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08-14 投稿


abstracting 发音

英:[?b?str?kt??]  美:[?b?str?kt??]

英:  美:

abstracting 中文意思翻译



abstracting 词性/词形变化,abstracting变形

动词现在分词: abstracting |名词: abstracter |动词第三人称单数: abstracts |副词: abstractly |动词过去式: abstracted |动词过去分词: abstracted |

abstracting 短语词组

1、abstracting and indexing ─── 摘要和索引

2、abstracting service ─── [计] 文摘服务处; 文摘服务

3、abstracting services ─── 抽象服务

4、abstracting radicals ─── 抽象部首

5、abstracting away ─── 抽象化

6、abstracting the rummage disc ─── 检索光盘

7、automated abstracting ─── [计] 自动摘要

8、abstracting hierarchy ─── 抽象层次结构

9、abstracting symbol ─── [计] 抽象符号

10、automatic abstracting ─── [计] 自动编制文摘

11、abstracting is mechanism ─── 抽象是一种机制

abstracting 相似词语短语

1、attracting ─── n.吸引

2、abstraction ─── n.抽象;提取;抽象概念;空想;心不在焉

3、distracting ─── adj.分心的;分散注意力的;v.使分心(distract的ing形式);转移注意力

4、abstractional ─── 抽象的

5、abstractive ─── adj.摘要式的;具有抽象能力的

6、abstricting ─── vt.使缢离;vi.脱落;缢离

7、astricting ─── v.束缚,限制

8、obstructing ─── v.妨碍(obstruct的ing形式);阻塞

9、abstractions ─── n.抽象(abstraction的复数形式)

abstracting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you go for abstract paintings? ─── 你对抽象画儿有兴趣吗?

2、Represents the abstract base class from which all. ─── 元素从中派生的抽象基类。

3、AOP provides a solution for abstracting cross-cutting code that spans object hierarchies without functional relevance to the code it spans. ─── AOP为把横切代码抽象提供了解决方案,而横切代码在没有与这些代码功能关联性的情况下跨跃了对象的层次。

4、A rapid method based on the GB14215-93 is set up, using a kind of abstracting equipment to measure the lycopene in tomato products. ─── 利用一种抽提装置建立了一种快速测定番茄红素的方法,并与国家标准方法(番茄红素测定方法:GB14215-93)进行了比较。

5、VOD is the abstract of Video-On-Demand. ─── VOD是Video-On-Demand的缩写,也即视频点播。

6、Topic partition is a significant problem during text structuring in automatic abstracting system. ─── 主题划分是自动文摘系统中文本结构分析阶段所要解决的一个重要问题。

7、Based on speculative or abstract reasoning. ─── 哲学上的,理论上的建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的

8、If all you're doing is providing a means of abstracting your file names from your JSP pages, then JavaBean classes are a great solution. ─── 如果您只是要提供一种从JSP页面提取出文件名的方法,那么JavaBean类是最佳解决方案。

9、Isn't your painting a bit too abstract? ─── 可你这画得也太抽象了吧?

10、Its argument was self-referential and focused explicitly on abstracting patterns of conflict in social relations. ─── 它的论据是自足的,其论证明显集中在社会关系中的冲突的抽象模式上。

11、It is shallow of you to ridicule abstract art. ─── 你嘲笑抽象艺术不免失之浅薄。

12、Experiments proved that it is feasible to use the method to develop an automatic abstracting system, which is valuable for further study in more depth. ─── 实验表明该方法可行,对自动文摘系统的设计具有借鉴意义和深入研究的价值。

13、She tried to abstract my attention from my work. ─── 她企图转移我对工作的注意力。

14、The abstract base class for CodeDOM objects. ─── CodeDOM对象的抽象基类。

15、An abstract idea or notion; a unit of thought. ─── 一个抽象的观念或想法;一个思维单位。

16、Abstract: Yicheng, is a district of Zaozhuang city. ─── 峄城是山东省南部枣庄市的一个区。

17、ARVO 2007 Annual Meeting: Abstract 374-B576. ─── ARVO 2007年会:会议摘要374-B576。

18、MediaType class can be used for abstracting MIME media types. ─── MediaType类可用于获取MIME媒体类型。

19、Abstracting and generalizing such a system,the author thinks it is a transitional authoritarian reigning system. ─── 作者认为当前体制是一种过渡型的威权主义执政体制。

20、They are abstracting metal from ore. ─── 他们正在从矿石中提取金属。

21、He couldn't understand this abstract idea. ─── 他不能理解这个抽象概念。

22、A New Method of News Text Understanding and Abstracting?Based on Speech Acts Theory?? ─── 一种应用言语行为理论的新闻篇章理解与摘要生成方法

23、Abstract words like truth and justice. ─── 一些抽象名词,如真理和正义

24、The general idea of abstracting operations to simplify data management is valid, no matter how you implement it. ─── 不管如何去实现,抽象操作以简化数据管理的总体想法是正确的。

25、Man is an essentially unique animal in that he possesses speech faculty and the faculty of symbolizing, abstracting or generalizing. ─── 人是唯一不同于其它的动物。因为他具有话语能力及想象、抽象概括的能力。

26、Roundness is an abstract term, so long as one considers it by itself and separates if from any subject that is round. ─── “圆”这个字如果单就其本身而言,而不与任何圆形物体相联想时,它是一个抽象名字。

27、The general idea of abstracting operations to simplify data management is valid, no matter how you implement it. ─── 不管如何去实现,抽象操作以简化数据管理的总体想法是正确的。

28、Why abstract classes instead of interfaces? ─── 为什么抽象类代替了接口?

29、The word "honesty" is an abstract noun. ─── “诚实”这个词是抽象名词。

30、Astronomy is an abstract subject. ─── 天文学是一门深奥的学科。

31、Abstract methods are specified using the. ─── 属性指定抽象方法。


33、ASCO 42nd Annual Meeting: Abstract 587. ─── ASCO 42届年会:摘要 587。

34、Abstracting the semantics of the machine instructions to generate an intermediate code representation is key for a decompiler. ─── 对机器指令进行语义抽象以产生中间代码表示是反编译程序的一个关键环节。

35、You learned a very useful technique for abstracting the basic information content of schemata from the actual XML syntax. ─── 就会了解一种非常有用的技术,从具体的XML语法中抽象出模式的基本信息内容。

36、He's hung on abstract art this year. ─── 今年他对抽象艺术很感兴趣。

37、They are trying to abstract iron from ore. ─── 他们正试图从矿石中提取铁。

38、Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2009: Abstract 283. ─── 2009年消化症周(DDW):摘要283。

39、He loved her only in the abstract--not in person. ─── 她喜欢抽象的他,而不是他这个人。

40、Did they consider the subject in the abstract? ─── 他们抽象地考虑那个问题了吗?

41、The storage services focus on abstracting and virtualizing memory. ─── 存储服务致力与抽象和虚拟化记忆。

42、NKF 2007 Spring Clinical Meetings: Abstract 98. ─── NKF 2007 春季临床会议:摘要 98。

43、Let me take that pipe, ' she said, cautiously advancing her hand and abstracting it from his mouth. ─── “让我拿开那烟斗,”她说,小心地伸出她的手,把它从他的口中抽出来。

44、Swiss artist who combined his expert use of line and color and his theories of abstract art to produce works of whimsy and innocence. ─── 克勒,保罗1879-1940瑞士画家。他把对线系和色彩的熟练运用和其关于抽象艺术的理论结合起来创造出了古怪而单纯的作品

45、He made an abstract of a long article. ─── 他对一篇长文章做了摘要。

46、A filter for abstract pathnames. ─── 一个抽象路径名的过滤器。

47、Another need for abstract enumeration arose. ─── 对抽象的计数法产生了另一方面的需要。

48、Philosophy and abstract thinking baffle them. ─── 哲学和抽象思维这些东西会令他们大惑不解。

49、An instance of an abstract class cannot be created. ─── 不能创建抽象类的实例。

50、Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2008: Abstract 243. ─── 2008年消化道疾病周(DDW) :摘要 243。

51、He is abstracting a story for a book review. ─── 他正在为一篇书评撰写故事梗概。

52、Abstract The brands are the intangibles. ─── 中文摘要 品牌是企业的无形资产。

53、Her ideas seem a little abstract. ─── 她的思想有点儿让人费解。

54、A welding seam tracking and controlling system has been presented,and abstracting the feature of the seam images. ─── 分析了视觉传感焊缝跟踪系统的原理和特点。

55、Don't speak in such abstract terms. ─── 不要这样抽象地谈问题。

56、ACG 71st Annual Meeting: Abstract 12. ─── ACG 71届年会:摘要12。

57、Content Abstract: A book about adverbs. ─── 内容简介:这是一本有关动词的书。

58、MD5 algorithm is a use-widely algorithm for abstracting digital fingerprint. ─── MD5算法是一种应用广泛的提取数字指纹的算法。

59、He wanted to devote himself to abstract research. ─── 他希望献身于抽象的理论研究。

60、Based on speculativeor abstract reasoning. ─── 哲学上的,理论上的建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的。

61、By using ultrasonic waves to break the cell of strain B. 9, and with acetone as the abstracting liquid, more carotene would be abstracted. ─── 用丙酮作提取液,以超声波破碎菌体的方法类胡萝卜素得量较高;

62、It is an abstract idea: a mere form of words. ─── 它仅仅是一个抽象概念,空洞字眼儿。

63、XKMS allows easy management of the PKI by abstracting the complexity of managing the PKI from client applications to a trusted third party. ─── XKMS将管理客户机应用程序的PKI的复杂性抽象到了一个受信任的第三方,从而使PKI易于管理。

64、The basis is the notion of abstract data type. ─── 主要要素是抽象数据类型的概念。

65、They have a rather abstract, or organic, quality. ─── 他们具有更加抽象的,或有机的品质。

66、By abstracting common patterns across a Web application, you can uncover those parts of an application that you can modularize. ─── 通过提取Web应用程序中的通用模式,可以发现应用程序中可模块化的那些部分。

67、Content Abstract: Andy is a town boy. ─── 内容简介:安德鲁是个城里人,可他偏偏想当牛仔。

68、He called this awareness, this goal of his system, "consciousness of abstracting. ─── 在惠勒的指导下,金赛的研究工作几乎完全独立。

69、You explain things in a way that is too abstract for me. ─── 你如此解释事物对我来说太深奥了。

70、Consider the problem in the abstract. ─── 就事论事地考虑一下这个问题。

71、He is not in the least interested in abstract art. ─── 他对抽象派艺术毫无兴趣。

72、ESMO 31st Congress: Abstract 7100. ─── ESMO 31届会议:摘要7100。

73、In order to obtain the conditions for crude lecithin from daylily,dried daylily was used as material,and reagent for abstracting lecithin was ethanol. ─── 为了探索黄花菜粗卵磷脂的提取条件,以干制黄花菜为实验材料,以乙醇为提取剂。

74、Paul has got a maggot in his head on everything connected with abstract art. ─── 凡是与抽象艺术有关的问题,保尔总有些奇怪的想法。

75、The student is asked to abstract his lengthy report. ─── 学生被要求将冗长的报告摘录要点。

76、To make an abstract of the company account. ─── 作一份该公司的帐目摘要。

77、They do not pay any attention to the abstract. ─── 他们根本没注意到那个摘要。


79、The Proverbial Wallet gives us that financial sense at the point of purchase by un-abstracting virtual assets. ─── 知名钱包在购物的时候,通过虚拟资产形象化,给了我们一种财务官能。

80、In both cases, the core problem was resolved by carefully abstracting the business logic implementation from the code that used that logic. ─── 在这两个例子中,通过从使用业务逻辑的代码中谨慎地抽象出业务逻辑实现来解决核心问题。

81、The effect of the creative thought and imagination in the music creation is the ladder of abstracting his intelligence of music composition. ─── 创造性思维在音乐创作中的作用及想象是音乐创作灵性升华的阶梯。

82、Abstracting coding was introduced to product model,on which a conceptual Design Space was established based. ─── 在产品模型中引入编码和抽象的概念,在此基础上构建了设计空间模型。

83、At the end,some predications about the automatic abstracting systems are put forward. ─── 全面系统地介绍了机编文摘的发展过程,并就机编文摘的发展前景作了展望。

84、ED and SVD with the Application of Abstracting Signal from Correlation Matrix. ─── ED与SVD及相关阵中信号的提取

85、He has some abstract notion of wanting to change the world. ─── 他有一种要改造世界的空想。

86、Not all types need to be abstract. ─── 并非所有类型都必须是抽象的。

87、The technology of abstracting molybdenum,cobalt and nickel from catalyst by acid treatment,extraction and alkali treatment was studied in this article. ─── 主要研究废催化剂中钼、钴、镍的酸浸、萃取和碱浸提钼两种工艺。

88、He is only a bare name, a mere caput mortuum of abstracting understanding. ─── 他只是一个徒有其名的人,仅是抽象理智的一个单纯的死躯壳。

89、Don't just talk about abstract principles. ─── 别空谈理论。

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