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08-14 投稿


apprehend 发音

英:[?pr?'hend]  美:[,?pr?'h?nd]

英:  美:

apprehend 中文意思翻译



apprehend 网络释义

vt. 理解;逮捕;忧虑vi. 理解;担心

apprehend 短语词组

1、apprehend danger in every sound ─── 风声鹤唳,草木皆兵

2、apprehend danger ─── [法] 觉察危险

apprehend 词性/词形变化,apprehend变形

动词过去分词: apprehended |动词第三人称单数: apprehends |动词过去式: apprehended |动词现在分词: apprehending |

apprehend 相似词语短语

1、apprehends ─── vt.理解;逮捕;忧虑;vi.理解;担心

2、prehend ─── 抓住

3、to apprehend ─── 逮捕

4、misapprehend ─── vt.误会,误解

5、apprehending ─── v.领会理解;逮捕;忐忑不安地期待(apprehend的现在分词)

6、apprehended ─── vt.理解;逮捕;忧虑;vi.理解;担心

7、deprehend ─── 令人沮丧的

8、apprehender ─── 拘捕者

9、reprehend ─── vt.申斥;指责;n.责备

apprehend 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、apprehend eternal truth ─── 思考永恒的真理

2、Sent to apprehend the bounty hunter for the attempted assassination of a Naboo Senator, Kenobi brawled with Jango as the Fetts sought to escape from Kamino. ─── 为了将这位试图暗杀那卜参议员的奖金猎人逮捕,欧比旺在费特父子准备逃离卡米诺时和强格大打出手。

3、We know the good, we apprehend it clearly, but we can't bring it to achievement. ─── 我们懂得善,我们理解善,但是我们无法实现善。

4、At Damascus, the governor of the nation under Aretas the king, guarded the city of the Damascenes, to apprehend me. ─── 我在大马士革时,阿勒达王的总督把守了大马士革人的城,要逮捕我,

5、Within the co-ordinates set by this temporal structure I apprehend both daily "agenda" and overall biography. ─── 在时序结构的座标中我了解每日议程及人生大略。

6、Do you apprehend any difficulty ─── 你是不是怕有什么困难?

7、We know the good, we apprehend it clearly, but we can't bring it to achievement. To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. (Euripides, ancient Creek dramatist.) ─── 我们懂得善,我们理解善,但是我们无法实现善。人的勇气就是坚信自己的希望能够实现,并为之进行不屈不挠的努力。(法国作家赖奇特)

8、To truly apprehend the western rhetoric, we should get hold of the relation between rhetoric and politics, and appreciate the political particularity of western rhetoric. ─── 回到西方修辞术的历史传统,我们发现政治性是其最本质的特质。只有认识了西方修辞术与政治之间的紧密联系,我们才可能真正认识西方修辞术。

9、We are enabled to apprehend at all what is sublime and noble only by the perpetual instilling and drenching of the reality that surrounds us. ─── 只有永远渗透现实,发掘围绕我们的现实我们才能明白什么是崇高的。

10、apprehend danger ─── [法] 觉察危险

11、I don't apprehend your meaning. ─── 我不领会你的意思。

12、We can apprehend Wyeth’s realistic painting from two perspectives. On the one hand, in terms of technic, his realistic painting is based on the inheriting of European tradition, especially represented in tempera. ─── 他的写实可以从两个方面理解:首先,在技法上,他的写实绘画是建立在继承欧洲传统的基础上的,特别是在蛋彩画中表现的尤为明显。

13、Prices are, I apprehend, inclined to rise. ─── 依我看,价格有上涨趋势。

14、Local people demanded that the police apprehend the miscreants. ─── 当地人要求警方逮捕那些恶棍。

15、apprehend Tao and perform benevolence ─── 悟道施仁

16、I have wished to know why the stars shine.And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. ─── 我渴望知道星星为什么闪闪发光,我试图理解比达格拉斯的思想威力,即数字支配着万物流转。

17、How can we try to apprehend that which seems to elude us in this way in the optical structuring of space? ─── 我们如何能够以这种方式,在视觉的空间结构,设法理解对于我们似乎是扑朔迷离的东西。

18、Stop thy unhallow'd toil, vile Montague! Can vengeance be pursued further than death? Condemned villain, I do apprehend thee: Obey, and go with me; for thou must die. ─── 万恶的蒙太古!停止你的罪恶的工作,难道你杀了他们还不够,还要在死人身上发泄你的仇恨吗?该死的凶徒,赶快束手就捕,跟我见官去!

19、"Prices are, I apprehend, inclined to rise." ─── "依我看,价格有上涨趋势"

20、In the interval there had been two alarms; foot-soldiers came running out, Cossacks and militia galloped in pursuit, but on neither occasion were they able to apprehend the mountaineers. ─── 在区间有两条警报;手足士兵来到差不多了,哥萨克和民兵疾驰追求,但他们都没有机会能缉拿登山。

21、I would try to understand the conversation by watching the captions, so as to apprehend it better. ─── 在看的过程中,我会努力的去听里面人物的对话,去看屏幕上的字幕,以便能够更好的理解它。

22、I have wished to understand the hearts of men, I have wished to know why the stars shine.And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds away above the flux. ─── 我渴望理解人类的心灵,渴望得知群星闪耀的真理,我也曾努力试着去掌握毕达哥拉斯学派的理论,那些关于数字统治万物此消彼长的规律。

23、To apprehend as if with the eye. ─── 了解好象用眼睛理解

24、apprehend the posture ─── 体势

25、I do defy thy conjurations, and apprehend thee for a felon here. ─── 我不听你这种鬼话;你是一个罪犯,我要逮捕你。

26、We know the good, we apprehend it clearly, but we cant bring it to achievement. ─── 我们懂得善,我们理解善,但是我们无法实现善。

27、but none, we apprehend, so pitiably weak; ─── 但就我们所知,没有一件比这更软弱得可怜的了;

28、The suspect was apprehend at the scene of the crime. ─── 嫌疑犯在犯罪现场逮捕。

29、And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. cheap Wow Gold A little of this, but not much, I have achieved. ─── 一个邂逅,一个眼神,就会让人神使鬼差的丢魂撂魄,往往刹那间就跌进爱情的漩涡,愈是挣扎,便陷的愈深。

30、I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway over the flux. ─── 我希望知道星星为什么闪烁,我试图理解毕达哥拉斯的思想威力,即数字支配着万物流转。

31、Compared to ex post observation and understanding, ongoing risk monitoring as part of business operations helps a securities firm apprehend risks and take responsive actions in a more timely fashion. ─── 在营运活动中持续监控风险,在时效上往往较事后之观察了解,更有助于证券商即时掌握风险并为因应。

32、That's not the case, as I apprehend it. ─── 在我看来,那不是事实。

33、Practicing liberty how to be available is the master key to apprehend Kantian ethics. ─── 实践着的自由如何可能是理解康德伦理学的关键。

34、In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me ─── 在大马士革亚哩达王手下的提督,把守大马士革城要捉拿我。

35、"Intelligence is quickness to apprehend" (Alfred North Whitehead). Both ─── “情报很快会捕获的” (阿尔弗雷德·诺思·怀特黑德)。

36、We know the good, we apprehend it clearly, but we can't bring it to achievement. To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. ─── 我们懂得善,我们理解善,但是我们无法实现善。人的勇气就是坚信自己的希望能够实现,并为之进行不屈不挠的努力。

37、In the abyss of his mind he apprehend the world's minuteness. ─── 在他的心灵深处,他体会到世界的渺小。

38、We apprehend him rather as a Buddha. ─── 我们把他理解为一位佛陀。

39、K. authorities to apprehend the sus-pects, who allegedly have ties to organized crime. ─── 他们高度赞扬了反欺诈小组和英国当局灵活配合力和拒捕犯罪嫌疑人的活动力。

40、The police are anxious to apprehend a middle-aged man believed to be armed with a shot gun. ─── 警方急于逮捕一个据信持有一枝猎枪的中年男子。

41、The ability to apprehend or understand; understanding. ─── 了解把握或理解的能力;理解

42、And yet I apprehend the world in a perception that seems to concern the immanence of the I see myself seeing myself. ─── 可是我理解这个世界,是以一种感觉,这种感觉似乎关心到我看到我自己看到我自己这个命题的内在性。

43、I don't apprehend your meaning. ─── 我不领会你的意思。

44、apprehend the flame of a candle ─── 感觉到一支蜡烛的火焰

45、I sometimes apprehend that our institutions may perish ─── 我有时担心我们这些机构也许会消亡。

46、a police officer,especially one using radar to apprehend speeding motorists ─── 尤指用雷达确认超速驾车者的警察

47、12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. ─── 12这不是说,我已经得着了,已经完全了;我乃是竭力追求,或者可以得着基督耶稣所以得着我的(所以得着我的:或译所要我得的)。

48、Do you apprehend any difficulty? ─── 你担心会有困难吗?

49、I have wished to understand the hearts of men.I have wished to know why the stars shine.And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. ─── 我一直期望着能理解人们的心灵,期望着能了解星星光芒四射的奥妙,期望着能领会数字之力何以如此巨大,竟可支配世界万物的生灭更迭。

50、These considerations, of themselves very powerful, induced the spectators to apprehend the possibility of a reprieve to him. ─── 这些猜测颇有分量,使观众不由不预料到他有可能得到缓刑。

51、We know the good ,we apprehend it clearly,but we can 't bring it to achievment. to persevere,trusting in what he has ,is courage in a man. ─── 我们懂得善,我们理解善,但是我们无法实现.人的勇气就是坚信自已的希望能够实现,并为之进行不屈不挠的努力.

52、By extension, he disagreed with our decision to try to apprehend Aidid for the UN. ─── 因此,他不赞成我们想要为帮助联合国逮捕艾迪德的决定。

53、Meanwhile,we must discriminate the thought of jurisprudence in value from the application of legal skill in specific.Only in this way can we apprehend the conflicts of rights better. ─── 同时必须区分价值层面的法理学思考与工具层面的法技术运用,这样才能更好地理解权利冲突问题。

54、I have wished to understand the hearts of men.I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flu. ─── 我曾渴望着理解人心,我曾渴望知道为何星星会闪烁,我还企图弄懂毕达哥拉斯所谓的用数字控制变化的力量。

55、He can't apprehend the real nature of change. ─── 他不能理解变革的真实性质。

56、Do I apprehend you aright, ie Do you mean what I think you mean? ─── 你的意思我领会得对吗?

57、"We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect; we apprehend it just as much by feeling" (Carl Jung). ─── “我们不应假装仅通过智力理解世界;我们通过感觉理解得一样多” (卡尔·荣格)。

58、And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds away above the flux. ─── 我曾试图理解毕达哥拉斯的力量,这种力量使数字凌驾于万物之上。

59、And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux.WOW GOld A little of this, but not much, WOW POWER leveling I have achieved. ─── 反思的过程中才能知道自己的弱点,要害,不足之处在那里,加以改正,加以完善,不断地进步,进取,成功就会指日可待。

60、When three men attempt to apprehend the elusive criminals behind these illicit trade organizations, they find their lives intertwined in ways they never could have imagined. ─── 当3个人试图在这些违法的世界贸易组织后面追查狡猾的罪犯时,他们发现他们的生活陷入了他们从未想到的境地。

61、I can't apprehend your meaning. ─── 我不明白你的意思。

62、In fact, we would bring nothing but mistiness and confusion through any comparison unless we apprehend the particularities of western rhetoric. ─── 实际上,如果不先深入认识西方修辞术的种种特质的话,任何轻易的比附只会带来模糊和混淆。

63、Do you apprehend there will be any difficulty? ─── 你怕有任何困难吗?

64、Intelligence is quickness to apprehend(Alfred North Whitehead.Both ─── 情报很快会捕获的(阿尔弗雷德·诺思·怀特黑德)。

65、Stringent entry quarantine requirements to apprehend and destroy infected birds provide a good barrier ─── 严格的进口封锁,扣捕和销毁病禽可以提供一个很好的屏障。

66、Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend More than cool reason ever comprehends. ─── 情人们和疯子们都富于纷乱的思想和成形的幻觉,他们所理会到的永远不是冷静的理智所能充分了解。

67、The first chapter refers to Holton’s understanding of research on the history of science (HS).That means to apprehend “the events” and their connections as Holton said. ─── 他指出理解科学史就是要理解其中的“事件”及其联系,并且进一步把科学史的“事件”从九个方面进行内容细化。

68、To sit in meditation and apprehend the doctrine of Tao ─── 坐禅悟道

69、I have tried to apprehend the pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux ─── 我力图领悟毕达哥拉斯的才能,他的才能使数字支配着不断变动的事物。

70、And, knowing that the essential could not apprehend all things unless enveloped by the world, He gave to man a body for a dwelling-place. ─── 并且知道除非被世界包裹不能恐惧所有的事物的必要性,他给人一个居住的身体。

71、I don't apprehend his meaning. ─── 我不理解他的意思。

72、He was slow to apprehend danger. ─── 他没有及时意识到危险。

73、"You are, I apprehend, ready to renew the contract." ─── "据我理解,你愿意续订这个合同。"

74、I cannot apprehend it. ─── 我不能领会它。

75、I have wished to know why the stars shine.And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux.A little of this, but not much I have achieved. ─── 我渴望了解人类的内心深处,也渴望探求星星为什么发光以及理解毕达哥拉斯力量的源泉。

76、I apprehend the word but cannot use it. ─── 我了解这字的意义但不会使用。

77、I apprehend no such danger with you. ─── 我明白你不会有这样的危险。

78、We know the good ,we apprehend it clearly ,but we can not bring it to achievement. ─── 我们懂得善,我们理解善,但我们无法实现善。

79、Capable of understanding and quick to apprehend. ─── 了解的能够理解且迅速领悟

80、And, knowing that the essential could not apprehend all things unless enveloped by the world, He gave to man a body for a dwelling-place. ─── 并且知道除非被世界包裹不能恐惧所有的事物的必要性,他给人一个居住的身体。

81、I apprehend no worsening of the situation. ─── 我不担心局势会恶化。

82、Brabantio. Call up my brother. O, would you had had her! Some one way, some another. Do you know Where we may apprehend her and the Moor? ─── 勃拉班修叫起我的兄弟来!唉,我后悔不让你娶了她去!你们快去给我分头找寻!你知道我们可以在什麽地方把她和那摩尔人一起捉到?

83、Are you sure you entirely apprehend the importance of completing these forms as accurately as possible? ─── 你肯定你完全明白了尽可能准确地填写这些表格的重要性了吗?

84、With equal passion I have sought knowledge.I have wished to understand the hearts of men.I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flu. ─── 怀着同样的热情,我曾去寻求知识,我希望能理解人们的心理,我试图去领会毕达哥拉斯的?动力.仅此一点,没有太多,但我已经得到了.

85、But when we rely upon the recluse Gotama as our refuge, we do not apprehend him merely as a particular individual, a wise and sensible sage. ─── 不过,当我们依止隐者乔达摩作为自己的庇护时,并不把他仅仅理解为一位智慧贤明的个人。

86、Apprehend God in all things, for God is in all things. ─── 在万物中领会上帝,因为上帝存在于万物中。

87、We know the good, we apprehend it clearly, but we can't bring it to achievement. To perservere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. ─── 我们了解善,但我们没有实现善.人的勇气在于坚信自己的希望能够实现,并为之做出不屈不挠的努力.

88、And in their primitivity and innocence, they value what they thus immediately apprehend. ─── 他们纯朴而天真,珍贵他们如此直接领悟的东西。

89、But because Ji Bu has great popular support, does not apprehend him throughout. ─── 但是由于季布深得人心,始终捉拿不到他。

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