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08-14 投稿


characteristic 发音

英:[?ker.?k.t??r?s.t?k]  美:[?k?r?kt??r?st?k]

英:  美:

characteristic 中文意思翻译




characteristic 反义词


characteristic 短语词组

1、characteristic condition ─── [计] 特征条件

2、amplitude characteristic ─── [计] 振幅特性

3、alternating-charge characteristic ─── [电] 交流充电特性

4、characteristic curve of crystal detector ─── [电] 晶体检波器的特性曲线

5、characteristic curve of electron tube ─── [电] 电子管的特性曲线

6、acceleration characteristic of fuel ─── [机] 燃料的加速特性

7、characteristic element ─── [计] 特征要素

8、armature characteristic ─── [电] 电枢特性

9、characteristic curve ─── [计] 特征曲线 ─── [化] 特性曲线

10、boundary characteristic ─── [计] 边界特征

11、characteristic disturbance ─── [计] 本征干扰

12、arc characteristic ─── [电] 电弧特性

13、be characteristic of ─── 具有...的特性, 为...所特有

14、characteristic distortion ─── [计] 特性失真

15、acquired characteristic ─── 习得特性

16、anode characteristic ─── [电] 阳极特性

17、arc drive characteristic ─── [机] 电弧驱动特性

18、armature characteristic curve ─── [机] 电枢特性曲线

19、branch characteristic equation ─── [计] 支持特性方程

characteristic 同义词

particular | trait | distinguishing | style | natural | streak | nature | indicative | character | illustrative | special | peculiar | mannerism | earmark | flavor | mark | singularity | discriminative | representative | idiosyncrasy | marked | idiosyncratic | personality | speciality | cast | aspect | accustomed | feature | specific | peculiarity | quality | normal | point | attribute | property | unique | typical | individual | idiocrasy | diagnostic |distinctive | distinction

characteristic 词性/词形变化,characteristic变形

复数--characteristics;比较级--more characteristic;最高级--most characteristic。

characteristic 常用词组

characteristic of ─── 特有的;表示…特性的

dynamic characteristic ─── 动态特性;负载特性曲线

characteristic curve ─── 特性曲线;特征曲线

characteristic 相似词语短语

1、characterisation ─── n.(英)特性描述;性格化(等于characterization)

2、characterises ─── v.是……的特征;使……具有特点;刻划……的性格(或特征);

3、characterism ─── 特征

4、characterise ─── v.是……的特征;使……具有特点;刻划……的性格(或特征);

5、characteriser ─── 特征化者

6、characteristics ─── n.特性,特征;特色(characteristic的复数);特质

7、characterised ─── vt.刻划……的性格;表示……的特性(characterise的变形)

8、characterising ─── v.是……的特征;使……具有特点;刻划……的性格(或特征);

9、uncharacteristic ─── adj.无典型特征的;不典型的

characteristic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The only thing that denotes the elevator to be a Schindler is the characteristic annular ceiling ventilation fan grille design. ─── 唯一得以标明电梯是一部迅达的就是那个属于特徵的环形吸顶式抽气风扇格栅设计。

2、He replied with characteristic insouciance: "So what?" ─── 他用特有的漫不经心的口吻答道:“那又怎么样?”

3、Characteristic of an amateur; inexpert. ─── 不在行的为一名业余爱好者的特征的;非专家的

4、Pseudopodia are characteristic of many dipterous larvae. ─── 伪足为多数双翅目幼虫所特有。

5、Her predominant characteristic is honesty. ─── 她最为突出的特点是诚实。

6、Harriman set to work in a characteristic style. ─── 哈里曼以自己特有的风格开始工作。

7、He accepted the award with characteristic modesty. ─── 他以他一贯的谦逊态度接受了奖励。

8、A characteristic arrangement of flowers on a stem. ─── 开花花在茎上的典型分布

9、The difference in titles is characteristic. ─── 书名的不同已经足以显示他们各自的性格了。

10、He was staggered by his rashness, his weakness, and by the characteristic nature of such an outburst. ─── 他一下子就被自己这样轻率、软弱和与生俱来的易于冲动的性格给吓住了。

11、Of, characteristic of, or natural to a woman. ─── 女子的女子的,女子特点的,或女子天性的

12、A common trait or characteristic. ─── 共同特征或共同性质

13、Characteristic of or befitting a warrior. ─── 勇敢的,好战的具有战士、勇士特征的或适宜于勇士的

14、The characteristic of the logarithm 6.3214 is 6. ─── 对数6.3214的首数是6。

15、Of or characteristic of southern areas or people. ─── 南方地区的或南方居民的;南方地区或南方居民特有的

16、She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. ─── 她说话带着特有的热情。

17、A rhythm of One Two Three One Two Three is characteristic of waltz. ─── 一二三一二三的节拍是华尔滋舞曲的特色。

18、It was characteristic of her to do so. ─── 她这样做是一贯的。

19、Quick decision is characteristic of him. ─── 快速决定是他的特徵。

20、Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of cities. ─── 城市居民不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。

21、Characteristic of or befitting brothers;fraternal. ─── 兄弟的,兄弟般的以兄弟为特征或适宜于兄弟的;兄弟会的

22、Characteristic of the city or city life. ─── 具有城市或城市生活特点的

23、The characteristic way in which one walks. ─── 一个人走路的典型方式

24、Characteristic of or resembling an Amazon. ─── 亚马孙族人的有亚马孙族人特点的,象亚马孙族人的

25、main characteristic of the strike has been its longevity. ─── 这次罢工的主要特点是持续时间长。

26、It seems that they speak a characteristic language. ─── 他们似乎说一种独具一格的语言。

27、It is said to be characteristic of adolescence and early adulthood. ─── 它被认为是青春期或成年期初期所特有的现象。

28、Change, impermanence is characteristic of life. ─── 变化和无常是生命的特徵。

29、Characteristic of Moorish art or architecture. ─── 具有摩尔式艺术或建筑风格的

30、The characteristic sound uttered by a duck. ─── 嗄嗄声鸭子所发出特有的叫声

31、A manner or custom characteristic of the Hebrews. ─── 希伯来人的习俗希伯来人的方式或风俗

32、Such bluntness is characteristic of him. ─── 他就是这麽迟钝。

33、The characteristic call or utterance of an animal. ─── 动物叫声动物的特有叫声或响声

34、Applicable to or characteristic of attorneys or their profession. ─── 律师的适用于律师或律师行业的,律师或律师行业的特点的

35、He spoke to us with characteristic enthusiasm. ─── 他以其特有的热情对我们发表了讲话。

36、Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic. ─── 固有的作为一种基本成份或典型特征而存在的; 内在的

37、Characteristic of or resembling a Mongol. ─── 带有蒙古人特点的或象蒙古人的

38、Characteristic of an amateur; not professional. ─── 业余的带有业余特点的;非专业性的

39、Appearing in or characteristic of successive generations. ─── 世代相传的历代都出现的,历代都有此特征的

40、Of, relating to, or characteristic of a patriarch. ─── 家长的,族长的关于某个家长或族长的,与其有关的或具有其特性的

41、Relating to or characteristic of low, usually level land. ─── 低地的具有低地,通常是水平地的特点的,或与这种地有关的

42、Of, relating to, or characteristic of feudalism. ─── 封建的、有关封建制度的或有封建制度特点的

43、The hoarse grunt or squeal is characteristic of toxicity. ─── 嘶哑的哼声和叫声是中毒的特征。

44、Its main characteristic is the shape succinct natural, the easy to operate, the volume exquisite easy to carry, has the practical value. ─── 其主要特点是形态简洁大方、使用方便、体积小巧易携带,具有实用价值。

45、Of, suffering from, or characteristic of delirium. ─── 失常的,精神错乱的神志失常的,遭受神志失常的痛苦的,或具有神志失常的特征的

46、They produce the characteristic brandspores. ─── 它们产生特有的墨粉菌冬孢子。

47、A feature or characteristic that attracts. ─── 吸引物,诱惑物吸引的特点或特征

48、Characteristic or suggestive of waves. ─── 以波为特征的或似波的

49、Sympathy is the feeling characteristic of mankind. ─── 同情心是人类特有的感情。

50、An area or a region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic. ─── 地带,带以特有的外貌或特点而区别于临近部分的地区或区域

51、To utter the characteristic cry of an owl. ─── 发出枭叫声发出类似猫头鹰叫的声音

52、A discriminating characteristic. ─── 可区别的特征

53、Of or characteristic of a Pindaric ode. ─── 品达颂歌的属于或有品达体颂歌特征的

54、Characteristic of or having the nature of a fossil. ─── 化石性的化石性的,有化石特性的

55、Characteristic of a kook;strange or crazy. ─── 怪僻的,疯狂的有怪人特点的;奇怪的或疯狂的

56、Resembling or characteristic of a puppy. ─── 小狗的像小狗的或小狗特有的

57、Relating to, characteristic of, or held to resemble communism or Communists. ─── 共产主义者的有关、特征为或保持像共产主义或共产主义者的

58、Characteristic of an amateur;inexpert. ─── 不在行的为一名业余爱好者的特征的;非专家的

59、The temperature characteristic of the bias current and that of the drive current are functions different from each other. ─── 此外,偏置电流的温度特性和驱动电流的温度特性成为互不相同的函数。

60、Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution. ─── 原生的出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的

61、The characteristic sound uttered by cattle; a moo. ─── (牛)哞哞的叫声牛发出的典型声音,哞哞叫

62、Characteristic of or suitable for a priest. ─── 具有祭司或司铎特征的;适于祭司的

63、It is characteristic of him to say that. ─── 他就是会说那种话的人。

64、Of, belonging to, or characteristic of commoners. ─── 平民的,老百姓的平民的、属于平民的或具有平民特性的

65、Man think woman always has crying characteristic. ─── 人们认为爱哭是女人的特点.

66、Sympathy is a feeling characteristic of her. ─── 同情心是她特有的感情。

67、Of or characteristic of a prophet; oracular. ─── 先知者的,先知的属于或具有先知者特性的;神谕的

68、She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. ─── 她说话带着特有的热情。

69、He spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. ─── 他以特有的热情说话。

70、Of or characteristic of a prophet;oracular. ─── 先知者的,先知的属于或具有先知者特性的;神谕的

71、A second important characteristic of the religious practice in the United States today is the emphasis on social problems and humanitarian ideals rather than on the Calvinistic concern with individual sin. ─── 今天,美国宗教惯常做法另一个主要特征,是把重点放在社会问题和人道主义理想方面,而不是放在按照加尔文教义对个人的罪恶表示忧虑方面。

72、Characteristic of a kook; strange or crazy. ─── 怪僻的,疯狂的有怪人特点的;奇怪的或疯狂的

73、Characteristic of or resembling paralysis. ─── 似瘫痪的有瘫痪特性的或像瘫痪的

74、His method of study was characteristic. ─── 他的学习方法是别开生面的。

75、Characteristic of or being a brat; ill-mannered. ─── 乳臭未干的;举止粗鲁的

76、Lack of challenge in their work role appeared to be a positive characteristic for dual-earner fathers. ─── 缺乏的挑战,在其工作中的作用似乎是一对双职工父亲积极特征。

77、Does your favourite colour your characteristic? ─── 你最喜欢的颜色和你穿的特点相配吗?

78、The characteristic I like best in him is his cheerfulness. ─── 他的愉悦气质是我最喜欢的特点。

79、Characteristic of or having to do with comedy. ─── 喜剧的不得不从事喜剧或以喜剧为特点的

80、Of,relating to,or characteristic of a hydroid. ─── 属于、或与水螅虫有关的,或有水螅虫特点的

81、Characteristic of or resembling a fish. ─── 具有鱼类特征或与鱼相似的

82、Crying is not the characteristic of man. ─── 哭泣不是男子汉的特征。

83、Characteristic of a puritan; puritanical. ─── 具有清教徒特点的;清教徒似的

84、The broad or spirited humor characteristic of such works. ─── 喜剧性的风格这类戏剧形式夸张和活泼的幽默风格

85、Of or characteristic of a condition of peace. ─── 和平状态的和平状态的或具有和平状态特点的

86、Relating to or characteristic of Vienna, Austria. ─── 奥地利维也纳的与奥地利维也纳相关的或具有其特征的

87、Isabel was a tall girl with the oval face, straight nose, fine eyes and full mouth that appeared to be characteristic of the family. ─── 伊莎贝尔是个身材高挑,椭圆脸,直鼻梁,眉清目秀,嘴巴丰满的姑娘。这一切看来都是她家族的特征。

88、To utter the characteristic sound of a hen. ─── 作咯咯叫声母鸡发出这种有特色的声音

89、Characteristic of or befitting brothers; fraternal. ─── 兄弟的,兄弟般的以兄弟为特征或适宜于兄弟的;兄弟会的

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