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08-14 投稿


disowned 发音

英:[d?s???nd]  美:[d?s?o?nd]

英:  美:

disowned 中文意思翻译



disowned 词性/词形变化,disowned变形

动词现在分词: disowning |动词第三人称单数: disowns |动词过去式: disowned |动词过去分词: disowned |

disowned 反义词


disowned 短语词组

1、disowned noble ─── 无主贵族

2、disowned by victor endersby ─── 被维克多·恩德斯比抛弃

3、disowned dogs ─── 丧家之犬

4、disowned dog ─── 无主狗

disowned 同义词

scorn | disclaim | renounce |repudiate | reject | deny | spurn | rebuff | disinherit | turn your back on

disowned 相似词语短语

1、disjoined ─── v.使……分开,分离(disjoin的过去式和过去分词)

2、discrowned ─── 使退位

3、dishorned ─── vt.除去角;切去(动物的)的角

4、disorbed ─── vt.脱离轨道,使……脱轨;剥夺……的王位,废黜;剥夺……王位标志上的宝球

5、disown ─── vt.否认;脱离关系

6、disgowned ─── 失主

7、disjuned ─── 断绝

8、disowner ─── 无主

9、disowns ─── vt.否认;脱离关系

disowned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The principles of the struggle were disowned and the League of Nations turned down. ─── 斗争的原则摒弃了,国际联盟遭到拒绝。

2、She disowned her religious belief. ─── 她放弃了自己的宗教信仰。

3、No, your grandfather would have simply disowned them not killed them. ─── 不,你祖父只会流放他们,不会杀了他们的。

4、The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: 'Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.' ─── 主转过身来,看彼得。彼得便想起主对他所说的话,今日鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。

5、But Peter insisted emphatically, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you." And all the others said the same. (Gethsemane ─── 彼得却极力的说,我就是必须和你同死,也总不能不认你。众门徒都是这样说。

6、Only last March, he disowned a labour-market reform proposed by the present prime minister, Dominique de Villepin. ─── 去年3月,他还否决了现任法国总理德维尔潘的一项劳动力市场改革计划。

7、She had never once dared think about telling her plight to her parents, for fear of being disowned. ─── 她从来没有敢想过把她的苦闷告诉她的父母,怕和他们断绝关系。

8、17 My God will disown them because they have not listened to him; they shall be wanderers among the nations. ─── 我的天主必要抛弃他们,因为他们没有听从衪;他们必要在各民族中飘流。

9、Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: "Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times." And he went outside and wept bitterly. ─── 彼得想起耶稣所说的话,鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。他就出去痛哭。

10、You handed him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate, though he had decided to let him go. ─── 你们却把他交付彼拉多。彼拉多定意要释放他,你们竟在彼拉多面前弃绝了他。

11、To deny or renounce any claim to or connection with; disown. ─── 拒绝否认或拒绝任何要求或关联;断绝关系。

12、Doctor: It is bad enough you are not by your wife's side when the child was born, now you disown her completely? ─── 医生:孩子出生时你不在你太太身边,这已经够糟的了,现在你还想不承认她。

13、having owned our fault, we must disown all present and future intent to abide in it. ─── 因为我们曾经有过这样的过犯,所以无论现在或未来,有任何使我们重陷罪网的可能性我们都必须弃绝。

14、Odom, who was a free agent this year, wanted to explore his options outside of LA and was quickly disowned by the Lakers' GM Jerry Buss. ─── 他在这个赛季后成为自由球员,并且想向湖人狮子大开口,但很快就被湖人老板巴斯拒绝了。

15、Tieru Former master? That is reassuring news. If you have disowned the Demon Sovereign, why are you here? ─── 原来的主人?这可真是个振奋人心的消息。如果你已经否认了恶魔领主是你的主人,那么你来这的目的是什么?

16、1. If you behave like that in front of my friends again, I'll disown you! ─── 你要是再当着我朋友的面那样做,我就和你一刀两断!

17、According to Sirius, one could be disowned for disagreeing with the belief in pure-blood supremacy, being "blood traitors," or marrying a Muggle, Muggle-born or a half-blood wizard. ─── 参照小天狼星,不赞同纯血至上的理念的被称为“血统的背叛者”或者与一个麻瓜、麻瓜出身的巫师或者混血巫师结婚的会被除名。

18、Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times. ─── 彼得想起耶稣对他所说的话,鸡叫两遍以先,你要三次不认我。

19、I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother. ─── 我无法脱离他,就像我无法脱离我的白人祖母一样。”

20、Where had gone your fear of me that you should lie and disown me, refuse me a place in your heart and not remember me? Have I held my peace so long that you do not fear me any more? ─── 你害怕谁,畏惧谁,竟使你失去忠信,而不怀念我,不关心我?难道因为我久不作声,你就不怕我了吗?

21、Alphard Black of the fourth generation shown was posthumously disowned for leaving gold in his will to his "runaway nephew" , Sirius Black. ─── 第四代标出的阿尔法德·布莱克死后家族与他断绝关系,因为他在遗嘱里为他“离家出走”的外甥留下了金子。

22、Hereafter she is only my sister in name; not because I disown her, but because she has disowned me. ─── 从今以后她只有在名份上是我的妹妹,倒不是我不认她,是因为她不认我。

23、When we arrived upon earth, the disowned thought-form of death came with us. ─── 当我们来到地球时,被否认的死亡思想形态随我们而来。

24、If we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; ─── 我们若能忍耐,也必和他一同作王。我们若不认他,他也必不认我们。

25、Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times. ─── 彼得便想起主对他所说的话,今日鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。

26、The spokesperson disowned a published statement. ─── 发言人否认某项发表的声明是他说的。

27、It went without saying that her aunt would immediately disown her if she fell pregnant out of wedlock. ─── 不用说,她如果未婚怀孕,她姨妈就会立刻否认和她的关系的。

28、But Peter insisted emphatically, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you." And all the others said the same. ─── 彼得却极力的说:“我就是必须和你同死,也总不能不认你。”众门徒都是这样说。

29、E.g.: He disowned any hand in the book. ─── 他否认曾插手该书的编写工作。

30、They disowned his doctrine. ─── 他们否认他的学说的权威性。

31、So the patient work of the German schoolmasters was disowned. ─── 这样,德国教师们孜孜不倦的工作全被抹煞了。

32、for, since kings avow themselves to be the deputies of Providence, the Lilliputians think nothing can be more absurd than for a prince to employ such men as disown the authority under which he acts. ─── 利立浦特人认为,既然国王们宣称自己是上帝的代表,他所任用的人竟不承认他所凭借的权威,那就再荒唐不过了。

33、To deny or renounce any claim to or connection with;disown. ─── 否认,拒绝否认或拒绝任何要求或关联;断绝关系

34、She disowned their son after she eloped. ─── 她私奔后遗弃了他们的儿子。

35、First, because the market is only disown second. ─── 因为市场只认第一,不认第二。

36、He has to fight for custody of his own children from his parents because his family disowned him for converting from Islam to Christianity. ─── 他要从自己父母的手中争取自己女儿的抚养权,估计是因为他的家人为著他从一个回教徒转成为一个基督徒而与他脱离关系。

37、She worried that university counselors would eject her from school if they knew of the procedure. Girlfriends would have disowned her. ─── 她担心学校辅导员会开除她,女友也会从此断绝与她的来往。

38、But when reason fails, the parents resort to threatening to disown their daughter and kick her out of the house if she becomes pregnant. ─── 但是当劝说失败时,双亲会采取危险的手段威胁说:在她怀孕后会把她赶出房间。

39、I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times! ─── 我实实在在地告诉你:鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。

40、Earth is in the process of returning all disowned birth karma to each human. ─── 地球正在处理将所有被否认的业力回归到每个人身上之中。

41、" It had been expressly agreed that Pontmercy should never attempt to see his son nor to speak to him, under penalty of having the latter handed over to him disowned and disinherited. ─── 他们已经明确约定,彭眉胥永远不得探望他的儿子,否则就要把那孩子撵走,取消他的财产承继权,送还给父亲。

42、The spokesperson disowned a published statement. ─── 发言人否认某项发表的声明是他说的。

43、You couldn't be so heartless as to disown him. ─── 你不能那么没心肝,连认都不认他。

44、I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. ─── 我不能否认他,如同我不能否认黑人共同体。

45、At a time when the nation had disowned its loyalty to God, the tribe of Levi espoused it. ─── 在当整个民族否认对神的忠实的时候,利未人却信奉着神。

46、The best recourse is to intend to integrate the darkness flowing your way that is your own disowned unconscious. ─── 最好的救生索是意愿沿你的道路去整合黑暗,其是被你自己否认的无意识。

47、Despite his criticism of Wright's racially-tinged comments over the years, Obama said he will not disown his former minister. ─── 奥巴马20多年前就认识了赖特,他说是赖特把他引上了基督徒的道路。

48、The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times. ─── 主转过身来看彼得。彼得便想起主对他所说的话:“今日鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。

49、He disowned his reprobate son. ─── 他声明与堕落的儿子脱离关系。

50、But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven. ─── 凡在人面前不认我的,我在我天上的父面前,也必不认他。

51、He disowned his spendthrift son. ─── 他与挥金如土的儿子脱离父子关系。

52、Her family disowned her for marrying a gentile. ─── 她的家庭坚决不同意她嫁给一名异教徒。

53、If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself. ─── 我们纵然失信,他仍是可信的,因为他不能背乎自己。

54、Her family disowned her for marrying a foreigner. ─── 她的家人因她嫁给了外国人而与她断绝关系。

55、She disowned any hand in the matter. ─── 她否认插手过那件事。

56、Disowned farmers ─── 失地农民

57、I will show that migrant women, particularly domestic workers, will be further erased, rejected or symbolically disowned in the campaign for the new image of Anhui. ─── 在九十年代兴起的树立“安徽新形象”的活动中,打工妹类似地被“新形象”所否定,抛弃和淘汰。

58、but on the Day of Judgment ye shall disown each other and curse each other: and your abode will be the Fire, and ye shall have none to help. ─── 但在复活日,你们将互相抵赖,互相诅咒,你们的归宿是火狱,你们绝没有援助者。”

59、Neither shall I disown, that in speaking I am apt to fall into the voice and manner of the Houyhnhnms, and hear myself ridiculed on that account, without the least mortification. ─── 我也不得不承认,我说起话来常常会模仿“慧骃”的声音和腔调,就是听到别人嘲笑我,也丝毫不觉得因丢面子而感到生气。

60、It's time to drop out of school, quit your job, divorce your spouse, disown your children, cancel your gym membership, upgrade your PC, and clear out your schedule for World of Starcraft. ─── 是时候了,为了星际世界而退学,放弃工作,离婚,抛弃孩子,撕掉健身会员证,升级电脑,清空时间表!

61、12:9 But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God. ─── 9 在人面前不认我的、人子在神的使者面前也必不认他。

62、He looked piteously at my lord, who never spoke to him during dinner and at the ladies who disowned him. ─── 他可怜巴巴地瞧着勋爵,可是勋爵一顿饭吃完没有理睬他;他望望太太们,太太们也不理他。

63、But Peter insisted emphatically, 'Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.' And all the others said the same. ─── 彼得却极力地说,我就是必须和你同死,也总不能不认你。众门徒都是这样说。

64、15 The riches he swallowed he shall disgorge; God shall compel his belly to disown them. ─── 他并吞的财富,必要吐出,天主必使之由他腹中呕出。

65、33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven. ─── 33 凡在人面前不认我的,我在我天上的父面前也必不认他。

66、The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times." ─── 61主转过身来,看彼得。彼得便想起主对他所说的话,今日鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。

67、He disowned his son. ─── 他与儿子脱离父子关系。

68、Plus, although they fought all the time, Caroline loves her mother and can't un-hear the fact that her ma essentially disowned her. ─── 另外,虽然她们一直在开战,但卡罗琳爱她妈妈,却无法不听到的她妈妈不要她的事实。

69、On Rowling's Black Family Tree, disowned members are indicated with a numbered scratchy black circle. ─── 在罗琳的布莱克家谱上,被除名的成员表现为一个编了号的潦草黑圈。

70、Kevin : You know, when people ask me,"How can you let your sister spew all that right-wing garbage on television and not disown her?" ─── 我想你知道,当别人问我:你怎么能任意让你妹妹在电视上散播右翼垃圾言论却不否认她?

71、Synonyms abnegate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step down (from), surrender Related Words abjure, deny, disavow, disclaim, disown, waive;forsake, give up, hand over, yield; ─── 动词ABNEGATE:正式地放弃某个职位或者权威地位 名词:对于过去曾经享有享用的某种事物进行放弃或者拒绝 单词abdicate可以用作同义词。

72、I intend to look at my darkness rather than attempt to disown it. ─── 我意愿直面我的黑暗,而不是试图否认它。

73、'Heathens and savage tribes hold that doctrine, but Christians and civilised nations disown it. ─── “怎么会呢?我不懂。”

74、If you behave like that in front of my friends again,I'll disown you! ─── 你要是当着我朋友的面再那样做,我就和你一刀两断!

75、My mother jokingly told me that if I ever dated Steven, she would disown me. ─── 我妈妈开玩笑地跟我说,若我跟史帝文约会,她就要跟我断绝关系。

76、But I will not and cannot disown it. ─── 但是我不会也不能丢弃它。

77、They are times of great danger.Today, the new US administration can disown responsibility for its inheritance; ─── 总统对此大为光火,于是卡恩开始用“香蕉”一词代替。

78、The parents disown their children. They are terribly, terribly hurt. ─── 有些父母声明同子女脱离关系。他们感到非常非常地伤心。

79、Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD ?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God. ─── 恐怕我饱足不认你,说,耶和华是谁呢。又恐怕我贫穷就偷窃,以致亵渎我神的名。

80、She disowned their son after she eloped. ─── 她私奔后遗弃了他们的儿子。

81、Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD? ─── 恐怕我饱足不认你,说,耶和华是谁呢?

82、His father, believing that his son's work was toomediocre to anticipate mastership, disowned him. ─── 但是父亲认为他剑法过于平庸,而有失自己身份,将他赶出了家门。

83、Our psyches naturally seek a release from the internal pressure caused by the repression of the disowned aspects of ourselves. ─── 我们的心灵会自然去从寻求释放压抑自我的某些方面中产生的内部压力。

84、You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you. ─── 你们弃绝了那圣洁公义者,反求著释放一个凶手给你们。

85、She would never have disowned any one on the ground of poverty. ─── 她从不因为一个人穷,就跟他断绝往来。

86、The concept of nonrepudiation is most familiar in the context of paper contracts: a signed contract is a legally binding document, and it is impossible to disown an authenticated signature. ─── 人们最熟悉的是书面合同上下文中认可的概念:已签名的合同是具有法律约束力的文档,要否认已通过身份验证的签名是不可能的。

87、But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God. ─── 在人面前不认我的,人子在上帝的使者面前也必不认他;

88、disowned lamb ─── 弃羔

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