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aconite 中文意思翻译



aconite 网络释义

n. 乌头毒草;从乌头草的根中所提炼的强心止痛剂

aconite 词性/词形变化,aconite变形


aconite 短语词组

1、liniment aconite ─── [医] 乌头搽剂

2、aconite root ─── [机] 乌头根

3、aconite poisoning ─── 乌头中毒

4、Fleming's tincture of aconite ─── [医] 弗来明氏乌头酊

5、benzoyl aconite ─── [医] 苯甲酰乌头, 苯甲酰乌头原硷

6、winter aconite ─── [植物]菟葵

7、aconite alkaloid ─── [化] 乌头植物碱

8、extract of aconite ─── [医] 乌头浸膏

aconite 相似词语短语

1、aconitum ─── n.乌头;从乌头的根提炼出的强心止痛剂

2、aconites ─── n.乌头毒草;从乌头草的根中所提炼的强心止痛剂

3、Maronite ─── n.马龙派教徒(流行于黎巴嫩的天主教教派)

4、Aaronite ─── 硅灰石

5、Masonite ─── n.梅森奈特纤维板(商标名)

6、ammonite ─── n.(古生)菊石(鹦鹉螺的化石);硝基铵类炸药;干肉粉(作肥料用)

7、aconitic ─── adj.乌头的,附子的

8、taconite ─── n.角岩;[岩]铁燧岩

9、aconitine ─── n.[药]乌头碱

aconite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(3) aconite reduces ache; ─── (3)止痛剂减轻疼痛;

2、Nanguaye aconite ─── 南瓜叶乌头

3、Keywords aconite roots;electrospray ionization mass spectrometry;combination principles of traditional Chinese medicine;acidity; ─── 关键词附子;电喷雾质谱;配伍原则;酸性;

4、Rhei and Aconite Decoction ─── 大黄附子汤

5、modified cphedra asarum herb aconite granules ─── 加味麻黄附子细辛颗粒

6、Keywords Aconite;neurotoxicity;hippocampal neurons;in vivo test;in vitro test; ─── 乌头类中药;神经毒性;海马神经元;体内实验;体外实验;

7、Fleming's tincture of aconite ─── [医] 弗来明氏乌头酊

8、Influence of Different Composed Herbs and Decocting Processes on Content of Aconitine in Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction ─── 大黄附子汤中诸药的不同组合及煎法对乌头碱含量的影响

9、Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was introduced to compare the difference in alkaloids types among the extraction of crude aconite roots and prepared aconite roots. ─── 利用电喷雾离子阱质谱分析比较了生川乌提取液,制川乌提取液及其水解反应提取液中生物碱的差异。

10、Syndrome suitable for Cinnamon twig Decoction removing Peony and adding Aconite ─── 桂枝去芍药加附子汤证

11、a slender,erect,poisonous perennial herb(Aconitum napellus) native to northern Europe,having violet flowers and whose dried leaves and roots yield aconite ─── 一种细长、竖直且有毒的多年生草本植物(欧乌头乌头属),生长于欧洲北部,开紫色花朵,其干叶和根生长乌头

12、aconite alkaloids ─── 乌头生物碱

13、look for no-alkaloid components with pharmacological action in aconite roots. ─── 寻找附子中具有药理作用的非生物碱类成分。

14、Monkshood: Plant used in potions. Also known as aconite or wolfsbane. ─── 舟形乌头。又称乌头或狼毒乌头。

15、Syndrome Suitable for Decoction of Dry ginger and Aconite ─── 干姜附子汤证

16、Also known as monkshood or aconite. ─── 也称舟形乌头或乌头。

17、Prepared Sichuan Aconite Root ─── 制川乌

18、a poisonous herb native to northern Europe having hooded blue-purple flowers; the dried leaves and roots yield aconite. ─── 原产于北欧的一种有毒草本植物,具有兜状蓝紫色花;干燥的叶子和块根产生强心止痛剂。

19、Using ethology of average incidence of allergic rhinitis mice C_57BL6 as index,uniform design is adopted to optimize formula and dose of modified ephedra asarum herb aconite decoction. ─── 以变应性鼻炎小鼠为模型,采用均匀设计法,探讨加味麻黄附子细辛汤组方合理性及配比剂量。

20、In the past,some scholars generally thought that cardiotonic components are mainly aconitine alkaloids in aconite roots,modern research reveal that other than alkaloids, aconite roots contain some water soluable cardiotonic components. ─── 现代药理学研究证明其具有很强的强心成分,过去学者们普遍认为附子的强心成分为乌头碱类生物碱,现代研究证明除了生物碱外附子中还含有水溶性的强心成分。

21、aconite alkaloid ─── 乌头植物碱

22、TLC identification of prepared kusnezoff aconite root and dried argyi wormwood leaf was reported for the first time.Conclusion:This method can be used as the quality control method of this ... ─── 其中制川乌、制草乌、艾叶的薄层鉴别未见报道。

23、Effects of Artificial Cardiac Temporary Pacing Combined with Ginseng and Aconite Injection on the Circulation Recovery of Rabbit Cardiac Arrest Model ─── 人工心脏临时起搏术联合参附注射液对家兔心搏骤停模型循环恢复的影响

24、Objective To study the solubility of lipo-alkaloids from prepared aconite root (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata) and identify the sources of lipo-alkaloids in Sini Decoction. ─── 摘要目的研究附子中脂类生物碱(脂碱)的溶解性,确定四逆汤中脂碱的来源。

25、As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. ─── 至于舟形乌头和狼毒乌头则是同一种植物,也统称乌头。

26、abstract: Objective: To observe the curative effect of acupuncture with aconite cake-separated moxibustion on treating senile incontinence. ─── 目的:观察针刺配合隔附子饼灸治疗老年性尿失禁的疗效。

27、The new opinions of szechuan aconite ─── 川乌新议

28、Cleopatra is said to have used aconite to kill her brother. ─── 埃及艳后曾用附子杀了她弟弟。

29、She sprinkled her with the juices of aconite,and immediately her hair came off,and her nose and ears likewise. ─── 她用附子汁向她涅洒去,她的头发马上就脱光了,她的鼻子和耳朵也掉了。

30、Keywords Prepared Sichuan Aconite Root;Resisting inflammation;Relieving pain;Decoction time;Administration dose;Uniform design;Correlation; ─── 制川乌;抗炎;镇痛;煎煮时间;剂量;均匀设计;相关性;

31、(2) spends gently toxic person: Move the patient to air after new office, have a headache to disappear naturally, have a headache more serious person can give composed aconite appropriately. ─── (2)轻度中毒者:将病人移至空气新鲜处后,头痛自然消失,头痛较严重者可适当给予镇静止痛剂。

32、Next fall, put some aconite bulbs in your garden and accumulate some gold that is priceless. ─── 下一个秋天,在你的花园里种些冬乌球茎,收获一些无价的金子。

33、modified ephedra asarum herb aconite decoction ─── 加味麻黄附子细辛汤

34、Skin Safety Study of Aconite Total Alkaloids Patch ─── 乌头总生物碱贴片皮肤安全性的研究

35、aconite root ─── 乌头根

36、Should make the patient maintains lukewarm thaw quiet, can give when necessary tranquillizer and aconite. ─── 应使病人保持温暖和安静,必要时可给以镇静剂和止痛剂。

37、Objective: To look for no-alkaloid components with pharmacological action in aconite roots. ─── 目的寻找附子中具有药理作用的非生物碱类成分。

38、She sprinkled her with the juices of aconite, and immediately her hair came off, and her nose and ears likewise. ─── 她用附子汁向阿拉喀涅洒去,她的头发马上就脱光了,她的鼻子和耳朵也掉了。

39、[Methods]The DNA damage in CHL cells processed by salted aconite root extractive and aconitine by SCGE was detected. ─── [方法]采用单细胞凝胶电泳法检测盐附子、乌头碱对CHL细胞DNA即刻损伤的影响。

40、" Genseng and Aconite Decoction" ─── 参附汤

41、Have a headache commonly optional choose aspirin, skull is painful wait for aconite surely. ─── 一般头痛可选择阿斯匹林、颅痛定等止痛剂。

42、2. She sprinkled her with the juices of aconite, and immediately her hair came off, and her nose and ears likewise. ─── 她用附子汁向阿拉喀涅洒去,她的头发马上就脱光了,她的鼻子和耳朵也掉了。

43、Studies On Ion Pain Chromatograhic of Yuanconitine In the Chinse Medicinel Aconite Roots"CAOWU"Produced In Sichuan ─── 川产草乌类生药中滇乌碱的离子配对色谱研究

44、Abstract: Aconite root is a chinese medicine with toxicity, therefore the dose of it should be strictly controlled. ─── 中文摘要: 附子为有毒中药,其使用剂量理当严格限制。

45、2, Pieces: Aconite banned, Wu, mercury, Croton, Daphne, Euphorbia, leech, commercial land, centipede, realgar, orpiment, led by the son of cattle, musk, bidentata, bezoar, and so on; ─── 2、饮片:禁用附子、乌头、水银、巴豆、芫花、大戟、水蛭、商陆、蜈蚣、雄黄、雌黄、牵牛子、麝香、牛膝、牛黄等;

46、The changes of cinnamon twig to cassia bark and dried rehmannia root to prepared aconite root extended warming function of the recipe reasonably. ─── 桂枝易为肉桂,或生地黄易为熟地黄增强了肾气丸温补之效;

47、Can choose lukewarm classics to come loose cold Chinese traditional medicine, have cassia twig of aconite soup, the root of remembranous milk vetch on behalf of prescription 5 content soup. ─── 可以选择温经散寒的中药,代表方剂有乌头汤、黄芪桂枝五物汤等。

48、liniment aconite ─── [医] 乌头搽剂

49、Observation on Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated by Mixture of Sichuan Aconite Root and Herb Asari ─── 乌细合剂治疗类风湿性关节炎疗效观察

50、Keywords modified ephedra asarum herb aconite decoction;allergic rhinitis;uniform design; ─── 加味麻黄附子细辛汤;变应性鼻炎;均匀设计;

51、Determination of content changes of hypaconitine in preparations of aconite matching other herbs in "pinellia tuber, snakegourd fruit, fritillaria, japanese ampelopsis root and common bletilla tuber counteract aconite" by HPLC ─── HPLC测"半蒌贝蔹芨攻乌"中乌头与其它诸药合煎前后次乌头碱的含量变化

52、As an excellent analgesic, aconite is highly toxic, hence, its detoxification has become an important topic to the medical professionals, ancient and modern. ─── 乌头为镇痛良药,然其毒性甚大,故如何解毒,成为古今医者研究的重要课题。

53、Keywords radix aconite lateralis praeparata alkaloid;influencing factors;thin-layer chromatography(TLC);chromatographic condition; ─── 关键词附子生物碱;影响因素;薄层色谱法;色谱条件;


55、aconite poisoning ─── 乌头中毒

56、Many kinds of aconite root were applied widely in Chinese traditional therapy, with pharmacologic actions, such as stimulating heart, boosting pressure, analgesia and anti-inflammatory action. ─── 乌头类中药在中医治疗中已被广泛使用,具有强心、升压、镇痛、抗炎等多种药理作用,该类药物毒性很大,常用药物生川乌、生草乌、生附子属于国家特殊管理的毒性中药。

57、The person that have afore-mentioned symptoms fast to the hospital endocrine division checks cure, apply aconite at the same time. ─── 有上述症状者速到医院内分泌科检查治疗,同时应用止痛剂。

58、A methodological study of the quantitative determination of aconite in rats's serum ─── 大鼠血清中乌头类生物碱含量测定方法的研究

59、"Aconite, which paralyses the nerves, normally takes only 30 minutes to kill. ─── “乌头可以麻痹神经,通常服后30分钟后即可致命。

60、Aconite:Plant used in potions. Also known as Monkshood or Wolfsbane. ─── 乌头。魔药课材料。也叫做舟形乌头或狼毒乌头。

61、Ginseng and Aconite injection ─── 参附注射液

62、(4) to ache person can use aconite, those who have cystic and exciting symptom is OK catheterization. ─── (4)对于疼痛者可使用止痛剂,有膀胱刺激症状的可以导尿。

63、Septoria aconite Bacc ─── 乌头壳针孢

64、Aconite and cervical vertebra drawing or travel are taken below doctor guidance local close cure. ─── 在医师指导下服用止痛剂及颈椎牵引或行局部封闭治疗。

65、Keywords Urinary stone;"Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction"Chinese medicine; ─── 泌尿结石;大黄附子汤;中医;

66、benzoyl aconite ─── [医] 苯甲酰乌头, 苯甲酰乌头原碱

67、Sichuan aconite root ─── 川乌

68、Keywords aconite poisoning;nursing;first aid; ─── 乌头碱中毒;护理;急救;

69、Aconite(monkshood, wolfsbane)mundane plants This is a mundane plant with magical uses (see). ─── 乌头(舟形乌头,狼毒乌头)普通植物这是一种有魔法用途的普通植物。(见)

70、Study on the Correlationship between Decoction Time, Administration Dose and the Efficacy of Resisting Inflammation and Relieving Pain of Prepared Sichuan Aconite Root ─── 制川乌煎煮时间和给药剂量与抗炎镇痛功效的相关性研究

71、He sprinkled her with the juices of aconite, and immediately her hair came off, and her nose and ears likewise. ─── 他用附子汁向她洒去,她的头发马上就脱光了,她的鼻子和耳朵也掉了。

72、aconite, belladonna, chloroform ─── 乌头、颠茄、氯仿

73、Also known as monkshood or aconite. ─── 也称舟形乌头或乌头。

74、Differentiation of the Herbs from Genus Aconite of Buttercup ─── 毛茛科乌头属药用品种及来源特征辨析


76、He sprinkled her with the juices of aconite, and immediately her hair came off, and her nose and ears likewise ─── 他用附子汁向她洒去,她的头发马上就脱光了,她的鼻子和耳朵也掉了。

77、aconite, belladonna, chloroform liniment ─── ABC搽剂:乌头、颠茄、氯仿搽剂

78、We proceeded all the outcomes by multiple regression with the symmetrical designing 1.0, analyseing the relativity between different doctocting durations, dosages and toxicant of the prepared aconite roots decocted succus. ─── 将所有结果用均匀设计1.0版进行多元回归,分析附子水煎液不同的煎煮时间、给药剂量与毒性的相关性。

79、Affection of Thunberg Fritillary bulb omni-alkaloids on Pharmacokinetic of Aconite Alkaloids in Rabbit ─── 浙贝母总生物碱对乌头生物碱在兔体内药动学的影响

80、The Correlation Analysis of the Detoxifying Function of Rhubarb to Aconite ─── 大黄对附子解毒作用的相关性分析

81、Keywords Aconitum;Aconite alkaloids;Embryotoxicity;Teratogenecity;Rat; ─── 乌头类中药;乌头生物碱;胚胎毒性;致畸性;大鼠;

82、Aconite toxicity and poisoning management ─── 乌头类中药的毒性及中毒处理

83、Decoction of Cinnamon Twig and Aconite ─── 桂枝附子汤

84、If you see patches of acid yellow flowers, single flowers on short stems almost hugging the ground, they are winter aconite. ─── 如果你看到一片片薄薄的黄花,低矮的枝干上一丛花朵几乎要垂到地上,那就是冬乌。

85、Keywords Aconitum carmichaeli Debex;Germ plasm polymorphism;Nanguaye aconite;Ezhangye aconite;Aiye aconite; ─── 乌头;种质多态性;南瓜叶乌头;鹅掌叶乌头;艾叶乌头;

86、Effect of Ginseng and Aconite Root Infection on Neuroendocrine System and Cardiac Ventricle Remodelling of Heart Failure Patients ─── 参附注射液对心力衰竭患者神经内分泌系统及心室重塑的影响

87、extract of aconite ─── [医] 乌头浸膏

88、The statement of "aconite counteracts fritillaria" is preliminarily validated by our pharmacokinetic studies. ─── 从药动学角度初步验证了“乌头反贝母”理论的科学性。

89、Once appear,afore-mentioned symptoms are checked to the hospital namely, give Kamaxi equal aconite treatment. ─── 一旦出现上述症状即到医院检查,并给卡马西平等止痛剂治疗。

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