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08-14 投稿


concatenation 发音

英:[k?nk?t?'ne??n]  美:[k?n'k?t?'ne??n]

英:  美:

concatenation 中文意思翻译



concatenation 短语词组

1、concatenation operation ─── [计] 并置运算, 连接运算

2、concatenation formula ─── 串联公式

3、symbol concatenation ─── [计] 符号并置

4、concatenation expression ─── 同化表达

5、concatenation error ─── [计] 并置错误

6、concatenation defined ─── 连接已定义

7、concatenation definition ─── 串联定义

8、string concatenation ─── [计] 串连接, 串并置

9、concatenation rule ─── [计] 并置规则

10、concatenation vhdl ─── 级联vhdl

11、two dimensional concatenation ─── 二维串联

12、concatenation operator ─── [计] 并置算符, 连接算符

13、two-dimensional concatenation ─── 二维串联

14、concatenation the name ─── 连接名称

15、concatenation with unsized ─── 未调整大小的串联

16、concatenation define ─── 串联定义

17、concatenation control ─── 串级调节,级联调节

18、concatenation character ─── [计] 并置字符

19、dummy parameter concatenation ─── [计] 哑参数并置, 虚参数连接

concatenation 词性/词形变化,concatenation变形

动词过去式: concatenated |动词过去分词: concatenated |名词: concatenation |动词现在分词: concatenating |动词第三人称单数: concatenates |

concatenation 相似词语短语

1、concatenating ─── v.把…连在一起;连接(concatenate的ing形式);adj.[植]连接的

2、concatenates ─── v.连接;连锁(concatenate的第三人称单数形式)

3、concatenate ─── v.连接,连结,使连锁;adj.连接的,连结的,连锁的

4、incatenation ─── 监禁

5、concatenations ─── n.一系列相互关联的事,连结

6、concatenated ─── 串级

7、concremation ─── n.火化,同烧数物之事

8、concatenator ─── 连结物

9、catenation ─── n.连锁

concatenation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the chain of command; a complicated concatenation of circumstances ─── 一系列命令;多种情况的复杂串联

2、concatenation motor ─── 串级电动机链系电动机

3、When ON is specified, the result of a concatenation operation is NULL when either operand is NULL. ─── 当指定为ON时,如果串联操作的两个操作数中任意一个为NULL,则结果也为NULL。

4、Tuples, like strings, are immutable: it is not possible to assign to the individual items of a tuple (you can simulate much of the same effect with slicing and concatenation, though). ─── 元组就像字符串,不可改变:不能给元组的一个独立的元素赋值(尽管你可以通过联接和切片来模仿)。

5、The performance of a concatenation operation for a String or StringBuilder object depends on how often a memory allocation occurs. ─── String或StringBuilder对象的串联操作的性能取决于内存分配的发生频率。

6、The construction method of underground concatenation wall tie-in boeart ─── 地下连续墙接头板施工工法

7、Are both strings, the result is the concatenation of their values. ─── 均为字符串,将把它们的值连接起来作为结果。

8、segmented word concatenation ─── 切分词拼接

9、When you work with strings with a null value, the result of the concatenation depends on the session settings. ─── 处理具有空值的字符串时,串联结果取决于会话设置。

10、copyPages makes it easy to construct a PDF document as a concatenation of several pieces. ─── copyPages很方便地把几个PDF文档连接起来形成一个PDF文档。

11、To help protect against SQL statement exploits, never create SQL queries using string concatenation. ─── 为了防止SQL语句利用,决不能串联字符串创建SQL查询。

12、It is desirable that the company is in service industry that has a national market space, such as a concatenation franchised company. ─── 具有全国性产业和市场发展空间,尤其是连锁专营服务领域。

13、smooth concatenation ─── 光滑拼接

14、two dimensional concatenation ─── 二维连接关系

15、In this lesson, you learned how to declare and assign strings, and how to join strings with the concatenation operator ─── 在本课中,您学习了如何声明字符串并给字符串赋值,以及如何使用串连运算符

16、symbol concatenation ─── [计] 符号并置

17、I hope this sufficiently explains concatenation in general, how it relates to PHP, and my experience with using this basic operator. ─── 我希望这些能够充分的解释连接操作符的基本概念和在PHP里的作用,以及我对这个基本操作的经验.

18、The simplest example is the concatenation of strings. ─── 最简单的示例是字符串串联。

19、msgid "concatenation: side effects in one expression have changed the length of another!" ─── 一个表达式的额外效应已改变另一个的长度!"

20、A string constant looks like a character constant, only longer. It is treated as a concatenation of maximum-size character constants for the conditions. So the following are equivalent ─── 字符串常量就象字符常量,只是更长。它可以看作字符常量的最大连接。因此下述代码是等价的

21、The Clinical Application of Concatenation Twin-tube Drainage Written by ─── 并置双管腹腔引流的临床应用

22、Positions and weight labels are retained during the concatenation. ─── 在连接的过程中,位置和权重信息被保留。

23、the chain of command; a complicated concatenation of circumstances. ─── 一系列命令;多种情况的复杂串联。

24、Because modifications to strings involve the creation of new string objects, for performance reasons, large amounts of concatenation or other involved string manipulation should be performed with the ─── 因此,出于性能方面的原因,大量的连接或其他涉及字符串的操作应当用

25、of full concatenation of the SONET payload and ATM bandwidth management also gives carriers the ability to offer new data services, such as virtual private network services at native LAN speeds. ─── SONET负荷的全部连入与ATM带宽管理的结合也给予了电话公司提供新型数据服务的能力,如以本地局域网的速度提供虚拟专网服务。

26、differential concatenation control ─── 微分级联控制

27、The freedom of the unconscious operator combines with conscious notions of responsibility, materiality, and ethics to form a concatenation of these two types of experiences. ─── 执行者的无意识结合了对责任、物质、道德观念有意识的认知,从而形成一系列两种形式的体验。

28、concatenation data set ─── 并置数据集

29、Applications of Virtual Concatenation in Digital Wrapper Technology[J]. ─── 引用该论文 刘国辉,吴红青.

30、The concatenation mechanism allows up to 15 of these 93-character messages to be treated as segments of a longer message. ─── 串联机械装置允许把多达15个这种93字符的信息作为一个更长的信息的片断来处理。

31、If the result of the concatenation of strings exceeds the limit of 8,000 bytes, the result is truncated. ─── 如果字符串串联的结果超出8,000字节的限值,则结果将被截断。

32、If either one is Null, the result of the whole concatenation operation is Null. ─── 如果二者之一为空的, 整体运算结果是空的。

33、concatenation expression ─── 并置表示法

34、The following example prints a combination of a local variable, system functions, and a text string using concatenation. ─── 下面的示例使用串联打印局部变量、系统函数和文本字符串的组合。

35、And concretely this one is aligned against a green area, against the concatenation of public spaces that link the old Carabanchel district with its forest through the new neighborhood. ─── 具体到这个居住区的方案,建筑的布局对应与绿地和卡拉万切尔区的公共空间和临近的树林。

36、Operators allow you to perform arithmetic, comparison, concatenation, or assignment of values. ─── 使用运算符可以执行算术、比较、串联或赋值操作。

37、Avoid using concatenation strings in code. ─── 避免在代码中使用连接字符串。

38、Keywords Dynamic Updating of Language and Knowledge,DCC (Dynamic Circulation Corpus),Automatic Term Extraction,Unlisted Term,Concatenation Index,TFIDF,Domains Subtracting; ─── 动态语言知识更新;动态流通语料库;术语自动提取;新术语;接续指数;TFIDF;领域相减;

39、The following example prints a combination of a local variable, system functions, and a text string using concatenation. ─── 下面的示例使用串联打印局部变量、系统函数和文本字符串的组合。

40、JavaScript has its share of design errors, such as the overloading of + to mean both addition and concatenation with type coercion, and the error-prone with statement should be avoided. ─── JavaScript也有它设计上的错误,比如重载的+号随着类型的不同既表示"相加"又表示"连接",和本该避免的有错误倾向的with语句。

41、When you work with strings with a null value, the result of the concatenation depends on the session settings. ─── 处理具有空值的字符串时,串联结果取决于会话设置。

42、concatenation rule ─── [计] 并置规则

43、concatenation rules ─── 串联规则

44、PHP uses the period (.) as the concatenation operator. ─── PHP使用句点号作为它的操作符.

45、Use echo’s multiple parameters instead of string concatenation. ─── 使用echo的多重参数(译注:指用逗号而不是句点)代替字符串连接。

46、Both the client and the server calculate an MD5 digest of the concatenation of the random string and the password; ─── 客户端和服务器都计算一个用户名和密码串接的MD5摘要。

47、Binding Parameters vs. String concatenation. ─── 2绑定参数vs .字符串拼接。

48、Differences Between the Two Concatenation Operators ─── 两种串联运算符之间的区别

49、concatenation stochastic resonance ─── 变尺度随机共振


51、An iterative decoding scheme is proposed for the concatenation of a convolutional code and a GMSK modulator. ─── 提出了卷积码与GMSK(高斯最小移频键控)调制器级联系统的一种迭代译码方案。

52、Concatenation of letter Zhang Ziyi ─── 字母拼接章子怡

53、Virtual Concatenation ─── n. 虚级联

54、architecture and function model for SDH-based multiservice transport platform(MSTP), SDH virtual concatenation (VC) and Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme(LCAS), packet encapsulation for POS/EOS; ─── SDH多业务传送平台的结构和功能模型、SDH虚级联和链路容量调整机制,POS/EOS的数据包封装技术;

55、But as advanced Java programmers, you all know that string concatenation is bad, right? ─── 但是作为一个高级Java程序员,你们都知道字符串的串接不是很好,对不对?

56、22 An elementary proposition consists of names. It is a nexus, a concatenation, of names. ─── 22基本命题由名称组成。它是名称的一种关联,一种连结。

57、1. (3) It presents a method named "Concatenation Index + TFIDF + Domains Subtracting" for extracting unlisted terms. ─── 在术语提取方法上,提出了“接续指数+TFIDF+领域相减”的方法。收藏指正

58、The string concatenation operator is collation insensitive, the two string operands and the result are assigned the collation label of the operand with the highest collation precedence. ─── 字符串串联运算符不区分排序规则,两个字符串操作数和结果被赋以具有最高排序规则优先顺序的操作数的排序规则标签。

59、All concatenation takes place in the replacement list. (If a single concatenation yields multiple tokens, the behavior is undefined. ─── 所有串接都发生在替换列表中。(如果一次串接产生多个单词,那么行为是未定义的。

60、pitch-synchronous frame concatenation (PSFC) algorithm ─── PSFC算法

61、A package is the concatenation of three strings ─── 一个包包含三个串

62、The SDH/SONET Virtual Concatenation Technology ─── SDH/SONET虚拟级联技术

63、concatenation control ─── 串级调速

64、concatenation operator ─── n. 连串运算符, 并置算符

65、process concatenation ─── 工艺连锁

66、Composing Exes of Underground Concatenation Wall Project ─── 地下连续墙工程的组价方法

67、The Application of RMFC Model in the Three-Dimensional Motion Response Calculation of New Concatenation Type Maritime Quay of Landing Stage ─── RMFC模型在新型拼接式海上栈桥码头三维运动响应计算中的应用

68、concatenation error ─── 并置错误

69、The performance of a concatenation operation for a String or StringBuilder object depends on how often a memory allocation occurs. ─── String或StringBuilder对象的串联操作的性能取决于内存分配的发生频率。

70、The destination path for each operand is the pathname produced by the concatenation of the last operand, a slash, and the final pathname component of the named file. ─── 在第二种格式中,mv 命令移动 source 参数给出的每一个文件到已经存在的 directory 参数给出的目录中。

71、String concatenation is the primary point of entry for script injection. ─── 字符串串联是脚本注入的主要输入点。

72、E1 virtual concatenation ─── E1虚级联

73、Parallel concatenation ─── 并行级联

74、Illegal concatenation of incompatible requests (perhaps version mismatch) ─── 不兼容请求的串联非法(可能是版本不匹配)

75、- :The tsvector concatenation operator returns a vector which combines the lexemes and positional information of the two vectors given as arguments. ─── ) + :tsvector 连接操作符返回一个向量,这个向量组合了两个给出的向量参数的语意(lexeme)和位置信息。

76、If a character sequence that matches the syntax of a universal character name is produced by token concatenation (, the behavior is undefined. ─── 如果一个符合通用字符名称语法的字符序列,由记号连接产生(例如,##)的,其行为是未定义的。

77、A family of asymptotically good quantum codes based on code concatenation ─── 一类基于级联结构的量子好码

78、concatenation operation ─── 并置运算连接运算

79、In that case, the individual concatenation operations might even be combined into a single operation by the compiler. ─── 这种情况下,编译器甚至会将各个串联操作组合到一个操作中。

80、The addition operator also performs string concatenation when either operand is a string. ─── 当任一操作数为字符串时,加法运算符还执行字符串串联操作。

81、Binary dump of option flags such as session level settings, including ANSI nulls, ANSI padding, cursor close on commit, null concatenation, and quoted identifiers. ─── 二进制转储的选项标记(例如会话级别设置),包括ANSI NULLS、ANSI Padding、cursor close on commit、空串联和带引号的标识符。

82、string concatenation ─── [计] 串连接, 串并置

83、extended concatenation ─── 扩展连接

84、It presents a method named "Concatenation Index + TFIDF + Domains Subtracting" for extracting unlisted terms. ─── 在术语提取方法上,提出了“接续指数+TFIDF+领域相减”的方法。

85、differential concatenation ─── 差级联反向串联

86、concatenation of string ─── 串的连接

87、dummy parameter concatenation ─── [计] 哑参数并置, 虚参数连接

88、Therefore, for performance reasons, large amounts of concatenation or other involved string manipulation should be performed with the StringBuilder class, as demonstrated in the code examples below. ─── 因此,出于性能方面的考虑,大量连接或其他涉及的字符串操作应通过StringBuilder类来执行,如下面的代码示例所示。

89、In the following example, name is an identifier that holds a concatenation of the student's first and last names. ─── 在下面的示例中,name是保存学生姓和名的串联的标识符。


concatenation concatenation [英][k?n?k?t??ne??n] n.一系列互相关联的事物; 例句:

1. Concatenation is an appropriate outcome for an addition operation on strings. 连接是对字符串进行加法运算后的适当结果。

2. Concatenation work. Automatism production. Save time, improve efficiency. 连续式作业、完成自动化生产,节省时间,提高效率。

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