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08-14 投稿


precocity 发音

英:[pr??kɑ?s?ti]  美:[pr??k?s?ti]

英:  美:

precocity 中文意思翻译



precocity 网络释义

n. (人或植物等的)早熟

precocity 同义词

advanced | or | mature | clever | forwards | articulate | gifted | premature | bright | intelligent | talented | forward | developed

precocity 词性/词形变化,precocity变形

副词: precociously |名词: precocity |

precocity 短语词组

1、precocity dallas ─── 达拉斯早熟

2、sexual precocity ─── [医] 性早熟, 性机能发育过早

3、precocity meaning ─── 早熟的含义

4、differential precocity ─── 差别早熟现象

5、precocity press ─── 早熟出版社

6、precocity define ─── 早熟定义

7、precocity llc ─── 早熟有限责任公司

precocity 反义词

retarded |backward

precocity 相似词语短语

1、preconceits ─── 先入为主

2、precocial ─── adj.早熟性的

3、ferocity ─── n.凶猛;残忍;暴行

4、preciosity ─── n.(谈吐、文笔等)矫揉造作;(语言等)过分讲究;风雅人士;贵重物品

5、precocials ─── 早熟的

6、precoat ─── vt.[涂料]预涂,预浇;预敷;n.预涂层;预敷层;(在过滤器表面涂敷的)滤料层

7、predacity ─── n.食肉性;捕食性

8、precocious ─── adj.早熟的;过早发育的

9、preconceit ─── 先入为主

precocity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、consumption precocity ─── 消费早熟

2、To solve above disadvantages, an improved GA is proposed, which includes elite strategy, crossover strategy and immigrant strategy.This adaptive improved GA can avoid precocity and inbreeding. ─── 为此,提出一种改进的遗传算法,它包括精英策略,交叉策略和移民策略,具有克服早熟、避免近亲繁殖和自适应的优良特性。

3、Introduce a fine variety of 1 Guilin city and pear of precocity of introduce a fine variety of city of Guilin of general situation of development precocity pear only then 1997 spring. ─── 1 桂林市引种和发展早熟梨概况桂林市引种早熟梨始于 1997年春。

4、Because of my precocity. ─── 因为我的早熟。

5、heterosexual precocity ─── 异性性早熟

6、peripheral sexual precocity ─── 周围性性早熟

7、intellectual precocity ─── 智力早熟

8、He Bing law thinks 11, paddy of 12 centuries precocity (the paddy that hold a city) introduce and be being popularized is a fundamental agricultural revolution. ─── 何炳律认为11、12世纪早熟稻(占城稻)的引入和推广是中国历史上一场重要的农业革命。

9、Precocity walnut ─── 早实核桃

10、The sequence of composite laminate was optimized by genetic algorithm (GA) of immunity.The immunity mechanism was used to improve the convergence efficiency and solve the precocity problem of GA. ─── 摘要应用遗传算法对复合材料层合板的铺层顺序进行优化设计,并通过免疫机理解决基本遗传算法中存在的收敛效率低、“早熟”等问题。

11、Standard genetic algorithm has some disadvantages, such as slow astringency, precocity. ─── 摘要标准遗传算法存在收敛速度慢、过早成熟等缺点。

12、This not precocity, but be responsibility! ─── 这并非早熟,而是责任!

13、GA is a random optimization algorithm with global optimum capability, but it has the disadvantages of slow convergence and precocity . ─── 遗传算法是一种具有全局寻优能力的随机搜索算法,但其本身存在收敛速度慢和易早熟的缺陷。

14、Study on the Regulative Rule of Reinforcing Shen Principle on Sexual Precocity and Senescence at the Molecular Level ─── 从分子水平研究补肾法对性早熟与衰老的调控规律

15、New Cultivation Technique with High-Quality and High-Yield of Pear Precocity Fruiting ─── 梨早果优质丰产栽培新技术

16、Precocity is considered as rarity ─── 早慧称奇

17、Study on Clinical Application of Kangzao- II Recipe in Treating Girl Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone Depen- dent Sexual Precocity ─── 抗早2号方治疗女童真性性早熟的临床研究

18、The boy is remarkable for precocity. ─── 这孩子早熟得惊人。

19、air conditioning is unfavorable arrive from precocity late, had better stop when early morning air temperature is inferior, can omit report already so, adjustable indoor air. ─── 四、空调不宜从早开到晚,最好在清晨气温较低的时候停一停,这样既可省电,又可调节室内空气。

20、incomplete isosexual precocity ─── 不全性同性早熟

21、Sexual precocity and delayed puberty ─── 性早熟及青春期延迟

22、In fact, they appear to be confusing ability with precocity. ─── 事实上,他们将早熟与能力混为一谈。

23、His precocity was the astonishment of the neighborhood. ─── 他的早熟是这一带的奇闻。

24、The Chinese traditional literati paintings always use this method, which benefits from the precocity of the aesthetics of calligraphy. ─── 中国传统文人画多用此法,这得益于书法美学的早熟,古代文献多有记载。

25、5.The child of sexual precocity how long not tall. ─── 5.性早熟的孩子多长不高。

26、incomplete sexual precocity ─── 不完全性性早熟

27、Precocity and Floral Biology in Chinese chestnut Castanea mollossima BL. ─── 板栗早实性与开花生物学。

28、differential precocity ─── 差别早熟现象

29、Keywords School-aged children and adolescents;Boys;Secondary sexual characteristics;Sexual precocity; ─── 学龄儿童青少年;男孩;第二性征;性早熟;

30、All who knew Him were astonished at His precocity. ─── 所有认识祂的人对祂的早熟无不感到惊讶。

31、His intellectual precocity was recognised by his father who educated him before he moved on to the University of Copenhagen where he studied for 10 years. ─── 他在智力上的早熟被他的父亲发现,他父亲在他去哥本哈根大学读书之前对他进行教育,在根本哈根大学,克尔凯郭尔学习了10年。

32、But the hardship that I have me however, because of precocity, that 12 years old years I came menarche, as the girl it is a very bashful thing. ─── 但是我却有我的忧患,因为早熟,12岁那年我就来了初潮,做为女孩子是很害羞的一 件事。

33、A Modern Reflection of the Phenomenon of Precocity of Men of Letters in Ancient China ─── 中国古代文人早熟现象的现代反思

34、To overcome the default of slow convergence speed,precocity and stagnation in the basic ant colony Algorithm(ACA),we proposed an Efficient Ant Colony Algorithm(EACA). ─── 摘要 为了克服基本蚁群算法求解速度慢、易于出现早熟和停滞现象的缺陷,提出了一种高效的蚁群算法(EACA)。

35、With luck China will combine its precocity in economic development with a plodding conservatism in economic diplomacy. ─── 运气好的话,中国将会把经济发展中的早熟和经济外交中单调乏味的保守主义结合。

36、precocity sexual ─── 性早熟

37、culture precocity ─── 文化早熟

38、Growth Habits of Precocity Walnut Variety and Its Training and Prunning ─── 早实核桃生长发育特点及整形修剪技术

39、And force of fleshy sheep precocity, disease-resistant is strong, progenitive force tall, turnover is rapid. ─── 并且肉羊早熟、抗病力强、繁殖力高、周转快。

40、cryptogenic sexual precocity ─── 原因不明的性早熟

41、By introducing the Chaos Operator, it has overcome the defect of precocity for SGA, for its particularly inherent randomness and ergodicity to skip the partial optimization. ─── 引入了混沌算子,利用混沌变量的特定内在随机性和遍历性来跳出局部最优点,有效地克服了传统遗传算法的“早熟”的缺点。

42、pseudo sexual precocity ─── 假性性早熟

43、familial sexual precocity ─── 家族性性早熟

44、Advance in research and treatment of TCM for sexual precocity ─── 中医对性早熟的研究进展及治疗现状

45、isosexual precocity ─── 同性性早熟

46、his unusual precocity ─── 他的异常早熟

47、Keywords Ultrasound Idiopathic central sexual precocity Uterus Ovary Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue; ─── 关键词特发性中枢性性早熟;子宫;卵巢;促性腺激素释放激素类似物;

48、30 Cases of Treating Female Idiopathic Sexual Precocity with the Combination of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗女性特发性性早熟30例

49、precocity fruiting ─── 早结果

50、Light pollutioncan cause fatigue and diminution of vision and sexual precocity of children,but also jeopardize wild animds and plants. ─── 光污染会引起人的视觉疲劳和视力下降,导致儿童性早熟,而且也危及野生动植物。

51、Comparisons on total protein and high-density lipoprotein level in hemolymph of Eriocheir sinensis before and after precocity ─── 性早熟前后中华绒螯蟹血淋巴中总蛋白和高密度脂蛋白水平的比较

52、The information obtained by means of the urocytogram examination is a useful screening test for differential diagnosis of isosexual precocity and premature development of the breast. ─── 从上述结查可结论:细胞学相检查术是简便而容易实行,可做为乳房发育过早症之初步筛检工具。

53、Progress of the Treatment of Childhood Sexual Precocity by Integrated Chinese andWestern Medicine ─── 儿童性早熟中西医治疗进展

54、Precocity pea ─── 早熟梨

55、He is remarkable for precocity. ─── 他早熟得惊人。

56、The Report of Analysis Inquiry about Utilize the theory of Chinese Medicine Research Children Sexual Precocity ─── 中医理论对儿童性早熟分析调查的报告

57、(2)onset of precocity was related to significant elevation of activities of ACP and ALP. ─── (2)性早熟的发生与肝胰腺中ACP和ALP活性的显著升高有关.

58、complete sexual precocity ─── 完全性性早熟

59、The children that the children of sexual precocity compares normal growth is met in height respect little grow 2 - 3 years. ─── 性早熟的儿童比正常发育的儿童在身高方面会少生长2-3年。

60、idiopathic sexual precocity ─── 特发性性早熟, 特发性性早熟症

61、The novel genetic algorithm has disadvantages such as slow astringency,precocity. ─── 摘要 标准遗传算法存在收敛速度慢、过早成熟等缺点。

62、Sexual Precocity with Case Report ─── 性早熟病例报告

63、Constitutional sexual precocity ─── 体质性性早熟

64、To prevent skin precocity, till elite fluid can be nodded according to the circumstance only. ─── 为防止皮肤早熟,精华液只能根据情况点到为止。

65、Changes of hepatopancreas index, lipid content and fatty acid composition in Eriocheir sinensis during precocity ─── 早熟期间中华绒螯蟹肝胰腺指数、肝脂含量及脂肪酸组成的变化

66、precocity theory ─── 早熟论

67、It mainly discusses culture precocity impacting on the Han Dynasty.The uniform-centralized regime,fatality,liege-subversive spreaded abroad stimulated the naissance of the first civilian empire. ─── 本章主要分析文化早熟对汉帝国建立大一统政治格局的影响,天命靡常、君臣可易位思想的广泛传播,使得第一个平民帝国得以建立。

68、resisting sexual precocity granule ─── 抗性早熟颗粒中药

69、His precocity was the astonishment of the neighborhood. ─── 他的早熟是这一带的奇闻。

70、The children that the children of sexual precocity compares normal growth is met in height respect little grow 2 - 3 years. ─── 性早熟的儿童比正常发育的儿童在身高方面会少生长2-3年。

71、Keywords Sexual precocity;western medicine;Chinese medicine;review; ─── 关键词性早熟;西医药;中医药;综述;

72、In addition,it uses the heuristic mutation to optimize tours,generate disarrangement effect and avoid precocity. ─── 另外,它采用了一种启发式变异方法对路径进行优化,以产生搅动效应,避免早熟。

73、Keywords body development;sexual precocity;obesity;children; ─── 体格发育;性早熟;肥胖;儿童;

74、Progress in the diagnosis and treatment for sexual precocity in children ─── 儿童性早熟诊断治疗进展

75、hypertrophy of breast in precocity ─── 性早熟乳房肥大

76、The many sex hormone inside the children form of sexual precocity promoted epiphysis premature confluence, stop to grow. ─── 性早熟的儿童体内大量的性激素促进了骨骺过早地融合,停止生长。

77、Effects of Pruning Intensity on Budding and Branching Rate of Precocity Walnut ─── 修剪强度对早实核桃葫芽率和成枝力的影响

78、All who knew Him were astonished at His precocity. ─── 所有认识祂的人对祂的早熟无不感到惊讶。

79、Keywords idiopathic sexual precocity;megestrol;female;the combination of chinese medicine and western medicine; ─── 关键词特发性性早熟;甲地孕酮;女性;中西医结合疗法;

80、Keywords Sexual precocity;Vaginal exfoliate cell;Estrogen level; ─── 关键词性早熟;阴道脱落细胞成熟指数;雌激素水平;

81、Mechanism of gonadal precocity in cultured Pseudosciaena crocea: a study of microstructure and submicrostructure of Leydig cell and Sertoli cell in testis ─── 大黄鱼性早熟的机制:精巢中间质细胞和足细胞的显微与亚显微结构

82、Otherwise, steady state reproduction without duplicates is used to avoid precocity. ─── 另外,采用没有重复的稳态繁殖避免早熟。

83、familial male sex precocity ─── 家族性男性性早熟

84、Keywords The theory of Chinese medicine research sexual precocity inquiry report; ─── 中医理论;性早熟;调查;报告;

85、The many sex hormone inside the children form of sexual precocity promoted epiphysis premature confluence, stop to grow. ─── 性早熟的儿童体内大量的性激素促进了骨骺过早地融合,停止生长。

86、Brief Introduction to TCM Treatment of Sexual Precocity in Female Children ─── 中医药治疗女童性早熟概况

87、This apparent precocity and intensity of production, coupled with the fact that Woodman frequently made herself the subject of her pictures, often colours interpretation of her work. ─── 她的父母都是艺术家和大学教师,使她从小就获得了艺术史和思想史的知识,为她以后的创造方式奠定了基础。

88、The situation of therapeutic used method of traditional chinese medical to children sexual precocity in the near future ─── 儿童性早熟的中医药治疗近况

89、This precocity is encouraged by his up bringing among adults, not in a nursery. ─── 这种早熟是由他成长受到成人的鼓励带来的,而不是在托儿所得到的。

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