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08-14 投稿


grilling 发音

英:[?ɡr?l??]  美:[?ɡr?l??]

英:  美:

grilling 中文意思翻译




grilling 短语词组

1、grilling guests ─── 烧烤客人

2、cyclonic grilling ─── 旋风烧烤

3、grilling recipes ─── 烧烤食谱

4、grilling season ─── 烧烤季节

5、grilling guest ─── 烧烤客人

6、occasion for grilling ─── 烧烤的场合

7、grilling guests on the sofa ─── 在沙发上烤客人

8、grilling magazine ─── 烧烤杂志

grilling 词性/词形变化,grilling变形


grilling 常用词组

radiator grille ─── 水箱,水箱饰罩

grilling 相似词语短语

1、frilling ─── n.绉边,饰边材料;v.起边绉,褶成绉边(frill的现在分词形式)

2、prilling ─── n.造粒;造粒工艺;v.使变成颗粒状(prill的ing形式)

3、grillading ─── 烧烤

4、gilling ─── n.(Gilling)人名;(英)吉林

5、gorilline ─── 大猩猩

6、Brailling ─── 咆哮

7、grillings ─── 烧烤

8、Trilling ─── n.[晶体]三连晶;三胞胎中的一个孩子;v.用颤声说(trill的ing形式);n.(Trilling)人名;(英、德、俄)特里林

9、drilling ─── n.钻孔;训练,教练;演练;v.钻孔;训练(drill的ing形式)

grilling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、While they were cooking, an automatic sprinkler system came on, dousing the grill. ─── 在他们正忙活时,一个自动喷水装置喷过来水,把他们的烤架浇灭了。

2、We have to clean the grill before we start a fire. ─── 在生火前我们必须把烤架清理干净。

3、The Peace Grill serves a perfect combinationg of French Cuisine, which is presented by our French chef. ─── 和平扒房供应正宗法国西菜,由法国名厨主理。

4、For dinner we return to this joint we found the night before. It's sort of two businesses in one. There's a guy grilling stuff on sticks. ─── 晚饭时我们回到了这家我们昨天发现的店。貌似两家都在这做生意。有一个男人在烤串。

5、If you don't have charcoal when making yakitori at home, place the grill on a gas or electric stove. ─── 在家庭中烤焙鸡肉串时,如果没有木炭,也可以使用煤气炉或是电炉。

6、Bring dough, onions, cheese, nuts, parsley, and remaining Tbsp oil to grill area. ─── 将生面团,洋葱,干酪,胡桃,欧芹及剩下的油移至烧烤区

7、Bronfman was spotted having lunch at the Grill Room with Roger Ames, then Warner Music's chairman. ─── 十几年来,这家餐馆每天中午12点半左右就开始上演精彩的真人秀,剧中人物都扮演他们自己。

8、What would be on the grill at a cookout at Shawn Marion's house? ─── 如果在你家附近办一个烧烤,你会烤什么东西?

9、He fired up the grill to cook. ─── 他点着烤架来做饭。

10、They occur, for instance, in the soot that coats every barbecue grill, albeit in minute quantities. ─── 举例来说,烤肉网表面的碳灰里就有富勒烯,尽管数量相当少。

11、Household portable appliances for cooking, grilling and similar use - Methods for measuring performance. ─── 家用便携式灶具、烤架和类似用途的器具。测量性能的方法。

12、Sneaking off to have a manicure instead of grilling fish fingers is selfish, but toiling over the computer is not. ─── 偷偷跑去修指甲而不烤鱼条是自私的,但在电脑上努力工作则不是。

13、To really reduce HCAs in ground meat, mix textured soy protein into it before grilling. ─── 切实减轻化合物在地面肉类,大豆蛋白混合织成烤之前。

14、The postmistress handed him back through the grill his card with a letter. ─── 女邮政局长隔着黄铜格栅把他的名片连同一封信递了过来。

15、Among them was Astor Bar &Grill, Bank Aldwych, Hosteria del Pesce, Mocoto and Tugga. ─── 与2006年相比,这个数字上升了13%,并超越了2005年创下的142家的原有纪录。

16、He made the remark during intense grilling from US lawmakers on Wednesday. ─── 他是在美国国会周三的强烈谴责下作此表态的。

17、Can you believe someone put together a database of vehicle grill dimensions? ─── 你相信居然有人把车辆架构尺寸搜集起来弄了个资料库嘛?

18、On the exterior we get the usual ABT grill, side skirts, new front and rear skirts with the standard ABT quad-exhaust. ─── 外我们通常生根粉格栅,侧裙,新的前部和后部的裙子标准生根粉四排气。

19、All the really needed to get started were a grill, a bun warmer, and a few stools. ─── 他只要有一个烤架,一个烤面包炉、几张凳子,就可以开张。

20、This stone grill is the center piece of the Mingpin restaurant. ─── 因此,石头烧成了铭品火锅的一大特色,让食客可以美味与健康二者兼得。

21、You'll stay on the grill for two hours and then switch with someone on the cash register. ─── 你会在烤肉架那里待两个小时,然后与收款机的人员换班。

22、He will get an intense grilling from lawmakers. ─── 他将受到议员们严厉的质询。

23、Outside, use a charcoal grill, hibachi or camp stove removing the paper label from the can so it doesn't burn. ─── 在室外使用木炭烤架、木炭火盆或野营炉具加热,去掉罐头上的纸质标签,这样就不会灼伤人。

24、Are you intrigue with grilling or frying steak or kidney-pie or casserole? ─── 你对烧烤、煎牛排、煎腰饼、砂锅炖肉感兴趣吗?

25、She carried a piping hot grill of oysters and bacon. ─── 她端出一盘滚烫的烤牡蛎和咸肉。

26、Back to work. The grill is calling me. ─── 回去干活了,烤肉炉在呼唤我了。

27、Just one minute of microwaving a burger before you put it on the grill virtually eliminates HCAs. ─── 仅需要一分钟的微波加热,汉堡肉排在烧烤时就几乎不会产生杂环胺类物质。

28、When the weather's not right for grilling, try broiling instead. ─── 天气不适合架烤时,可以用炉烤来代替。

29、Are you grilling the vegetables on this grill? ─── 你在这个烤架上面烤蔬菜吗?

30、It’s a good time to pick up grilling accessories and yard and garden tools and accessories, too. ─── 同样,买隔栅的附件、在庭院花园使用的工具和附件也是个不错的选择。

31、He handed the card through the brass grill. ─── 他隔着黄铜格栅把名片递过去。

32、Rather than an information-gathering session, the executives should be ready to face a grilling worthy of Torquemada. ─── 这些高管们应该准备好面对极其严酷的拷问,而不仅仅是参与资料收集会议。

33、Five of the best-paid managers endured a pantomime grilling by Congress. ─── 5家收入最高的基金经理受到了美国国会的调查。

34、Only then do you start cooking, with the grill positioned here. ─── 只有到了那时,你才能开始烧烤,而且烤肉架得这么放。”

35、He finds a job as a cook in a grill restaurant in Florida. ─── 他在佛罗里达州的一家烧烤餐馆中找到一份厨师的工作。

36、Spread garlic sauce on top of the mussels, arrange on grill tray. Put to grill for 5 minutes. Serve hot. ─── 将蒜蓉汁铺在青口,排放上烤盘,烤约5分钟,趁热品尝。

37、Cooking outdoors on a charcoal grill is a favorite tradition all over the United States. ─── 在木炭烤架上进行户外烹饪是流行于全美的很受欢迎的做法。

38、On the plane, Mandy continues to grill Martin flirtatiously. There is growing attraction between them. ─── 在飞机上,曼迪继续与马丁调情,并套问他一些情况。俩人彼此之间的吸引力不断增强。

39、Another tip: Precook your meat in the oen and then throw it on the grill to finish. ─── 另一则小贴士:先将肉放入烘箱中预热,然后再将其放到烤架上进行烧烤。

40、There is no grill in Room Service. ─── 客房服务部不卖烧烤的食品。

41、Had he asked any friends to grill him in a mock interview? ─── 他可曾请朋友向他提问,对他进行模拟面试?

42、Man, you better shut up or I'll bust your grill! ─── 喂,你最好给我闭嘴,否则我打暴你的牙齿。

43、As mock inquisitors grill him, top aides take notes and critique the answers with the President afterward. ─── 当伪装的法官对他严刑逼问时,高级副官们在旁记录,后来又把的供词重新检查了一遍。

44、Use a clean platter and tongs when you retrieve the cooked meat off the grill. ─── 使用一个干净的盘子和钳当您检索熟肉了烧烤。

45、Although at first i wasnt very keen on the grill at one side of the bonnet but i am used to it now and quite like it! ─── 一开始我不喜欢机舱盖上的206特有的槽孔,但现在已经习惯并开始喜欢了。

46、Don't ask that again, or I will grill your ass. ─── 不要再过问这件事,否则我会让你死的!

47、Among the scads of TV stars I've talked to, I never made a point of grilling them on their TV consumption. ─── 在众多与我交谈的电视明星中,本人从未认真探究过他们具体消费了多少电视节目。

48、Brazilian grill,a real latin custom! ─── 巴西烤肉,真正的拉丁风情!

49、From the (three) Saturday garage sale I bought a grill and an microwave oven. ─── 从上周六旧货抛售中买到了微波炉和电烤盘。

50、Specialize in : Contractor Of All Kinds Of Iron Works, Iron Gates, Fencing Grill Window, Stair Cases. ─── 中文):承接篱笆、铁马、铁门、花窗、楼梯、铁闸、拦河、金字及一切铁器工程。

51、Grill, A., 1994, “Cold plasma in materials fabrication “, IEEE PRIES. ─── 张癸森,2001,”以低温电浆提升吸附材表面性质”,私立中原大学硕士论文。

52、Scientists do not know what causes acrylamide to form but they believe it occurs as a result of a chemical process during baking, frying, or grilling. ─── 科学家并不知道是什么导致丙烯酰胺的形成,但是他们相信它是在烘焙、油煎、烧烤或烘烤过程中产生的一种化学物质。

53、Grill restaurant that sells only gizzard. ─── 专卖内脏类的烧烤店,据说是艺人开的?

54、AMERICA'S embattled bank bosses will face a grilling from the House financial services committee on Wednesday February 11th. ─── 2月11日(周三),四面楚歌的美国银行老板们将面对一个来自众议院金融服务委员会的“烤问”。

55、The minister faced a tough grilling at today's press conference. ─── 部长在今天的记者招待会上受到了严厉的盘问。

56、Because of their low fat content, most of the lean cuts will need to be marinated for a couple of hours before grilling. ─── 因为大多数的瘦肉脂肪含量很少,所以在烤之前往往要花上数小时来腌制。

57、Simply grilling or frying sausages will yield delicious results, as long as the meat is good quality. ─── 只要肉质优良,简单的烤或者煎一下,就能做出一道美味的香肠大餐。

58、As mock inquisitors grill him, top aidestake notes and critique the answers with the President afterward. ─── 当伪装的法官对他严刑逼问时,高级副官们在旁记录,后来又把的供词重新检查了一遍。

59、He said: "Ray has given me a bit of a grilling in the press but it would be so easy for me to come out fighting. " ─── 他说:“雷胖子在媒体上给我制造了点麻烦,我要出面和他争一争还真是个容易事。”

60、There is also a recess above the grill for warming plates. ─── 在烤架上方还有一个凹槽,用于放置保温盘。

61、Put it under a hot grill to brown for two minutes. ─── 将它置于烤炉内炽热的烤架下烘烤两分钟使之变成褐色。

62、The Republicans who have been critical of her past remarks on race are expected to give Sotomayor a grilling today. ─── 共和党谁批评了她过去备注种族可望于今天索托马约尔一烤。

63、What do you think? Will you think about healthier grilling during your Memorial Day celebration? Or is this a health message you plan to ignore? ─── 你认为呢?在欢度阵亡将士纪念日时,你是考虑采用更健康的烧烤呢?还是对这条健康消息嗤之以鼻?

64、The earthwork grill buries is buried may have the virtual impedance function. ─── 土工格栅埋入土中可产生有效阻抗作用。

65、Grilling out has a way of attracting flies and so does just relaxing on the deck. ─── 在甲板上烧烤是令人感到轻松的,然而却很容易吸引苍蝇。

66、Do you have a barbecue grill? Do you use it? ─── 你们有烤肉架吗?你用它吗?

67、Thread the ingredients with skewers. Put the seafood skewers on the grill until they are done. ─── 以竹签把已调味的材料串起,放上烤炉烧至熟透即成。

68、Most gateways had a metal grill called a portcullis. ─── 大多数通道上都装有叫作吊闸的铁格栅。

69、He's grilling out there in the midday sun. ─── 他在正午的阳光下受炙烤。

70、In Italy, Dario Cecchiniknown as the Michelangelo of meat elevates grilling to an art form. ─── 义大利的达利欧就像肉品界的米开朗基罗,把烤肉升华为一种艺术。

71、Can control temperature separately for front and back, for grilling and keeping hot dogs hot at the same time. ─── 共11根转轴,前6根转轴和后5根转轴配独立温控,可以分别或同时烘烤香肠;

72、At the beginning of last summer, Chuck decided that it was time to get a new grill. ─── 去年初夏,恰克决定该是买一台新烤肉炉的时候了。

73、You want to grilling me now. ─── 你想现在进入正题吗?

74、Flip over and grill for 3 min. ─── 将虾翻转再烤3分钟即成。

75、They mean grilling lots of meat. ─── 他们说的是烤大把大把的肉。

76、Boca makes vegetarian breakfast patties, chicken nuggets, and Italian sausages that are great on the grill. ─── 博卡提供早餐素肉饼,素炸鸡块和素意大利香肠,都十分适合烧烤。

77、Well done. Put them on the grill. ─── 干得好。把肉放到烤架上去吧。

78、"There is no chance of the deal taking place," Grill told the Daily Star. ─── 他告诉每日星报:“这项交易没有完成的可能性”。

79、The South American country bested a Mexican grilling record from 2006 by a resounding 4 tonnes. ─── 乌拉圭是一个南美国家。这次他们打破的是由墨西哥人在2006年创造的4吨牛肉的烧烤记录。

80、The former bosses of two banks that have had to be bailed out by the British government are facing a gruelling grilling in Parliament. ─── 两个需要英国政府救助的银行的前老板们正在面临英国议会严厉质询。

81、To make toasts: Prepare grill or preheat broiler. ─── 制作烤面包片:准备烤架或预热烤焙用具。

82、In broiling or grilling, the food is cooked directly over a very hot flame. ─── 在烧烤时,食物都放在火焰上方直接烤。

83、So do you wanna start grilling me now, or should we wait till after dinner? ─── 好吧’你要现在开始拷问我还是吃完饭再说?

84、He'd anticipated a grilling, and had a map ready to show her. ─── 他以为会遭到什么盘问,于是准备了一张地图来应对。

85、The Queen's Grill on the Queen Elizabeth II serves 15% of the world's consumption of Beluga caviar. ─── 上个世纪初,鱼子酱产量甚丰,但是很咸;美国纽约的酒吧免费供应鱼子酱,目的是要使客人喝下更多的啤酒

86、They went to Murphy's Bar and Grill on 45th Street in New York. ─── 他们去了纽约第45号街的墨菲酒吧兼烧烤店。

87、All right, before you throw that burger on the grill, another E.coli warning today in a huge beef recall. ─── 好的,在你把那个肉饼放上烤架之前,先来听下今天一场大规模的牛肉回收中另一个关于大肠杆菌的警告。

88、The vote came a day after Geithner endured hours of grilling over his failure to pay thousands of dollars in back taxes. ─── 这次参议院投票是在Geithner接受了一个有关他的一笔数千美元的补缴税款问询后第二天举行的。

89、breast can be cut into portions for grilling. ─── 胸脯肉可以切成小块来烤。

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