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08-14 投稿


atony 发音

英:[['?t?ni:]]  美:[['?t?ni:]]

英:  美:

atony 中文意思翻译



atony 短语词组

1、atony of colon ─── 结肠弛缓

2、atony dog ─── 无力的狗

3、uterine atony ─── 子宫弛缓, ─── 子宫张力缺乏,宫缩无力

4、atony of uterus ─── 子宫无力

5、atony of bladder ─── 膀胱无力

6、atony stark iron man ─── 无张力斯塔克铁人

7、arterio-atony ─── [医] 动脉弛缓

8、atony feets ─── 无力感

9、atony def ─── 无张力完成

10、atony us ─── 赎罪

11、atony herbs ─── 无张力草药

atony 相似词语短语

1、atone ─── vt.赎罪;弥补;偿还;vi.弥补;赎回

2、tantony ─── 坦通

3、Saxony ─── n.萨克森羊毛(德国萨克森产);萨克森毛呢

4、stony ─── adj.石头覆盖的;石头制的;像石头的;无情的;石质的

5、tony ─── adj.(非正式)豪华的,时髦的,上等的;n.(Tony)(美、加、法、澳、英)托尼(人名)

6、agony ─── n.苦恼;极大的痛苦;临死的挣扎

7、atomy ─── n.微粒,原子;矮人;骨骼

8、atopy ─── n.特异反应性;异位性

9、Antony ─── n.安东尼(男子名)

atony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、primary ureteral atony ─── 原发性输尿管张力缺乏

2、gastric atony ─── 胃弛缓

3、Pregnancy-hypertension syndron can increase the incidence, and other causes are uterine atony, placental factors, laceration of the birth canal, coagulation disorders etc. ─── 其原因有子宫收缩乏力、胎盘因素、产道损伤和凝血障碍等。

4、Affect when haemorrhage when two side, appear two flank paralysis and limb atony the gender breaks down. ─── 当出血波及两侧时,出现两侧面瘫和四肢弛缓性瘫痪。

5、Results The main reason for bleeding of cesarean section followed by uterine atony, placental factors, incision tear, DIC. ─── 结果剖宫产术中出血的主要原因依次为宫缩乏力,胎盘因素,切口撕裂,DIC。

6、The treatment and clinical observation of 35 cases of gastric atony after gastrectomy ─── 胃术后胃无力症35例临床观察与治疗

7、Analysis of effected factors of postoperative patients with gastric atony after abdomen operation and nursing care of them ─── 腹部手术后胃乏力症病人影响因素分析及护理

8、atony of bladder ─── 膀胱乏力

9、This text mainly gies the review on the new progress to management of postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony as follows. ─── 本文主要就宫缩乏力性产后出血的治疗新进展综述如下。

10、Uterine atony with obstetric bleeding was the primary cause of obstetric hysterectomy. ─── 宫缩乏力导致的产科出血是子宫切除的首要原因。

11、intestinal atony ─── 肠无力

12、Results Fluorescein cyclogram atony occured in most part of early optic disc in fundus fluorescein angiography and hyperfluroescence occu red with different degree of field defect in late optic disc. ─── 结果眼底荧光血管造影早期视盘部分或大部分呈现荧光充盈迟缓,晚期视盘缺血区呈强荧光,并伴有不同的视野缺损。

13、Results:48 cases were exit obstruction,16 cases were atony of colon,and 16 cases suffered both. ─── 结果:出口梗阻48例,16例结肠无力,两者均存在16例。

14、The main causes of dystocia of vertex presentation were occiput malpresentation, macrosomic infant, uterine atony, abnormal pelvic and genital tract. ─── 导致头位难产的主要因素依次为胎头位置异常、巨大儿、宫缩乏力、软产道及骨产道异常。

15、Introduces of a few Proved Recipes on Curing Bovine Atony of Forestomachs ─── 治疗牛前胃弛缓的几个验方介绍

16、Conclusion:Because the exit obstruction and the atony of colon always interact and present simultaneously,the combined application of colonic transportation trial an... ─── 结论:由于结肠无力和出口梗阻常合并存在且相互作用,所以结肠运输试验和排粪造影的联合应用将有助于临床作出更准确、更全面的诊断和制定更恰当的治疗方案。

17、Muscular atony ─── 肌张力缺乏

18、Among them 45.28% was uterine atony ,plancear factors had relation with postpartum haemorrhage to some extent. ─── 其中,子宫收缩乏力占45.28%,胎盘因素与产后出血亦有一定关系。

19、The pelvis first shows evidence of hyperactivity and hypertrophy and then progressive dilatation and atony. ─── 肾盂早期表现是蠕动增强及肥厚,以后逐渐扩大及无张力。

20、Treatment and Diagnosis of Functional Gastric Atony After Subtotal Gastrectomy of Gastroenteric Cancer ─── 胃肠道癌胃大部切除术后残胃功能障碍的诊断与治疗

21、atony of colon ─── 结肠无力

22、It is prodrome respectively period, foreboding period, convulsion period, atony lethargy period and recognizant convalescence. ─── 分别是前驱症状期、先兆期、痉挛期、弛缓昏睡期和意识恢复期。

23、Primary uterine atony ─── 原发性子宫收缩乏力

24、Results (1) Jaundice was usually the first symptom in extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma. Other symptom included abdominal hidden pain (49.5%), atony (30.6%), fleshless (27.2%) and inappetence (13.1%). ─── 结果(1)肝外胆管癌初诊时多以黄疸为首发症状,其他常见症状依次有上腹部隐痛(49.5%)、乏力(30.6%)、消瘦(27.2%)、厌食(13.1%)。

25、It is prodrome respectively period, foreboding period, convulsion period, atony lethargy period and recognizant convalescence. ─── 分别是前驱症状期、先兆期、痉挛期、弛缓昏睡期和意识恢复期。

26、1.This kind of constipation, clinical on call " atony sexual constipation " , it is the typical display of tuberculosis of the intestines. ─── 这种便秘,临床上称为“弛缓性便秘”,是肠结核的典型表现。

27、Keywords Gastric atony Gastrectomy Gastrointestinal decompression; ─── 胃无力症;胃切除术;胃肠减压;

28、Objective To assess treatment and diagnosis of gastric atony after subtotal gastrectomy. ─── 目的探讨胃大部切除术后功能性残胃无力症的诊断与治疗措施。

29、atonia, atony ─── ①张力缺乏, 弛缓 ②肌张力减退

30、Bethanechol is of value in certain cases of postoperative abdominal distention and gastric atony or stasis ─── 氨甲酰甲胆碱对于术后腹胀和胃张力缺乏或停滞的某些病例有效。

31、Atony of gallbladder ─── 胆囊无力

32、The Clinical Trial of Bovine Forestomach Atony Treated by Rumination Stimulant ─── 促反刍散治疗牛前胃弛缓的临床试验

33、uterine atony ─── 子宫弛缓宫缩无力子宫张力缺乏

34、Conclusion:The main cause of postpartum haemorrhage is uterine atony. ─── 结论:产后出血的临床原因主要是子宫收缩乏力。

35、If only uterine atony is noted, it is managed by uterine massage, pharmacological methods, and artery ligation. ─── 对于按摩子宫及药物治疗无效者我们可考虑以手术方式结扎循环至子宫的动脉血管如子宫动脉、腹下动脉。

36、atony of bladder sphincter ─── 膀胱括约肌松弛

37、Keywords postpartum hemorrhage;incidence rate of postpartum hemorrhage;uterine atony; ─── 产后出血;产后出血率;宫缩乏力;

38、Thereinto milch cow mastitis and atony of forestomachs are the two important diseases. ─── 其中奶牛乳房炎和前胃弛缓便是其中重要的两种。

39、Keywords Subtotal gastrectomy Functional gastric atony Diagnosis and treatment; ─── 关键词胃大部切除术;功能性胃无力症;诊断治疗;

40、Objective To study of the effects and nursing intervention in postpartum hemorrhage of uterine atony. ─── 目的探讨宫缩乏力性产后出血的疗效和护理干预。

41、for treatment of chronic constipation with intestinal atony, tuberculosis of lymph nodes, tumor of the thyroids, abdominal mass, edema, beriberi, swelling of testicles. ─── 治长期便秘或肠无力,瘰疬,瘿瘤,积聚,水肿,脚气,睾丸肿痛。

42、Keywords Calcium gluconate Uterine atony Postpartum hemorrage Treatment; ─── 葡萄糖酸钙;宫缩乏力性出血;治疗;

43、Treatment and diagnosis of functional gastric atony after subtotal gastrectomy ─── 胃大部切除术后残胃无力症的诊断治疗

44、Results Uterine atony, placenta factor, obstetric trauma and coagulation defects are the main causes.The related factors include delivery way, labor stage factors and Psychological factors. ─── 结果产后出血原因主要为子宫收缩乏力、胎盘因素、软产道损伤、凝血功能障碍等,影响产后出血的因素:分娩方式、产程胎盘因素、心理因素等。

45、parameters of internal environment in rumen and the indices of autonomic nervous regulation were examined in 69 heads of cattle suffering from the alkaline forestomach atony and ruminal impaction. ─── 弛缓和瘤胃积食等胃肠弛缓自然病牛的瘤胃内环境参数和植物神经调控指标进行了检测。

46、atony of forestomachs ─── 前胃弛缓

47、Causes and Countermeasures of Atony Fault in the Pinion of Traction Electric Motor on Diesel Locomotive ─── 内燃机车牵引电动机小齿轮弛缓故障的原因及对策

48、uterine inertia;uterine atony ─── 宫缩无力

49、Prevention and Cure on Cattle's Atony of Forestomachs by Tai Huang San ─── 大黄散加减防治牛前胃弛缓的效果观察

50、Result: The main causes were uterine atony,soft birth canal laceration,retained placenta and membranes,blood coagulation dysfunction etc. ─── 结果:主要病因依次为子宫收缩乏力、软产道裂伤、胎盘胎膜残留、凝血功能障碍等。

51、The pelvis first shows evidence of hyperactivity and hypertrophy and then progre ive dilatation and atony. ─── 肾盂早期表现是蠕动增强及肥厚,以后逐渐扩大及无张力。

52、In the United Kingdom, half of maternal deaths from hemorrhage are due to postpartum events(superscript [1]) Uterine atony, degrees of retained placenta and genital tract lacerations account for most cases of postpartum hemorrhage. ─── 造成产后大出血的原因包括产道裂伤、胎盘滞留、子宫收缩无力及孕妇本身凝血功能异常。

53、Results:Placental factors, uterine rupture, atony of uterus, late state postpartum hemorrhage, amnionic fluid embolism,obstetrical DIC etc were the cause of hysterectomy in obstetrical emergencies. ─── 结果:产科急症子宫切除的原因主要为胎盘因素、子宫破裂、子宫收缩乏力、晚期产后出血、羊水栓塞、产科DIC等。手术方式为子宫次全切除19例,子宫全切除13例。

54、atony of uterus ─── 子宫弛缓子宫松弛

55、general atony of the uterus ─── 全子宫弛缓[症]

56、Uterine atony, or failure of the uterus to contract following delivery, is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage. ─── 宫缩乏力,或失败的子宫合同交货后,是最常见的原因产后出血。

57、The main indications of obstetrical hysterectomy were plancta factors and uterine atony. ─── 子宫切除术主要指征是胎盘因素、子宫收缩乏力。

58、Excuse me cardia is broken atony disease, if performing an operation, do cardia place to do dilate namely, ─── 请问贲门失弛缓症,动手术的话,也就是做贲门处做扩张

59、Methods The women who had postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine atony were conducted an injection of Hemabate sterile solution intrauterinely , after no response to conventional thearapies. ─── 方法对宫缩乏力性产后出血患者用常规方法治疗无效后,采用欣母沛宫体注射,间隔15分钟后可重复使用。

60、This text mainly gies the reiew on the new progress to management of postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony as follows. ─── 本文主要就宫缩乏力性产后出血的治疗新进展综述如下。

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