder neoplasma;Carcinoma;Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein(NMP22); ─── 关键词膀胱肿瘤;癌;核有丝分裂器蛋白;

50、A mitotic figure is seen in the center, surrounded by a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with pleomorphic cells and minimal pink keratinization. ─── 恶性肿瘤的检测方法之一是通过流式细胞计显示异倍性。

51、1 Pearse AD Walker AP. Effect of zinc pyrithione on mitotic activity in normal human skin .Arch-Dermatol-Res1985277(2):118. ─── 2袁定芬.皮定康气雾剂治疗寻常型银屑病22例临床疗效观察.临床皮肤科杂志199625:95.

52、Keywords mercury chloride;MitotiC index;ArgyrophiliC nucleolar organizer region - assiOCiated proteins;Estrogenicity; ─── 关键词氯化汞;有丝分裂指数;嗜银染色;雌激素样作用;

53、mitotic figures ─── [医] 有丝分裂像

54、In rare cases, mild nuclear pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli and mitotic figures may be seen. ─── 少数病人可见多形性胞核、突起的核仁和有丝分裂像。

55、The series of mitotic cell divisions that produces a blastula from a fertilized ovum. It is the basis of the multicellularity of complex organisms. ─── 卵裂,卵割由一组有丝分裂细胞从受精卵中生成的囊胚,是复杂有机体中多细胞的主要成分

56、Meloidogyne javanica, reproducing by mitotic parthenogenesis, is an economically important pathogen of a wide range of crops. ─── 摘要 爪哇根结线虫是以孤雌生殖方式繁殖的农作物重要病原物。

57、Effect of Sodium Bisulfite on the Mitotic Cycle of Allium sati vum ─── 亚硫酸氢钠对大蒜有丝分裂周期的影响

58、metaphase mitotic index ─── 中期分裂指数

59、Blastema in WT consists of sheets of densely packed small blue cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, little cytoplasm and conspicuous mitotic actiity. ─── 后肾胚芽由密集排列的片状小蓝色的细胞构成,核染色质粗糙,胞浆稀少,有丝分裂像明显。

60、Forcron could decrease the mitotic index and lead to various types of chromosome aberration. ─── 异丙莠能降低蚕豆根尖细胞有丝分裂指数并诱导染色体产生多种类型的畸变。

61、Mitotic cell in metaphase ─── 中期有丝分裂细胞

62、Of, relating to, or shaped like the mitotic aster; star-shaped. ─── 星状体的有丝分裂星状体的,与之相关的,或似其形状的;星星状的

63、Keywords refuse leachate;Vicia faba roottip cells;mitotic index;micronucleus frequency;chromosome mutation frequency; ─── 垃圾渗出液;蚕豆根尖细胞;有丝分裂指数;微核率;染色体畸变率;

64、Mitotic cell in anaphase ─── 后期有丝分裂细胞

65、Induction of Mitotic Synchronization in Suspension Culture of Taxus chinensis Cells ─── 悬浮培养红豆杉细胞分裂同步化诱导

66、Mitotic cell in prophase ─── 前期有丝分裂细胞

67、there is no cytologic atypia in this case . rare cases may show mild cytologic atypia . increased mitotic is usually not seen. ─── 本例未见到细胞异型性。极少的病例中可显示轻度的细胞异型性。增加的有丝分裂像通常见不到。

68、Recent work has revealed that large numbers of mitotic figures are present in adult hearts,which has implied that there should be some mechanism about nature repair of the adult heart. ─── 最近的研究发现,在受损心肌内有大量的有丝分裂期细胞,这提示心脏本身存在一种自然修复机制。

69、Defects of mitotic spindle assembly in the cells of children with MVA produce random aneuploidies throughout their bodies, and nearly one third develop leukemia or unusual solid cancers. ─── 也因此,这些改变代表了存活下来的非整倍体细胞要走上肿瘤增生之路,必须具有的最起码变化。

70、Once the grains of sand have fallen through the mitotic hourglass, there's no point in turning it over again. ─── 一旦有丝分裂沙漏里的最后一粒沙落下之后,重头再来一遍也就没什麽意义了。

71、However, the neoplastic cells show pleomorphism, with hyperchromatic nuclei.A mitotic figure is present near the center. ─── 但肿瘤细胞有深染的多形核,靠近中央见一核分裂相。

72、Elongation The enlargement of cells after mitotic division that results from the uptake of water by OSMOSIS until the cells become turgid. ─── 延伸,延长:有丝分裂后的细胞,通过渗透作用摄取水分使细胞体积变大,变得比较饱满的现象。

73、Single-strand gaps or nicks often occur during replication (FIG. 1) and seem to be the main source of HR in mitotic cells35,36. ─── 单链DNA间隙或缺口经常发生在复制期间(图1),并且似乎是有丝分裂细胞中同源重组的主要来源。

74、mitotic figure ─── 分裂象

75、By the chromosome size and the morphology of mitotic metaphase chromosome, 96 chromosomes were grouped into 8 homogenetic haploid complementes. ─── 在有丝分裂中期染色体组中,染色体的大小逐渐地改变,按照染色体的大小和形态,96个染色体能被分成8个同源单倍体染色体组。

76、Methods Cell cultures of8HNSCC cell lines were stained with haematoxylin and eosin,to analyze mitotic cells with anaphase bridge morphology. ─── 方法 对8例HNSCC细胞系和6例头颈部正常组织上皮细胞进行培养。收获细胞经苏木素和伊红染色,分析分裂后期细胞形态,计算分裂后期染色体桥细胞占分裂后期细胞的百分率。

77、mitotic kinase ─── 异常磷酸化

78、The mitotic count is very important in this case. ─── 在这个病例中核分裂像计数非常重要。

79、When cancer is viewed as a chromosomal disease, carcinogens, rare genetic syndromes and accidental mitotic errors can initiate carcinogenesis by inducing random aneuploidies. ─── 如果将癌症视为染色体疾病,那麽致癌物质、罕见遗传病症以及有丝分裂的意外出错,都会经由随机造成的非整倍体而促使癌症发生。

80、To investigate the role of the human mitotic kinesin-like protein 1(MKLP1) in mitosis and cytokinesis, E. ─── 为探讨人源驱动蛋白MKLP1在有丝分裂和胞质分裂中的作用,以E。

81、Keywords oxaliplatin;paclitaxel;survivin;apoptosis;mitotic catastrophe;gastric cancer; ─── 奥沙利铂;紫杉醇;生存素;凋亡;丝裂灾变;胃癌;

82、mitotic phase ─── [有丝]分裂期, M期

83、Study on the relation between lowtemperature and Taxul cell mitotic index ─── 低温诱导红豆杉细胞同步化的研究

84、In most cases, there is minimal mitotic activity, atypia or necrosis. ─── 大多数病例中,很少有分裂活性、型性或坏死。

85、human mitotic chromosomes ─── 人类有丝分裂染色体

86、mitotic non-disjunction ─── 有丝分裂不分离

87、Keywords sodium bisulfite;Vicia faba;growth inhibition;mitotic index;cell cycle; ─── 二氧化硫;蚕豆;生长抑制;分裂指数;细胞周期;

88、Partial synchronization of cell division at anaphase-telophase has also been obtained only using HU treatment, mitotic frequency has reached at 17%. ─── HU对后、末期的部分同步化也有明显作用,约有17%的后、末期细胞被检测到。

89、The percentages of cells in DNA synthetic(S) and mitotic phase(G2/M) were lower than that of AGEs group while the percentage of cells in G0/G1 was increased(P

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