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08-14 投稿


eradicating 发音

英:[??r?d?ke?t??]  美:[??r?d?ke?t??]

英:  美:

eradicating 中文意思翻译



eradicating 反义词


eradicating 短语词组

1、eradicating tb ─── 根除结核病

2、eradicating poverty ─── 消除贫困

3、eradicating polio ─── 根除脊髓灰质炎

4、eradicating cancer ─── 根除癌症

5、eradicating malaria ─── 消灭疟疾

6、eradicating extreme poverty ─── 消除赤贫

7、eradicating ivy ─── 根除常春藤

8、eradicating absolute poverty ─── 消除绝对贫困

9、eradicating definition ─── 根除定义

10、eradicating bees ─── 消灭蜜蜂

11、eradicating polio is hard ─── 根除小儿麻痹症很难

12、eradicating disease ─── 根除疾病

13、eradicating bats ─── 消灭蝙蝠

14、eradicating bed bugs naturally ─── 自然消灭臭虫

15、eradicating abject poverty ─── 消除赤贫

16、eradicating define ─── 根除定义

eradicating 词性/词形变化,eradicating变形

动词过去式: eradicated |形容词: eradicable |动词过去分词: eradicated |名词: eradication |动词第三人称单数: eradicates |动词现在分词: eradicating |

eradicating 同义词

eradicating 相似词语短语

1、radicating ─── vt.确立;使生根;vi.生根;adj.生根的

2、irradicating ─── 辐照

3、reradiating ─── vt.再辐射;vi.再辐射

4、radiating ─── v.发射(光、热等能量);(使品质或情感)流露;(使热、光、能量)辐射;呈辐射状发出;(动物或植物群)辐射形进化(radiate的现在分词);adj.自(某点)辐射出的

5、eradicative ─── adj.根除的;消灭的

6、predicating ─── v.使基于;断言,断定;(语法)就命题主项阐述(predicate的现在分词)

7、eradication ─── n.消灭,扑灭;根除

8、deracinating ─── vt.灭绝,根除;使孤立,使隔绝

9、eradiating ─── vt.辐射;发射;vi.辐射;发射

eradicating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Experts have pointed out that we are still far from eradicating the sexual discrimination in employment. ─── 专家指出,目前我国女性就业歧视的痼疾还没有根除。

2、Effectiveness Analysis of Two Therapeutic Regimens for Eradicating Hp ─── 两种治疗方案根除幽门螺杆菌的效果分析

3、He said the global fight should not focus on specific religions, but rather on eradicating the root causes that breed terrorism. ─── 他说,全球反恐战争不该只集中在特定地区,而应当铲除滋生恐怖主义的根源。

4、Ever was the senatorial Kerry of American president candidate to exclamation, newspaper became increasingly in the United States " the species that is close to eradicating " . ─── 曾为美国总统候选人的参议员克里惊呼,报纸在美国日益成了一个“濒临灭绝的物种”。

5、Seven principles for eradicating selfish ambition in the fellowship: 4. the ministry of helpfulness. ─── 团体中根除个人主义的七个原则:4)帮助人的职事。

6、The first two items are similar to the 2007-08 goals of eradicating polio and ensuring contributions to the Foundation. ─── 前面两项与2007-08年度目标一致根除小儿麻痹等疾病并确保对基金会之捐献。

7、"Professor Ilham Tohti is an Uighur intellectual who devoted himself to friendship between ethnic groups and eradicating conflicts between them. ─── “伊力哈木教授是致力于民族友好、消弭冲突的知名维吾尔知识分子,不应该被当作罪犯。”

8、"We will spare no effort in eradicating polio," said Naresh Dayal of India's Ministry of Health and Welfare. This year, India will spend $286 million to fight the polio irus. ─── 四个脊髓灰质炎特发国家-阿富汗,印度,尼日利亚和巴基斯坦-也抱定决心要清除世界范围的病毒

9、implementing policies aimed at eradicating poverty and inequality; ─── 实施旨在消灭贫困和不平等的政策;

10、" We are close to radicating the eradicating Guinea worm disease from the face of the year. ─── 今年过后,我们差不多可以根除几内亚龙线虫病。

11、"This will have to be borne out in further studies, but if we can normalize the vasculature surrounding the tumor, we will have a better chance of eradicating the tumor," said Li. ─── 李说:“这将支持我们将来的研究,但如果我们能使肿瘤周围的血管正常化,我们将有更多的机会去除肿瘤。”

12、Eradicating the Dual Structure in Urban and Rural Areas, Advancing the Construction of a Harmonious Society ─── 破除城乡二元结构推进和谐社会建设

13、Objective:To assess the effect of strategies used in eradicating poliomyelitis in Yanan. ─── 目的:评价延安市消灭脊髓灰质炎工作的策略与效果。

14、The difference of the bismuth absorption from a single colloidal bismuth pectin therapy and quadruple therapy for eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection ─── 单一和四联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌对果胶铋吸收和代谢的影响

15、Study on the Eradicating Effect of Oxygen Free Radicals by Hawthorn ─── 山楂水提液清除氧自由基作用的研究

16、Trying to transcend our own imperfections, rather than eradicating those of others, is the best bet, he argues. ─── 他认为,与其去根除别人的缺点,倒不如先克服自己的缺点。

17、Clinical Observation on the Curative Effect of Superficial Liposuction in Eradicating Bromhidrosis ─── 微创浅层吸刮术根除腋臭的临床疗效观察

18、A study has found radiofrequency ablation (RFA) a safe and effective treatment for eradicating liver tumors in contact with the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. ─── 最近一项研究发现使用射频消融术进行毗邻胃肠道的肝脏肿瘤根治手术不仅安全而且有效。

19、Scholars of humanities and social sciences may contribute their efforts to the construction of environment-friendly society through their work of eradicating the old ideologies. ─── 人文社会科学学者虽然不能直接参与具体的生态治理实践,却能够为挖掘乃至铲除生态危机的思想文化之根作出贡献,为构建环境友好型社会作出贡献。

20、Eradicating helicobacter pylori infection is valuable for confining the occurrence of arterial sclerosis. ─── 根治幽门螺杆菌感染阻止动脉硬化的发生具有一定的临床价值。

21、The prevalence of severe GERD in Hp(-) was higher than that in Hp(+). The rate of recurrence in Hp(+) GERD was high after eradicating Hp 12 months. Hp may has protective effect for GERD. ─── Hp(-)者重度GERD发病率高于Hp(+)者,Hp(+)GERD患者Hp根除后12个月,其复发率较高,Hp对GERD可能有保护作用。

22、Conserving red squirrels and eradicating greys on the UKmainland is a waste of money, argues Stephen Harris. ─── 在英国大陆上保存红松鼠和根除灰松鼠是浪费金钱的,斯蒂芬

23、Objective To assess strategies and effects on eradicating poliomyelitis in Yanan. ─── 目的评价延安市消灭脊髓灰质炎工作的策略与效果,为保证消灭脊灰提供依据。

24、“Large-scale vaccination programs aimed at reducing and eradicating rabies programs do work in large nations. ─── “大面积的狗免疫被证实是在大国减少狂犬病的有效方法”。

25、If fully implemented, GMAP could save more than 4.2 million lives between 2008 and 2015, laying the foundation for eventually eradicating the disease altogether. ─── 如果计划完全执行的话,在2008至2015年间GMAP将拯救420万人的生命,为最终消除这种疾病奠定基础。

26、Kerry says, moses won't allow publisher to set a barrier to compete, but paper looks picture " a species that is close to eradicating " . ─── 克里说,立法者不会允许出版商为竞争而设置障碍,但报纸看上去像“一个正濒临灭绝的物种”。

27、There is no question that we would never have been able to make so much progress toward eradicating polio by ourselves. ─── 毫无疑问,我们绝对无法凭一己之力在根除小儿痲痹有如此大之进展。

28、Using this mining system, it is unnecessary to drive horizontal transportation drifts at the lower level for haulage, thus eradicating the hoisting procedure and ra... ─── 本文详细介绍了该采矿法的采切工程布置和回采工艺,及其主要技术经济指标。

29、President Zardari, the husband of assassinated former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, has pledged to cooperate with the United States in eradicating terrorist sanctuaries in the tribal areas. ─── 扎尔达里总统是巴基斯坦遇刺身亡的前总理布托女士的丈夫。

30、As you know, we are on the brink of eradicating guinea-worm disease, and funds are being secured to ensure this happens. ─── 大家知道,我们正接近根除麦地那龙虫线病,确保实现这一目标的资金已经有保证。

31、A fully integrated comprehensive education system, as a step towards eradicating sectarianism amongst school students. ─── 一个完全集成的全面的教育体系,作为第一步消除教派之间的学生。

32、Charactering it as a “silent hunger crisis,” he said that it threatens world peace and security, highlighting the need for a broad consensus on eradicating global hunger. ─── 他将其形容为“无言的饥饿危机,”还说对世界和平和安全构成威胁,全世界迫切需要就根除饥荒达到一致。

33、The surgical skill of left hand utilized in cleanup of lymph node for eradicating gastric cancer ─── 左手操作技术在胃癌淋巴结清扫术中的应用

34、Lau also edited a publication Dawn quarterly and had led a team of drug abatement campaigners to Thailand and Burma to assist local governments in eradicating drug abuse problems. ─── 同时,刘牧师亦将福音戒毒者带到泰国及缅甸,协助当地政府消除毒害的工作。

35、The unfair judgment of overbearing clause can be carried on by way of economic analysis.And we analyse its reason in order to provide strategic basis for eradicating overbearing clause. ─── 对霸王条款显失公平的判断可以通过经济分析的方法进行,分析其成因旨在为铲除霸王条款提供决策上的依据。

36、Such heinous deeds by all those destroyers of the family gives rise to a population of undesirable progeny completely eradicating the time honoured spiritual traditions of the family and nobility of lineage. ─── 由家族毁灭者们犯下的这些滔天大罪,就会增加不良后裔的人口,从而使家族的灵性传承和高贵的世系彻底终结。

37、The experimental results showed that praziquantel and propargite were effective drugs of eradicating Pseudodactylogyrus spp. hosted in European eels. ─── 摘要试验结果表明,吡喹酮和克螨特是寄生在欧洲鳗鲡上的拟指环虫的有效驱除药物。

38、Eradicating killer diseases is a financial challenge as well as a moral one ─── 根除致命疾病既是财政挑战,又是道德挑战

39、Comparion of recurrence rate between one-week and two-week triple therapy regimens after eradicating Helicobacter pylori ─── 不同疗程三联方案根除幽门螺杆菌后的复发情况

40、A strategy for eradicating poverty will not succeed if an economy’s environmental support systems are collapsing. ─── 如果一个经济的环境支持系统在崩溃,消除贫困的战略就难以奏效。

41、Trying to transcend our own imperfections, rather than eradicating those of others, is the best bet, he argues. ─── 他认为,与其去根除别人的缺点,倒不如先克服自己的缺点。

42、We are on the verge of eradicating polio in the world. ─── 我们已在世界消除小儿痲痹症的边缘了。

43、Only by eradicating the unfair policies and systems, can fair employment be achieved. ─── 只有从制度建设方面清理不合理的政策法规,才能实现流动人口的平等就业。

44、With teams spending so much time in the air, technology has played a large role in eradicating some of the tediousness that early baseball travelers experienced. ─── 以球队在空中停留这麽长的时间,现代科技在减少早年球员在旅行时所需经历的枯燥乏味,扮演了重要的角色。

45、He was the last survivor, and before he passed on, he proudly told me that they were successful in eradicating the foul unburied creature. ─── 他成为了最后的幸存者,在临终前骄傲的告诉我他们最终铲除了那些邪恶的生物。

46、This indeed is not easy, but it is the sure remedy for controlling, if not eradicating, unsatisfactoriness. ─── 但这虽然不是彻底拔掉苦根,却也是控制苦的有把握的补救方法。

47、Destroying the remaining stocks of variola is seen by some countries as the final chapter in eradicating the disease to prevent the risk of accidental release. ─── 一些国家认为,销毁剩余的天花病毒库存是消除这种疾病以防止意外释放危险的终章。

48、The herculean task of eradicating AIDS has consumed efforts of a generation of human beings, and is yet to entail assiduous endeavors of the generations to come. ─── 昨天是世界艾滋病日,早早地我就看到一队中大的学生绕着大学城内环跑步宣传,他们边跑边喊口号:预防艾滋病,你我同努力。

49、According to Derrida, one never writes in just one language, but is always already writing in multiple languages, composing new meanings while eradicating others. ─── 德里达说过,一个人不可能只用一种语言写作,他随时都会使用多种语言进行创作,在舍弃其他含义的同时研究新的含义。

50、From this vision of the role of the United Nations in the next century flow three key priorities for the future: eradicating poverty, preventing conflict, and promoting democracy. ─── 从这一角度看联合国在下一世纪的作用,未来三个主要优先事项将是消灭贫穷、预防冲突和促进民主。

51、By 1958, 16 million women had learned to read, and this represented an initial step in eradicating the ignorance and backwardness of Chinese women. ─── 到1958年,有1600万妇女学会了阅读,初步改变了中国妇女愚昧落后的状况。

52、He was the last survivor, and before he passed on, he proudly told me that they were successful in eradicating the foul unburied creature. ─── 他们勇敢地战斗到最后一个人,牺牲自己去阻止怪物在乡村里叫嚣横行,伤害无辜的生命。

53、In our present state of ignorance, we have little hope of truly eradicating slavery, of making sure that Meera, rather than Baldev, becomes the model. ─── 以我们现有的贫乏知识,甭想彻底根绝奴隶制度,让米拉(而不是保狄夫)成为榜样了。

54、4.Freed from the pettifogging concerns of quibbling lawyers and self-serving politicians, goes the argument, he can concentrate on eradicating extremism. ─── 有个论调说,摆脱了吹毛求疵的律师和自私的政客们的所谓的关心,他能够集中精力根除极端主义。

55、Thoughts on Eradicating Barriers in Current State Tax System ─── 消除我国现行税制梗阻的几点思考

56、Ther are some faults so nearly allied to excellence, that we can scarce weed out the fault without eradicating the virtue. ─── 有许多弱点近似于优点,使我们很难消除弱点而同时不根除美德。

57、But the shareholder benefits of quickly eradicating government stakes likely would be outweighed by the financial costs. ─── 然而,投资者从政府快速撤出中获得的好处恐怕要被随之而来的金融成本所抵消。

58、Groups like ours are committed to eradicating homophobia, racism and sexism. ─── 像我们这样的组织致力于消除同性恋憎恶、种族歧视和性别歧视。

59、But nowadays, newspaper resembles is a species that is close to eradicating. ─── 但如今,报纸就像是一个濒临灭绝的物种。”

60、According to Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general, “good governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development. ─── 按照联合国秘书长科菲?安南的说法:“善治或许是消灭贫穷和推动发展的诸要素中最重要的单一因素。

61、In the recent electoral campaign, the KMT candidate LienChan put forward six planks in his party's platform, among which were "wiping out money politics" and "eradicating corruption". ─── 党提名候选人连战竞选口号的“六大主张”中,“彻底消灭黑金”和“彻底消灭贪污”就占了两条。

62、They have made great strides in eradicating illiteracy, boosting university enrolment and reducing gaps in education between the sexes. ─── 他们已经在根除文盲、增加大学注册人数并降低两性的教育差距等方面大步前进。

63、During the past thousands of years, the continued growth of wolf mostly depends on the herdsmen’s tactics of fighting but not eradicating. ─── 几千年来草原上的狼生生不息,很大一部分原因在于牧民们对狼群采取了打而不灭的策略。

64、Metallurgical industry sales and gray cast iron, ductile iron for DWF of eradicating corruption. ─── 并销售冶金业灰铸铁,球墨铸铁专用DWF变质剂。

65、10.The main content of his socialism, i. e., his "Principle of Peoples Livelihood", is equalization of landownership and restriction of capitalism with a view to eradicating the ills of capitalism. ─── 孙中山社会主义理论即民生主义的主要内容是“平均地权”和“节制资本”,旨归是消除资本主义弊端。

66、Clinical Effectiveness of Ranitidine Bismuth Citrate Based Triple Therapy for Eradicating Helicobacter Pylori ─── 瑞倍三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的临床研究

67、Seven principles for eradicating selfish ambition in the fellowship: 2. the ministry of meekness. ─── 团体中根除个人主义的七个原则:2)柔和的职事。

68、Our shopping centre is resolutely eradicating counterfeit goods and will reward customers for discovering any such goods here. ─── 本商场坚决清除假冒商品,并奖励发现假冒商品的顾客。

69、The ERAD system was first showcased in the LRX concept vehicle but has since been further developed into a working prototype with help from the UK government. ─── 电子后轴驱动混合动力系统在路虎的LRX概念车上首次采用,随后在英国政府的帮助下又开发了配备该技术的原型车。

70、He offered the world a goal of eradicating nuclear weapons, although he admitted that it might not be achieved in his lifetime. ─── 他意图建立一个没有核武器的世界,不过他也承认在他有生之年不可能完成这一任务。

71、They are aimed at cutting needless deaths in childbirth, improving kids' life chances by getting millions more into school, eradicating hunger and reducing the number of deaths in children under five. ─── 目标直接针对减少分娩死亡,以增加数百万儿童上学的方式为他们创造生活机会,根除饥饿,降低五岁以下儿童的死亡率。

72、In the same area, its regional role in eradicating corruption, often manifested as a high degree of degeneration of the formation than the low level of degeneration to the old formation. ─── 在同一地区内,其区域变质作用,往往表现为变质程度高的地层比变质程度低的地层要老。

73、“In addition, the new strain is resistant to mupirocin, which has been advocated for eradicating the strain from carriers. ─── "此外,该新品种可耐莫匹罗星,它一直主张消灭应变,从电信运营商" 。

74、Rotary clubs around the world have contributed to the goal of eradicating polio. ─── 世界各地的扶轮社,都为根除小儿痲痹的目标奉献一己之力。

75、An Analysis of National Immunization Day(NID) for Eradicating Poliomyelitis in Huhehot ─── 呼和浩特市消灭脊髓灰质炎强化免疫分析

76、But Mr Langner says eradicating it would take a year without access to top-notch security experts and tools. ─── 不过兰纳指出,在没有顶尖安全专家和工具的情况下,清除该病毒将会花费一年时间;

77、Thrumble and A-OIC began the delicate process of eradicating her assassin programming. ─── 斯卢姆波尔和A-OIC开始删除她的杀手程序,这是一个必须谨慎和细心的过程。

78、She said eradicating poverty and addressing conflict in developing countries requires new energy initiatives and a new approach to managing resources. ─── 她说,消除贫困和解决发展中国家的冲突需要新的能源倡议以及新的管理资源的途径。

79、First, the Hong Kong government is committed to eradicating corruption from our society, and fully supports the work of the ICAC. ─── 第一,香港政府致力于将腐败从我们社会清除出去并全力支持廉政公署的工作。


81、I do not like the false, liking with true dependable you company with, eradicating completely the game! ─── 我不喜欢虚伪,喜欢和真实可靠的你交往,杜绝游戏!

82、loss of endoplasmic reticulumassociated degradation (ERAD) ─── 内质网相关降解丧失

83、At the same time, as far as possible let the local governments select workers and peasants experienced in struggle to join the Red Army, thus organizationally weakening or even eradicating the purely military viewpoint. ─── 同时,尽可能由地方政权机关选派有斗争经验的工农分子,加入红军,从组织上削弱以至去掉单纯军事观点的根源。

84、Objective: To assess the effect of strategies used in eradicating poliomyelitis in Yanan. ─── 摘要目的:评价延安市消灭脊髓灰质炎工作的策略与效果。

85、Objective To discuss the efficacy and safety of eradicating the Helicobacter pylori by Rabeprazole triple therapy. ─── 目的:探讨波利特三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的有效性和安全性。

86、Often, the leader best able to halt a downward spiral will be an insider who knows how to build on proven strengths while simultaneously identifying and eradicating weaknesses. ─── 最有能力阻止企业急速下降的人往往来自企业内部,他知道如何构建专业实力同时可以甄别并根除企业的弱点。

87、No one thought of eradicating poverty;everyone, however, had to do his best to alleviate the distress of the poor. ─── 没有人认为贫穷可以完全根除,然而每个人都要尽其所能的纾解穷人的困境。

88、Last year, Mayor Stephens established a special law-enforcement task force with the avowed mission of eradicating corruption in city government. ─── 去年,斯蒂芬斯市长成立了一个特别执法工作组,公开宣称要根除市政府的腐败。

89、Sticking to Science, Eradicating Ignorance and Pseudo-science to Push Forward the Spiritual Civilization ─── 坚持科学铲除愚昧和伪科学推动社会主义精神文明建设

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