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08-14 投稿


inadvertently 发音

英:[??n?d?v??rt(?)ntli]  美:[??n?d?v??t(?)ntli]

英:  美:

inadvertently 中文意思翻译



inadvertently 词性/词形变化,inadvertently变形

副词: inadvertently |

inadvertently 短语词组

1、inadvertently defined ─── 无意中定义的

2、inadvertently meaning ─── 无意中的意思

3、inadvertently meme ─── 不经意的模因

4、inadvertently introduce ─── 无意中介绍

5、inadvertently define ─── 无意中定义

6、inadvertently ad ─── 漫不经心地, 粗心大意地, 偶然地, 疏忽地, 出于无心地, 非故意地

7、inadvertently definition ─── 无意中定义

8、inadvertently wrong ─── 无意中出错

9、inadvertently sneak into ─── 无意中潜入

10、inadvertently modeling ─── 无意中建模

inadvertently 同义词

unwittingly | unintentionally | involuntarily | carelessly | by mistake | unconsciously | by accident |absently | unknowingly | accidentally

inadvertently 反义词


inadvertently 相似词语短语

1、adherently ─── 附着地;粘连地

2、inadvertence ─── n.不注意;怠慢,疏忽

3、inadvertency ─── n.错误;疏忽;粗心;怠慢;不注意

4、inadvertencies ─── n.错误;疏忽;粗心;怠慢;不注意

5、inadvertent ─── adj.疏忽的;不注意的(副词inadvertently);无意中做的

6、advertency ─── n.注意;谈及(等于advertence)

7、advertently ─── 谨慎地;注意地;小心地

8、inadvertences ─── n.不注意;怠慢,疏忽

9、advertent ─── adj.留意的;注意的

inadvertently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Inadvertently, I have become a part of this Landscape. ─── 不经意间,我也成为这片海景的一部分。

2、Bobby inadvertently put out an undercover months of the Women's International Criminal Police, and a section of her situation. ─── 波比无意中救一了个卧底的国际女刑警,和她有了一段情。

3、Among the Pentagon's other concerns is that an aerial assault on a suspected biological or chemical stockpile might inadvertently release toxic substances into the air. ─── 五角大楼的另一个顾虑是,如果对可疑的生物或化学武器储备实施空中打击,可能会在不经意间把有毒物质释放到空气中。

4、A young hunter who, having inadvertently observed Artemis while she was bathing, was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own dogs. ─── 亚克托安年轻猎人,因无意中见到阿耳忒弥斯沐浴而被她变为牡鹿,并终被他自己的狗群咬死

5、They inadvertently got mixed up in a free fight involving some 20 people. ─── 他们无意中卷入了一场20 人左右的混战。

6、Thus, inadvertently Online Dating vulnerable young people's own interests are infringed. ─── 因此,网上交友不慎极易使青少年的自身利益受到侵害。

7、The template file can be opened and edited, but the new publication must be saved under a different file name to avoid inadvertently changing your original newsletter template. ─── 可以打开和编辑模板文件,但新的出版物必须用不同的文件名进行保存,以防无意中更改了原始新闻稿模板。

8、If you write to me and don't get a reply within a week, write again, I sometimes, inadvertently , loose a few letters. ─── 如果你写信给我,在一个星期内没有收到回信,请再发给我,我有时无意中漏掉了少数信件。

9、Group of piano in the way I went, I inadvertently found a pot of about one meter high Epiphyllum. ─── 在我去学琴的路上,我无意中发现了一盆约有一米高的昙花。

10、Then, young friends began to look around bum, that look like a cold knife, even the young inadvertently see shiver all over though not cold. ─── 接着,少年的朋友开始环视四周的混混,那目光就似一把阴寒的匕首,连少年无意间看到都不寒而栗。

11、Not the grief of a , anonymous and lingering regret like, flowing forward can understand only their own tunes, inadvertently in atrial overflow. ─── 一股无法释怀的忧伤,无名状的惋惜和留恋,流淌着只有自己才懂的曲调,不经意中溢满心房。

12、You just opened an e-mail message and inadvertently allowed an attached file to load and run. ─── 如果您刚刚打开一封电子邮件,并在不经意间允许加载和运行了附件。

13、This dialog helps you to delete information about your browsing activities if you are working on a shared computer, but be sure not to erase useful data inadvertently. ─── 如果您正在使用公用计算机的话,此对话框可帮助您删除关于您浏览活动的信息,但是请您一定要确定没有删除有用的数据。

14、One software licensee inadvertently neglected to en crypt the"key"that unlocks DVD movie disks. ─── 一家获准使用该软件的厂商粗心大意,忘记把打开DVD影碟的“密钥”加密。

15、Common saying says: More haste,less speed, inadvertently person. ─── 俗话说的:欲速则不达,无心者得。

16、By seeking to fend off its tenacious rival, India may have inadvertently increased the risk of a regional nuclear exchange. ─── 在试图击退顽强敌人的同时,印度政府在不自觉间,可能也提高了区域核子战争的风险。

17、You inadvertently at a corner efforts core-pulling, climbing roses should not arrogant than Yan, should not comparable to the noble peony. ─── 在某个你不经意间瞥到的角落努力的抽芯吐蕊,不能比攀玫瑰的骄艳,不能媲美牡丹的高贵。

18、For example, you might inadvertently write data to a column that is of the wrong data type, or too long, or that has some other integrity problem. ─── 例如,您可能在无意中将数据类型错误、太长或具有某些其他完整性问题的数据写入一个列中。

19、Another common reason for a nosebleed is if the delicate nasal tissues are knocked inadvertently when a vet passes a stomach tube up from the nostril. ─── 另一种常见病因是兽医在进行胃插管时的操作失误,从而破坏了鼻内精密的血管。

20、If you inadvertently post a comment on a friend's profile page that has been opened to the public, your comment will be public too. ─── 如果你在一个好友的个人资料页面上不小心发表评论,而该页面是向公众开放的话,那么你的评论也会被公开。

21、But Artest might've inadvertently slipped up in an interview with TNT on Wednesday night. ─── 但是阿泰也许只是在周三晚上的TNT采访中说漏了嘴。

22、She inadvertently telephoned the wrong person. ─── 她无意中打错了电话.

23、It is possible that you inadvertently took an excessive dose of an over-the-counter preparation. ─── 有可能是你把非处方药吃过量了。

24、Have been inadvertently influx heart. ─── 不经意已涌入心间.

25、When you suddenly cause a change, you may inadvertently cut them out. ─── 如果你突然改变其中的一个坏习惯,你便会丧失以前一些坏习惯所带来的好处。

26、Inadvertently, and in subtle and insidious ways, they have been taking their violence out, too, on their children and on their husbands, and sometimes they're not so subtle. ─── 不知不觉地,她们也以隐蔽险恶的方式有时甚至是不那么隐蔽的方式将狂怒发泄在孩子和丈夫身上。

27、A road trip to Los Angeles inadvertently leads a young man from Wyoming into a wild maze of psychotic hit-men, racy women, jewel thieves and a salsa band. ─── 一条线索使一名年轻男子从怀俄明前往洛杉矶无意中成为疯狂的神经病人,其中包括了辛辣的女人,被偷的宝石和一个萨尔萨舞蹈团.

28、You could also see it as a trap for users because they can move the cursor and inadvertently backspace away characters that were not the last ones keyed in. ─── 你也可以认为这对于用户来说是一个陷阱,因为他可以移动光标并且无意中用退格键删除字符,而这些字符不是最后输入的。

29、He flies into London and inadvertently rescues an artful dodger named Bugsy (voiced by Ricky Gervais) from impending trouble. ─── 在飞往伦敦的途中,小威无意间拯救了大难临头的阿西,一只招摇撞骗的油条鸽子。

30、A young hunter who,having inadvertently observed Artemis while she was bathing,was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own dogs. ─── 亚克托安年轻猎人,因无意中见到阿耳忒弥斯沐浴而被她变为牡鹿,并终被他自己的狗群咬死。

31、Because constants can be defined in terms of other constants, it is possible to inadvertently create a cycle, or circular reference, between two or more constants. ─── 因为常数可以依据其他常数进行定义,所以可能无意中在两个或更多常数之间产生“循环”(或循环引用)。

32、A health care organization could face significant litigation if health care records were inadvertently released or stolen. ─── 如果卫生保健院的记录数据因疏忽而被公开或者被盗,那么该院可能面临严重的诉讼。

33、If you write to me and don't get a reply within a week, write again, I sometimes, inadvertently, loose a few letters. ─── 如果你写信给我,在一个星期内没有收到回信,请再发给我,我有时无意中漏掉了少数信件。

34、If auto-scrolling begins as soon as the cursor enters the sensitive zone around the edges, it is too easy for a slow-moving user to inadvertently auto-scroll. ─── 如果光标一进入边界周围的敏感地带,则立即开始自动滚屏,那么对于动作慢的用户,就太容易在无意中启动自动滚屏。

35、Will inadvertently silence to remember you said that in a moment when a repeat them. ─── 会默默地记住妳不经意说过的话,在某时某刻重复它们。

36、What can happen with mirrors, is this: A new spirit can inadvertently enter a mirror. ─── 与镜子有关的所发生的事情是:一个新的灵魂会不留神地进入一面镜子。

37、There is a danger that risks may be passed from hand to hand and end up with unreliable companies, or even inadvertently back in the hands of the original insurer. ─── 不过,风险有可能从一家公司转移至另一家公司,最终可能会落在不可靠的公司手中,或甚至无意中风险又回到原始保险公司手中。

38、He said that already more than 4 years and no tattoo, and he inadvertently leaked a secret they can get married Charlene Choi has been 4 years! ─── 他表示已有4年多没再纹身,无意中泄露了他与蔡卓妍已秘密拍拖4年!

39、If another user then views the report and clicks the rendered parameter contents, the user may inadvertently execute the malicious script or link. ─── 如果其他用户查看报表并单击呈现的参数内容,则用户可能会无意中执行恶意脚本或链接。

40、Under this specific scenario it is possible for graphic content to be inadvertently lost on save. ─── 在此特定的条件下,图形内容在保存时可能意外丢失。

41、The student inadvertently transposed the e and the i in “weird”. ─── 学生误将“weird”中的e和i次序写颠倒了。

42、But John Steinbeck inadvertently so that the entire truth Jianfa, Xiao Longnv make herself Jianfa, but are Huaxianweiyi. ─── 但杨过无意中使全真剑法,小龙女使玉女剑法,却均化险为夷。

43、You can see from this discussion of why the team needs to refine and review requirements that we have inadvertently defined what we mean by review and refine. ─── 从团队为什么需要细化和评审需求的讨论中,可以看出我们已经无意中定义了评审和细化。

44、But they may have inadvertently been given a lifeline by the American government. ─── 但是,美国政府可能已经在不经意间给了他们一线生机。

45、He is a " Don Quixote "type of legend, always inadvertently give people surprise and by his own life, wrote a communist fighter's the heroic history. ─── 他是一个“堂.吉诃德”式的传奇人物,总是不经意间给世人以惊奇,用自己的生命书写着一个共产主义战士的悲壮历史。

46、Gen Ickes says the military must ensure that its actions do not inadvertently affect US civilian computer systems. ─── 伊克斯少将表示,军方必须确保其行动不会不经意地影响到美国民用电脑系统。

47、Just like you inadvertently reveal Osaka man's unique gentle. ─── 一如你不经意间显露的大阪男人特有的温柔.

48、He inadvertently broke the glass. ─── 他不经意把杯子打碎了。

49、Roddy's plan backfires when he inadvertently winds up being the one flushed away into the bustling world down below. ─── 牠野心勃勃,要取代洛迪,把锦衣美食的富豪生活据为己有。

50、For example, you may have to directly log on to a server to move log files, but in doing so, you may accidentally delete system files or inadvertently introduce viruses. ─── 例如,要移动日志文件,可能必须直接登录到服务器,但是这样做,可能会意外地删除系统文件或在不注意的情况下引入病毒。

51、Soft fur touches skin inadvertently, a bit itchy, a bit slippery, as if grasses stroke our skin gently. ─── 柔软的皮草不经意地触碰一下皮肤,有点痒,有点滑,犹如小草抚摸着我们的肌肤。

52、When a document is marked as final, its typing, editing commands, and proofing marks are disabled, and people who view the document cannot inadvertently change the document. ─── 在将文档标记为最终版本后,其键入、编辑命令以及校对标记都会被禁用,以防查看文档的用户不经意地更改该文档。

53、Only heard of the north wind whistled, inadvertently opening night of the title page. ─── 只听到吹着口哨的北风,不经意的掀开夜的扉页。

54、Your model will hold that shape forever, until you decide to reshape it, or someone or something inadvertently reshapes it. ─── 你的模型会永久性地保持形状,除非你决定重塑形状,或是被别的什么无意中碰过。

55、So perfume is in what became a woman inadvertently is invisible calling card, make next mark to oneself while, capture of imperceptible also ground his heart. ─── 假如你希望香水味更加婉约一点,那么可以选择用棉球或花瓣蘸上香水塞入内衣罩杯内。

56、Harry and Hermione in the men were caught, is looking for Haig at the Gloppe inadvertently liberate them. ─── 在哈利和赫敏被人马捉住时,是格洛普在寻找海格时无意间解放了他们。

57、He inadvertently knocked over his cup of coffee. ─── 他不留神碰翻了自己那杯咖啡。

58、Yet the very factors that led to the PC's success inadvertently prevented IBM from reaping all the benefits itself. ─── 不过,促成项目成功的开发方式无意中也使得IBM不可能将所有的好处一家独揽。

59、A small brown mouse, is always flirting with eyes to see you, and often inadvertently playing only during the big gray cat. ─── 棕色的小老鼠,总是用挑逗的眼神看你,并且常常在不经意期间玩弄这只大灰猫。

60、This provides a convenient escape route if a user changes his mind or inadvertently clicks the wrong button. ─── 如果用户改变了主意,这也提供了一条方便的逃逸途径。

61、We had inadvertently left without paying the bill. ─── 我们无意之中未付账就离开了。

62、Occasional day, by chance, inadvertently picked up, gently peel the beautiful shell, which is a complete proof of the fruit, or just a rotten soil. ─── 偶有一天,机缘巧合,无心拾起,轻轻的把那美丽的壳剥开,里面是完整如昔的果实,还是一块腐土而已。

63、If you have accidentally pressed CAPS LOCK, then you're inadvertently typing your password in all capital letters. ─── 如果意外按下了Caps Lock,则会无意键入所有字母都大写的密码。

64、However, many of these features can lead a programmer inadvertently to allow security holes to creep into a Web application. ─── 同时,这些特性也会使开发者无意之中在程序里留下安全漏洞。

65、Perhaps you can not become a great poet, but it will find that inadvertently overlooked a lot of things on the side. ─── 也许你不能成为大诗人,但却会发现很多不经意忽略的东西就在身边。

66、Coming to his rescue, Xiao Bo inadvertently utters "I love you," a phrase also used by Martians. ─── 小博赶来抢救,无意中说出了“我爱你”,一句火星人也在使用的语句。

67、Another possibility is that Sagittarian self-centeredness may have led to neglecting the needs of others and inadvertently harming them. ─── 另一个可能是射手座的自我中心造成忽略了别人的需求、并在无意中伤害了他人。

68、But the second round, Team Indonesia start the resistance, the White Ni Hua inadvertently lost, but Hou Yifan won the final victory in the two second round tie. ─── 不过第二轮比赛,印尼队开始抵抗,执白的倪华不慎告负,不过侯逸凡最终获得了胜利,两队在第二轮比赛中打成平手。

69、You may have inadvertently pressed the wrong button. ─── 你也许无意中按错了按钮。

70、In making the selection we passed this short piece by quite inadvertently. ─── 在挑选时我们完全出自疏忽而漏过了这篇短文。

71、Inadvertently, President Obama has exposed the hypocrisy in world opinion, particularly European opinion, which he was trying to appease. ─── 不经意中,奥巴马揭露了他尝试去讨好的世界舆论特别是欧洲舆论的伪善。

72、While weeding the garden, the gardener inadvertently pulled up a valuable plant. ─── 园丁除草时,一不小心把一颗珍贵的植物拔出来了。

73、Jimmy hides in the bush that his dog Rover just recently pooped in.Jimmy inadvertently gets Rover’s poop on his hand and doesn’t realize it. ─── 吉米藏进了一堆树丛,刚好他的小狗罗福之前在那儿拉了坨屎,而吉米却不小心把它粘到了手上完全没有察觉。

74、He explained that he inadvertently hit the limiter button twice. ─── 他解释说是他无意间按了限速按钮两次。

75、He inadvertently hurt her feelings. ─── 他无意中伤了她的感情。

76、So that the method is not inadvertently called twice. ─── 以便方法不会意外地被调用两次。

77、Others postulate that some miners, working far too deep in the ground, inadvertently operated in areas of powerful buried magic. ─── 其它一些假设是,一些矿工,挖到地面之下太深了。无意中挖了埋藏有强大魔法的地方。

78、What can I do if I were to find myself inadvertently out of stock of the medication I am taking and am unable to attend on a weekday? ─── 假若我非故意地发觉所用的药物用毕,而又不能于平日前来大学保健处取药,应怎么办?

79、While you were making your suggestions, you inadvertently criticized the person who initiated the project: our Senior VP! ─── 你在提出建议时,无意中批评了这个项目的发起人,这个人是公司的资深副总裁!

80、If type promotion is defeated for a module member and you do not fully qualify that member, you could inadvertently access a different programming element. ─── 如果某个模块成员的类型提升失效,而您没有完全限定该成员,则无意中可能会访问另一个编程元素。

81、Inadvertently finally understand your sentence : "Even if the whole world abandoned me, basketball is always accompanied me back! ─── 不经意间终于懂了你的那句话:"即使全世界都抛弃了我,篮球会永远陪着我!

82、She compulsively or inadvertently places herself at the apex of triangulated relationships and fails to see the pain she causes in the process. ─── 她总是有意无意地进入三角恋爱的游戏,但是没能看到她在这过程中给别人带来的痛苦。

83、So heart will be also inadvertently been secularization of. ─── 以至于心也在不经意间被俗化了。

84、"Floor Paozhaopaozhao I would laugh inadvertently," Mihm said, "and two years ago is unlikely to occur. ─── “我在场上跑着跑着也会不经意的笑出来,”米姆表示,“而在两年前显然是不可能会发生的。”

85、If you inadvertently format a manual page break (page break: The point at which one page ends and another begins. ─── 如果您不经意的将一个手动分页符(分页符:上一页结束以及下一页开始的位置。

86、One night during C4, someone inadvertently helped me see this when he described to me the nature of his work: "Coding the basic functionality is the easy part. ─── 在C4的一个晚上,有人在向我描述他的工作的时候,无意中帮助我看到了这一点:编码这个基本要素是最容易的部分。

87、Fabulous Raphael lacked Fuerna Rena's love, inadvertently put to good use his artistic talent, finally also because indulge in sensual pleasures excessive, die young. ─── 传说拉斐尔缺少了弗尔娜丽娜的爱情,就无心施展他的艺术天才,最后也因纵欲过度,英年早逝。

88、In Singapore, we often inadvertently donate our hard-earned money to the state treasury. ─── 在新加坡,我们经常都在不经意的把我们的血汗钱捐给国库对新加坡的建国作出一番贡献。

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