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08-14 投稿


detention 发音

英:[d??ten?n]  美:[d??ten?n]

英:  美:

detention 中文意思翻译



detention 词性/词形变化,detention变形


detention 短语词组

1、detention act ─── [法] 拘留条例

2、detention house ─── [法] 拘留所

3、arbitrary detention ─── [法] 擅自拘留, 任意扣押

4、detention centre ─── [法] 拘留中心, 集中营, 感化中心

5、detention for questioning ─── [法] 拘留查讯, 拘留审问

6、damages for detention ─── [经] 延误损失费

7、detention arrest pocedure ─── [法] 捕押手续, 捕押程序

8、detention barrack ─── [法] 军中拘留所

9、detention camp ─── 隔离营

10、detention basin ─── 滞洪区

11、a house of detention ─── 拘留所

12、detention hearing ─── [法] 拘留听审

13、customs detention ─── [经] 海关扣留

14、detention cell ─── [网络] 拘留所;拘禁室

15、detention center n. ( ─── 青少年罪犯)感化中心, 拘留中心

16、detention home ─── [法] 少年感化院, 青少年罪犯临时拘留所

17、detention evidence ─── [法] 拘留证据

18、conversion by detention ─── [法] 扣留他人之物的侵占行为

19、a detention jail ─── 拘留所

detention 常用词组

detention center ─── (青少年罪犯的)临时拘留所;(青少年罪犯)感化中心

detention centre ─── 拘留中心;感化中心;集中营

detention house ─── 移民的临时拘留所

detention 习惯用语

1、preventive detention ─── (法律上的)防范性拘留

2、be under detention ─── 在拘留中

detention 相似词语短语

1、detersion ─── 威慑

2、distention ─── n.膨胀,扩张

3、detonation ─── n.爆炸;爆炸声;引爆,爆发;(内燃机的)爆燃,爆鸣

4、attention ─── n.注意力;关心;立正!(口令)

5、retention ─── n.保留;扣留,滞留;记忆力;闭尿

6、detortion ─── n.反捩转

7、detentions ─── n.拘留;延迟;挽留

8、retentions ─── n.保留;扣留,滞留;记忆力;闭尿

9、detection ─── n.侦查,探测;发觉,发现;察觉

detention 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Petter is obviously very tired and the detention has not been pleasant. ─── 彼特显然很疲倦,并拘留没有得到愉快的。

2、A: He got detention after school. ─── 他放学被留校了。

3、We should work together to abolish the draconian Act which allows for detention without trial. ─── 对阿都拉策划的镇压的批评反映首相的内阁的分裂不断加深。

4、"Now the situation analysis, has entered the detention of criminal procedure, would like to get out of it is not easy. ─── 中英文对照:“现在这个情况分析,已经进入刑事拘留这个程序了,想脱身不容易了。”

5、Do you copy? Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level. ─── 你听到了吗?把囚犯区的垃圾库电力都关闭

6、"Enough!" said Hegward, apprehensive the unconscious sisters might comprehend the nature of the detention. ─── “算啦

7、A court in Virginia ordered Mr. Stanford to be held for a detention hearing which will take place in Texas, his home state. ─── 佛吉尼亚法庭命令将斯坦福暂时关押,等待随后在得克萨斯州进行的听证会。

8、If a student refuses to accept the detention, they will be expelled. ─── 如果一个学生拒绝接收关禁闭,他们将会被开除。

9、The detention time in the intestine is too short to complete hydrolysis. ─── 它在肠内停留时间太短,不能完全水解。

10、He is currently being held in incommunicado detention and is at risk of torture or other ill-treatment. ─── 她询问是否能会见自己的丈夫,得到的回覆却是15天后。

11、Joe Thomas.Ethnocide:A Cultural Narrative of Refugee Detention in Hong Kong[M].Ashgate Publishing Ltd.,2000. ─── 对到达的越南人实行甄别,经甄别为难民的可以等待西方国家的安置,否则,将被遣返越南.

12、THC + D/O CHARGES + INSURANCE and allow 10 days free than detention charges. ─── 后面是十天免费滞船期,对吗?可是前面是什么意思呢?

13、Currently, a value of 120 is the standard for one detent. ─── 当前,120是一个制动器的标准值。

14、Different designs of detention dam outlets constitute different detention efficiency and volume on hillslope. ─── 山坡地滞洪设施中,不同出流口形式之滞洪坝,有不同的滞洪效应及滞洪容积。

15、He was placed in the house of detention because he was suspected of committing a crime. ─── 他因犯罪嫌疑被关进拘留所。

16、Aung San Suu Kyi has spent 12 of the last 18 years under detention, and is currently under house arrest in Rangoon. ─── 在以往18年期间,昂山素季受到12年拘押,目前被软禁在仰光。

17、Suu Kyi's detention by swimming to her lakeside home uninvited and staying for two days. ─── 他被指控违反了对昂山素季的软禁规定,未经邀请游泳到昂山素季的湖边住宅并呆了两天。

18、The CSD manages two centres, Green Island Reception Centre and High Island Detention Centre, for the detention of VMs and VIIs. ─── 惩教署现时管理两个越南船民中心,分别是青洲接待中心及万宜羁留中心,以收容越南船民及非法入境者。

19、The suspects were placed in detention. ─── 嫌疑犯被拘留。

20、Mock detention--a documentation verification process to confirm factory capability in compilation of detention package? ─── 一个文件确认程序以确定工厂生产封闭式袋子的能力?

21、Police in Katmandu said more than 70 protesters were loaded into trucks and vans Tuesday and sent to detention centers. ─── 加德满都警方说,有70多名抗议者被带上卡车和箱型车并送往拘留中心。

22、No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. ─── 任何人不得加以任何逮捕、拘禁或放逐。

23、They can't give me (a) detention for this. ─── 他们不可能因为这事罚我课后留下来。

24、A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court - martial. ─── 军人禁闭室军队中拘禁犯有轻微过失的军人或等候军事宣判的军人的监牢

25、One challenge in enforcing quarantines is that the threat of detention encourages some people to evade detection. ─── 实施医学隔离的一大困难是,由于接受隔离者要被限制行动自由,因此一些人会逃避隔离。

26、The living conditions of the Nong Khai detention center are dire. ─── 廊开府拘留中心的生活条件非常糟糕。

27、His detention was politically motivated. ─── 他由于政治动机而被拒留。

28、If an emergency occurs when an arrest or detention is being made, a search may be conducted without a search warrant. ─── 在执行逮捕、拘留的时候,遇有紧急情况,不另用搜查证也可以进行搜查。

29、A minute later, they were being prodded into a truck like animals to be taken to a detention camp. ─── 不多久,他们就像动物一样被强行按进载货车里,压往拘留营。

30、Guard duties at fixed points chiefly mean,among others,security guard,watch and ward,prison and detention guard,escort and patrol. ─── 固定目标执勤,主要是担负警卫、守卫、守护、看押、看守和巡逻等勤务。

31、No unit or individual may obstruct or delay the use of a flood storage and detention area. ─── 依法启用蓄滞洪区,任何单位和个人不得阻拦、拖延;

32、Separately, Iraq's interior ministry charged57 employees with torturing prisoners at a detention centre in Baghdad. ─── 与此同时,伊内政部长对其57名部下在巴格达一所拘留中心的虐俘事件而负责。

33、Aliens who are unable to pay a fine may be subjected to detention instead. ─── 外国人无力缴纳罚款的,可以改处拘留。

34、A case of hysterical stupor in a prisoner in detention. ─── 一名囚犯的癔病性昏迷案例。

35、Detention 15 minutes administered by classroom teacher at location and time of choice. ─── 思过15分钟,由任课教师决定时间和地点。

36、Detention of a ship, freight car, or other cargo conveyance during loading or unloading beyond the scheduled time of departure. ─── (运输工具)滞留,延期船、货车或其他运输工具在装卸货物期间超过了规定的离开时间而滞留

37、Prolonged incommunicado detention can in itself be a form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. ─── 延长隔离禁见本身就是残酷、不人道、污辱人格之情事。

38、In particular, indefinite detention without trial needs to be addressed to avoid the recurrence of problems. ─── 尤其是,未经审判的无限期拘留必须得到处理,以防止问题再次出现。

39、He was in detention in connection with the bribery affair. ─── 他因与贿赂事件有牵连而被拘留了。

40、Lay off, or I'll put the lot of you in detention. ─── 别吵了!不然我就把你们统统留下不放学了。

41、Set the tracking force dial to the zero detent position. ─── 将针压钮调到零的位置。

42、He described the detention without trial of political opponents as a cowardly act. ─── 他声称没有经过审判就囚禁政治对手是懦弱的表现。

43、The former is used to accommodate VIIs temporarily for quarantine purposes and the latter is the only major detention centre for VMs and VIIs in Hong Kong. ─── 前者是用以短暂收容新抵港的越南非法入境者,而后者乃本港现时唯一主要用以收容越南船民及非法入境者的羁留中心。

44、"We do not operate detention facilities on board Navy ships. DoD detention facilities are in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, " he said. ─── 他说“我们的海军舰艇上没有关押设施,国防部的关押设施在伊拉克,阿富汗和关塔迪纳摩”

45、We are told that not just the Sedition Act can be used, so can the Internal Security Act which allows for detention without trial. ─── 我们被告诉说不只是煽动法可以用,内安法也可以用来不经审判地拘留我们。

46、Mr. Borton: Still don't understand this detention thing. ─── 到现在还没弄明白怎么会留你禁闭的。

47、Can you help us to to issue a certificate for a 20-day free detention? ─── 你能帮我们签一份免费延长20天的证明吗?

48、Tess: Actually I could, and I would do it without getting a detention. ─── 事实上我可以,而且我根本不会被关禁闭。

49、The detention of the fugitive was lawful. ─── 对逃亡者的拘留是合法的。

50、During the detention, if the detainee admits his error and repents, the people's court may decide to lift the detention ahead of time. ─── 在拘留期间,被拘留人承认并改正错误的,人民法院可以决定提前解除拘留。

51、The crowned head, the person in power either people's detention or the control, or detains legally. ─── 君主、当权者或人民的扣留或管制,或依法扣押。

52、Laboratory testing supports the admissibility, detention or seizure of the importation. ─── 实验室测试支持对进口货物的放行、扣留或没收决定。

53、After leaving the juvenile detention center, Qi Qin stayed at home for a year. ─── 后来离开感化院后,有一年的时间齐秦都待在家中。

54、He was kept in detention by the police. ─── 他被警察扣留了。

55、A fine or detention must be approved by the president of a people's court. ─── 罚款、拘留须经人民法院院长批准。

56、Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the prominent blogger, who unveiled dirt on Najib faces indefinite detention without trial. ─── 不断批评纳吉涉及诸多丑闻的著名部落客拉惹佩特拉已被无审讯扣留。

57、A jailfor the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court-martial. ─── 军人禁闭室军队中拘禁犯有轻微过失的军人或等候军事宣判的军人的监牢。

58、As Tan faces indefinite detention without trial, Ahmad is raring to go on a nationwide tour to explain and stand by his racist rants . ─── 当陈云清面对无审讯扣留的时候,阿末伊斯迈却迫不及待要展开全国性巡回解释他的种族言论的立场。

59、For more information on wrongful detention, talk with an attorney. ─── 想了解更多有关非法拘留的信息,可找律师咨询。

60、Houses built within flood storage and detention areas shall have flat roofs. ─── 在蓄滞洪区内建造房屋应当采用平顶式结构。

61、Services provided by voluntary agencies in the High Island Detention Centre included education, baby clinics and outings for minors. ─── 年底时,由志愿机构提供的服务包括教育、婴儿诊所和小童旅行。

62、He has clearly not been chastened by his thirteen days in detention. ─── 他显然没有因十三天的拘留而悔过。

63、The return address on the envelope listed a Colorado detention center and the name of an inmate. ─── 信封上的寄信人地址写着科罗拉多州一处拘留中心和一名囚犯的名字。

64、He was detained in that house of detention. ─── 他在那个拘留所里被拘留了。

65、We are placing your son in criminal detention. ─── 我们对你儿子实行刑事拘留。

66、But when Qiu Xinghua was interviewed at the Hanyin detention center, he denied all this. "That is a lie, " he said in a vague way. ─── 但是,在汉阴县看守所接受本报记者采访时,邱兴华却对当初算卦一事并不承认,“那都是骗人的”,他含混地说。

67、Large numbers of monks have been carted off to unknown places of detention. ─── 大量的僧侣被运送到不知名的地点软禁起来。

68、He said that he was not tortured or maltreated during his detention. ─── 他说在拘留期间没有遭到拷问和虐待。

69、She is not giving him a detention; he has forced her to take the slip away. ─── 他不是要给学生留置的处罚,而是学生迫使他取回违规条。

70、Clinton also deplored Iran's detention of several Iranian staff members of the British embassy in Tehran. ─── 克林顿还严厉批评伊朗拘押几名为德黑兰英国大使馆工作的伊朗工作人员。

71、I always come home frightfully worried and wretched if I have sent somebody to prison or to a detention centre. ─── 如果我把某人送到监狱或拘留中心,我回家时就总会感到非常焦虑和不安。

72、On the other hand, the Port State Control detention rates for the Hong Kong registered ships remain well below the world averages. ─── 另一方面,香港注册船只的港口国监督滞留率亦远低于世界平均比率的水平。

73、If a student is disruptive during class, I assign him/ her to detention, without further discussion. ─── 如学生于上课中扰乱,我就迳行留置,没有商量的馀地。

74、He was kept under detention in a peaceful and secluded place. ─── 他被幽禁在僻静之处。

75、They were put into detention camps for the duration. ─── 他们被关在拘留营里直至战争结束。

76、A detent is one notch of the mouse wheel. ─── 制动器是鼠标轮的一个凹口。

77、The minimum detention volume of retarding basin can be calculated based on the results of change of detention volume. ─── 同时采用下方宽底梯形断面,上方衔接一窄口矩形之复合式出流口滞洪坝进行室内渠槽试验;

78、Illegal detention 'is an everyday occurrence in China,' Mr.Kine said. ─── 凯恩说,在中国每天都有非法拘禁的事发生。

79、She was remanded to juvenile detention at her arraignment yesterday. ─── 她昨天被送回了对少年拘留在她的传讯。

80、State curators are restoring the detention barracks to its historical appearance. ─── 州管理者恢复了拘留所的历史原貌。

81、In making an arrest or detention under emergency, a search may be carried out without a search warrant. ─── 在执行逮捕、拘留的时候,遇有紧急情况,不另用搜查证也可以进行搜查。

82、All the "lynching" and illegal detention of which are generated, and often able to obtain the support of many people. ─── 一切“私刑”和非法拘禁都是据此产生的,而且往往能够获得许多人的支持。

83、One or more persons injured and detention in hospital, if required, will not be more than twelve hours. ─── 在意外中只涉及一位或多位受伤人士及如需要留院而不超过十二小时者。

84、Under special circumstances, the time of detention may be extended for four more days. ─── 在特殊情况下,拘留的时间可以再延长四天。

85、As under the age of eighteen, Ming was sentenced to “Detention During Her Majesty's Pleasure” (HMP). ─── 一个平凡的女子誉玲,因为从文章中感受到铭仔的才华,所以渐渐对铭仔产生一种情感,遂决定协助铭仔等犯人翻案。

86、They wanted him to change his report so that the three underworld bosses can be freed from detention. ─── 他们只要他更改他(写)的报告书(内容)以便让那三名黑市(地下)集团的老板得以被释放。

87、For the detention centre, young adults aged between 21 and 24 may also be so remanded. ─── 劳教中心也会收押21至24岁的青年犯人。

88、During the time of detention the detainee's food costs shall be paid by himself. ─── 在拘留期间,被拘留人的伙食费由自己负担。

89、Torture in interrogation and detention centres is widespread in Syria. ─── 在叙利亚,侦讯时和拘留所普遍使用刑求。

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