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08-14 投稿


enjoins 发音

英:[?n?d???nz]  美:[?n?d???nz]

英:  美:

enjoins 中文意思翻译



enjoins 短语词组

1、enjoins define ─── 命令定义

2、enjoins definition law ─── 禁止定义法

3、enjoins means ─── 命令意味着

4、enjoins meaning ─── 指示意义

5、enjoins definition ─── 禁止定义

6、enjoins law ─── 禁止法律

enjoins 词性/词形变化,enjoins变形

动词第三人称单数: enjoins |动词现在分词: enjoining |动词过去式: enjoined |名词: enjoiner |动词过去分词: enjoined |

enjoins 相似词语短语

1、unjoints ─── vt.拆开连结处;使脱节

2、benzoins ─── n.安息香;苯偶姻

3、injoints ─── 接缝内

4、adjoins ─── vi.毗连,邻接;vt.毗连,邻接

5、conjoins ─── v.结合;连结

6、enjoin ─── vt.命令;吩咐;嘱咐;禁止

7、enjoiner ─── 入侵者

8、enjoined ─── vt.命令;吩咐;嘱咐;禁止

9、enjoying ─── 享受;享有;欣赏(enjoy的现在分词)

enjoins 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、" for this, business mansion respect enjoins instantly bear hire a company to make a thorough investigation of this matter, they get the response of agent of that motion brand namely before long. ─── 为此,商厦方面立即责成承租公司查清此事,他们不久即得到那个运动品牌代理商的回复。

2、She put a finger to her lips to enjoin silence. ─── 她放一根手指在她的唇上以交待安静。

3、Religion and morality enjoin this conduct. ─── 宗教和道德要求这种行为。

4、For life is paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 因为人生就是一对矛盾,它促使我们牢牢抓住人生的很多赐予,但同时又注定了我们对这些给予最终的放弃。

5、payroll and financial statement in relation to the payment of social insurance premiums, the administrative departments of labor security shall enjoin it to make corrections, and may impose a fine of less than 10 thousand yuan. ─── 以及工资、财务报表等资料的,由劳动保障行政部门责令改正,可以处1万元以下罚款。

6、2. Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts. ─── 我们的职业道德要求我们要保持中立,报道事实真相。

7、In defecate of micturition of patient of the enjoin before enema, in order to drop celiac pressing and clean bowel line. ─── 在灌肠前嘱病人排尿排便,以降低腹压及清洁肠道。

8、" the heart thinks: This old bald ass is really unjustifiable, immediately also wrote a few words to hand in grant small bonze, enjoin such-and-such. ─── 心想:这老秃驴真是无理,随即也写了几个字交予小和尚,并嘱咐如此这般。。。

9、The Book of Leviticus enjoins that when a married man died without children his brother shall marry the widow, and the first son born shall count as the dead man’s son. ─── 在经历了长达数日缺水少粮的艰难行程后,即便这些犹太人预感到了自己的命运,但女人们仍涂抹口红,振作精神,怀抱美好生活的希望;

10、Where I have learn'd me to repent the sin of disobedient opposition to you and your behests, and am enjoin'd by holy Laurence to fall prostrate here, and beg your pardon: pardon, I beseech you! ─── 我因为自知忤逆不孝,违抗了您的命令,所以特地前去忏悔我的罪过。现在我听从劳伦斯神父的指教,跪在这儿请您宽恕。爸爸,请您宽恕我吧!

11、The doctor enjoins: "This kind of blade is easy fester, want to eat bit of antiphlogistic drug ability to had grown. ─── 医师嘱咐:“这种刀口轻易化脓,要吃点消炎药才能长好。”

12、25. Enjoin the Defendant permanently from violating its own organization bylaws. ─── 二十五、责成被告永不违反其组织章程。

13、to enjoin someone to obey the law ─── 命令某人遵守法律

14、Neither give nor enjoin anything to persons during periodical paroxysms, but abstract from the accustomed allowance before the crisis. ─── 当疾病周期性发作时,给病人的食物既不增添也不禁止,而是在危险期前对其平常食物作适当减少。

15、9 see joke: The wife cries cling to than going the brew field of oneself treats condition of barmy of one go with wine, enjoin him to be answered quickly quickly certainly. ─── 9看笑话: 妻子叫巴比去自家的酿酒场看一下酒发酵的情况,并嘱咐他一定快去快回。

16、Admit it, prime minister, he enjoins, you didn’t overcome economic gravity, did you? ─── “认错吧,首相!”他命令道 “你没有克服经济引力,我说的有错吗?

17、enjoin on ─── v. 嘱咐, 命令

18、He stood beside the bed, with his finger on his lips, as though there were some one in the chamber whom he must enjoin to silence. ─── 他立在床边,一个手指压在嘴上,仿佛他不这样做,屋子里就会有人要出声气似的。

19、The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.For life is a paradox, it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 人生的艺术就是要懂得适时地收与放.而人生其实就是这样的一个矛盾:尽管到头来注定一切都不能长久,它还是令我们依恋于它所赋予的各种恩赐。

20、2 In your observance of the commandments of the LORD, your God, which I enjoin upon you, you shall not add to what I command you nor subtract from it. ─── 我吩咐你们的话,你们不可增删,而应全守我向你们所训示的,上主你们天主的诫命。

21、Wherefore, though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient, ─── 8我虽然靠着基督能放胆吩咐你合宜的事。

22、"One thing, thou that wast my wife, I would enjoin upon thee,"continued the scholar. "Thou hast kept the secret of thy paramour." ─── "既然你曾经是我的妻子,我要求你必须做到一点,"那学者继续说。"你始终不肖泄露你的奸夫。

23、enjoin him to secrecy ─── 嘱咐他保守秘密

24、For life is paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 因为生活是一条悖论:它甚至指示我们牢牢抓住许多到头来注定要放弃的东西。

25、nstruction指导语:--Do you feel happy? We have enjoin a ice trip.Now,let us wave our hands to say good-bye. ─── 今天我们进行了一次愉快的旅行,你们高兴吗?现在,让我们挥挥手说再见吧!

26、[4] Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts; ─── 在职业道德的驱使下,我们只在一旁观望并报道事实;

27、" And the ensemble song, "Be Our Guest," in which the household gadgets enjoin Belle to live with them, is an obvious attempt to reprise a similar "Mermaid" number, "Under the Sea. ─── “我们的贵宾”是一首合唱曲目,伴随着音乐节奏,家庭器具与贝儿的相处和谐融洽。

28、In 1977, oil industry trade associations sued to enjoin NOAA's approval of the California management program. ─── 1977年,石油工业贸易协会提起诉讼,起诉以《国家海洋和空间管理法》为依据的加利福尼亚管理计划。

29、Do you feel happy? We have enjoin a ice trip.Now, let us wave our hands to say good-bye. ─── 今天我们进行了一次愉快的旅行,你们高兴吗?现在,让我们挥挥手说再见吧!

30、9 see joke: Have like braggart youth to date, pulling a friend to go at the same place, enjoin to say: What do I say you should help my drive up a bit, good make the other side glad. ─── 9看笑话: 有个喜欢吹牛的青年去相亲,拉着朋友一块儿去,并嘱咐说:我说什么你都要帮我抬高一点,好让对方兴奋。

31、China argued, plausibly enough, that this broke the 2002 declaration, which enjoins signatories to avoid provocations. ─── 中国的观点似乎很有理,它认为这一行为破坏了2002宣言。宣言规定各签约国避免挑衅行为。

32、They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs. ─── 如果我使那些人在地面上得势,他们将谨守拜功,完纳天课,劝善戒恶。万事的结局只归真主。

33、"Love your leftovers" , the advert enjoins. ─── 广告词说:“珍爱您的剩菜”。

34、enjoin sb.to obey the rules ─── 命令某人遵守规则

35、27 a blessing for obeying the commandments of the LORD, your God, which I enjoin on you today; ─── 如果你们听从上主你们天主的诫命,就是我今天吩咐你们的,你们必蒙降福;

36、In TVA v .Hill, the statutory purpose was to protect endangered species at virtually all cost;the only way to effectuate that intent was to enjoin the dam. ─── 在“田纳西流域管理局诉希尔”一案中,法令的目的是不惜一切代价保护濒临灭绝的物种,实现意图的唯一方法就是禁止修建水坝。

37、"in Britain the charter of incorporation of the BBC enjoins it to enlighten as well as to entertain, while the Independent Television authority has the duty"to supervise the program content of the commercial television companies. " ─── 在英国,BBC的规定使其具有教育和娱乐功能,而独立电视台则有责任监督商业电视公司的节目内容。

38、The conference is trying to enjoin on the world the importance of protecting the environment ─── 大会力图告诫全世界保护环境的重要性。

39、Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts. ─── 我们的职业道德要求我们要保持中立,报导事赛真相。

40、"EXCEPT at harvest-time, when self-preservation enjoins a temporary truce, the Pathan tribes are always engaged in private or public war. ─── 在农闲的时候,一些自我保护意识强的人喜欢暂的处于休战状态.帕克部落总是好战的,无论是私人之战还是公众之战,他们都喜欢

41、For life is a paradox : it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 因为生活本身就是一个矛盾:它一边告诫我们要珍惜它所付予的一切,一边又注定在最后将其全部收回。

42、"One thing, thou that wast my wife, I would enjoin upon thee,"continued the scholar. ─── "既然你曾经是我的妻子,我要求你必须做到一点,"那学者继续说。"

43、enjoin from ─── v. 禁止

44、establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient constancy whatever betide thee;for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs. ─── 你应当谨守拜功,应当劝善戒恶,应当忍受患难,这确是应该决心做的事情。

45、But those who need to remind you is, if you are taking other remedy to should notice, charcoal piece besides absorb gas, also can draw medicaments part, must press a doctor accordingly enjoin to do. ─── 但需要提醒你的是,若你正在服用其他药物应注重,木炭片除了吸收气体,也会吸收药物成分,因此一定要按医生的嘱咐去做。

46、Take to heart these words which I enjoin on you today. ─── 我今天吩咐你的这些话,你应牢记在心。

47、For life is a paradox:it enjoins us to cling to its many gifits even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 因为人生就是对矛盾:它既令我们到头来把握这些赐与放弃。

48、He used to enjoin on his people Prayer and Charity, and he was most acceptable in the sight of his Lord. ─── 他以拜功和天课命令他的家属,他在他的主那里是可喜的。

49、‘Don't tell dad what happened, will you?’ She doesn't forget to enjoin him. ─── ‘不要跟老爸提这事儿,行不?’她没忘记嘱咐他。

50、His father is the despotic gentry that Seoul has power and influence very much, boss of Ceng Ding enjoin is great keep an eye on he. ─── 他的爸爸是汉城一个很有权势的豪绅,曾叮嘱老板多多关照他。

51、Scripture Enjoins Us to Sing ─── 圣经吩咐我们要歌唱

52、"The people's court may enjoin the applicant to provide security; if the applicant fails to do so, his application shall be rejected. " ─── 人民法院可以责令申请人提供担保,申请人不提供担保的,驳回申请。

53、Ignorance is not bliss for any Singaporean, whether it is on the part of Muslims or non-Muslims. Out of such initiatives, they will learn that all religions enjoin goodness. ─── 不论是回教徒或者非回教徒,新加坡人都不能对彼此的宗教一无所知。通过积极的方式互相认识,大家最终会明白所有宗教的目的都是宣扬真、善、美。

54、"I will not leave thee comfortless, but will come and enjoin thee in thy daily activities, thy daily service. ─── “我不会撇下你们为孤儿,我会到来参与你每日的活动,参与你每日为他人的服务活动。”

55、Government has right to enjoin shares into the enterprises as long as with the size of the industry, regardless of their form of capital that is funded, joint venture or foreign investment. ─── 但只要符合规模和相应行业,不论其资本形式即中资、外资或合资政府都有掺股权。

56、Diana enjoins her worshippers to spy on, track, fall upon his prey. ─── 戴安娜加入她的崇拜者一起窥探,追踪,猎取他的猎物。

57、In adopting property preservation measures, the people's court may enjoin the applicant to provide security; if the applicant fails to do so, his application shall be rejected. ─── 人民法院采取财产保全措施,可以责令申请人提供担保;申请人不提供担保的,驳回申请。

58、Enjoin prayer on thy people, and be constant therein. We ask thee not to provide sustenance: We provide it for thee. But the (fruit of) the Hereafter is for righteousness. ─── 你应当命令你的信徒们礼拜,你对于拜功,也应当有恒,我不以给养责成你,我供给你。善果只归于敬畏者。

59、At the same time but enjoin patient rests more, water more, feed delicate food to wait. ─── 同时可嘱病人多休息,多饮水,食清淡食物等。

60、One can hardly call these principles doctrines, because Hindu religion on the whole does not enjoin particular beliefs on its followers. ─── 人们很难把这些原则称为教义,因为从总体上来说,印度教并没有把特殊的信仰传授给信徒。

61、After pregnant metaphase, enjoin much lie in bed rests, promotional uterus blood stream is measured and can add fetal weight; ─── 孕中期后,嘱多卧床休息,可增进子宫血流量而增加胎儿体重;

62、10 You shall therefore hearken to the voice of the LORD, your God, and keep his commandments and statutes which I enjoin on you today. ─── 就应听从上主你的天主的话,遵行我今日给你吩咐的上主的诫命和法令。

63、The art of living is to know when to hold and when to let go.For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifes even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 人生的艺术就是要懂得适时的收与放,而人生其实就是这样的一个矛盾:尽管到头来一切都不能长久,它还是令我们依恋于它所赋予的各种恩赐。

64、"One thing, thou that wast my wife, I would enjoin upon thee," continued the scholar. ─── “既然你曾经是我的妻子,我要求你必须做到一点,”那学者继续说。

65、Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts; and, if we have to have guidelines, that's probably as good a one as any. ─── 我们的职业道德准绳要求我们置身事外去报道事实;如果我们必须要有导引的话,这或许是最好的了。

66、9 see joke: The school produces event of bicycle have things stolen time and again, concerned leader enjoins concerned branch is strengthened be on guard. ─── 9看笑话: 学校屡屡发生自行车失窃事件,有关领导责成有关部门加强防范。

67、The art of living is to know when to hold fast ande when to let go.For life is a paradox:it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 人生的艺术就是要懂得适时地收与放.而人生其实就是这样的一个矛盾体:它既让我们抓住人生的多种赐予,同时它又要我们到头来把这些赐予放弃。

68、You can't run Java everywhere if Oracle enjoins companies from using it. ─── 如果甲骨文阻止其他公司使用它,Java就不可能随处运行。

69、If not enjoin this position, consider other positions? ─── 如果您未被此职位录用,是否考虑其他职位?

70、enjoin a duty on ─── 交给 ... 一项任务

71、To try to enjoin another fish farm from going in. ─── 关于阻止其他渔场继续养殖海虱的听证会开庭的。

72、The doctor affects a patient to see disease hind in road giving make water, always cannot forget to enjoin a patient to water more. ─── 医生在给尿路感染病人看完病后,总忘不了嘱咐患者多饮水。

73、mon Dieu, I hear her!"She stretched out her arm to enjoin silence about her, held her breath, and began to listen with rapture. ─── 她伸出手臂,叫大家静下去,她屏着气,听得心往神驰。

74、In the Africa of Clauzel, Bugeaud, Lyautey, and Nogu, honour and duty strictly enjoin that the French should refuse to carry out the conditions imposed by the enemy. ─── 在克罗泽尔、比戈、利奥泰和诺盖等人的遗风尚存的非洲,荣誉和责任严格地要求法国人拒绝执行敌人强行订立的措施。

75、Every command that I enjoin on you, you shall be careful to observe, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it. ─── 凡我吩咐你们的事,你们应谨慎遵行;不可加添,也不可删除。

76、enjoin that sth(should)be done ─── 命令做某事

77、Orders to intelligence operatives often enjoin secrecy. ─── 对情报间谍的命令常需要保密。

78、for life is a paredox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment . ─── 因为生活本身是自相矛盾的:它一方面吩咐我们紧紧抓住生活的许多赠予,而另一方面它又注定要最终剥夺这些赠予。

79、Second, the APA provides relief only to litigants whose goal is to compel, enjoin, or set aside agency action. ─── 其次,《行政程序法》仅向其国的是强迫、禁止或取消行政机关行为的诉讼当事人提供救济。

80、There are a few who, despite the risk of looking chaotically undemocratic, simply enjoin him to go: over half the Labour supporters in a Populus poll for the Times want him out. ─── 尽管存在着发生混乱和不民主的危险,还有一些人只是希望他下台:泰晤士报民调显示超过一半的工党支持者希望工党下台。

81、Humanity enjoins us to teach them agriculture and the domestic arts. ─── 基于人道精神我们乃教导他们农业与持家之道。

82、The youth says, thanked you to help my grandmother, grandmother enjoins me to take some of thing, say your need. ─── 年轻人说,谢谢你帮了我的祖母,祖母嘱咐我带些东西来,说你用得着。

83、For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment ─── 因为生活本身就是一个矛盾:它一边告诫我们要珍惜它所付予的一切,一边又注定在最后将其全部收回。

84、Enjoin silence on sb. ─── 命令某人保持肃静

85、Enjoin to say: "After you put the buoy a paragraph small to be apart from, overtook put again. ─── 并嘱咐说:“你把救生圈放一小段距离后追上了再放。”

86、For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquish. ─── 因为人生就是充满矛盾的:它要求我们抓住它所赐予的种种礼物不放,即使最终它又让我们将其放弃。

87、For life is a paradox, it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 因为人生就是一对矛盾:它既让我们抓住人生的多种赐予,同时它又要我们到头来把这些赐予放弃。

88、to exhort or enjoin somebody repeatedly ─── 千叮咛万嘱咐

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