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08-14 投稿


afield 发音

英:[??fi?ld]  美:[??fi?ld]

英:  美:

afield 中文意思翻译




afield 网络释义

adv. 在战场上;去野外;在远处;远离著n. (Afield)人名;(英)阿菲尔德

afield 常用词组

far afield ─── 远离;广泛地(的);闻所未闻(的)

afield 词性/词形变化,afield变形

名词复数: aficionados |

afield 短语词组

far afield

1. 远处

Don't go too far afield or you'll get lost.

别走太远, 不然你会迷路的。

1、afield safe ─── 野外保险箱

2、afield out ─── 远 ─── 远的

3、come from afield ─── 来自外地

4、afield book ─── 外域书

5、afield trip ─── 野外旅行

6、afield grant ─── 外地补助金

7、afield meaning ─── 远场意义

8、far afield adv. ─── 远离, ─── 远离家乡

9、afield means ─── 远的意思是

10、afield def ─── 外地定义

afield 习惯用语

1、go too far afield ─── (使)走入歧途

2、get far afield from one's subject ─── 离题太远

3、far afield ─── 远方, 远处 ─── 广泛的[地] ─── 没经历过的, 闻所未闻的

4、lead too far afield ─── (使)走入歧途

afield 相似词语短语

1、gasfield ─── 气田

2、Hatfield ─── n.哈特菲尔德(英国一城市)

3、canfield ─── n.甘菲德牌戏(一种单人纸牌戏);n.(Canfield)人名;(英、西)坎菲尔德

4、Hadfield ─── n.(Hadfield)人名;(英)哈德菲尔德

5、-fields ─── n.域,字段;场设置(field复数形式);v.使上场(field的单三形式);n.(Fields)人名;(德、英、葡)菲尔茨

6、airfield ─── n.飞机场

7、field ─── n.领域;牧场;旷野;战场;运动场;字段;vi.担任场外队员;adj.扫描场;田赛的;野生的;vt.把暴晒于场上;使上场;处理,应付(问题或意见);n.(Field)(英、法、德、葡)菲尔德(人名)

8、hayfield ─── n.干草地,种秣草地

9、Garfield ─── n.加菲猫(卡通形象);加菲尔德(男子名)

afield 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Alain Ducasse already has several Michelin stars, but now he is determined to conquer diners further afield. ─── 亚兰迪卡斯已获得数个《米其林》(餐饮美食评鉴)星级肯定,但他现在决心要征服更遥远的食客。

2、Journalists came from as far afield as China. ─── 新闻记者来自中国等遥远的地方。

3、We need to think further afield about the question in this aspect. ─── 对这方面的问题我们必须考虑的长远一些。

4、The bus will come from further afield are also a large number of residents to the delivery of MTR, MTR stations overload originally had more crowded. ─── 小区的班车将更远地区的居民也大批的往地铁运送,使原本就已经超负荷的地铁站更加拥挤。

5、But a failure in Latvia could also have hurt Sweden (where the banks have lent recklessly to the Baltic states) and might have capsized wobbly ex-communist economies farther afield, such as Hungary. ─── 但是,拉脱维亚的危机并没有波及到曾大笔一挥予其贷款的瑞典,却可能会导致远方那些风雨飘摇的前共产主义政权国家经济遭受重创,比如匈牙利。

6、If fridges today can decide to buy you more milk (online),then self motivated vacuums don't sound so far afield. ─── 如果今天的冰箱能决定为你再购买一些牛奶(网上),那么能自动启动的吸尘器听起来就不那么遥远了。

7、Doctors as far afield as Italy and Australia are using Argentina's world famous tango to treat problems ranging from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease to phobias and marital breakdowns. ─── 意大利及澳大利亚的医生目前正使用阿根廷探戈,治疗老年痴呆症、帕金森、恐惧症及婚姻破裂等。

8、"To drive (livestock) slowly or far afield, especially for grazing." ─── "慢慢地或在野地里赶(牲口),尤指为了放牧."

9、But the bank found consolation in Thailand's growing sales to its neighbours and to "new" markets farther afield. ─── 但是该银行从泰国对邻国以及更加遥远的“新”市场日益增长的销售额中找到了安慰。

10、Missionaries went far afield to propagate their faith. ─── 传教士到远方去传播其信仰。

11、Farther afield, we also look forward to provide for the elderly, children are ignorant of everything. ─── 再远点,我们又期待着老有所养,儿女们懂事。

12、looking afield for new lands to conquer- R.A.Hall. ─── 到外面去发现新的领地去攻克-R.A.霍尔。

13、Fishermen from as far afield as Germany trekked to this lake hoping to hook a fish the size of a family dog. ─── 垂钓者不惜从德国等地来到这里,希望钓到这条像小狗一样大小的鲤鱼。

14、Western intelligence people in Nairobi, Kenya's capital, have long feared that Somali jihadists will spread their wings into neighbouring countries or even farther afield. ─── 在肯尼亚首都奈落比的西方情报人员长期以来都担心索马里的圣战主义者会将其势力扩展到邻国或是更远的地方。

15、Some of those partners are turning into formidable competitors themselves, with ambitions both in their own markets and further afield. ─── 它们中的一些合作企业正在自身转型为这场竞赛中最强大的竞争者,他们对国内外市场野心勃勃。

16、How jocund did they drive their team afield! ─── 他们多么欢欣地赶牲口下地!

17、His reputation is well known around the world and his works can be seen as far afield as frankfurt, Paris and even Dallas, U.S.A ─── 他的名气无远弗届,法兰克福、巴黎,乃至美国德州达拉斯,都可以看到他的作品。

18、But look further afield and the affinity between open politics and open markets seems clear. ─── 不过若我们的视野能再开阔些,便能发现开放型市场和民主政治之间若隐若现的那层亲密关系就清晰了。

19、ead too far afield ─── (使)走入歧途

20、Jamie is usually seen whizzing around London's markets and shops on his scooter, but in this series he ventures a little further afield. ─── 在第三辑上半部中,占美奥利华将搬离西汉普斯特旧居,同时正忙于搜罗适当的材料来预备新居入伙派对的美食以慰劳帮忙搬家的朋友们。

21、But just as America is hedging its relationship with China by maintaining a strong military presencein Asia, so China is tryingto strengthen its relationships in Asia andfarther afield. ─── 但就如同美国通过在亚洲部署强大军力以与中国保持距离一样,中国也试图加强与亚洲及其他国家的联系。

22、Housekeepers: If fridges today can decide to buy you more milk (online), then self motivated vacuums don' t sound so far afield. ─── 家庭主妇:如果今天的冰箱能决定为你再购买一些牛奶(网上),那么能自动启动的吸尘器听起来就不那么遥远了。

23、Yet these setbacks look inconsequential when set against the monstrous losses reported by bigger banks farther afield. ─── 但是,这些挫折和远方大银行们那些巨额损失相比,实在显得微不足道。

24、Immediate offers of airlifts and naval support from as far afield as the United States were greeted with hesitation. ─── 地处遥远的美国政府企图提供及时的空运和海运援助也受到了冷遇。

25、Some Chinese officers want to fly the flag ever farther afield as a demonstration of China's rise. ─── 一些中国军官希望能让国旗在国土以外更远的地方飘扬,以为中国崛起的明证。

26、A move to Earls Court - which is walking distance from Stamford Bridge - would be relatively popular with fans who would be furious if the club decided to move further afield. ─── 为什么斯坦福桥扩建受阻???希望不要搬迁,因为所有切尔西球迷都是在斯坦福桥看着蓝军一步步地成长,一直到如今的辉煌!!

27、They were true to the facts in one regard, yet far afield as far as the main issue is concerned. ─── 他们忠实于事实的一个方面,而就主要问题而言却远非如此。”

28、You can hire a car if you want to explore further afield. ─── 假如你想逛更远的地方,可以租辆汽车。

29、By looking further afield, they hope to earn excess returns and narrow their gaping deficits. ─── 为获得额外的回报,弥补亏空,它们将目光落在了旁门左道上。

30、He went too far afield. ─── 他离题太远了。

31、of the demand for the services and goods was no doubt fulfilled by people drawn from far afield, but some local people certainly became entwined in this new economy. ─── 无疑,一些来自遥远地区的人们对商品和服务有所需求,但同样能够肯定的是,本地人也正在和新经济产生紧密的联系。

32、1. Housekeepers: If fridges today can decide to buy you more milk (online), then self motivated vacuums don‘t sound so far afield. ─── 家庭主妇:如果今天的冰箱能决定为你再购买一些牛奶(网上),那么能自动启动的吸尘器听起来就不那么遥远了。收藏指正

33、Once he starts talking, he will go far afield from his original topic. ─── 他只要一开始说话,就会偏离原来的话题。

34、Mithraea have also been found along the Danube and Rhine river frontier, in the province of Dacia (where in 2003 a temple was found in Alba-Iulia) and as far afield as Numidia in North Africa. ─── 密特拉教也发现在多瑙河和莱恩河的边境上,在达卡的一个省份内(2003年,在Alba-Iulia发现了一座庙宇),远至北非努米底亚的区域。

35、Let us waive any questions concerning the validity of the principle that every event has a cause, for though the question is important its discussion would lead us far afield. ─── 我们暂不考虑万事均有因果关系这一原则是否有效,因为这一问题尽管重要,但那样的讨论将会使我们离题太远。

36、To examine them in this book would take us too far afield. ─── 在这本书里去讨论它们会使我们太离题了。

37、You can hire a car if you want to explore further afield. ─── 假如你想逛更远的地方,可以租辆汽车。

38、They have also had an impact farther afield, in areas from art to politics. ─── 它们带来的冲击还延伸至艺术乃至政治的领域。

39、With interest rates in the U. S. near record lows, investors are searching farther afield, and are often willing to take on more risk. ─── 在美国国内利率接近纪录低水平的情况下,投资者正在往国外搜寻,常常愿意承担更多风险。

40、Or if you'd like to go farther afield, Chinwangtao is quite pleasant!" ─── 再不然,远一些,就是秦皇岛也行

41、Do not go too far afield ─── 不要走得太远。

42、We have a wide mix of nationalities here, ranging from nearby countries such as Spain, France and Italy to further afield like China, Japan, Korea, Iceland and South America. ─── 我们的学生来自世界各地,由邻近国家比如西班牙,法国和意大利到远至中国,日本,韩国,冰岛和南美洲。

43、She looked at intriguing submissions from as far afield as Iceland. ─── 她查看的让人感兴趣的候选人最远的来自冰岛。

44、Thereafter, America vied with the Soviet Union for supremacy in aerospace's equivalent of “mine's bigger than yours”, as successively taller rockets lobbed larger payloads further afield. ─── 从此以后,美苏展开了对太空霸权的竞争,不停地追求“更大”:更高的火箭携带更多的有效载荷到达更远的空间。

45、EMI can adversely affect the performance of a circuit internally and that of other associated equipment in close proximity or even far afield. ─── EMI 能不利的影响线路的表现在内部和那其他人在接近的接近中或甚至更甚远至野外联合仪器。

46、Don't go too far afield! ─── 不要走的太远!

47、Together they went afield in the wondrous dewy dawns and the warm summer afternoons found them making butter and cheese in the cool, white dairy-house. ─── 多少个美妙的、带着露水的黎明,他们一同走在田野上;多少个暖洋洋的夏日午后,他们同在凉爽的白色牛奶房里搅黄油,做乳酪。

48、Frankie continued to frequent the grounds, but as the months passed he explored farther afield. ─── 弗兰基仍常去附近的场地。 随着时光流逝,它去更远的田野探索。

49、the armies were afield, challenging the enemy's advance; unlawful to carry hunting rifles afield until the season opens. ─── 军队正在战场上阻止敌军的前进;在可以打猎的季节到来之前,非法带着猎枪到原野上去打猎。

50、If you come from further afield, the need to change trains in Beijing, it would trouble some. ─── 如果你来自更远的地方,需要在北京转车的话,会麻烦一些。

51、Became the female able person with famous far and near, aureate dream realized on afield. ─── 成了远近闻名的女能人,在田野上实现了金色的梦。

52、Mr Obama's determination to set America's relations with Muslims on a new footing will bring hope across the Middle East and farther afield. ─── 奥巴马决心在一个新的立足点上建立美国与穆斯林的关系将会给整个中东和更远的地方带来希望。

53、However, should the high elves roam farther afield, they often discover a different matter entirely.A band of elves on the march must sometimes rely upon the generosity of others. ─── 但当高等精灵离开故土、在外远游时,他们常常发现这些地方与他们的家园完全不同,以至于一群离家远行的高等精灵有时必须依赖他人的慷慨赠与才能生活。

54、Together they went afield in the wondrous dewy dawns and the warm summer afternoons found them making butter and cheese in the cool,white dairy - house. ─── 多少个美妙的、带著露水的黎明,他们一同走在田野上;多少个暖洋洋的夏日午后,他们同在凉爽的白色牛奶房里搅黄油,做乳酪。

55、Conflicting reports of how much radiation was spreading farther afield were enough to cause panic. ─── 对于辐射量前后矛盾的报告足以引发民众的恐慌。

56、The armies were afield. ─── 军队已上战场。

57、At times he was vilified by just about every government in the region, and by quite a few farther afield. ─── 他有时会遭到地区几乎所有政府的辱骂,以及一些远处国家政府的诽谤。

58、Don't go too far afield or we might lose you. ─── 不要走得太远,要不然我们会找不到你的。

59、Further afield, the air of prosperity was even more marked. ─── 在离此很远的地方,繁荣的景象更为明显。

60、far afield ─── adj. 远方(在远方, 迷路)

61、Lately, he had begun to direct attacks farther afield. ─── 后来,他开始指挥更大范围的袭击。

62、In liking the water system such as life afield, ditch, brook, it can swim into water, give water to be able to fly, have very strong phototaxis. ─── 喜欢生活在田野、水沟、小溪等水体中,它入水能游,出水能飞,并有很强的趋光性。

63、His remarks are far afield. ─── 他的话离题太远了。

64、Since then, he has worked unstintingly for the good of the game, in Manchester, England and much further afield, earning him recognition around the globe as a true ambassador of football. ─── 在那之后,他一直在为足球运动不遗余力地工作着,无论是在曼彻斯特,英格兰,还是更远的其他地方。这也使他成为世界公认的一位真正的足球大使。

65、Frankie continued to frequent the grounds,but as the months passed he explored farther afield. ─── 弗兰基仍常去附近的场地。随着时光流逝,它去更远的田野探索。

66、He wandered far afield in foreign lands. ─── 他离乡背井到异国流浪。

67、Slightly further afield there was a very good school in Tooting, but Tooting has had a couple too many murders for my tastes. ─── 再远一点的Tooting区有一所不错的学校,不过在我看来Tooting区的谋杀案可不少。

68、When their customer went farther afield for better quality at lower cost, much of the industry fell apart, with a few upmarket exceptions such as Pringle, a Scottish maker of woollen goods. ─── 当消费者进一步想获得高质低价的服装,很多企业就垮了。只有一些定位在高端市场的企业是例外,例如普林格(Pringle)公司这样的苏格兰羊毛制品生产商。

69、In winter, some of these migrating birds live in the southeastern U.S., but most fly further afield in search of neotropical climates. ─── 在冬季,这些候鸟住在美国东南部的,但大部分飞更远寻找热带气候。

70、Don't go too far afield. ─── 不要走的太远。

71、Don't go too far afield or you'll get lost. ─── 别走太远,不然你会迷路的。

72、With our head office in Mandeville, Louisiana, our markets stretch the global arena and our Domestic operations are as far afield as Honolulu, Hawaii. ─── 我们的总部位于路易斯安那州曼德维尔,业务遍布全球各地,国内业务最远覆盖至夏威夷火奴鲁鲁。

73、OBRA considers each and every project to be intimately bound to its surroundings, extending afield into site and landscape the conceptual understanding of the architectural work. ─── OBRA把每个项目都视为与其周边环境、外延的选址以及对建筑作品的理念理解密切相关。

74、We thought, rather than just take on other local reserve sides, we would gain more by going further afield where we are often well received. ─── 我们想,与其只是与本地的预备队比赛,不如通过去客场比赛获得更多的经验,在客场比赛中我们总是收益颇丰。

75、Saturn will temper your impulsiveness in just the right way and not allow you to go too far afield. ─── 土星可以缓和你的冲动,使你步入正轨,不允许你离得太远。

76、Afield, the Irish Setter is a swift-moving hunter;at home, a sweet natured, trainable companion. ─── 在野外,爱尔兰塞特犬是动作迅速的猎手,在家庭里,他又是性情甜蜜,容易调教的伴侣。

77、Eastern Europe, it is worth noting, will have to make up for those going west by itself taking in more migrants from farther afield. ─── 值得注意的是,东欧自身将不得不从更远的地方接收移民来弥补其正在西进的人口。

78、Your remarks are far afield ─── 你的话离题太远了。

79、But Mr Smith says he now has to scout further afield to avoid the crowding of trade ideas that has made US equity long/short hedge funds look so similar. ─── 但史密斯表示,他现在必须寻找更多的投资领域,以避免交易理念过度集中的状况,这种理念让美国的多/空股票型对冲基金显得非常类似。

80、Any system that strays too far afield from these rules runs the risk of becoming a“ Tacked-on” system, not integrated with the rest of the game. ─── 任何偏离这些规则太远的系统都有可能成为无法和游戏的其他部分整合的“附加”系统。

81、And there are one or two signs that the benefits of growth in the BRICs are being felt farther afield. ─── 已经有零星的迹象表明其他地区也感受到了金砖四国的经济增长所带来的好处。

82、Art lovers and culture vultures will appreciate visiting the towns of Schmalkalden, Meiningen and Eisenach.Weimar, Gotha and Erfurt are also only a little further afield. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日2天之前取消或更改预订酒店将不收取费用。

83、Eighty-years later they travelled further afield to Seville to take on Porto in the UEFA Cup Final. ─── 八十年后,他们和波尔图在联盟杯决赛中相遇。

84、So to add to the rich variety of the day I sometimes go to the local loo, and sometimes go further afield, visiting other loos around the building. ─── 为了让一天更加丰富多彩,我有时候上就近的厕所,有时候跑远点,拜访拜访楼内其它厕所。

85、Mr Obama's determination to set America's relations with Muslims on a new footing will bring hope across the Middle East and farther afield. ─── 奥巴马决心在一个新的立足点上建立美国与穆斯林的关系将会给整个中东和更远的地方带来希望。

86、The armies were afield,challenging the enemy's advance. ─── 军队正在战场上阻止敌军的前进。

87、If one goes further afield, and takes the Jewries of Rumania, latvia, Austria, one sees practically the same picture ─── 如果我们再扩而大之观乎罗马尼亚、拉脱维亚、奥地利的犹太人,情景也是一样。

88、How jocund did they drive team afield! ─── 他们逐放牛羊时何等欢欣!

89、He said that Jade's select slate of customers so far has come from as far afield as Russia, Malta and Spain. ─── 他称高鼎游艇的买家甚至远达俄罗斯、马耳他和西班牙。


1. If you are going further afield, why not stick out your thumb.如果你走得很远,为什么不伸出你的拇指。

2. Some of the materials they used came from as far afield as Burma and the Far East.


3. But investors must also start looking farther afield.


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